Chime SDK setDeviceLabelTrigger not requesting permissions after first returning a promise - aws-chime-sdk

I'm using Chime Javascript SDK. I firts make users join as view only, so they don't need to approve audio and video permissions in the browser. So, following the documentation, I'm just executing this:
this.audioVideo.setDeviceLabelTrigger(() => Promise.resolve(new MediaStream()));
Then, when someone enables the option for camera and microphone, I'm executing this:
this.audioVideo.setDeviceLabelTrigger(async () => {
try {
await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true });
} catch (error) {
But for some reason, the browser it's now showing the modal permissions.
I checked and i hadn't blocked permissions in the browser.
I tried in incognito and in a fresh installation of other browsers (firefox, opera)
If I don't make the first execution, when returning a resolve promise, then it is asking the permissions to ther user.
Any help about what can be happening?


Failed to connect (500) to bot framework using Direct Line

We have a bot running in Azure (Web App Bot) that I'm trying to embed on a website. The bot is based of the Bot Builder V4 SDK Tamplate CoreBot v4.9.2. At first I used the iframe to embed the bod. This worked but didn't provide the features we need, so now im changing it to use DirectLine.
My code on the webpage looks like this:
<script crossorigin="anonymous"
<div id="webchat" role="main"></div>
(async function () {
const res = await fetch('https://[my bot name here]',
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({
'Authorization': "Bearer [my token here]"
const { token } = await res.json();
directLine: await window.WebChat.createDirectLineAppServiceExtension({
domain: 'https://[my bot name here]',
document.querySelector('#webchat > *').focus();
})().catch(err => console.error(err));
After some struggles I managed to fetch a token from https://[my bot name here]
And I can see the chat window on my webpage, but is says connecting for a while then it changes to Taking longer than usual to connect, like this:
In the Chrome console there is an error saying Failed to connect Error: Connection response code 500. When I check Chrome's Network tab I can see that the token generated completed with status 200 and that the websocket connection is open, like this:
I just noticed that when go to https://[my bot name here] using a webbrowser, the resulting json is
{"v":"[some key?]","k":true,"ib":false,"ob":false,"initialized":true}
ib and ob should be true but are false, maybe this is part of the problem.
----------EDIT 2---------
OK so now I'm starting to go crazy.
Ashish helped me and at some point the ib and ob were true. They were true for most of yesterday. At some point yesterday they turned false for a short while (no more than 2 hours). I checked if someone had triggered the release pipeline but no recent releases. After that ib and ob magically turned true again and connecting to the direct line worked again.
Now this morning ib and ob were false again. And again no recent releases. I don't know what is causing this.
Does anybody know what's going on here or how to fix this? How do I find what causes ib and ob to be false?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance. If you need more information, just ask and I'll post it.
If the ib and ob values displayed by the *.bot endpoint are false this means the bot and the Direct Line app service extension are unable to connect to each other.
Make sure you verify below things:
Double check the code for using named pipes has been added to the
Confirm the bot is able to start up and run at all. Useful
tools are Test in WebChat, connecting an additional channel, remote
debugging, or logging.
Restart the entire Azure App Service the bot
is hosted within, to ensure a clean start up of all processes.
Please check troubleshooting guide, it seems updated today. (still old date reflected some how, not sure why)

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) loginPopup doesn't properly close itself

I'm not getting loginResponse from loginPopup(requestObj) of UserAgentApplication instance using MSAL library.
Azure sample works as SPA from It's not working when we integrate this in our simple javascript plugin.
let loginPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
myMSALObj = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(MSAL_CONFIG);
return loginPromise;
Expected behavior:
A login popup pops up and after the user logs in the pop up closes itself and the loginPopup promise resolves (or rejects).
Actual behavior:
A login popup pops up and after the user logs in the pop up redirects back to my site in the pop up.
I was experiencing this issue as well, and it was resolved upon updating the code to utilize MSAL.js version 1.2.0.
Here is the release information:

NativeScript Firebase already initialized

I am using Firebase in my app and I've noticed when I am actively making changes and LiveSync updates the app it will sometimes say "firebase.init error: Firebase already initialized". This happens when the changes don't trigger a whole application restart (ex. an html file). It completely messes up my current authentication state and forces me to restart the app anyways.
Is there some way I can catch for this happening or prevent it? I can try to make a demo app for it, but I feel this might have happened to somebody already.
I am just using the standard firebase.init as shown in the documentation in my app.component, nothing special or different.
Instead of using on ngOnit of App.component, try to initlize firebase on app launch event.
applicationOn(launchEvent, (args: LaunchEventData) => {
// Optionally pass in properties for database, authentication and cloud messaging,
// see their respective docs.
function () {
console.log("firebase.init done");
function (error) {
console.log("firebase.init error: " + error);

NativeScript push notifications permission dialog shows behind app

Do you know what could be causing the permissions request dialog on iOS to show behind the app? It actually flashes quickly and then goes behind. I have to press the home button to bring it to the front. Until then the UI is blocked.
I am using Everlive and I am calling the register method in the app's launchEvent as such:
var pushSettings = {
//iOS - specific settings
iOS: {
badge: true,
sound: true,
alert: true,
clearBadge: true
notificationCallbackIOS: function (userInfo) {
//Android - specific settings
android: {
projectNumber: '944301213976'
notificationCallbackAndroid: function callback(data) {
el.push.register(pushSettings, function (data) {
}, function (error) {
Thank you.
EDIT: I should add that I am testing on iOS 9.3.4 and right before the dialog goes behind the app, I get the following warning in the console: enabledRemoteNotificationTypes is not supported in iOS 8.0 and later. Not sure if it matters, but I wanted to mention it, just in case.
So, it turns out that it was a timing issue. I was running the code when the app was initializing. The popup will get displayed, but shortly after, the first screen (login in my case) gets initialized, stealing the focus from the popup.
Once I moved the code in a button tap event (after the screen loading was completed) everything worked as expected.
I am not sure if this is the best way to handle this. I am open for suggestions.
Also, you can see for more info. Thank you Anton Dobrev for pointing me to the right direction.

console.log() messages don't show up from Firefox Addon

I'm creating my first Firefox extension using the Addon SDK, but I can't get messages I pass with console.log() to appear in my debugger.
I created a new profile in Firefox 33 and installed the latest version of Firebug. When I launch my addon using cfx run -p <My_Profile_Directory> I can see both Firebug and my addon, and the addon does what it's supposed to do. However, I don't see anywhere messages I wrote to log using the console.log() command
Here's my main.js so far:
function loginToSite(user, password) {
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
var doLogin = Request(
url: "",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
content: "username=xxxx&password=xxxx&remember=1",
onComplete: function(response) {
function checkLoginStatus(tab) {
//TODO Actually check if the tab is logged in, currently assume it's not
// Listens for tabs and checks each loaded tab if it's the website
tabs.on("ready", function(tab) {
var tabUrl = tab.url.toLowerCase();
if(tabUrl.contains("")) {
console.log("Not connected to, running login procedure");
Like I said, I'm actually being logged in automatically, but no log messages appear in either Firebug's or the Firefox Developer Tools' console.
What am I doing wrong here? Where are the log messages?
You have to change the default logging level (error) to something more verbose, like info.
The global level is controlled by the preference extensions.sdk.console.logLevel. But you can adjust the logging level of your extension only, with the preference extensions.myExtensionID.sdk.console.logLevel
When you run cfx without passing a profile directory, it takes care of setting up the temporary profile to be developer friendly.
