Vuex get data via slim (Ruby on rails) - ruby

How to transfer data if I receive an array via Slim?
regions-list :region=#regions
regions-list - my component vue
:region - array with items
#regions - variable with items from backend
Im new with vuex, i think, i need something like this, but don’t know how to convey array with items

This is how you can organize the work of Vuex
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
reactions: [],
mutations: {
setReactions(state, segment) {
state.reactions = segment;
actions: {
async loadReactions({ commit }) {
try {
const reactions = '... response/request';
commit('setReactions', reactions); // Here we use mutation to put new data into state.
} catch (e) {
// ...
In your component vue regions-list
<div>{{ reactions }}</div> <!-- Here you can display and look at the content -->
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'RegionsList',
computed: {
...mapState(['reactions']), // This is get the state
created() {
this.loadReactions(); // Here you perform a function that receives data and puts it in state
methods: {
<style scoped></style>


vue not loading data into child component

I've a hard time in understanding the methods of vue. In my put-request users can edit, delete images. In parent component the get-request loads the images and the are pushed to an image-gallery (the child-component) via properties. In my set up the console.log is always empty.
<div class="form-group">
<image-gallery :serverData="serverMap"/>
import ImageGallery from './ImageGallery.vue';
export default {
data: () => ({
serverMap: {
title: '',
file: ''
mounted () {
//AJAX ETC get servermap
.then((response) => {
this.serverMap =
Just a normal straight parent-child situation. Here under the child-component
export default {
name: 'ImageGallery',
//incoming data
props: {
serverData: {
type: Object,
default () {
return {
hasLabels: true,
isHorizontal: false
created: function () {
methods: {
loadImages () {
//do something with the serverData
//prepare for fileReader function
//together with new image validation
The method 'loadImages' should be automatically delevering the serverData via computed.But is doesn t. Who can help?
There is race condition.
Either not render a child until data is available; serverMap needs to be null instead of empty object in order to be distinguished from populated object:
<image-gallery v-if="serverMap" :serverData="serverMap"/>
Or delay data access in a child until it's available instead of doing this immediately in created:
watch: {
serverData(data) {
if (data)

How to pass an object from axios catch block to parent component with Vue.js

I am using Laravel 7 and Vue.js 2.
I want to pass an object of validation errors from the catch block of an axios call to a parent component but for some reasons it doesn't work.
This is the code of the axios call:
runReport: function() {
let self = this;
const url = "api/get_report?room="+this.formReport['room']+"&participant="+this.formReport['participant']+"&start="+this.formReport['start']+"&end="+this.formReport['end'];
.then((response) => {
this.meetingsReport =;
this.$emit('passMeetings', this.meetingsReport);
this.errors = {};
.catch(function(error) {
self.errors =;
self.$emit('passErrors', self.errors); //problem
console.log('call ended');
This is the code in the parent component:
<report-meeting #passMeetings="onPassMeetings" #failure="displayTable=false" #success="displayTable=true"></report-meeting>
<validated-errors :errorsMeeting="errorsMeeting" #passErrors="onPassErrors" v-if="displayTable===false"></validated-errors>
<table-report :meetingsSelected="meetingsSelected" v-if="displayTable===true"></table-report>
import TableReport from "./TableReport.vue"
import ReportMeeting from "./ReportMeeting.vue"
import ValidatedErrors from "./ValidatedErrors.vue"
export default {
components: {
'table-report': TableReport,
'report-meeting': ReportMeeting,
'validated-errors': ValidatedErrors
mounted() {
console.log('Component mounted.');
data: function() {
return {
displayTable: false,
meetingsSelected: {},
errorsMeeting: {}
methods: {
onPassMeetings(value) {
this.meetingsSelected = value;
onPassErrors(value) {
console.log('errors passed'); //never used
this.errorsMeeting = value;
In the console I visualize no errors (except an 422 Unprocessable Entity). The strange thing is that the first emit works (failure), but the second one doesn't work (passErrors).
In the parent function onPassErrors I put a console.log that is never used so I suppose that the function is never called.
Can help?
This is likely caused by an event name mismatch, which can occur when using in-DOM templates because HTML attributes are automatically lower-cased (#passErrors becomes #passerrors in the DOM).
When using the development build of Vue, you'd see a warning in the browser's console:
[Vue tip]: Event "passerrors" is emitted in component but the handler is registered for "passErrors". Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. You should probably use "pass-errors" instead of "passErrors".
This is not a problem in single file components (demo 1) or string templates (demo 2), but if you must stick with in-DOM templates, custom event names are recommended to be kebab-case:
<!-- Parent.vue -->
<MyComponent #pass-errors="onPassEvent" />
// MyComponent.vue
runReport() {
this.$emit('pass-errors', /*...*/)
demo 3

Data not showing on vue.js component using laravel api

I'm trying to get the data from database using an API, but there are no output on my vue controller.
Am I doing this right?
I think I'm assigning the scheduleList the wrong way.
I'm very new to vue.js and API, I want to know what I'm doing wrong here.
public function schedules(){
return Schedule::all();
Route::get('schedules', 'CalendarController#schedules');
Vue Component
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
data() {
return {
schedules: [],
scheduleList: [
title: schedules.title,
category: schedules.category,
start: schedules.start,
end: schedules.end
methods: {
loadSchedules() {
.then((response) => {
this.schedules =;
mounted() {
The issue is in your data option because you're referencing schedules which is undefined, I'm sure that you're meaning this.schedules but doing that will not solve the issue because at first rendering this.schedules is an empty array, another problem that you're referencing at as object in scheduleList items using, if the schedules property is an array i recommend the following solution :
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
data() {
return {
schedules: [],
scheduleList: [],
methods: {
loadSchedules() {
.then((response) => {
this.schedules =;
let schedule=this.schedules[0]
title: schedule.title,
category: schedule.category,
start: schedule.start,
end: schedule.end
mounted() {
always catch errors if you do promises.
loadSchedules() {
.then((response) => {
this.schedules =;
.catch(error => {
inside your error you can better see whats going wrong.
other way is the "network" tab in your browser where you can trace your api request

Prop reactivity not working when passed from blade Laravel

I attempted to pass a prop from Blade file to Vuejs component name AppMessages
<app-messages :messages="{{ $messages }}"></app-messages>
Then messages are being rendered based on selfOwned boolean.
<app-message v-for="message in messages" :message="message" :key="" v-if="message.selfOwned === false"></app-message>
<app-message-own v-for="message in messages" :message="message" :key="" v-if="message.selfOwned === true"></app-message-own>
in the child component, I pass a message when created by a Bus event
let tempBuitMessage = this.tempMessage()
Bus.$emit('message.added', tempBuitMessage);
define this.messages in props
export default {
props: {
messages: {
required: true,
type: Array
in the parent component AppMessages I set up the listner
mounted() {
Bus.$on('message.added', data => {
I expected the new passed message to but up in the chat but I can see it in the console (no error) but not rendered.
You cannot manipulate a component's props from within the component. Data flows down to children through props, and up to parents through events (not talking about a bus).
You should be able to get reactivity using a computed property, or just assigning messages on mount to a data property.
<app-message v-for="message in model" :message="message" :key="" v-if="message.selfOwned === false"></app-message>
<app-message-own v-for="message in model" :message="message" :key="" v-if="message.selfOwned === true"></app-message-own>
export default {
name: 'app-messages',
props: {
messages: {
required: true,
type: Array
data() {
return {
model: null,
created() {
this.model = this.messages;
mounted() {
Bus.$on('message.added', data => {

Get 2 data from API laravel

i have 2 data from API
1. Category Food
2. Finish Good
how can i show 2 data from API in 1 page vue,
I only can show 1 data from API
this is what i tried
export default {
created() {
let uri = ''; // Data 1
this.axios.get(uri).then(response => {
this.items =;
created() {
let uri = ''; // Data 2
this.axios.get(uri).then(response => {
this.finish_goods =;
methods: {}
You're along the right lines, but it looks like your template syntax is a bit messed up...
// Make sure axios is installed via npm, you can skip this step
// if you've declared window.axios = axios somewhere in your app...
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
// Data must be a function that returns the initial state object...
data() {
return {
finishGoods: [],
catFoods: []
// Created is a hook and can only be defined once, think of it like an event listener...
created() {
let finishGoodsUri = '';
// Fetch finish goods, note that I'm not calling this.axios...
axios.get(finishGoodsUri).then(response => {
this.finishGoods =;
let catFoodsUri = '';
// Fetch cat foods...
axios.get(catFoodsUri).then(response => {
this.catFoods =;
Now in your template you can do the following:
<div v-for="finishGood in finishGoods">
{{ finishGood.attribute }}
<div v-for="catFood in catFoods">
{{ catFood.attribute }}
my advice, combine the API as 1
created() {
let uri = ''; // sample
this.axios.get(uri).then(response => {
this.finish_goods =;
this.items =;
