console.log() messages don't show up from Firefox Addon - firefox

I'm creating my first Firefox extension using the Addon SDK, but I can't get messages I pass with console.log() to appear in my debugger.
I created a new profile in Firefox 33 and installed the latest version of Firebug. When I launch my addon using cfx run -p <My_Profile_Directory> I can see both Firebug and my addon, and the addon does what it's supposed to do. However, I don't see anywhere messages I wrote to log using the console.log() command
Here's my main.js so far:
function loginToSite(user, password) {
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
var doLogin = Request(
url: "",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
content: "username=xxxx&password=xxxx&remember=1",
onComplete: function(response) {
function checkLoginStatus(tab) {
//TODO Actually check if the tab is logged in, currently assume it's not
// Listens for tabs and checks each loaded tab if it's the website
tabs.on("ready", function(tab) {
var tabUrl = tab.url.toLowerCase();
if(tabUrl.contains("")) {
console.log("Not connected to, running login procedure");
Like I said, I'm actually being logged in automatically, but no log messages appear in either Firebug's or the Firefox Developer Tools' console.
What am I doing wrong here? Where are the log messages?

You have to change the default logging level (error) to something more verbose, like info.
The global level is controlled by the preference extensions.sdk.console.logLevel. But you can adjust the logging level of your extension only, with the preference extensions.myExtensionID.sdk.console.logLevel
When you run cfx without passing a profile directory, it takes care of setting up the temporary profile to be developer friendly.


How to debug gmail-addons with real email

I want to create a gmail add-on. I've already created the quick start application:
So, trigger function for that example is :
function buildAddOn(e) {
// Activate temporary Gmail add-on scopes.
var accessToken = e.messageMetadata.accessToken;
var messageId = e.messageMetadata.messageId;
var senderData = extractSenderData(messageId);
var cards = [];
// Build a card for each recent thread from this email's sender.
if (senderData.recents.length > 0) {
senderData.recents.forEach(function(threadData) {
cards.push(buildRecentThreadCard(, threadData));
} else {
// Present a blank card if there are no recent threads from
// this sender.
.setTitle('No recent threads from this sender')).build());
return cards;
In apps script editor, you can debug this function, but, since we are not in gmail, we can not get the "e" parameter, so actually you can not debug it with the real data.
I have deployed that example as a developer add-on and I can use it in my gmail account. I tried to find the function somewhere in the code, I put debugger; or console.log() but I was not able to debug in browser.
So, how can I debug gmail add-on script with real gmail data ?
Gmail addons can't run client-side code so the browser console will not be very helpful but we could use Logger to log messages to Script Editor or to use console to log messages to Stackdriver.
I'd suggest using the built in Logger:
You can view logs each time your add on runs.

Chrome App: launch link in Chrome rather than Safari

I'm developing a Chrome (packaged) app which maintains a set of bookmarks. This opens in its own small window. Clicking on a bookmark opens it in a browser using a link with target set to '_blank'.
On Mac OS X, these open in Safari. Is there anyway of having them open in Chrome?
When you click on a link with target="_blank" in a packaged app, Chrome respects your choice of the default browser and opens the link externally in whatever it is, not necessarily Chrome. In your case, the default system browser must be Safari.
The easy way to open such links in Chrome would be to make it the default browser instead.
If you don't want to do that, but still for some reason insist that your links open in new tabs specifically in Chrome, here is one (perhaps the only) way to achieve that:
Write a companion extension to your app and have your users install it.
In the app, attach an onclick handler to every link, and use chrome.runtime.sendMessage() to send a request to the extension to open the link's URL (in order to do that, you will have to find out your extension's ID and bake it into its manifest, as described here:
var link = ...;
link.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
yourExtensionId, { url: link.href }, function(response) {}
In the extension, define a chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal(data) handler (it will intercept sendMessage() requests from the app), and use chrome.tabs.create() in there to open a new tab:
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// Don't forget to make sure that |sender| is you app here.
chrome.tabs.create({ url: request.url }, function() {
// If you need to notify the app when the tab opens:
// 'true' means that your response is sent asynchronously.
return true;

How to access HTTP Authentication dialog using Firefox SDK

I am writing a Firefox add-on for Linux users to pass credentials for NTLM authenticated sites.some what similar to AutoAuth which is written using XUL framework
my question is how to access Authentication Dialog using Firefox SDK?
With the add-on sdk you don't have XUL overlays so only thing you really can do outside of that is to use the window watcher. Since popup windows are considered windows you'll see them in the onTrack function when they popup in the browser.
This example code watches windows looking for the window location chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul which is similar to what the autoauth add-on is doing. That dialog is used for a number of auth questions so you'll have to do the additional work of detecting NTLM auth.
var { isBrowser } = require("sdk/window/utils");
var delegate = {
onTrack: function (window) {
if (!isBrowser(window) && window.location === "chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul") {
// this could be the window we're looking for modify it using it's window.document
onUntrack: function (window) {
if (!isBrowser(window) && window.location === "chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul") {
// undo the modifications you did
var winUtils = require("window-utils");
var tracker = new winUtils.WindowTracker(delegate);
With this code you're pretty much at the point of the autoauth add-on's load() function. You can use window.document.getElementById() to access the DOM of that window and alter the elements within it.
NOTE That the window-utils module is deprecated so you'll need to keep up with the SDK as they move from that module to (hopefully) something else similar.

Firefox extension creating different instance for two windows

I created a Firefox extension and chrome extension. In Chrome I am using background.cs, so it will get loaded only once for all Chrome instances, so if I will write simple alert in background it will show alert box only for once.
The same thing is not working with Firefox, it will show that alert message all the times when I will open new Firefox windows.
Is there anything like background in Firefox?
Either write a javascript module or switch to the Add-on SDK
A javascript module would be something like this
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Helper"];
this Helper = {
initialized: false,
init: function() {
// code here is executed only the first time init() is called
this.initialized = true;

FBJS is not working after permissions dialog

I have problems with facebook application based on flash which communicate with PHP using FBJS-bridge. When someone use the application for the first time, he/she is asked for various permissions. After that, flash contact PHP with ajax but request is never sent. When you refresh page, everything is working without any problems.
If you remove the application on privacy settings, refresh the page and try again - same bug happens. If you allow application, refresh page, in other tab remove application and start application in previous tab - user is asked for permissions but everything is working after allowing application.
This is FBJS code
function openPermissions(){
Facebook.showPermissionDialog(/*permissions string*/, permissionOnDone);
function permissionOnDone(perms){
if (!perms) {
} else {
function ajaxCall(url,parameters){
var params = {};
for(var i=0;i<parameters.length;i+=2){
ajax = new Ajax();
ajax.requireLogin = true;
ajax.responseType = Ajax.RAW;
ajax.ondone = function(data){
document.getElementById("indexswf").callSWF('parseAjax', data);
openPermissions is called to display permission dialog, and on allow flash function allow() is called. In flash, allow() calls JS function ajaxCall(), which should make ajax request. But, never sends request. I know that for sure, because flash function parseAjax was never called and also debugging tools in browsers are not showing any ajax requests. URL and parameters are same as when it is working. No flash or JS errors are detected...
Anyone have idea what is wrong here? Maybe facebook bug again since this was all working few days ago...
ajax.requireLogin = true should be set to false for some reason
