capistrano 3.8, shared_path seems partly be ignored - ruby

I'm working on a capistrano deployment configuration and would like to set the shared folder on another place. Background is, that I want to use a wildcard deployment (review app) and the target directory will be generated on-the-fly (which means, there isn't a shared folder in it) and I would use the shared folder with the assets across ALL review apps in this environment.
Therefore I have directories on the server:
/var/www/review/application_name/shared/... (here are the assets and configurations I would like to share across ALL review apps)
/var/www/review/application_name/branch-name/ - this is the deployment path which will be created by capistrano when deploying a specific branch to the review stage.
I have used shared_path
set :shared_path, "/var/www/review/#{fetch(:application)}"
which works fine for the linked_dirs, but NOT for the linked_files. I get the error message:
00:01 deploy:check:linked_files
ERROR linked file /var/www/review/ does not exist on
which is true - but I don't know how to tell cap to put it in place. Of course the named file is in the shared folder
but capistrano seems to search on the wrong place when trying to check the linked_files (again: the linked_dirs are processed correct).
Any hints? Thanks in advance!

The shared_path is not something you can configure directly. Using set will not have any effect.
The shared path in Capistrano is always a directory named shared inside your :deploy_to location. Therefore if you want to change the shared path, you must set :deploy_to, like so:
set :deploy_to, -> { "/var/www/review/#{fetch(:application)}" }
This will effectively cause shared_path to become:
Keep in mind that :deploy_to is used as the base directory for many things: releases, repo, current, etc. So if you change :deploy_to you will affect all of them.

If your :application variable is defined at some later point, or changed, you'll need to set to a deferred variable:
set :shared_path, -> { "/var/www/review/#{fetch(:application)}" }
This evaluates that string on-demand instead of in advance.


Is there a way to ignore parse error in KConfig file for Nuttx make menuconfig setup

Using menuconfig for nuttx development.
Was trying to do below for custom board setup:
source "configs/FOO/Kconfig"
Problem here, I would like to have some permission control for FOO directory. So not all users can see it.
However, kconfig language seems will always parse the file no matter the if condition is true or not. Therefore this causing make menuconfig could not open for users do not have permission of FOO directory.
Anyone know solution for that?
Try using a custom board configuration. Then your board directory can lie inside or outside of the NuttX source tree. In either case, it will not be visible to the configuration system. you would configure this like:
... and other options ...
In the above example, the board directory lies outside of the NuttX source tree and is an absolute path. The board configuration could also lie inside of the NuttX and the path may be specified as relative to the top-level directory with:
For example:
Now if CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM=y is not defined, there is no way to access /home/users/me/myboard or configs/FOO from the configuration system.
This works because the custom board Kconfig file will be linked to configs/dummy/Kconfig in the custom configuration with CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM=y. Otherwise configs/dummy/Kconfig will be linked to an empty configuration to satisfy the configuration system.
In order to ignore the error, you could use:
-source "configs/FOO/Kconfig"

Why would I get "Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory" when viewing a Sinatra form?

I am trying to follow this tutorial:
Got stuck in "We’ll also make use of a “view file”, which allows us to split the markup for a view into a separate file. "
I have my basics.rb file running fine.
And My files are stored as follows:
However, now when i go to http://localhost:9393/form , I am greeted with:
Errno::EIO at /form
Input/output error - <STDERR> file: lint.rb location: write line: 398
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory -
UPDATE! : Got the form to work right after running ruby basics.rb and going to http://localhost:4567/form .
However, after I run "shotgun basics.rb" , I have to go to
http://localhost:9393/form, and that's when the form doesn't show up.
What am I doing wrong? Disclaimer: mega beginner to ruby and using the terminal.
Thanks in advance!
If you cannot get shotgun to work then the new recommended way to reload Sinatra seems to be rerun.
To use it:
> gem install rerun
> cd /Users/HelenasMac/Desktop/RubyForm
> rerun ruby basics.rb
Explicity Set a Views Directory
Unless you're using inline template for your views with enable :inline_templates, you may need to explicitly define a template directory if the default values aren't working for you. The docs describe how to set your views directory as follows:
:views - view template directory
A string specifying the directory where view templates are located. By default, this is assumed to be a directory named “views” within the application’s root directory (see the :root setting). The best way to specify an alternative directory name within the root of the application is to use a deferred value that references the :root setting:
set :views, { File.join(root, "templates") }
You may also need to explicitly set :root, and make sure that both :root and :views make sense from your current working directory.

Chef-solo: deploy: access to release_path

I have following Chef cookbook:
deploy "/home/prj" do
repo "https://path_to_repo"
user node.project_owner
group node.project_owner
How can I access to the provider's release path? In my case in will be: /home/prj/releases/20120506125222/ .
It depends on where you want to access the release path. "Inside" the resource, i.e. the callbacks, that's easily possible using something iike
deploy "/home/prj" do
before_migrate do
gemfile ="#{release_path}/Gemfile")
Outside of the resource, you don't have the release_path variable available. You can however use the current symlink which points to the currently deployed version, i.e. the last release:
current_path = "home/prj/current"
release_path = File.readlink(current_path)
Most of the time, you can to things directly in the current_path without having to resort to resolving the symlink target.
That said, you typically don't want to actually do things in there directly. Instead, you are encouraged to generate additional files in the shared directory (i.e. /home/prk/shared) and let chef symlink those files into the release during deployment. That's exactly what symlink_before_migrate is for. That way, you don't need to actually know the release path yourself but can let chef handle that for you.

How can I change config file path in Codeigniter?

I use Codeigniter framework , and you know when I try to load a config file then use it
I do something like that :
$this->load->config('myconfig', TRUE);
myconfig.php file is located inside application folder ( application/config/myconfig.php)
and use it like this :
$this->config->item('get_item', 'myconfig')
My question is : how can I change the location of myconfig file and use it properly ?
I want to put the config file(s) in out folder like this :
mysite -> system(folder)
mysite -> user_guide(folder)
mysite -> myConfigFiles(folder)
mysite -> myConfigFiles(folder) / myconfig.php
I need to do something like this :
$this->load->config(base_url.'myConfigFiles/myconfig', TRUE);
any help ?
Yes - it is possible to do this. The loader will accept ../../relative/paths. You can use a path relative from the default config directory (an absolute path will not work).
So let's say you have this structure (had a hard time following your description):
config <-- default directory
You can just do this:
$this->load->config('../../myConfigFiles/myconfig', TRUE);
This works for pretty much everything - views, libraries, models, etc.
Note that with the introduction of the ENVIRONMENT constant in version 2.0.1, you can automatically check for config files within the config directory in another directory that matches the name of the current environment. This is really intended to be a convenience method for loading different files depending on if you are in production or development. I'm not 100% sure what your goals are, but this additional knowledge may also help you achieve them, or it may be totally irrelevant.
Really not sure WHY you would want to do this (and I wouldn't recommend it), but since all config files are is regular PHP files you can put a config file in the standard location that loads your extra config files. As an example:
mysite -> application -> config -> myconfigloader.php
then in myconfigloader.php put this:
So once you do
$this->load->config('myconfigloader', TRUE);
It will load everything in your myconfig.php file. Let me know if that works for you.

Capistrano: How to Include common settings in multiple project deploy.rb files

this is probably a newbie ruby question. I have several libraries and apps that I need to deploy to several different hosts. All of the apps and libs will share some common settings for those hosts-- e.g. host name, database server/user/pass, etc.
My goal is to do something like:
cap host1 stage deploy
cap host2 stage deploy
cap host1 prod deploy
# ...
My question is how do you include these common settings in all of your deploy.rb files? More specifically, I want to create a an rb file that I can include that has some common settings and several host specific task definitions:
set :use_sudo, false
# set some other options
task :host1 do
role :app, ""
role :web, ""
role :db, "", :primary => true
set :rodb_host, "dbhost"
set :rodb_user, "user"
set :rodb_pass, "pass"
set :rodb_name, "db"
task :host2 do
deploy.task :carsala do
transaction do
And then "include" this file in all of my deploy.rb files where I define stage, prod, etc and overwrite any "common" configuration parameters as necessary. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I've tried a few different things, but I get errors from cap for all of them.
Edit: I've tried
require 'my_module'
But I get errors complaining about an undefined task object.
I just experimented with it a little more and what I discovered is that you have to:
load 'config/my_module'
I can put all of my common definitions here and just load it into my deploy.rb.
It appears from the docs that load loads and executes the file. Alternatively, require attempts to load the library specified. I'm not totally sure about real difference, but it appears that there is some separation between the current app symbol space and the library require'd (hence the errors about the undefined task object) that isn't a problem when you do a load.
require 'my_extension'
Save your extensions in my_extension.rb
Jon has it right, that's the simplest way to go, just save it in a separate file and use require 'filename'. You could also use something fancy like Webistrano for deployment which also supports this in the form of Capistrano 'Recipes'. I've been using it for a while on a few projects and have come to love it.
I'm not sure how complex your needs are, but this works well for me for deployment:
set :application, "app"
set :scm, :subversion
# ... set all your common variables
task :staging do
set :repository, "http://app/repository/trunk/"
# ... set other uncommon variables in task
task :production do
set :repository, "http://app/repository/production/"
# ...
Deployment is just
cap staging deploy
cap production deploy
