How to get the same file path in the different build version - go

I have a file in different path between develop and production version, how to keep the same when i want to test them?
// In develop version, file in
// In production version, file in

I like using a flag library like alecthomas/kingpin, which allows you to set a parameter like:
env := ""
appk.Flag("env", "Environnement (dev, qual, pprd or prod)").Envar("HOST_ENV").Short('e').Required().EnumVar(&env, "dev", "rct", "pprd", "prod")
Not only will you pass an environment name which is always correct (one of the four values "dev", "rct", "pprd", "prod"), but you can also not pass it directly, and it would still be detected through the system environment variable name "HOST_ENV"
You could also pass/set directly a file path/name.
But the idea remains: you can chose, with this library, between:
a config file
a parameter
an environment variable


How can I switch between env files based on the build command using godotenv?

I'm planning to use godotenv to setup different environments for my project but I am not sure how to switch between files like dev.env, uat.env, prod.env
I want to be able to just pass a value in my Docker command like RUN go build -o my-project --prod . and have godotenv pickup the relative env file - in this case prod.env (assuming this is the correct way.
Also, how can I make sure that the other env files don't get included in the build of a particular env.
I will advice you use the -X flag as suggested by Go Documentation on Command Line
Set the value of the string variable in importpath named name to value.
This is only effective if the variable is declared in the source code either uninitialized or initialized to a constant string expression. -X will not work if the initializer makes a function call or refers to other variables.
Note that before Go 1.5 this option took two separate arguments.
Such that you can then call any of your .env file referencing it location.
E.g. go build -ldflags="-X 'package_path.variable_name=new_value'"
That is
go build -ldflags "-X 'my/main/config.Version=v1.0.0'" -o $(MY_BIN) $(MY_SRC)
Hard coding your environment at the build stage seems odd to me. You don't want to build a diff image per env, that's wasteful.
The module documentation suggests a better approach:
Existing envs take precedence of envs that are loaded later.
The convention for managing multiple environments (i.e. development, test, production) is to create an env named {YOURAPP}_ENV and load envs in this order:
env := os.Getenv("FOO_ENV")
if "" == env {
env = "development"
godotenv.Load(".env." + env + ".local")
if "test" != env {
godotenv.Load(".env." + env)
godotenv.Load() // The Original .env

How to pass values from command line to cypress spec file?

I have a few different environments in which I am running Cypress tests (i.e. envA, envB, envC)
I run the tests like so:
npm run cypress:open -- --env apiEndpoint=
npm run cypress:open -- --env apiEndpoint=
npm run cypress:open -- --env apiEndpoint=
As you can see, the apiEndpoint varies based on the environment.
In one of my Cypress tests, I am testing a value that changes based on the environment being tested.
For example:
As you can see the text envA appears in this assertion.
The issue I'm facing is that if I run this test in envB, it will fail like so:
Expected: expect('')
Actual: expect('')
My question is - how can I update the spec files so that the correct URL is asserted when I run in the different environments?
I am wondering if there's a way to pass a value from the command line to the spec file to tell the spec file which environment I'm in, but I'm not sure if that's possible.
You can directly use the Cypress.env('apiEndpoint') in your assertions, so that whatever you're passing via CLI, your spec files has the same value -
And if you want to check that when you pass and the url you expect in the spec file is, You can use:
expect('apiEndpoint').replace('app', 'cdn').replace('', 'net') + '/myPage.html')
Your best bet, in my opinion, is to utilize environment configs (envA.json, envB.json, etc)
Keep all of the property names in the configs identical, and then apply the values based on the environment:
// envA.json file
"env": {
"baseUrl": ""
// envB.json file
"env": {
"baseUrl": ""
That way, you can call Cypress.env('baseUrl') in your test, and no matter what, the right property should be loaded in.
You would call your environment from the command line with the following syntax:
"cypress run --config-file cypress\\config\\envA.json",
This sets up the test run to grab the right config from the start.
Calling the url for login, for example, would be something like:
Best of luck to you!

How can I use different Cypress.env() variables for Circle testing?

I am doing some automatic testing on Circleci, with different enviromental variables: I need one port for my local testing and a different one for Circleci.
How can I make Cypress do that? I tried making, but that does not seem to work
The cypress docs explain 5 ways to set variables.
To use one port locally and one on CircleCI I would:
Add a default port to cypress.json under the env section for local use so you don't have to think about it, and anyone else contributing will have a working version.
Set an environment variable in CircleCI named cypress_VAR_NAME which will override default in cypress.json
cypress.json example
"env": {
"the_port": 5000
CircleCI variable would then be cypress_the_port and you would read it in your specs as parseInt(Cypress.env('the_port')) (assuming your spec needs an integer for port)

How can I identify a Buildbot environment by environnment variable?

Does Buildbot provide an environment variable in CI jobs to allow it's identification like e.g. Travis does with TRAVIS?
Last I checked Buildbot does not set an environment variable which has for purpose to indicate that build code is being run through buildbot. In my own setup I do need a few variables that my build code uses so I've setup a dictionary like this:
from buildbot.plugins import util
env = {
'BUILDBOT': '1',
'BUILD_TAG': util.Interpolate("%(prop:buildername)s-%(prop:buildnumber)s"),
'BUILDER': util.Property('buildername')
This dictionary can then be used to configure builders:
workernames=["a", "b"],
env=env, ...)
The env parameter makes it so that all shell commands issued by this builder will use the environment variables I've declared in my dictionary.
I use BUILDBOT to detect whether the code is running in buildbot at all. The other variables are passed over to services like Sauce Labs and BrowserStack in order to identify the builds there, or they are used for diagnostic purposes.

capistrano 3.8, shared_path seems partly be ignored

I'm working on a capistrano deployment configuration and would like to set the shared folder on another place. Background is, that I want to use a wildcard deployment (review app) and the target directory will be generated on-the-fly (which means, there isn't a shared folder in it) and I would use the shared folder with the assets across ALL review apps in this environment.
Therefore I have directories on the server:
/var/www/review/application_name/shared/... (here are the assets and configurations I would like to share across ALL review apps)
/var/www/review/application_name/branch-name/ - this is the deployment path which will be created by capistrano when deploying a specific branch to the review stage.
I have used shared_path
set :shared_path, "/var/www/review/#{fetch(:application)}"
which works fine for the linked_dirs, but NOT for the linked_files. I get the error message:
00:01 deploy:check:linked_files
ERROR linked file /var/www/review/ does not exist on
which is true - but I don't know how to tell cap to put it in place. Of course the named file is in the shared folder
but capistrano seems to search on the wrong place when trying to check the linked_files (again: the linked_dirs are processed correct).
Any hints? Thanks in advance!
The shared_path is not something you can configure directly. Using set will not have any effect.
The shared path in Capistrano is always a directory named shared inside your :deploy_to location. Therefore if you want to change the shared path, you must set :deploy_to, like so:
set :deploy_to, -> { "/var/www/review/#{fetch(:application)}" }
This will effectively cause shared_path to become:
Keep in mind that :deploy_to is used as the base directory for many things: releases, repo, current, etc. So if you change :deploy_to you will affect all of them.
If your :application variable is defined at some later point, or changed, you'll need to set to a deferred variable:
set :shared_path, -> { "/var/www/review/#{fetch(:application)}" }
This evaluates that string on-demand instead of in advance.
