the 2nd step can not fetch data inserted by 1st step - spring

I configure 2 steps in my job.
The first job is to read from a csv file and writer it to db
below it he code of writer
public class TempTableWriter implements ItemWriter<Module> {
DataSource ds;
ModuleService moduleService;
public void write(List<? extends Module> items) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public class ModuleService {
ModuleDao moduleDao;
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED)
public List<Module> getModuleList() {
return moduleDao.getModuleList();
public void updateModuleList(List<? extends Module> items) {
items.forEach(item -> {
moduleDao.updateModuleList(p1, p2, p3, p4);
public class ModuleDao {
private RowMapper moduleMapper;
private JdbcTemplate jdbctemplate;
public List<Module> getModuleList() {
return jdbctemplate.query("select * from[schema].[t1] ORDER BY p1",
public void updateModuleList(String requestId, String fileName,
String orcStatus,String context) {
jdbctemplate.update("insert into [schema].[t1] values(?,?,?,?)", p1, p2,
then on the 2nd step when I try the fetch the data which I stored by step1, it always get null, but after the job completing,I could find them really stored in db.
Similarly I tried to use JdbcItemWriter to save the records but I still can not fetch them by the next step.


Point cut is not triggered when AspectJExpressionPointcutAdvisor create programatically

I am creating AspectJExpressionPointcutAdvisor based on number of pointcut present in application properties file .It's creating object without error but pointcut are not triggered.
Note: Need to create bean dynamically based on number of pointcut expression in properties file (varies).
Application properties file
pointcut.expression.projectUpdate[0]= execution(*
pointcut.expression.projectUpdate[1]= execution(*
pointcut.expression.projectUpdate[2]= execution(*
public class TestConfig implements BeanFactoryAware {
private PointcutExprProperties pcExprProp;
private ProjectUpdateAspect projectUpdateAdvice;
private BeanFactory beanFactory;
public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) {
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
public void configure() {
ConfigurableBeanFactory configurableBeanFactory = (ConfigurableBeanFactory) beanFactory;
int i=1;
for(String pointCut : pcExprProp.getProjectUpdate()) {
AspectJExpressionPointcutAdvisor projectUpdateAdvisor = new AspectJExpressionPointcutAdvisor();
configurableBeanFactory.registerSingleton("beanName_"+i, projectUpdateAdvisor);
public class ProjectUpdateAspect implements AfterReturningAdvice {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProjectUpdateAspect.class);
public void afterReturning(Object returnValue, Method method, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable {
try {
// some thing
}catch (Exception exception) {
log.error("Error while processing ProjectUpdateAspect",exception);
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pointcut.expression")
public class PointcutExprProperties {
private List<String> projectCreate;
private List<String> projectUpdate;
public List<String> getProjectCreate() {
return projectCreate;
public void setProjectCreate(List<String> projectCreate) {
this.projectCreate = projectCreate;
public List<String> getProjectUpdate() {
return projectUpdate;
public void setProjectUpdate(List<String> projectUpdate) {
this.projectUpdate = projectUpdate;
Please suggest me how to get rid of this issue.
I suggest you do it like this:
You do not define your "aspect" as #Component #Aspect but make it implement MethodInterceptor.
You create AspectJExpressionPointcut with the value from your properties file.
You register a DefaultPointcutAdvisor (configured with your pointcut and interceptor) as a bean.
See also my answer here (update 3) and my GitHub sample repository which I just updated for you in order to include reading the pointcut from

HazelcastRepository - how to save a new entity (with the id from sequence) and put it to the map

I would like to save a new entity using HazlecastRepository.
When the id is null, the KeyValueTemplate use SecureRandom and generate id which is like -123123123123123123.
I don't want to save id like that, instead of that i woud like to get it from sequence in db and put it to the map.
I have found 2 solutions:
1) In AdminService get the next value from sequence in database and set it
2) Create atomic counter id in the Hazelcast server and init it with the current value from the sequence. In AdminService get counter, increment value and set id.
but they are not very pretty.
Do you have any other ideas?
The code:
#EnableHazelcastRepositories(basePackages = "com.test")
public class HazelcastConfig {
public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance(ClientConfig clientConfig) {
return HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
public ClientConfig clientConfig() {
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
ClientNetworkConfig networkConfig = clientConfig.getNetworkConfig();
return clientConfig;
public KeyValueTemplate keyValueTemplate(ClientConfig clientConfig) {
return new KeyValueTemplate(new HazelcastKeyValueAdapter(hazelcastInstance(clientConfig)));
public class AdminService {
private final UserRepository userRepository;
public User addOrUpdateUser(UserUpdateDto dto) {
User user = dto.getId() != null ? userService.getUser(dto.getId()) : new User();
mapUser(user, dto);
public interface UserRepository extends HazelcastRepository<User, Long> {
#Table(name = "users)
public class User extends DateAudit implements Serializable {
// #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "user_generator")
// #SequenceGenerator(name="user_generator", sequenceName = "user_seq")
private Long id;
Hazelcast server:
public class UserLoader implements ApplicationContextAware, MapStore<Long, User> {
private static UserJpaRepository userJpaRepository;
public User load(Long key) {"load({})", key);
return userJpaRepository.findById(key).orElse(null);
public Map<Long, User> loadAll(Collection<Long> keys) {
Map<Long, User> result = new HashMap<>();
for (Long key : keys) {
User User = this.load(key);
if (User != null) {
result.put(key, User);
return result;
public Iterable<Long> loadAllKeys() {
return userJpaRepository.findAllId();
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
userJpaRepository = applicationContext.getBean(UserJpaRepository.class);
public void store(Long aLong, User user) {;
public void storeAll(Map<Long, User> map) {
for (Map.Entry<Long, User> mapEntry : map.entrySet()) {
store(mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue());
public void delete(Long aLong) {
public void deleteAll(Collection<Long> collection) {
public interface UserJpaRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
#Query("SELECT FROM User u")
Iterable<Long> findAllId();
I think that there is no better way than what you described.
I'd go with the second solution, because then you're at least coupled to Hazelcast server only.

MongoTemplate null pointer exception in class

I have been looking at other answers but none of the seem to work for me, I have a spring boot application where I am using mongo and kafka. In the main class where my run() method is I am able to #Autowired mongoTemplate and it works but then in another class I did the same and I am getting a null pointer exception on the mongoTemplate.
Here are both classes:
public class ProducerConsumerApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
public static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProducerConsumerApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args).close();
private Sender sender;
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void run(String... strings) throws Exception {
Message msg = new Message();
String json = "{ \"color\" : \"Orange\", \"type\" : \"BMW\" }";
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
msg.setTest(objectMapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference<Map<String,Object>>(){}));
Not working
public class ParentNode extends Node{
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void execute(Message message) {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("workflows");
} catch(Exception e){
Thank you for the help. It is much appreciated.
can you try to inject dependency with setter or constructor:
Method 1:
public class ParentNode extends Node{
public ParentNode(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate){
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void execute(Message message) {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("workflows");
} catch(Exception e){
Method 2:
public class ParentNode extends Node{
public void setMongoTemplate(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate){
ParentNode.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
static private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void execute(Message message) {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("workflows");
} catch(Exception e){

Testing Spring Boot Cache(Caffeine)

I have my cache config as below;
public class CacheConfiguration {
public CacheManager cacheManager(Ticker ticker) {
CaffeineCache bookCache = buildCache("books", ticker, 30);
SimpleCacheManager cacheManager = new SimpleCacheManager();
return cacheManager;
private CaffeineCache buildCache(String name, Ticker ticker, int minutesToExpire) {
return new CaffeineCache(name, Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(minutesToExpire, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public Ticker ticker() {
return Ticker.systemTicker();
And the service I want to test:
public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {
private final BookRepository bookRepository; // interface
public TestServiceImpl(final BookRepository bookRepository) {
this.bookRepository = bookRepository;
public Book getByIsbn(String isbn) {
return bookRepository.getByIsbn(isbn);
The required method in repository is annotated with #Cacheable("books").
public Book getByIsbn(String isbn) {"Fetching Book...");
simulateSlowService(); // Wait for 5 secs
return new Book(isbn, "Some book");
I need to write a test showing the caching works. So I created another ticker bean in test to override the one existing in CacheConfiguration. The code;
public class TestServiceTests {
private static final String BOOK_ISBN = "isbn-8442";
private BookRepository bookRepository;
private TestService testService;
public static class TestConfiguration {
static FakeTicker fakeTicker = new FakeTicker();
public Ticker ticker() {
return fakeTicker::read;
public void setUp() {
Book book = fakeBook();
private Book fakeBook() {
return new Book(BOOK_ISBN, "Mock Book");
public void shouldUseCache() {
// Start At 0 Minutes
verify(bookRepository, times(1)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN);
// After 5 minutes from start, it should use cached object
TestConfiguration.fakeTicker.advance(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
verify(bookRepository, times(1)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN); // FAILS HERE
// After 35 Minutes from start, it should call the method again
TestConfiguration.fakeTicker.advance(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
verify(bookRepository, times(2)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN);
But it fails at the line marked with //FAILS HERE with message;
Wanted 1 time:
-> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
But was 2 times. Undesired invocation:
-> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)`
Why it fails? Shouldn't it use cache? Or my test is wrong?
Any help or pointers are greatly appreciated! :)
verify(bookRepository, times(1)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN); // FAILS HERE
Ofcourse it fails here. because ~4 lines before you already called one times this method. In this check you should put times(2). And on the next checking number of invocations should be times(3)

Why the intemReader is always sending the exact same value to CustomItemProcessor

Why does the itemReader method is always sending the exact same file name to be processed in CustomItemProcessor?
As far as I understand, since I settup reader as #Scope and I set more than 1 in chunk, I was expecting the "return s" to move forward to next value from String array.
Let me clarify my question with a debug example in reader method:
1 - the variable stringArray is filled in with 3 file names (f1.txt, f2.txt and f3.txt)
2 - "return s" is evoked with s = f1.txt
3 - "return s" evoked again before evoked customItemProcessor method (perfect untill here since chunk = 2)
4 - looking at s it contains f1.txt again (different from what I expected. I expected f2.txt)
5 and 6 - runs processor with same name f1.tx (it should work correctly if the second turn of "return s" would contain f2.txt)
7 - writer method works as expected (processedFiles contain twice the two names processed in customItemProcessor f1.txt and f1.txt again since same name was processed twice)
public class CustomItemReader implements ItemReader<String> {
public String read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException,
ParseException, NonTransientResourceException {
String[] stringArray;
try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.list(Paths.get(env
.getProperty("my.path")))) {
stringArray =
.filter(path -> path.endsWith("out"))
.toArray(size -> new String[size]);
//*** the problem is here
//every turn s variable receives the first file name from the stringArray
if (stringArray.length > 0) {
for (String s : stringArray) {
return s;
} else {"read method - no file found");
return null;
return null;
public class CustomItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<String , String> {
public String process(String singleFileToProcess) throws Exception {"process method: " + singleFileToProcess);
return singleFileToProcess;
public class CustomItemWriter implements ItemWriter<String> {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
public void write(List<? extends String> processedFiles) throws Exception {
processedFile ->"**** write method"
+ processedFile.toString()));
FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();
for (String s : processedFiles) {
public class BatchConfig {
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private JobRepository jobRepository;
public TaskExecutor getTaskExecutor() {
return new TaskExecutor() {
public void execute(Runnable task) {
//I can see the number in chunk reflects how many time customReader is triggered before triggers customProcesser
public Step step1(ItemReader<String> reader,
ItemProcessor<String, String> processor, ItemWriter<String> writer) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1").<String, String> chunk(2)
public ItemReader<String> reader() {
return new CustomItemReader();
public ItemProcessor<String, String> processor() {
return new CustomItemProcessor();
public ItemWriter<String> writer() {
return new CustomItemWriter();
public Job job(Step step1) throws Exception {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("job1").incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer()).start(step1).build();
public class QueueScheduler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
private Job job;
private JobLauncher jobLauncher;
public QueueScheduler(JobLauncher jobLauncher, #Qualifier("job") Job job){
this.job = job;
this.jobLauncher = jobLauncher;
public void runJob(){
try{, new JobParameters());
}catch(Exception ex){;
Your issue is that you are relying on an internal loop to iterate over the items instead of letting Spring Batch do it for you by calling ItemReader#read multiple times.
What I'd recommend is changing your reader to the something like the following:
public class JimsItemReader implements ItemStreamReader {
private String[] items;
private int curIndex = -1;
public void open(ExecutionContext ec) {
curIndex = ec.getInt("curIndex", -1);
String[] stringArray;
try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.list(Paths.get(env.getProperty("my.path")))) {
stringArray =
.filter(path -> path.endsWith("out"))
.toArray(size -> new String[size]);
public void update(ExecutionContext ec) {
ec.putInt("curIndex", curIndex);
public String read() {
if (curIndex < items.length) {
return items[curIndex];
} else {
return null;
The above example should loop through the items of your array as they are read. It also should be restartable in that we're storing the index in the ExecutionContext so if the job is restarted after a failure, you'll restart where you left off.
