Powershell cmd no output result - octopus-deploy

I'm installing a deployment tool and it runs the following PS cmd to check in if PS is available:
powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -Command "Write-Output $PSVersionTable.PSVersion"
However no output returns.
I'm expecting the following output return:
I've checked sys variables, reinstalled PS, So Im not sure why output is being blocked?
Any advice what else I need to check?


Get exitcode from powershell invoke-command from linux

/usr/bin/pwsh -command Invoke-Command -Hostname PC -UserName boss -FilePath ./check.ps1 -ArgumentList "A","25","10"
So I am running this command from Ubuntu with bash shell. The invoke-command is connecting with ssh. The last line of check.ps1 is "Exit 2". But exit code alway return 0. Any suggestions to get the correct exit code? I would like to use this command as Nagios check.
Unfortunately, as of PowerShell 7.2, any out-of-runspace code, notably including remoting calls, does not relay script / process exit codes.
Therefore, your script's exit 2 command has no effect on the exit code reported by the /usr/bin/pwsh process.
Even inside the PowerShell session this exit code isn't available for out-of-runspace calls[1], so - unfortunately - your only option is to make your script output the desired exit code, make the PowerShell session capture it, and relay with an exit call that is a direct part of the PowerShell code passed to the CLI's -command parameter.
In the simplest case, if you modify your script to output the desired exit code and assuming that that exit code is the script's only output, you can use:
/usr/bin/pwsh -command 'exit (Invoke-Command -Hostname PC -UserName boss -FilePath ./check.ps1 -ArgumentList A, 25, 10)'
[1] For in-runspace calls, the exit code set by scripts that use exit as well as by external programs (processes) is reflected in the automatic $LASTEXITCODE variable.
For what it's worth, I believe if your script has an exception, the exit code will be non-zero. For example, my check.ps1 just has "get-childitem foo" where foo doesn't exist. This is from cmd, but I believe the effect is the same.
pwsh -command Invoke-Command -computername localhost check.ps1 -args A,25,10
Get-ChildItem: Cannot find path 'C:\Users\js\Documents\foo' because it does not exist.
echo %errorlevel%

How to execute Windows command (Get-Content) from PowerShell in Windows Server

My server is Windows Server. I would like to replicate the Unix tail command in Windows Server.
Unix Server: tail -f test.txt
PowerShell: Get-Content test.txt
How to execute in Windows Server?
Below command is not working:
powershell -File "Get-Content test.txt"
Error message:
Unable to execute program 'powershell -File "\"Get-Content...
Any idea?
Get-Content is not a file; it is a cmdlet. The -file parameter to Powershell.exe instructs Powershell to read the file supplied and execute the commands in it, as a script.
You can pass commands directly to Powershell by using the -command parameter; the parameter can be a quoted string, which is interpreted as a Powershell command. You would therefore want to use
powershell -command "Get-Content test.txt"
in the simplest case.
Note that Powershell.exe must be in your system path; if it is not, you would need to supply the full path to powershell, e.g.,
C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command "Get-Content text.txt"
This question is very similar - perhaps essentially identical - to Unix tail equivalent command in Windows Powershell; I would recommend reading that question and its answers as well.
Additionally, exploring the help for Get-Content will provide useful information.
Working fine after setting full path of powershell.exe and without any quotes
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command Get-Content test.txt
Within a powershell window :
Get-Content test.txt
command returns :
hello world.
i'm inside test.txt.

How to debug hidden powershell scripts?

I'm writing a script that normally will get called by another application (VMware vCenter Server). From that application I trigger a batch file (redirect.bat) and pass a variable which is the powershell script name (TestMe.ps1).
The script is placed on a Windows Server and when I go into the command prompt of the Windows Server and call the redirect script, I see that my PowerShell script runs as expected. However when I trigger it from the app the Powershell script is not run or doesn't produce output. I have confirmation that the redirect.bat is run, because the redirect.bat writes a line in a log file.
The vCenter Server app is running under Local System account. Could it be a permissions error? Is LocalSystem allowed to run Powershell scripts?
I now have no clue if the Powershell script even starts, because it (of course) is not visible in my console when running. The batch file always returns errorlevel = 0.
Any tips on how to insert debugging info in the script that should always give output? Tips on how to troubleshoot this?
set POWERSHELL=C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -noninteractive
echo %1 > G:\DataStoreAlarms\Log\Redirect-batch.txt
start %POWERSHELL% -command "&"%1""
echo Error level: %ERRORLEVEL% >> G:\DataStoreAlarms\Log\Redirect-batch.txt
I call redirect.bat from the command line and from the app like this:
redirect.bat G:\DataStoreAlarms\Scripts\TestGabrie.ps1
$String = "This is a test"
$String | Out-File -FilePath "G:\DataStoreAlarms\Log\Powershell.txt" -Append
Problem seemed to be the START command:
start %POWERSHELL% -command "&"%1""
After changing it to this, it worked:
%POWERSHELL% -command "&"%1""
Thanks for all your help.

Running powershell script from CMD does not load module

So i have fairly easy powershell script that contains following:
import-module activedirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter *
remove-module activedirectory
If i run it from powershell it runs OK, but when i try to call it from CMD nothing happens, it just opens powershell and thats it. I am using following command to run it:
powershell.exe -file "D:\test.ps1"
I noticed also following thing, 2 powershell.exe processes run after i execute this. If i exit from CMD from one powershell then i start seeing lists that this PS query should be returning. Is there a way to get this working since i am trying to run ps script as scheduled job. The crucial part here is import module when i run it over cmd which is not happening for some reason.
It's powershell 2.0 running on Windows 2008R2. I tried this script on win 2012r2, works fine from CMD... Looks like ps 2.0 limitation?
Could be a couple of things going on here. Since your windows opens and closes you wont get to see any errors that might be occurring. What is your ExecutionPolicy set to? Get-ExecutionPolicy
When I make scheduled tasks of my scripts I usually set up my action as such
Program/Script = %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Arguments = -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoProfile -File C:\data\script.ps1
Start In = %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
Also, I don't believe it matters in this case but be sure you have the script "Running with highest privilege" if required.

PowerShell .ps1 file on Visual Studio post build event

I am trying to execute the following post build event code but I am getting an non-useful error :
"c:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -file "$(SolutionDir)tools\nuget_pack.ps1"
I have run the following PS script before I try :
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
What am I missing?
This is strange, I am not getting an error on VS now. but the script is not working. When I run it with powershell console I get the following error :
Visual Studio writes the post-build event script to a .BAT file and executes that using cmd.exe. So using & "<path-to-powershell>" won't work. Just execute:
Powershell.exe -file "$(SolutionDir)tools\nuget_pack.ps1"
And if you think you're likely to run into execution policy issues on other machines that build the solution, consider going this route:
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file "$(SolutionDir)tools\nuget_pack.ps1"
You can reproduce the error in Powershell as follows:
"this is a string" -file "my.ps1"
It is taking the first as a string, the -file as the -f format flag and saying it doesn't have a value expression on the right for the format substitution.
Try like this:
& "c:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -file "$(SolutionDir)tools\nuget_pack.ps1"
(as Keith notes, this will not work as this is run from a bat file than Powershell.)
Or just:
powershell.exe -file "$(SolutionDir)tools\nuget_pack.ps1"
Before calling power-shell script from visual studio, set the ExecutionPolicy to unrestricted from power-shell window like this...
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser;
ExecutionPolicy: unrestricted;
the call power-shell script in the following manner...
powershell.exe $(SolutionDir)Setup.ps1 -SolutionDir $(SolutionDir) -ProjectPath $(ProjectPath)
then in the script, you can always read the parameter like this...
#Write-Host ($SolutionDir +" Call this script with following aruments");
#Write-Host ($ProjectPath +" Call this script with following aruments");
