How can i make jmeter run all thread group before repeat? - jmeter

I have a thread group with 2 http requests, the first one is for the user to log in and have two regular expression extractor so I can extract the credentials.
the second http request should use those credentials in the header.
This is all working except that jmeter is executing all login requests, and after that executes the second request.
I was expecting the login request to execute and after that the second request, and then repeat the whole thing.
Any sugestion?

If you just want to repeat your test flow set in Thread Group
Each thread will execute the test plan in its entirety and completely independently of other test threads. Multiple threads are used to simulate concurrent connections to your server application.
Number of Threads = 1 and Loop Count with the number of times you want to repeat.
This way you will execute the samplers sequentially.
If you set Number of Threads above 1 it will execute test flows in parallel, if you need it you will have to use Synchronizing Timer.
The purpose of the SyncTimer is to block threads until X number of threads have been blocked, and then they are all released at once.


Custom JMeter number of iterations per request

Suppose that there's a request set, composed of requests A and B, used as a set up for a business case and there is the request that should be measured C.
Is there a way to tell JMeter to run A and B requests only once, and C as many times as defined by Thread group or Ultimate group?
To run once either put A,B in setUp Thread Group
A special type of ThreadGroup that can be utilized to perform Pre-Test Actions. The behavior of these threads is exactly like a normal Thread Group element. The difference is that these type of threads execute before the test proceeds to the executing of regular Thread Groups.
Or under Once Only Logic Controller
process the controller(s) inside it only once per Thread, and pass over any requests under it during further iterations through the test plan.

How does jmeter thread group process samplers?

I'm having a question about how the requests are processed,
For example:
I have created a test plan, with one thread group.
Set number of users (thread): 10
Ramp-up period: 20
Loop count: Forever
Within this thread group I have created 5 HTTP requests.
When I hit start, I understand that it starts with 1 user, and by 20th second it will have all 10 users.
Does each sampler (http request) get assigned to 1 user? Is each sampler fired in sequential order? Does it fire parallel requests? I am trying to understand overall working.
JMeter starts threads (virtual users) within the bound of the ramp-up period. In your case JMeter starts with 1 user and adds another user each 2 seconds.
When thread (virtual user) is started it starts executing Samplers upside down (or according to Logic Controllers)
When there are no more samplers left to execute the thread starts over (if the number of loops is > 1), otherwise it is shut down.
With regards to concurrency, it mainly depends on the number of threads and application response time, you can observe how many virtual users were online using Active Threads Over Time listener and the delivered load using Server Hits Per Second. The aforementioned listeners can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Each thread is sequential firing HTTP requests based on your flow
But you are executing 10 threads/users in parallel, so the order of the requests in total isn't sequential, but parallel
If you defined loop count as 1, then each sampler (http request) would get assigned to 1 user,
But you are looping endlessly, so samplers can be executed more than once per user/thread
About Loop Count: (asked in comment)
Loop Count - the number of iterations for each Thread.

How to execute requests sequentially running multiple JMeter Threads

I have a single thread group which has 3 requests and have set the Number of Threads(users) = 2.
I would like all the requests to be executed in sequential order for each user before it repeats these steps for the next user and so on.
Output expected:
HTTP Request 1_Thread 1
HTTP Request 2_Thread 1
HTTP Request 3_Thread 1
HTTP Request 1_Thread 2
HTTP Request 2_Thread 2
HTTP Request 3_Thread 2
However, the output results vary differently for each run and are not in the order I expect. How can this be corrected?
I have tried following but with no luck in achieving my output
1. Enable/disable "Run Thread Groups consecutively
2. Running the test in non-GUI mode
I have attached a screenshot as an image as I am not able to embed into this message yet.
Appreciate if anyone can help me with this query
Output Screenshot
For execution of Sampler Request by only Single Thread at a time use Critical Section Controller.
For more info about Critical Section Controller Critical Section Controller
The Critical Section Controller ensures that its children elements (samplers/controllers, etc.) will be executed by only one thread as a named lock will be taken before executing children of controller.
Critical Section Controller takes locks only within one JVM, so if using Distributed testing ensure your use case does not rely on all threads of all JVMs blocking.
Practical Example:
Place all your request under Critical Section Controller
Run the test for any number of Threads you want
Observe the Result in View Results Tree
Note : If you want to run it sequentially from 1 thread to N, make sure you provide Ramp Up Period properly.

How to run one sample multiple times independent of the number of threads in Thread group in jmeter

i have the need to run one http request sample more times than the rest of the samples in the Test group, for example, i need to run for 10 users, but for each of them, i need to run one of the samples multiple times, lets say 10, is there a way to achieve it?
1) I set "Number of Threads (Users)" in Thread group to 10, so i have 10 total users (with data taken for every thread from a CVS file, with equal number of rows and threads, so 1 thread is an unique data set.
2) I make some requests after, but for only one of the requests, i need to make it like 100 times in parallel for the same data for every thread, so in total, i will make 1000 (100 http requests for 10 unique users/threads) requests to that endpoint
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I found the loop controller, but its not making the 100 http requests at the same time for each thread in the thread group, it makes another one when the first ends
If I correctly got your requirements, to wit:
You need to execute one sampler more times than other samplers
The execution must occur at exactly the same moment
The most obvious choice would be either Parallel Sampler or Parallel Controller (depending on the nature of your requests). You can install both test elements using JMeter Plugins Manager:

In JMeter, how to allow multiple threads to upload files concurrently

I have written a simple test plan with the following steps
Test Plan
View Results in Table
Aggregate Report
Thread group
Threads: 5
Ramp-up period: 0s
Loop count: 1
Inside Thread Group
A dummy sampler to prove that all threads are running concurrently
HTTP request to upload a file
When I run the above tests, the dummy sampler is executed nearly the same time. However, I realize that only 1 thread can execute the HTTP request to upload file at a time, even when I have multiple threads. So the final result will be Thread 1 upload file -> finish -> Thread 2 upload file ... e.t.c.
Is this a normal behaviour and can I make file upload performs concurrently from multiple threads?
It depends on the number of threads, loop count and ramp-up period. JMeter starts threads within the time frame you specify in "Ramp-up period" input and the threads start executing samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers). When there are no samplers to execute or loops to iterate the thread is being shut down.
If you need to configure JMeter to execute a certain request at exactly the same time by several threads add Synchronizing Timer as a child of this request and configure "Number of Simulated Users to Group by" setting to match the number of simultaneous users
Example execution:
As you can see, Dummy Samplers were started in 2 seconds while HTTP Request samplers were executed at nearly the same moment.
See Using the JMeter Synchronizing Timer article for more information on implementing these "rendezvous points" in JMeter tests
