Testing Spring Boot Cache(Caffeine) - spring-boot

I have my cache config as below;
public class CacheConfiguration {
public CacheManager cacheManager(Ticker ticker) {
CaffeineCache bookCache = buildCache("books", ticker, 30);
SimpleCacheManager cacheManager = new SimpleCacheManager();
return cacheManager;
private CaffeineCache buildCache(String name, Ticker ticker, int minutesToExpire) {
return new CaffeineCache(name, Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(minutesToExpire, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public Ticker ticker() {
return Ticker.systemTicker();
And the service I want to test:
public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {
private final BookRepository bookRepository; // interface
public TestServiceImpl(final BookRepository bookRepository) {
this.bookRepository = bookRepository;
public Book getByIsbn(String isbn) {
return bookRepository.getByIsbn(isbn);
The required method in repository is annotated with #Cacheable("books").
public Book getByIsbn(String isbn) {
LOGGER.info("Fetching Book...");
simulateSlowService(); // Wait for 5 secs
return new Book(isbn, "Some book");
I need to write a test showing the caching works. So I created another ticker bean in test to override the one existing in CacheConfiguration. The code;
public class TestServiceTests {
private static final String BOOK_ISBN = "isbn-8442";
private BookRepository bookRepository;
private TestService testService;
public static class TestConfiguration {
static FakeTicker fakeTicker = new FakeTicker();
public Ticker ticker() {
return fakeTicker::read;
public void setUp() {
Book book = fakeBook();
private Book fakeBook() {
return new Book(BOOK_ISBN, "Mock Book");
public void shouldUseCache() {
// Start At 0 Minutes
verify(bookRepository, times(1)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN);
// After 5 minutes from start, it should use cached object
TestConfiguration.fakeTicker.advance(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
verify(bookRepository, times(1)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN); // FAILS HERE
// After 35 Minutes from start, it should call the method again
TestConfiguration.fakeTicker.advance(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
verify(bookRepository, times(2)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN);
But it fails at the line marked with //FAILS HERE with message;
Wanted 1 time:
-> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
But was 2 times. Undesired invocation:
-> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)`
Why it fails? Shouldn't it use cache? Or my test is wrong?
Any help or pointers are greatly appreciated! :)

verify(bookRepository, times(1)).getByIsbn(BOOK_ISBN); // FAILS HERE
Ofcourse it fails here. because ~4 lines before you already called one times this method. In this check you should put times(2). And on the next checking number of invocations should be times(3)


How can we take the result of `MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter` as a reader in the Spring Batch Step?

How can we take the result of MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter as a reader in the Spring Batch Step? Reference - https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/docs/current/reference/html/index-single.html#taskletStep and https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch/pull/567
Here is the code that I developed
public class JobConfiguration {
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
public CustomService service() {
return new CustomService();
public MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter methodInvokingTasklet() {
MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter methodInvokingTaskletAdapter = new MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter();
return methodInvokingTaskletAdapter;
public Job methodInvokingJob() {
return this.jobBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingJob")
public Step methodInvokingStep() {
// Looking to configure the Chunk based Step here, dont know how to do using MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter
return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingStep")
public class CustomService {
public void serviceMethod(String message) {
public void invokeMethod() {
System.out.println("=============== Your method has executed !");
public List<Employee> getEmployees(){
// In real world, it will be an GET API call to XYZ system
List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>();
return employees;
public class Employee {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private int age;
public class MethodInvokingTaskletApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MethodInvokingTaskletApplication.class, args);
To answer your question, you can't. The MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter is meant to adapt a POJO to a Tasklet. We have an ItemReaderAdapter that you can use to adapt a POJO to an ItemReader. You can read about it in the documentation here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/docs/current/api/org/springframework/batch/item/adapter/ItemReaderAdapter.html
Now you'll have an issue with your service as configured in that each call to the delegating POJO is considered an item. That means that your item as configured will be a List<Employee> instead of just an Employee. Given your configuration states it's not the real service, I'll assume that your real service should return an Employee per call and null once the results are exhausted.
To update your configuration (with your service as it is configured in your question) in your sample:
public ItemReaderAdapter itemReader() {
ItemReaderAdapter reader = new ItemReaderAdapter();
return reader;
public Job methodInvokingJob() {
return this.jobBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingJob")
public Step methodInvokingStep() {
return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("methodInvokingStep")
.<List<Employee>, List<Employee>>chunk(methodInvokingTasklet())
// You'll need to define a writer...

How to set up an automated integration test to check an aspect functionality with Spring-Boot

I've added an AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) Aspect to my working project. It does work, but it won't be called when trying to Test it's functionality with an Integration Test.
The problem is, that the aspect is not called when the tests runs through. When using it normally it works fine.
I've tried to create a custom context which is supposed to be loaded for the integration tests, as I thought that the Aspect might not be loaded in the default context for these tests.
As this didn't work i also tried to manually proxy the bean of the aspect, but this didn't work neither.
Here's my integration test class:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "package.aspects" })
#SpringBootTest(classes = ZirafyApp.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes ={ IntegrationTestAOPConfiguration.class })
public class CellResourceIntTest {
private static CellTestHelper helper = new CellTestHelper();
private PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver pageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver;
private ExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
private EntityManager em;
private BusinessFacade businessFacade;
private CellRepository cellRepository;
private AspectModule aspectModule;
private MockMvc restCellMockMvc;
private MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jacksonMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
private Cell cell;
private Cell parentCell;
public void setup() {
final CellResource cellResource = new CellResource(cellRepository, businessFacade);
this.restCellMockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(cellResource)
public void update_cellDtoWithEmptyName_returnsHttpError422AndCellInDbIsNotUpdated() throws Exception {
AspectJProxyFactory factory = new AspectJProxyFactory(cellRepository);
CellRepository cellRepository = factory.getProxy();
CellDto cellDtoToUpdate = new CellDto.Builder().id(2).name(null).x(-10).active(true).parent(1).build();
Cell parentCell = helper.createCell(1L);
Cell cellToUpdate = helper.createCell(2L);
Cell updatedCell = cellRepository.findOne(2L);
assertEquals(cellToUpdate.getX(), updatedCell.getX());
Here the configuration file for the integration test:
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"package.repository"})
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class IntegrationTestAOPConfiguration {
private ExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
private EntityManager em;
private CellConverter cellConverter;
private CellTreeService cellTreeService;
private CellService cellService;
private CellRepository cellRepository;
private BusinessFacade businessFacade;
private AspectModule aspectModule;
public CellConverter returnCellConverter() {
return cellConverter;
public AspectModule returnAspectModule() {
return null;//Aspects.aspectOf(AspectModule.class);
public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver returnPageableArgumentResolver() {
return new PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver();
public ExceptionTranslator returnExceptionTranslator() {
return exceptionTranslator;
public EntityManager returnEntityManager() { return em; }
public BusinessFacade returnBusinessFacade() {
return businessFacade;
public CellTreeService returnCellTreeService() {
return cellTreeService;
public CellService returnCellService() {
return cellService;
And here my aspect-file:
public class AspectModule {
private BusinessFacade businessFacade;
AspectModule(BusinessFacade businessFacade){
this.businessFacade = businessFacade;
#Pointcut("execution(* ch.post.pf.web.rest.CellResource.update(..))")
private void update() {}
#Around("update() && args(cell)")
public Object checkIsValidCell(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, CellDto cell) {
System.out.println("Aspect was run");
final String message = canUpdate(cell);
if (message.equals("cell_valid")) {
try {
return pjp.proceed(); // Calls the usual update() function, if the cell is valid
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.out.println("Something went wrong with the aspects");
return null;
} else {
return ResponseUtil.unprocessableEntity(message);
The aspect should keep working as it does right now but it should also work in the integration tests, at the moment it isn't called at all inside those.

JUNIT - Null pointer Exception while calling findAll in spring Data JPA

I am new to Junits and Mockito, I am writing a Unit test class to test my service class CourseService.java which is calling findAll() method of CourseRepository.class which implements CrudRepository<Topics,Long>
Service Class
public class CourseService {
CourseRepository courseRepository;
public void setCourseRepository(CourseRepository courseRepository) {
this.courseRepository = courseRepository;
public Boolean getAllTopics() {
ArrayList<Topics> topicList=(ArrayList<Topics>) courseRepository.findAll();
return false;
return true;
Repository class
public interface CourseRepository extends CrudRepository<Topics,Long>{
Domain class
public class Topics {
private long topicId;
private String topicTitle;
private String topicAuthor;
public long getTopicId() {
return topicId;
public void setTopicId(long topicId) {
this.topicId = topicId;
public String getTopicTitle() {
return topicTitle;
public void setTopicTitle(String topicTitle) {
this.topicTitle = topicTitle;
public String getTopicAuthor() {
return topicAuthor;
public void setTopicAuthor(String topicAuthor) {
this.topicAuthor = topicAuthor;
public Topics(long topicId, String topicTitle, String topicAuthor) {
this.topicId = topicId;
this.topicTitle = topicTitle;
this.topicAuthor = topicAuthor;
Following is the Junit class I have written but courseRepository is getting initialized to NULL and hence I am getting NullPointerException.
public class CourseServiceTest {
private CourseRepository courseRepository;
private CourseService courseService;
Topics topics;
private Iterable<Topics> topicsList;
public void setUp() {
public void test_Get_Topic_Details() {
List<Topics> topics = new ArrayList<Topics>();
boolean result=courseService.getAllTopics();
Change the setUp() method to:
public void setUp() {
Probably you are dealing with some problem on the framework to make the mocked class be injected by the framework.
I recommend to use Constructor Injection, so you don't need to rely on the reflection and #Inject/#Mock annotations to make this work:
public class CourseService {
private final CourseRepository courseRepository;
// #Autowired annotation is optional when using constructor injection
CourseService (CourseRepository courseRepository) {
this.courseRepository = courseRepository;
// .... code
The test:
public void test_Get_Topic_Details() {
List<Topics> topics = new ArrayList<Topics>();
CourseService courseService = new CourseService(courseRepository);
boolean result = courseService.getAllTopics();

Field created in spring component in not initialized with new keyword

I have spring component class annotated with #Component and in it I have field ConcurrentHashMap map, which is init in constructor of component and used in spring stream listener:
public class FooService {
private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String> fooMap;
public FooService () {
fooMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
#StreamListener(value = Sink.INPUT)
private void handler(Foo foo) {
fooMap.put(foo.id, foo.body);
Listener handle messages sent by rest controller. Can you tell me why I always got there fooMap.put(...) NullPointerException because fooMap is null and not initialzied.
After #OlegZhurakousky answer I find out problem is with async method. When I add #Async on some method and add #EnableAsync I can't anymore use private modificator for my #StreamListener method. Do you have idea why and how to fix it?
Could you try using #PostConstruct instead of constructor?
public void init(){
this.fooMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
#Denis Stephanov
When I say bare minimum, here is what I mean. So try this as a start, you'll see that the map is not null and start evolving your app from there.
public class DemoApplication {
private final Map<String, String> map;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoRabbit174Application.class, args);
public DemoApplication() {
this.map = new HashMap<>();
public void sink(String string) {
With Spring everything has to be injected.
You need to declare a #Bean for the ConcurrentHashMap, that will be injected in you Component. So create a Configuration class like:
public class FooMapConfiguration {
public ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String> myFooMap() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Then modify your Component:
public class FooService {
private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, String> fooMap;
public FooService () {
#StreamListener(value = Sink.INPUT)
private void handler(Foo foo) {
fooMap.put(foo.id, foo.body); // <= No more NPE here

Best way to limit time execution in a #RestController

Considering the following code:
public class TestController {
private TestService service;
public String max10secs() {
//In some cases it can take more than 10 seconds
return service.call();
public class TestService {
public String call() {
//some business logic here
return response;
What I want to accomplish is that if the method call from the TestService takes more than 10 seconds I want to cancel it and generate a response with a HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT code.
What I managed to do, but I don't know if there are any conceptual or practical flaws is what it follows...
First, the configuration of spring-async
public class AsyncConfig implements AsyncConfigurer {
#Bean(name = "threadPoolTaskExecutor")
public Executor threadPoolTaskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor pool = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return pool;
public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();
And next, the Controller and Service modifications:
public class TestController {
private TestService service;
public String max10secs() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
Future<String> futureResponse = service.call();
try {
//gives 10 seconds to finish the methods execution
return futureResponse.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException te) {
//in case it takes longer we cancel the request and check if the method is not done
if (futureResponse.cancel(true) || !futureResponse.isDone())
throw new TestTimeoutException();
else {
return futureResponse.get();
public class TestService {
public Future<String> call() {
//some business logic here
return new AsyncResult<>(response);
} catch (Exception e) {
//some cancel/rollback logic when the request is cancelled
return null;
And finally generate the TestTimeoutException:
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, reason = "too much time")
public class TestTimeoutException extends RuntimeException{ }
There is another solution via DeferredResult.
public class TestController
private TestService service;
public DeferredResult<String> max10secs()
//In some cases it can take more than 10 seconds
return service.call();
public class TestService
public DeferredResult<String> call()
DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult(10000L);
//some business logic here
// do whatever you want there
return result;
This way, controller will return actual result only when you call result.setResult("test");.
As you can see, in case of timeout (value for timeout is defined in constructor of DeferredResult object in milliseconds) there will be a callback executed where you can throw any exception, or return another object(HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT in your case).
You can read about the DeferredResult in Spring here.
