Racket: how to sort dot-separated numbers - scheme

How does one sort dot-separates numbers, like version numbers of software, in Racket?
For example
'("1.1.2" "1.0.0" "1.3.3" "1.0.7" "1.0.2")
sorted into
'("1.0.0" "1.0.2" "1.0.7" "1.1.2" "1.3.3")

Split each string up on #\. and turn it into a list of numbers, and sort based on that transformation. Example using SRFI-67 to compare lists:
#lang racket
(require srfi/67)
(define versions '("1.1.2" "1.0.0" "1.12.1" "1.3.3" "1.0.7" "1.0.2"))
(define (sort-versions vlst)
(sort vlst (lambda (a b) (< (list-compare integer-compare a b) 0))
#:key (lambda (v) (map string->number (string-split v ".")))
#:cache-keys? #t))
(writeln (sort-versions versions))

Plain Scheme from scratch:
;; Convert a character into a number
;; Example: (char->number #\3) => 3
(define (char->number char)
(case char
((#\0) 0)
((#\1) 1)
((#\2) 2)
((#\3) 3)
((#\4) 4)
((#\5) 5)
((#\6) 6)
((#\7) 7)
((#\8) 8)
((#\9) 9)))
;; Convert a list of characters into a decimal number.
;; Example: (list->decimal '(#\1 #\2 #\3)) => 123
(define (list->decimal digits)
(let loop ((digits digits)
(value 0))
(if (pair? digits)
(loop (cdr digits)
(+ (* value 10)
(char->number (car digits))))
;; Convert a version string into list of decimals.
;; Example: (version->list "1.2.3") => (1 2 3)
(define (version->list version)
(let loop ((chars (string->list version))
(fragment '())
(result '()))
(if (pair? chars)
(let ((char (car chars))
(chars (cdr chars)))
(if (char=? char #\.)
(loop chars
(cons (list->decimal fragment)
(loop chars
(cons char fragment)
(reverse (cons (list->decimal fragment)
;; Convert a list of version numbers into a string.
;; Example: (list->version '(1 2 3)) => "1.2.3"
(define (list->version numbers)
(let loop ((numbers numbers)
(result "")
(delimiter ""))
(if (pair? numbers)
(loop (cdr numbers)
(string-append result
(number->string (car numbers)))
;; Check if a version is lower than the other.
;; Example: (version<? '(1 2 3) '(1 2)) => #f
(define (version<? v1 v2)
(if (pair? v1)
(if (pair? v2)
(let ((m1 (car v1))
(m2 (car v2)))
((< m1 m2) #t)
((> m1 m2) #f)
(else (version<? (cdr v1)
(cdr v2)))))
(if (pair? v2)
;; Sort versions.
(define (sort-versions versions)
(map list->version
(sort version<?
(map version->list versions))))
;; Example
(let ((unsorted '("1.1.2" "1.0.0" "1.3.3" "1.0.7" "1.0.2"))
(sorted '("1.0.0" "1.0.2" "1.0.7" "1.1.2" "1.3.3")))
(equal? (sort-versions unsorted)
The above converts all version strings into lists of decimals, sorts the list and converts the lists of decimals back into strings. The last step can be avoided as explained in Shawn's answer. This makes it necessary to preserve the original version string while sorting the versions. This is possible by boxing both representations of the version. The comparison has to unbox the list representation. The result is created by unboxing the string representation. The following shows this alternative implementation.
;; Convert a character into a number
;; Example: (char->number #\3) => 3
(define (char->number char)
(case char
((#\0) 0)
((#\1) 1)
((#\2) 2)
((#\3) 3)
((#\4) 4)
((#\5) 5)
((#\6) 6)
((#\7) 7)
((#\8) 8)
((#\9) 9)))
;; Convert a list of characters into a decimal number.
;; Example: (list->decimal '(#\1 #\2 #\3)) => 123
(define (list->decimal digits)
(let loop ((digits digits)
(value 0))
(if (pair? digits)
(loop (cdr digits)
(+ (* value 10)
(char->number (car digits))))
;; Convert a version string into list of decimals.
;; Example: (version->list "1.2.3") => ("1.2.3" 1 2 3)
(define (version->list version)
(let loop ((chars (string->list version))
(fragment '())
(result '()))
(if (pair? chars)
(let ((char (car chars))
(chars (cdr chars)))
(if (char=? char #\.)
(loop chars
(cons (list->decimal fragment)
(loop chars
(cons char fragment)
(cons version
(reverse (cons (list->decimal fragment)
;; Convert a list of version numbers into a string.
;; Example: (list->version '("1.2.3" 1 2 3)) => "1.2.3"
(define list->version car)
;; Check if a version is lower than the other.
;; Example: (version<? '("1.2.3" 1 2 3) '("1.2" 1 2)) => #f
(define (version<? v1 v2)
(let loop ((v1 (cdr v1))
(v2 (cdr v2)))
(if (pair? v1)
(if (pair? v2)
(let ((m1 (car v1))
(m2 (car v2)))
((< m1 m2) #t)
((> m1 m2) #f)
(else (loop (cdr v1)
(cdr v2)))))
(if (pair? v2)
;; Sort versions.
(define (sort-versions versions)
(map list->version
(sort version<?
(map version->list versions))))
;; Example
(let ((unsorted '("1.1.2" "1.0.0" "1.3.3" "1.0.7" "1.0.2"))
(sorted '("1.0.0" "1.0.2" "1.0.7" "1.1.2" "1.3.3")))
(equal? (sort-versions unsorted)

You can convert each string "X.Y.Z" into a number, sort the list of numbers, and convert the numbers back to strings. You can use lots of ideas of encoding X.Y.Z as a number, for example, Goedel's encoding, chinese remainder theorem, etc, etc.


Producing a list of lists

I am trying to produce a list of lists which has *.
Here is what I have so far:
(define (position loc count)
(cond [(empty? loc)empty]
[else (cons (list (first loc) count)
(position (rest loc) (add1 count)))]
(position (string->list "**.*.***..") 0)
would produce:
(list #\* 0) (list #\* 1) (list #\. 2) (list #\* 3) (list #\. 4) (list #\* 5)
(list #\* 6) (list #\* 7) (list #\. 8) (list #\. 9))
Basically I am trying to get
(list (list (list #\* 0) (list #\* 1))
(list (list #\* 3))
(list (list #\* 5)(list #\* 6) (list #\* 7)))
I thought about using foldr but not sure if that will work. Any help would be appreciated.
It's not exactly a foldr solution though, you need a function that modifies it's behaviour based on prior input in order to group the continuous star characters. Check out my use of a boolean to switch behaviour upon finding a match.
(define (combine-continuous char L)
(let loop ((L L) (acc '()) (continuing? #t))
(cond ((null? L) (list (reverse acc)))
((equal? (caar L) char)
(if continuing?
(loop (cdr L) (cons (car L) acc) #t)
(cons (reverse acc)
(loop (cdr L) (list (car L)) #t))))
(else (loop (cdr L) acc #f)))))
(combine-continuous #\* (position (string->list "**.*.***..") 0))
;Value 19: (((#\* 0) (#\* 1)) ((#\* 3)) ((#\* 5) (#\* 6) (#\* 7)))

Rewrite an item in a list of list

This seems straightforward, but I can't seem to find a solution. I want to replace an item within a list of a list with something, but if that item appears multiple times then you randomly replace one of them, but not both. I want to do this in ISL+.
I created the function flatten which appends all sublists :
(check-expect (flatten '((a b) (c) (d e f g) (h i j)))
(list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j))
(define (flatten lol)
(foldr append empty lol))
I also made rewrite, which replaces the value at index n with whatever you choose
(check-expect (rewrite '(x x x - x x x x) 3 'x)
(list 'x 'x 'x 'x 'x 'x 'x 'x))
(define (rewrite ls n val)
[(empty? ls) (error "error")]
[(= n 0) (cons val (rest ls))]
[else (cons (first ls) (rewrite (rest ls) (sub1 n) val))]))
The problem is I don't know how to apply this to a list of list and I also don't know how to randomly replace one of items if it occurs more than once. This is what I have for the final product, but it's probably not the way to go:
(define (fullreplace b)
(local [
;makes a list of nested lists of each index the element occurs
;problem is that it makes a list of nested lists so I can't use flatten either
(define (position ls ele n)
(cond [(empty? ls) 0]
[(equal? ele (first ls)) (list n (position (rest ls) ele (add1 n))) ]
[else (position (rest ls) ele (+ 1 n))]))]
;lol-full? checks if the item occurs in the list of lists at all
(if (lol-full? b) b (rewrite (flatten b)
(position (flatten b) '- 0)
"item replaced"))))
;just used for testing
(define lol2 (list
(list 2 2 2 2)
(list 4 '- 4 '-)
(list '- 8 8 8)
(list 16 '- '- 16)))
(fullreplace lol2) may return this or where any of the other '- are located:
(list 2 2 2 2)
(list 4 '- 4 2)
(list '- 8 8 8)
(list 16 '- '- 16))
I've been working on this awhile so any new insight would go a long way. Thank you
The "random" part is what makes this problem pathological. If you could just replace the first occurrence, it would be easy. But to replace a random occurence, you must first know how many occurrences there are. So before you go replacing stuff, you have to go a-counting:
(define (count/recursive val tree)
(cond ((equal? val tree)
(else (foldl (λ (next-value total)
(cond ((equal? val next-value)
(add1 total))
((list? next-value)
(+ total (count/recursive val next-value)))
(else total))) 0 tree))))
Then you need a function that can replace the nth occurrence of a value:
(define (replace/recursive val replace-with n tree)
(cond ((equal? val tree)
(foldl (λ (next-value total/output-tree)
(local ((define total (car total/output-tree))
(define output-tree (cdr total/output-tree)))
(cond ((equal? next-value val)
(cons (add1 total)
(cons (if (= total n) replace-with next-value) output-tree)))
((list? next-value)
(cons (+ total (count/recursive val next-value))
(cons (replace/recursive val replace-with (- n total) next-value)
(else (cons total (cons next-value output-tree)))))) (cons 0 empty) tree)))))
Finally, you use random to pick the instance you will replace, using count/recursive to limit how high of a number random picks:
(define original '((x x (x y x) a b (((c x z x) x) y x x))))
(replace/recursive 'x '- (random (count/recursive 'x original)) original)
How to replace all occurences of a value with another value:
(define (replace-all needle new-value haystack)
(cond ((equal? needle haystack) new-value)
((pair? haystack)
(cons (replace-all needle new-value (car haystack))
(replace-all needle new-value (cdr haystack))))
(else haystack)))
The only thing to change is to check if the first part constituted a change. If it did you don't do the replace on the other half. Use equal? to compare structure.
It's not random. It will replace the first occurence it finds either by doing car before cdr or cdr before car.

Scheme function that returns a function

I need to write a scheme function that returns as a function which then takes another argument, eg a list and in turn return the desired result. In this example (c?r "arg") would return -- (car(cdr -- which then subsequently takes the list argument to return 2
> ((c?r "ar") '(1 2 3 4))
> ((c?r "ara") '((1 2) 3 4))
The problem I have is how can I return a function that accepts another arg in petite?
Here's how you might write such a function:
(define (c?r cmds)
(lambda (lst)
(let recur ((cmds (string->list cmds)))
(if (null? cmds)
(case (car cmds)
((#\a) (car (recur (cdr cmds))))
((#\d) (cdr (recur (cdr cmds))))
(else (recur (cdr cmds))))))))
Note that I'm using d to signify cdr, not r (which makes no sense, to me). You can also write this more succinctly using string-fold-right (requires SRFI 13):
(define (c?r cmds)
(lambda (lst)
(string-fold-right (lambda (cmd x)
(case cmd
((#\a) (car x))
((#\d) (cdr x))
(else x)))
lst cmds)))
Just wanted to add my playing with this. Uses SRFI-1.
(import (rnrs)
(only (srfi :1) fold)) ;; require fold from SRFI-1
(define (c?r str)
(define ops (reverse (string->list str)))
(lambda (lst)
(fold (lambda (x acc)
((if (eq? x #\a) car cdr) ; choose car or cdr for application
Its very similar to Chris' version (more the previous fold-right) but I do the reverseso i can use fold in the returned procedure. I choose which of car or cdr to call by looking at the character.
Here is an alternative version with much more preprocessing. It uses tail-ref and list-tail as shortcuts when there are runs of #\d's.
(define (c?r str)
(let loop ((druns 0) (ops (string->list str)) (funs '()))
(cond ((null? ops)
(let ((funs (reverse
(if (zero? druns)
(cons (lambda (x)
(list-tail x druns))
(lambda (lst)
(fold (lambda (fun lst)
(fun lst))
((eq? (car ops) #\d) (loop (+ druns 1) (cdr ops) funs))
((= druns 0) (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons car funs)))
(else (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons (lambda (x)
(list-ref x druns))
This can be made even simpler in #!racket. we skip the reverse and just do (apply compose1 funs).
(define (c?r str)
(let loop ((druns 0) (ops (string->list str)) (funs '()))
(cond ((null? ops)
(let ((funs (if (zero? druns)
(cons (lambda (x)
(list-tail x druns))
(apply compose1 funs)))
((eq? (car ops) #\d) (loop (+ druns 1) (cdr ops) funs))
((= druns 0) (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons car funs)))
(else (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons (lambda (x)
(list-ref x druns))
Assuming a compose procedure:
(define (compose funs . args)
(if (null? funs)
(apply values args)
(compose (cdr funs) (apply (car funs) args))))
(compose (list cdr car) '(1 2 3 4))
=> 2
c?r can be defined in terms of compose like so:
(define (c?r funs)
(lambda (e)
(lambda (f) (if (char=? f #\a) car cdr))
(reverse (string->list funs)))
((c?r "ar") '(1 2 3 4))
=> 2
((c?r "ara") '((1 2) 3 4))
=> 2

Partitioning a list in Racket

In an application I'm working on in Racket I need to take a list of numbers and partition the list into sub-lists of consecutive numbers:
(In the actual application, I'll actually be partitioning pairs consisting of a number and some data, but the principle is the same.)
i.e. if my procedure is called chunkify then:
(chunkify '(1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11)) -> '((1 2 3) (5 6 7) (9 10 11))
(chunkify '(1 2 3)) -> '((1 2 3))
(chunkify '(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13)) -> '((1) (3 4 5) (7) (9 10 11) (13))
(chunkify '(1)) -> '((1))
(chunkify '()) -> '(())
I've come up with the following in Racket:
#lang racket
(define (chunkify lst)
(lambda ()
(for/fold ([chunk '()] [tail '()]) ([cell (reverse lst)])
[(empty? chunk) (values (cons cell chunk) tail)]
[(equal? (add1 cell) (first chunk)) (values (cons cell chunk) tail)]
[else (values (list cell) (cons chunk tail))])))
This works just fine, but I'm wondering given the expressiveness of Racket if there isn't a more straightforward simpler way of doing this, some way to get rid of the "call-with-values" and the need to reverse the list in the procedure etc., perhaps some way comepletely different.
My first attempt was based very loosely on a pattern with a collector in "The Little Schemer" and that was even less straightforward than the above:
(define (chunkify-list lst)
(define (lambda-to-chunkify-list chunk) (list chunk))
(let chunkify1 ([list-of-chunks '()]
[lst lst]
[collector lambda-to-chunkify-list])
[(empty? (rest lst)) (append list-of-chunks (collector (list (first lst))))]
[(equal? (add1 (first lst)) (second lst))
(chunkify1 list-of-chunks (rest lst)
(lambda (chunk) (collector (cons (first lst) chunk))))]
(chunkify1 (append list-of-chunks
(collector (list (first lst)))) (rest lst) list)])))
What I'm looking for is something simple, concise and straightforward.
Here's how I'd do it:
;; chunkify : (listof number) -> (listof (non-empty-listof number))
;; Split list into maximal contiguous segments.
(define (chunkify lst)
(cond [(null? lst) null]
[else (chunkify/chunk (cdr lst) (list (car lst)))]))
;; chunkify/chunk : (listof number) (non-empty-listof number)
;; -> (listof (non-empty-listof number)
;; Continues chunkifying a list, given a partial chunk.
;; rchunk is the prefix of the current chunk seen so far, reversed
(define (chunkify/chunk lst rchunk)
(cond [(and (pair? lst)
(= (car lst) (add1 (car rchunk))))
(chunkify/chunk (cdr lst)
(cons (car lst) rchunk))]
[else (cons (reverse rchunk) (chunkify lst))]))
It disagrees with your final test case, though:
(chunkify '()) -> '() ;; not '(()), as you have
I consider my answer more natural; if you really want the answer to be '(()), then I'd rename chunkify and write a wrapper that handles the empty case specially.
If you prefer to avoid the mutual recursion, you could make the auxiliary function return the leftover list as a second value instead of calling chunkify on it, like so:
;; chunkify : (listof number) -> (listof (non-empty-listof number))
;; Split list into maximal contiguous segments.
(define (chunkify lst)
(cond [(null? lst) null]
(let-values ([(chunk tail) (get-chunk (cdr lst) (list (car lst)))])
(cons chunk (chunkify tail)))]))
;; get-chunk : (listof number) (non-empty-listof number)
;; -> (values (non-empty-listof number) (listof number))
;; Consumes a single chunk, returns chunk and unused tail.
;; rchunk is the prefix of the current chunk seen so far, reversed
(define (get-chunk lst rchunk)
(cond [(and (pair? lst)
(= (car lst) (add1 (car rchunk))))
(get-chunk (cdr lst)
(cons (car lst) rchunk))]
[else (values (reverse rchunk) lst)]))
I can think of a simple, straightforward solution using a single procedure with only primitive list operations and tail recursion (no values, let-values, call-with-values) - and it's pretty efficient. It works with all of your test cases, at the cost of adding a couple of if expressions during initialization for handling the empty list case. It's up to you to decide if this is concise:
(define (chunkify lst)
(let ((lst (reverse lst))) ; it's easier if we reverse the input list first
(let loop ((lst (if (null? lst) '() (cdr lst))) ; list to chunkify
(cur (if (null? lst) '() (list (car lst)))) ; current sub-list
(acc '())) ; accumulated answer
(cond ((null? lst) ; is the input list empty?
(cons cur acc))
((= (add1 (car lst)) (car cur)) ; is this a consecutive number?
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) cur) acc))
(else ; time to create a new sub-list
(loop (cdr lst) (list (car lst)) (cons cur acc)))))))
Yet another way to do it.
#lang racket
(define (split-between pred xs)
(let loop ([xs xs]
[ys '()]
[xss '()])
(match xs
[(list) (reverse (cons (reverse ys) xss))]
[(list x) (reverse (cons (reverse (cons x ys)) xss))]
[(list x1 x2 more ...) (if (pred x1 x2)
(loop more (list x2) (cons (reverse (cons x1 ys)) xss))
(loop (cons x2 more) (cons x1 ys) xss))])))
(define (consecutive? x y)
(= (+ x 1) y))
(define (group-consecutives xs)
(split-between (λ (x y) (not (consecutive? x y)))
(group-consecutives '(1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11))
(group-consecutives '(1 2 3))
(group-consecutives '(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13))
(group-consecutives '(1))
(group-consecutives '())
I want to play.
At the core this isn't really anything that's much different from what's
been offered but it does put it in terms of the for/fold loop. I've
grown to like the for loops as I think they make for much
more "viewable" (not necessarily readable) code. However, (IMO --
oops) during the early stages of getting comfortable with
racket/scheme I think it's best to stick to recursive expressions.
(define (chunkify lst)
(define-syntax-rule (consecutive? n chunk)
(= (add1 (car chunk)) n))
(if (null? lst)
(map reverse
(for/fold ([store `((,(car lst)))])
([n (cdr lst)])
(let*([chunk (car store)])
[(consecutive? n chunk)
(cons (cons n chunk) (cdr store))]
(cons (list n) (cons chunk (cdr store)))])))))))
(ƛ (lst)
(printf "input : ~s~n" lst)
(printf "output : ~s~n~n" (chunkify lst)))
'((1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11)
(1 2 3)
(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13)
Here's my version:
(define (chunkify lst)
(let loop ([lst lst] [last #f] [resint '()] [resall '()])
(if (empty? lst)
(append resall (list (reverse resint)))
(let ([ca (car lst)] [cd (cdr lst)])
(if (or (not last) (= last (sub1 ca)))
(loop cd ca (cons ca resint) resall)
(loop cd ca (list ca) (append resall (list (reverse resint))))))))))
It also works for the last test case.

Improving performance of Racket Code and error when trying to byte compile

I hacked together several code snippets from various sources and created a crude implementation of a Wolfram Blog article at http://bit.ly/HWdUqK - for those that are mathematically inclined, it is very interesting!
Not surprisingly, given that I'm still a novice at Racket, the code takes too much time to calculate the results (>90 min versus 49 seconds for the author) and eats up a lot of memory. I suspect it is all about the definition (expListY) which needs to be reworked.
Although I have it working in DrRacket, I am also having problems byte-compiling the source, and still working on it
(Error message: +: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: #f; other arguments were: 1 -1)
Anybody want to take a stab at improving the performance and efficiency? I apologize for the unintelligible code and lack of better code comments.
PS: Should I be cutting and pasting the code directly here?
Probably similar to soegaard's solution, except this one rolls its own "parser", so it's self contained. It produces the complete 100-year listing in a bit under 6 seconds on my machine. There's a bunch of tricks that this code uses, but it's not really something that would be called "optimized" in any serious way: I'm sure that it can be made much faster with some memoization, care for maximizing tree sharing etc etc. But for such a small domain it's not worth the effort... (Same goes for the quality of this code...)
BTW#1, more than parsing, the original solution(s) use eval which does not make things faster... For things like this it's usually better to write the "evaluator" manually. BTW#2, this doesn't mean that Racket is faster than Mathematica -- I'm sure that the solution in that post makes it grind redundant cpu cycles too, and a similar solution would be faster.
#lang racket
(define (tuples list n)
(let loop ([n n])
(if (zero? n)
(for*/list ([y (in-list (loop (sub1 n)))] [x (in-list list)])
(cons x y)))))
(define precedence
(let ([t (make-hasheq)])
(for ([ops '((#f) (+ -) (* /) (||))] [n (in-naturals)])
(for ([op ops]) (hash-set! t op n)))
(define (do op x y)
(case op
[(+) (+ x y)] [(-) (- x y)] [(*) (* x y)] [(/) (/ x y)]
[(||) (+ (* 10 x) y)]))
(define (run ops nums)
(unless (= (add1 (length ops)) (length nums)) (error "poof"))
(let loop ([nums (cddr nums)]
[ops (cdr ops)]
[numstack (list (cadr nums) (car nums))]
[opstack (list (car ops))])
(if (and (null? ops) (null? opstack))
(car numstack)
(let ([op (and (pair? ops) (car ops))]
[topop (and (pair? opstack) (car opstack))])
(if (> (hash-ref precedence op)
(hash-ref precedence topop))
(loop (cdr nums)
(cdr ops)
(cons (car nums) numstack)
(cons op opstack))
(loop nums
(cons (do topop (cadr numstack) (car numstack))
(cddr numstack))
(cdr opstack)))))))
(define (expr ops* nums*)
(define ops (map symbol->string ops*))
(define nums (map number->string nums*))
(string-append* (cons (car nums) (append-map list ops (cdr nums)))))
(define nums (for/list ([i (in-range 10 0 -1)]) i))
(define year1 2012)
(define nyears 100)
(define year2 (+ year1 nyears))
(define years (make-vector nyears '()))
(for ([ops (in-list (tuples '(+ - * / ||) 9))])
(define r (run ops nums))
(when (and (integer? r) (<= year1 r) (< r year2))
(vector-set! years (- r year1)
(cons ops (vector-ref years (- r year1))))))
(for ([solutions (in-vector years)] [year (in-range year1 year2)])
(if (pair? solutions)
(printf "~a = ~a~a\n"
year (expr (car solutions) nums)
(if (null? (cdr solutions))
(format " (~a more)" (length (cdr solutions)))))
(printf "~a: no combination!\n" year)))
Below is my implementation. I tweaked and optimized a thing or two in your code, in my laptop it takes around 35 minutes to finish (certainly an improvement!) I found that the evaluation of expressions is the real performance killer - if it weren't for the calls to the procedure to-expression, the program would finish in under a minute.
I guess that in programming languages that natively use infix notation the evaluation would be much faster, but in Scheme the cost for parsing and then evaluating a string with an infix expression is just too much.
Maybe someone can point out a suitable replacement for the soegaard/infix package? or alternatively, a way to directly evaluate an infix expression list that takes into account operator precedence, say '(1 + 3 - 4 & 7) - where & stands for number concatenation and has the highest precedence (for example: 4 & 7 = 47), and the other arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) follow the usual precedence rules.
#lang at-exp racket
(require (planet soegaard/infix)
(planet soegaard/infix/parser))
(define (product lst1 lst2)
(for*/list ([x (in-list lst1)]
[y (in-list lst2)])
(cons x y)))
(define (tuples lst n)
(if (zero? n)
(product lst (tuples lst (sub1 n)))))
(define (riffle numbers ops)
(if (null? ops)
(list (car numbers))
(cons (car numbers)
(cons (car ops)
(riffle (cdr numbers)
(cdr ops))))))
(define (expression-string numbers optuple)
(apply string-append
(riffle numbers optuple)))
(define (to-expression exp-str)
#'here (open-input-string exp-str))))
(define (make-all-combinations numbers ops)
(let loop ((opts (tuples ops (sub1 (length numbers))))
(acc '()))
(if (null? opts)
(let ((exp-str (expression-string numbers (car opts))))
(loop (cdr opts)
(cons (cons exp-str (to-expression exp-str)) acc))))))
(define (show-n-expressions all-combinations years)
(for-each (lambda (year)
(for-each (lambda (comb)
(when (= (cdr comb) year)
(printf "~s ~a~n" year (car comb))))
(printf "~n"))
Use it like this for replicating the results in the original blog post:
(define numbers '("10" "9" "8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "1"))
(define ops '("" "+" "-" "*" "/"))
; beware: this takes around 35 minutes to finish in my laptop
(define all-combinations (make-all-combinations numbers ops))
(show-n-expressions all-combinations
(build-list 5 (lambda (n) (+ n 2012))))
I snarfed Eli Barzilay's expression evaluator and plugged it into my solution, now the pre-calculation of all combinations is done in around 5 seconds! The show-n-expressions procedure still needs some work to avoid iterating over the whole list of combinations each time, but that's left as an exercise for the reader. What matters is that now brute-forcing the values for all the possible expression combinations is blazing fast.
#lang racket
(define (tuples lst n)
(if (zero? n)
(for*/list ((y (in-list (tuples lst (sub1 n))))
(x (in-list lst)))
(cons x y))))
(define (riffle numbers ops)
(if (null? ops)
(list (car numbers))
(cons (car numbers)
(cons (car ops)
(riffle (cdr numbers)
(cdr ops))))))
(define (expression-string numbers optuple)
(map (lambda (x)
(cond ((eq? x '&) "")
((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))
((number? x) (number->string x))))
(riffle numbers optuple))))
(define eval-ops
(let ((precedence (make-hasheq
'((& . 3) (/ . 2) (* . 2)
(- . 1) (+ . 1) (#f . 0))))
(apply-op (lambda (op x y)
(case op
((+) (+ x y)) ((-) (- x y))
((*) (* x y)) ((/) (/ x y))
((&) (+ (* 10 x) y))))))
(lambda (nums ops)
(let loop ((nums (cddr nums))
(ops (cdr ops))
(numstack (list (cadr nums) (car nums)))
(opstack (list (car ops))))
(if (and (null? ops) (null? opstack))
(car numstack)
(let ((op (and (pair? ops) (car ops)))
(topop (and (pair? opstack) (car opstack))))
(if (> (hash-ref precedence op)
(hash-ref precedence topop))
(loop (cdr nums)
(cdr ops)
(cons (car nums) numstack)
(cons op opstack))
(loop nums
(cons (apply-op topop (cadr numstack) (car numstack))
(cddr numstack))
(cdr opstack)))))))))
(define (make-all-combinations numbers ops)
(foldl (lambda (optuple tail)
(cons (cons (eval-ops numbers optuple) optuple) tail))
empty (tuples ops (sub1 (length numbers)))))
(define (show-n-expressions all-combinations numbers years)
(for-each (lambda (year)
(for-each (lambda (comb)
(when (= (car comb) year)
(printf "~s ~a~n"
(expression-string numbers (cdr comb)))))
(printf "~n"))
Use it like this:
(define numbers '(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1))
(define ops '(& + - * /))
; this is very fast now!
(define all-combinations (make-all-combinations numbers ops))
(show-n-expressions all-combinations numbers
(build-list 5 (lambda (n) (+ n 2012))))
As Óscar points out, the problem is that soegaard/infix is slow for this type of problem.
I found a standard shunting-yard parser for infix expressions on GitHub and wrote the following program in Racket:
#lang racket
(require "infix-calc.scm")
(define operators '("*" "/" "+" "-" ""))
(for*/list ([o1 (in-list operators)]
[o2 (in-list operators)]
[o3 (in-list operators)]
[o4 (in-list operators)]
[o5 (in-list operators)]
[o6 (in-list operators)]
[o7 (in-list operators)]
[o8 (in-list operators)]
[o9 (in-list operators)]
[expr (in-value
(apply string-append
(list "1" o1 "2" o2 "3" o3 "4" o4 "5" o5 "6" o6 "7" o7 "8" o8 "9" o9 "10")))]
#:when (= (first (calc expr)) 2012))
After a little less than 3 minutes the results are:
Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.2.900.2--2012-03-29(8c22c6c/a) [3m].
Language: racket; memory limit: 128 MB.
cpu time: 144768 real time: 148818 gc time: 25252
The infix parser was written by Andrew Levenson.
The parser and the above code can be found here:
this isn't a complete answer, but i think it's an alternative to the library Óscar López is asking for. unfortunately it's in clojure, but hopefully it's clear enough...
(def default-priorities
{'+ 1, '- 1, '* 2, '/ 2, '& 3})
(defn- extend-tree [tree priorities operator value]
(if (seq? tree)
(let [[op left right] tree
[old new] (map priorities [op operator])]
(if (> new old)
(list op left (extend-tree right priorities operator value))
(list operator tree value)))
(list operator tree value)))
(defn priority-tree
([operators values] (priority-tree operators values default-priorities))
([operators values priorities] (priority-tree operators values priorities nil))
([operators values priorities tree]
(if-let [operators (seq operators)]
(if tree
(rest operators) (rest values) priorities
(extend-tree tree priorities (first operators) (first values)))
(let [[v1 v2 & values] values]
(recur (rest operators) values priorities (list (first operators) v1 v2))))
; [] [+ & *] [1 2 3 4] 1+23*4
; [+ 1 2] [& *] [3 4] - initial tree
; [+ 1 [& 2 3]] [*] [4] - binds more strongly than + so replace right-most node
; [+ 1 [* [& 2 3] 4]] [] [] - descend until do not bind more tightly, and extend
(println (priority-tree ['+ '& '*] [1 2 3 4])) ; 1+23*4
(println (priority-tree ['& '- '* '+ '&] [1 2 3 4 5 6])) ; 12 - 3*4 + 56
the output is:
(+ 1 (* (& 2 3) 4))
(+ (- (& 1 2) (* 3 4)) (& 5 6))
[update] adding the following
(defn & [a b] (+ b (* 10 a)))
(defn all-combinations [tokens length]
(if (> length 0)
(for [token tokens
smaller (all-combinations tokens (dec length))]
(cons token smaller))
(defn all-expressions [operators digits]
(map #(priority-tree % digits)
(all-combinations operators (dec (count digits)))))
(defn all-solutions [target operators digits]
(doseq [expression
(filter #(= (eval %) target)
(all-expressions operators digits))]
(println expression)))
(all-solutions 2012 ['+ '- '* '/ '&] (range 10 0 -1))
solves the problem, but it's slow - 28 minutes to complete. this is on a nice, fairly recent laptop (i7-2640M).
(+ (- (+ 10 (* 9 (& 8 7))) (& 6 5)) (* 4 (& (& 3 2) 1)))
(+ (- (+ (+ (* (* 10 9) 8) 7) 6) 5) (* 4 (& (& 3 2) 1)))
(- (- (+ (- (& 10 9) (* 8 7)) (* (& (& 6 5) 4) 3)) 2) 1)
(i only printed 2012 - see code above - but it would have evaluated the entire sequence).
so, unfortunately, this doesn't really answer the question, since it's no faster than Óscar López's code. i guess the next step would be to put some smarts into the evaluation and so save some time. but what?
[update 2] after reading the other posts here i replaced eval with
(defn my-eval [expr]
(if (seq? expr)
(let [[op left right] expr]
(case op
+ (+ (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
- (- (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
* (* (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
/ (/ (my-eval left) (my-eval right))
& (& (my-eval left) (my-eval right))))
and the running time drops to 45 secs. still not great, but it's a very inefficient parse/evaluation.
[update 3] for completeness, the following is an implementation of the shunting-yard algorithm (a simple one that is always left-associative) and the associated eval, butit only reduces the time to 35s.
(defn shunting-yard
([operators values] (shunting-yard operators values default-priorities))
([operators values priorities]
(let [[value & values] values]
(shunting-yard operators values priorities nil (list value))))
([operators values priorities stack-ops stack-vals]
; (println operators values stack-ops stack-vals)
(if-let [[new & short-operators] operators]
(let [[value & short-values] values]
(if-let [[old & short-stack-ops] stack-ops]
(if (> (priorities new) (priorities old))
(recur short-operators short-values priorities (cons new stack-ops) (cons value stack-vals))
(recur operators values priorities short-stack-ops (cons old stack-vals)))
(recur short-operators short-values priorities (list new) (cons value stack-vals))))
(concat (reverse stack-vals) stack-ops))))
(defn stack-eval
([stack] (stack-eval (rest stack) (list (first stack))))
([stack values]
(if-let [[op & stack] stack]
(let [[right left & tail] values]
(case op
+ (recur stack (cons (+ left right) tail))
- (recur stack (cons (- left right) tail))
* (recur stack (cons (* left right) tail))
/ (recur stack (cons (/ left right) tail))
& (recur stack (cons (& left right) tail))
(recur stack (cons op values))))
(first values))))
Interesting! I had to try it, it's in Python, hope you don't mind. It runs in about 28 seconds, PyPy 1.8, Core 2 Duo 1.4
from __future__ import division
from math import log
from operator import add, sub, mul
div = lambda a, b: float(a) / float(b)
years = set(range(2012, 2113))
none = lambda a, b: a * 10 ** (int(log(b, 10)) + 1) + b
priority = {none: 3, mul: 2, div: 2, add: 1, sub: 1}
symbols = {none: '', mul: '*', div: '/', add: '+', sub: '-', None: ''}
def evaluate(numbers, operators):
ns, ops = [], []
for n, op in zip(numbers, operators):
while ops and (op is None or priority[ops[-1]] >= priority[op]):
last_n = ns.pop()
last_op = ops.pop()
n = last_op(last_n, n)
return n
def display(numbers, operators):
return ''.join([
i for n, op in zip(numbers, operators) for i in (str(n), symbols[op])])
def expressions(years):
numbers = 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
operators = none, add, sub, mul, div
pools = [operators] * (len(numbers) - 1) + [[None]]
result = [[]]
for pool in pools:
result = [x + [y] for x in result for y in pool]
for ops in result:
expression = evaluate(numbers, ops)
if expression in years:
yield '%d = %s' % (expression, display(numbers, ops))
for year in sorted(expressions(years)):
print year
