is it possible to run Omnetpp IDE in m1 based Mac? - omnet++

I used all commands as in omnetpp installation guide ( and also according to this answer. The $ make command worked and I also verified installation with:
$ cd samples/aloha
$ ./aloha
which started using qtenv.
but the problem is that the $ omnetpp command doest work with after printing
Starting the OMNeT++ IDE...
and eclipse IDE does not open.
is it possible to use this IDE in m1 Macs?
is there any alternate IDEs to workaround?

You did not specify what version of OMNeT++ you were trying to run. I'm assuming 5.6.
OMNeT++ 5.6 relies on the system-wide installed JRE to run the IDE. That may NOT be present on your system if you are running on ARM. OMNeT++ 6 and 5.7 comes with a built-in private JRE, so the IDE should work with those versions also in intel emulation mode.


omnetpp won't run on macOS after fresh installation

i installed omnetpp 5.6.2 on macOS m1, but it won't start after installation. The ide also would not start. Is there anyway I can fix this issue?
I tired to run from the ide subfolder but it still did not start.
As the installation guide states: OMNeT++ 5.6.2 does NOT support M1 macs. Use 5.7 which has workarounds to start in x86 emulation mode.

Installing OMNeT++ on M1 MacBook

Followed instructions given in
OMNeT++ Version - omnetpp-5.6.2
Device - MacBook Air M1 (MacOS Big Sur Version 11.4)
Encountered the following problems.
$. setenv -> didn't work (worked after replacing "." with "source")
$./configure -> gives the following error.
configure: error: Qtenv cannot find qmake -- maybe it is not in the PATH or has some exotic name (tested names were: qmake qmake-qt5 qmake5) - disabling Qtenv. You can try setting the QT_PATH variable in configure.user to a valid location
$ make -> gives the following error.
Makefile:54: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `'. Stop.
Is it possible to get OMNeT++ working on M1 Macs? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
There is no native support for M1 processors, especially because omnet++ 5.6 was released way before the M1 release, but you can run omnet with Rosetta2 in x86_64 mode. You would still get pretty decent performance. With x86_64 emulation I measured similar performance like on my last year high end AMD laptop. Native mode would give you a 25% boost compared to that.
To turn on the emulation for a shell window, start a new shell with
$ arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login
and then continue in that shell with
$ source setenv
$ ./configure
$ make
run everything from that shell window (as usual).
NOTE: OMNeT++ 5.6 relies on the system-wide installed JRE to run the IDE. That may NOT be present on your system if you are running on ARM. OMNeT++ 6 and 5.7 comes with a built-in private JRE, so the IDE should work with those versions also in intel emulation mode.
ps: OMNeT++ 6 may get native M1 support (this depends on the availability of some dependencies (JavaVM, Qt etc.). I'm also considering an ARM based docker image, that would allow running at native performance (as long as you have an XServer installed).

Graphic Interface not available when running simulation

I'm getting this error when running the configure file:
configure: error: Cannot build Qt apps, probably due to missing or too
old Qt packages. Make sure Qt development packages are installed and
newer than Qt 5.4. You can disable Qtenv by setting the WITH_QTENV
variable to "no" in configure.user
I've installed Qt5 and also added the path to the paths file.
My Qt version is 5.15.0 and my MacOS is Catalina (10.15.5 (19F101)).
Probably qmake is not able to build the Qt interfaces but I couldn't make it do it.
I think you're misunderstanding for OS support bit. macOS (After High Sierra version) is only use 64bit (x86_64). If you want to know your macOS support bit information, you can execute "uname -a" command in terminal.
i386: 32bit
x86_64: 64bit
I hope this has been useful. :D
It seems that my OS version is 32 bits and Qt5 is 64 bits. Since some of the binaries come in the 64 bits flavor, I was not able to use it with omnet++ 5.6.
I installed omnet++ version 5.0, but the program wouldn't run.
So I went back to omnet++ 5.6 and instead of using Qt, I compiled with tcl/tk and that worked for me.

How to run eclipse on bash on Ubuntu on Windows?

I have eclipse installed on my windows machine, but I can't seem to use it with bash so I installed eclipse on the bash terminal by using "sudo apt-get install eclipse". It installed fine, but I can't figure out how to launch the eclipse GUI from the linux subsystem so I can use it like the windows version. I tried using Xming and exporting DISPLAY, but that didn't work. Any ideas?
from what i understood from the link below, you require to update .bashrc to direct the GUI display to a X Server process. I installed xMing to run X Server from Windows 10. i also had to install gtk components that allowed me to run sublime text GUI from within WSL.
hope this helps
IMHO you should not install eclipse by apt but simply get your desired eclipse product from from , download and unzip it to your wanted location and just start eclipse.
I do not know any Linux distribution containing a newer eclipse bundled, so you are always having older versions being slower and having less features
You can update your eclipse installation directly inside eclipse Check for updates
You can have multiple installations at same time
If you want to get rid of a eclipse installation just remove the folder and you are done.
But of course you can also use bash directly in Windows with Eclipse.
Please look at or take a glimpse at You Tube Video about Bash Debugging with Bash Editor eclipse plugin on a Windows 10 machine
PS: I am the maintainer of the mentioned eclipse plugin

Installing openCV on Lion OS 10.7.4 Xcode 4.3.2

I'm trying to install openCV on university's iMac,
but the problem is our university's network is so strict.
and I couldn't install openCV using MacPorts.
I tried google to look for a way to install but it all failed
i guess because it is kind of old ways and because my network is so strict.
So if anybody knows a way that I can download a ready framework with how to use it inside
Xcode. or at least a framework with how to install it to work with Xcode.
or a way to download from the source and compile it then install it in Xcode
Because I tried the cmake way and I still have no luck to get it work.
thanks in advance.
sources I used:
I'm using Lion + Xcode 4.x branch, with OpenCV svn trunk. Everything works fine. You have to install cmake first, then get the code from the svn following the instructions at . The compilation process worked fine for me for all the core modules + the Qt module + the GPU module + TBB acceleration.
The instructions are the same as the Linux platform.
After setting up cmake configuration in a terminal (using ccmake for a more interactive tool),
I set the architecture to x86_64 (on my MBP Core 2 Duo), the target directory to /usr/local/(the default), and I have Intel TBB installed in /usr/local/.
Cmake generates the makefiles for you, so you just have to type make -j2 to compile, then sudo make install. If you're working on a workstation, then you have more CPU power, and you can replace the value 2 by more, e.g. 8.
