How to run both request/sampler successfully - jmeter

I am trying to run http samplers sequentially for multiple requests. Where the output of 1 API response is the input of next API request. My concern is when I run with 5 users (for. e.g), then at given point of time it first executes 1st API with 5 users then second API with 5 users, in this process the API where input is required gets lost. Please help me on this.Actually I have used transaction controller also but here not sequentially api run,so getting file not found exception bcause of first api output response parameter is not passed to second api as a input parameter
I need a solution, where all the samplers are first executed for first user, then for second thread all the samplers are executed and so on.

Each JMeter Thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down, if you have 2 samplers each user will always run 1st sampler then it will run 2nd sampler.
You can use __threadNum() function and ${__jm__Thread Group__idx} pre-defined variable in order to verify that the execution order is sequential.
If you want all the users to execute first sampler then all users to execute the second sampler - go for Synchronizing Timer
If you want to get to the reason of the failure try saving the responses using i.e. Simple Data Writer as it might be the case your "first" API fails silently and hence your correlation doesn't extract the value.


How to chain HTTP request requests in Jmeter Simple Controller?

I have multiple Simple Controllers under Thread group. All controllers have 1 HTTP request. Only one controller have 3 requests. How can I chain 3 requests in one simple controller to run sequentially.
Test Plan
The screenshot above is my test plan. In v4/bootstrap call I have 3 HTTP requests. Result of these 3 requests is token which I extract from get_v4/restart and then this token used for all other requests. For correct token generation 3 requests from v4/bootstrap call should run sequently. On summary report shown that amount of run 3 requests is different.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down. The same applies to Simple Controllers.
So you don't need to do literally anything, each thread will execute samplers sequentially as they appear in the Test Plan.
If you have more than 1 virtual user in the Thread Group you might be confused by the "wrong" order of sample results:
However each user is still executing samplers upside down, you can check it by adding __threadNum() function to show the current virtual user's number and __groovy() function calling vars.getIteration() method
You will see that each user executes samplers sequentially and starts over when the last sampler ends and there are iterations still:

JMeter - How to handle Long polling transport request method

In my Jmeter script request which contains the 'LongPolling' transport method and it takes a high load time or response time
Also, the response message content value is used for the next consecutive request. How can I handle that scenario?
I don't want this my wait time for the server response
JMeter thread model assumes that a thread (virtual user) always waits for the previous sampler to fully complete before starting the new one.
The easiest solution is moving your "long-polling" requests into a separate thread group and if you need to pass data between thread groups either use __setProperty() and __P() functions combination or go for Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
If you need to have everything within the single Thread Group - you can consider using Parallel Controller, however it might not be fully suitable for your needs as it is still a Sampler hence it waits for all its children completion prior to proceeding
Depending on your use case you can find jmeter-asynchronous-http plugin useful, see How to Load Test Async Requests with JMeter article for more details if needed.

How to execute requests sequentially running multiple JMeter Threads

I have a single thread group which has 3 requests and have set the Number of Threads(users) = 2.
I would like all the requests to be executed in sequential order for each user before it repeats these steps for the next user and so on.
Output expected:
HTTP Request 1_Thread 1
HTTP Request 2_Thread 1
HTTP Request 3_Thread 1
HTTP Request 1_Thread 2
HTTP Request 2_Thread 2
HTTP Request 3_Thread 2
However, the output results vary differently for each run and are not in the order I expect. How can this be corrected?
I have tried following but with no luck in achieving my output
1. Enable/disable "Run Thread Groups consecutively
2. Running the test in non-GUI mode
I have attached a screenshot as an image as I am not able to embed into this message yet.
Appreciate if anyone can help me with this query
Output Screenshot
For execution of Sampler Request by only Single Thread at a time use Critical Section Controller.
For more info about Critical Section Controller Critical Section Controller
The Critical Section Controller ensures that its children elements (samplers/controllers, etc.) will be executed by only one thread as a named lock will be taken before executing children of controller.
Critical Section Controller takes locks only within one JVM, so if using Distributed testing ensure your use case does not rely on all threads of all JVMs blocking.
Practical Example:
Place all your request under Critical Section Controller
Run the test for any number of Threads you want
Observe the Result in View Results Tree
Note : If you want to run it sequentially from 1 thread to N, make sure you provide Ramp Up Period properly.

Running specific sampler in jmeter in intervals

I am running my load tests in jmeter. I have login service and a serviceX which is to be tested. I want Authtoken from login service to run serviceX. Token expires every minute. Currently I am having login service in the same thread group and running as much as serviceX. I dont want to continue this. I want to run login service once in every minute in single thread and pass the token to serviceX and ServiceX runs the defined number of threads and time. how to achieve this?
Use Once Only Controller to achieve this. This controller executes the request inside it only once per thread and passes over any other requests under it during further iterations through the test plan.
So, you can put your login service inside the Once Only Controller and serviceX outside of the controller. You have to configure your Thread Group accordingly for the iterations or you can wrap up your serviceX under Loop Controller.
Say, you want to login your first thread only once and then wants to run serviceX for 10 times, here is the below test plan sample:
Remember, as you want to log in once in a minute and once the only controller works on per thread, so you have to use rampup your thread groups accordingly. Suppose, there are 2 threads, and they will log in in a one-minute interval, then the Thread group configurations will be like:
Now, if you want to run your serviceX for 5 times after the 1st thread login, put your serviceX under the loop controller scope and the loop count value to 5
This is the results of this sample test plan:
Hope this helps!
If you use only one token across all threads (virtual users) it makes sense to add another Thread Group with 1 thread and infinite number of loops to your Test Plan and add a HTTP Request sampler to it along with the relevant Post-Processor to extract the token. Also add a Constant Timer to add pauses between requests, i.e. use 55000 milliseconds as the thread delay value.
Once you have the token you can convert it into a JMeter Property via __setProperty() function
In your "main" Thread Group you can read the current token value using __P() function

How can i make jmeter run all thread group before repeat?

I have a thread group with 2 http requests, the first one is for the user to log in and have two regular expression extractor so I can extract the credentials.
the second http request should use those credentials in the header.
This is all working except that jmeter is executing all login requests, and after that executes the second request.
I was expecting the login request to execute and after that the second request, and then repeat the whole thing.
Any sugestion?
If you just want to repeat your test flow set in Thread Group
Each thread will execute the test plan in its entirety and completely independently of other test threads. Multiple threads are used to simulate concurrent connections to your server application.
Number of Threads = 1 and Loop Count with the number of times you want to repeat.
This way you will execute the samplers sequentially.
If you set Number of Threads above 1 it will execute test flows in parallel, if you need it you will have to use Synchronizing Timer.
The purpose of the SyncTimer is to block threads until X number of threads have been blocked, and then they are all released at once.
