What is the meaning of "ToBooleanLogicalNot" in V8 byte code? - v8

I'm analyzing V8 byte code which I got from some applications and saw "ToBooleanLogicalNot".
What's the meaning of it?
Any help would be appreciated.

It means "Perform logical-not on the accumulator".
from Nodejs source code
this is a sample JavaScript code.
this is a corresponding V8 byte code.
Thank you all.


Fable, invoke F# from JS

I see a lot of documentation on F# JS interop and how to use JS code from F#, but I am trying to do the opposite: Call some of my F# code from (inlined) JS. I cannot find any information regarding this. Is it possible? If so how?
So after 2 weeks of trying everything I could think about, google every word combination I could think of and creating a SO account to ask for help: I finally found how to do this.
It turns out I needed to add this to my webpack config's output section:
libraryTarget: 'var',
library: 'EntryPoint'
as explained here: https://itnext.io/calling-a-es6-webpacked-class-from-outside-js-scope-f36dc77ea130
As it turns out this is not related to F#, fable or babel but to webpack.

Documentation for Javascript code in RStudio?

RStudio has support for ROxygen for generating documentation for R code. My R package has a fair bit of Javascript code in it. Has anyone written an RStudio plugin to support Javascript documentation, using JSDoc for example?
I'd like the equivalent of "Insert ROxygen skeleton", which isn't trivial to write myself, since it needs to parse the following Javascript.
There's now a prototype addin for RStudio to do this. It currently uses the development version of the js package, so you'll need two Github installs to use it:
See the ?insertJSDocAddin help topic for instructions on how to install it with a keyboard shortcut.
Comments or pull requests on https://github.com/dmurdoch/JSDocPlugin would be welcome.

Lost code but I have xcarchive how do I extract my code from it

My mac crashed, lost all my code but I have an old xcarchive how do I extract my code from it?
sorry but you want get back source code that way
the archive only contains compiled code and while you could decompile it in THEORY it won't work in practice.
You all all correct there is no way of doing it, I will have to re-write.
Thank you.

How to compile Cocos2d-X with Marmalade?

Does any body know a tutorial, or a three simple step in order to compile the code the I wrote with Cocos2d-x with Marmalade?
I want to take the code I already compiled and used in Cocos2d-X, insert into a marmalade project, and compile.
In lots of places is written as easy, but I have difficult with this.
I'll really appreciate if someone has some easy step to follow: "Maramalade + cocos2d-x for dummies style :) "
I think this post on Marmalade forum may help you.
The latest version include project mkb for helloworld and tests follow them.

Example source code for SignerSignEx to sign an .exe file?

I want to codesign an .exe file using an API rather than running signtool.exe. The documentation for SignerSignEx is here:
It seems to be recommended as a modern replacement for the CapiCom library, based on this documentation:
Is there any sample code somewhere for how to use it?
You can find a simple enough sample here in Alejandro Campos Magencio's post.
It begins with CAPICOM, but fear not, the second half is about SignerSignEx. It also ends with a troubleshooting tip.
I've always used signtool.exe myself. Are you having any issues with it?
