Websphere Application Server8.5 - websphere

I am trying to install WAS8.5 on vmware but .exe file is not showing in vomx files list.can any one explain how to install WAS8.5 on VMware Workstation?
how to copy files from local system to VMware?


What is the real path of webroot in Ubuntu LTS installed on Windows?

I mean the folder I can access to manage files with Windows File Manager.

Copy files from Jenkins server (Linux) to Windows 2003 Share location

I am trying to connect to a Windows 2003 server from Jenkins box (Linux).
Adding a Jenkins slave is kind of difficult as I am struggling to install Java version to work with the agent. I am also not able to get the exact steps to install ssh server for windows which might solve my problem.
Thanks in advance.

Upgrading Apache on Windows Server 2008 R2

I am currently running Apache 2.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2. I would like to upgrade Apache to version 2.4.9 so that I can run mod_security2. I installed Apache 2.2 via an installer. I don't, however, see an installer for Apache v2.4.9. I can find the full Apache Windows binaries on ApacheLounge. I'm just not clear on how to seamlessly upgrade to version 2.4.9. Here's what I'm thinking of doing:
download version 2.4.9 Windows binaries from ApacheLounge
stop Apache 2.2 service
rename C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2 to Apache2.2_OLD
create Apache2.4 folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\
copy contents of downloaded Windows binaries to Apache2.4 folder
set up httpd.exe within the Apache2.4\bin folder as a Windows service
copy httpd.conf file from Apache2.2\conf over to Apache2.4\conf
modify httpd.conf file to point to new Apache installation location
copy any modules from Apache\modules that are missing (and needed) from Apache2.4\modules
start Apache2.4 Windows service
Am I over-simplifying? What steps are missing? I'm relatively new to Apache, so it's possible I'm overlooking the obvious.

Cassandra as a Windows Service

I just installed Apache Casandra 1.2.1 on Windows Server 2012 (It's a VM). I double clicked cassandra.bat and it worked without an error.
How can I run Cassandra.bat as a Windows Service, so I can sign out from cumputer?
cassandra.bat file also helps you to run Cassandra as a Windows Service. You just need Commons Daemon Service Runner Windows binaries.
You will need to create a folder named daemon under the bin directory and extract the correct version (32/64 bit) of prunsrv.exe to this directory (bin\daemon).
Run command prompt and change directory to the bin. Type;
cassandra.bat install
Then run services.msc command to see cassandra(yes, lowercased) as a Windows Service.
You can also download
Datastax Community Edition
which easily install, configure and run Apache Cassandra as a Windows Service.

Accessing files outsude VMWare

I am running Oracle Enterprise Linux on VMWare. I now want to install Oracle which is is located on my C drive in Windows. Is there a way to copy this file to a folder in my virtual machine?
If its just once off, easiest way is to install winscp onto your windows host, setup a bridged or host only network on the vmware server and using winscp to copy the files in.
I think you can install vmware tools which would allow for shared folders, but last time I tried I ran into some issues and gave up.
