Windows: problem closing 32-bit consolle application - windows

I am working on an application that when compiled in debug mode for Win32 (on a x64 machine), just before exiting, throws this exception:
From what I was able to reconstruct, it seems that the offending line of code is this, in the xmemroy0.h header:
// If the following asserts, it likely means that we are performing
// an aligned delete on memory coming from an unaligned allocation.
_STL_ASSERT(_Ptr_user[-2] == _Big_allocation_sentinel, "invalid argument");
It seems that this happens when a dll of mine (which is part of the application) is unloaded by the SO. It doesn't seem to be a directly a problem of my software, but I fear I could be the indirect cause of the problem by not handling correctly the dll boilerplate code. For example I am doing nothing special to handle attachments/detachments in the dll. What seems wired to me is that the x64 version seems to work just fine.
Any clue from a senior system programmer that could point me in the right direction would be highly appreciated. I don't really know how to debug this, I am not an expert of the Windows internals.


C++/CLI application hanging after compiling on Windows 10

I have a mixed managed and unmanaged C++ application that's working quite well. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 to compile it, and all is well. Recently I upgraded my computer to Windows 10, and now it's not working.
If I get the executable compiled on Windows 8, it runs properly on Windows 10. It only fails if I compile it on Windows 10.
The failure is peculiar as well. I run the EXE and nothing happens. When I run it from Visual Studio it doesn't even reach the first line of main. Breakpoints are all marked as 'disabled'. When I break the running process the debugger shows an empty stack trace.
UPDATE: Hunch about DLL loading turned into a fact:
I used Process Explorer and I see the process has two threads. The one starting at !CorExeMain is stuck at !LdrLoadDll, but I can't tell which DLL that is.
OK, found the DLL that causes the problem. I've created a C++/CLI console application, used that DLL and got the same behavior. The DLL is part of the application (and part of the VS solution). It's a native C++ DLL, compiled with the same compiler and settings. This DLL references other DLLs unfortunately.
This is a generic problem called "LoaderLock". The operating system makes very strong guarantees when it calls the DllMain() entrypoint of a DLL. Strictly in loading order, they never run at the same time. There is a lock in the OS loader that ensures these promises are kept.
And a lock always has the potential to cause deadlock. It will happen when the DllMain() entrypoint does something unwise like loading the DLL itself with LoadLibrary(). Or call a function that requires the OS to have a DLL already loaded. Can't work, its DllMain() entrypoint can't be called because the loader lock is held. The program will freeze. C++/CLI apps are prone to this problem, lots of stuff tends to happen in DllMain(). Indirectly, you can't see it in your code.
You can only see it with the debugger. You must change its flavor, Project > Properties > Debugging > Debugger Type, change it from "Auto" to "Mixed". You'll now also see the unmanaged code that is running including the OS loader functions, name starts with "Ldr". Be sure to enable the Microsoft Symbol Server with Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols. And be sure to use the Debug > Windows > Threads debugging window as well, the truly tricky loader deadlocks that don't repeat well or appear to be affected by the OS version are caused by another thread loading a DLL.
Diagnosing and fixing it can be difficult, be sure to reserve the time you need to dig in. If you can't make heads or tails of the stack traces then post them in your question.
Before taking #Hans Passant advice I carefully combed through the code, dumpbin /dependentsed the executables and DLLs and made sure there were no custom DllMains. There were none. DLLs were indeed loaded with LoadLibrary, but that was happening long after the loading DLLs were loaded.
So I took #Hans Passant advice. Set up the debugger properly and checked the state of the process during the deadlock. One of the threads was stuck in LdrLoadDll.
It took a little tinkering to find the name of the DLL that was passed to LdrLoadDll. It was AVGHOOK.DLL .
I disabled AVG, and lo and behold - everything is back to normal.
This is the second time AVG is messing with me. The previous time I nearly replaced a printer until I figured out all the PCL errors disappeared when I disabled AVG. I think I'm not going to use it any more.
I have put our comment ping pong into a full text:
As you found out, that your application did not load, you needed to check if applications on your system (W10, VS2013) run at all.
Reply: A test console app is running fine.
If your application doesn't run, build up a similar application and step-by-step put code of your app into the new app until it fails.
If the failure is causes by a DLL (which cannot be loaded, as it was in your case), remove DLLs from your app until it works. Alternatively build a dummy console app, include DLL #1 and use some functions of that DLL. Compile, run, check. Go on until DLL #n...
Reply: faulty DLL was found.
Reference only this DLL in the test app to ensure it's this DLL only and not a combination of DLLs.
Is it a managed DLL or a native C++ DLL?
If the faulty DLL is from a foreign source: bad luck. Ask the developer for support.
If it's your own: Did you compile the faulty DLL on W10+VS2013, too, or did you copy it from your previous system? I suggest you compile this DLL again on the new system.
Reply: it's a native C++ DLL, which is part of the solution and is compiled together with the main app.
This DLL references other DLLs unfortunately.
Create a new console app, that references not your faulty application DLL, but the DLLs which are referenced by YOUR DLL. Omit the intermediate step to detect if the failure comes from the other DLLs.
The general procedure is: Split up faulty code to find out out which part is causing trouble. Romans already knew this 2000 years ago: Divide et impera ;-) Though they did it in a different context...
We had the exact same problem here during several weeks ! And we finally found a solution !
In our case, it was the anti-virus Avast which was corrupting the generated .exe !
The solution was to simply disable all agents while generating the release !
If you use another anti-virus, try to disable it.

Rational Functional Tester vb6 - Stackhash Crash on Win7

Ive got an issue using RFT with VB6 on Win7 (32,64) bit. This isnt is not present on Windows XP.
I am unable to highlight objects, or call verification points as the VB6 application crashes with a stackhash error. I have done weeks of research and have tried various things(DEP, Compatibility mode, clean boots etc) but am thus far unable to isolate the issue.
It seems that certain properties, these can vary, are not available once the program has been compiled. Running the application through VB6 IDE in debug mode does not result in a crash. Once compiled though, the crash occurs constantly.
I have used Windbg to debug the error to see what happens, and can see that there is a call to unallocated memory, resulting in heap corruption. What causes this? Is there anyway around this?
Any help would be appreciated :)

Troubleshooting VB6 App Crash after XP to Win7 Upgrade

I have a VB6 application that I provide support for. This application works on both Windows XP and Windows 7. Some users were migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7 using the User State Migration tool. These users now receive a generic "Application has crashed" Windows error message when they open certain screens (forms) in the application. My assumption is that there is a missing dll/ocx reference, but I'm having trouble tracking it down.
I've tried many/varied troubleshooting techniques:
Full uninstall and reinstall of my application
Manually re-registering all dll's and ocx's that I know are used
Running Process Monitor on a broken computer and a working computer to compare what dll's and ocx's are accessed. The answer might be here but even after filtering out most of the background noise the amount of data is overwhelming. At a minimum I reviewed all of the calls right before it crashes and all of the calls that were not successful. All of the non-successful calls match between working and non-working.
Installed the Windows Debugger Tools and captured a crash dump. Analyzed the crash dump with DebugDiag. DebugDiag says the exception is in msvbvm60.dll. I tried building a PDB file for my exe and loading it in DebugDiag to get more detail about where the exception is occuring but DebugDiag doesn't want to accept the PDB (might be doing something wrong here, but it just seems to ignore it. This same PDB file works fine when I do remote debugging, however.)
I recompiled my VB6 program without any optimizations in PCode. I've read online that sometimes building in PCode, while bad for performance, will tell you the real exception.
Used the above created PDB file to remote debug the VB6 application. The debugger says that the application crashes after the new window has been created, on a line that sets MousePointer = vbHourGlass... To me it seems unlikely that this is the real cause of the error. There are at least 20 other locations in the program where this same line is called and all work fine.
(Forgot about this one)
Used Dependency Walker and profiled the application on both a working and non-working computer. All errors found by dependency walker were the same between the two computers. There were no additional dependencies found on a working computer, and all missing dependencies on the non-working computer were also missing on the working one.
None of these actions changed my error message or showed me what the error is (unless it really is the mouse cursor issue)... There are no entries in the Windows Event Log related to the app crash.
The non-working and working computers all have the same base Windows 7 image, the only difference is whatever is being changed by USMT, which further convinces me that this is some kind of quirky configuration change or a missing dll/ocx or perhaps an unregistered dll/ocx.
Any ideas or thoughts on how I can track down the root cause of the issue would be greatly appreciated.
Update 1 - Response to questions
#MarkHall I have tried running it as admin, though not with UAC off. The application runs fine on a Windows 7 box as a non-admin with full UAC. Windows XP was 32-bit, Windows 7 is 64-bit, but again it works just fine on a like for like box where the user was not migrated from Windows XP.
#Beaner It's possible that it stores settings somewhere that have been corrupted, but the remote debugging leads me to think that it's more likely something else since it seems to die on a step related to the UI, which then makes me think it's probably a missing dll/ocx reference.
#Bob77 The application is installed into Program Files (x86). While many of the libraries do reside in the same folder, they are all registered.
Peter, often I've noticed that the debugger will indicate a line of code that is actually incorrect, depending on WHERE in the actual assembly language the fault occurs. You should look REAL close around your statement that sets the cursor to vbHourGlass. Your exception is PROBABLY happening BEFORE that line of code, but that line is what the debugger thinks is the actual faulted line of code.
Since you said it happens when a window OPENS, I'd look real close at any ocx's you may have referenced on the form, but perhaps NOT actually being used, or called. You might have one there that you don't intend to be there, that could be causing security issues, or something on Win7? Edit the .frm file by hand if you have to, and look at all the GUIDs the form references.
It is possible that one machine is using PER-USER registration, and the other is using PER-SYSTEM registration?? I don't know...
I would take a much closer look at the form that you are trying to open, and be VERY cautious of everything you are doing in the form load events, and so on. This sounds like it could be something as stupid as Windows Aero being enabled on one system, and not another, or some other sort of "Theme" setting that is throwing the VB Form Rendering routine into a hissyfit... Perhaps even something as stupid as a transparent color index in the icon you selected for that from?
If you are still developing this app, (or at least maintaining it), create an entirely NEW form, and re-create all the controls, etc, on the form (resist the temptation to copy/paste them from the old one...), and then see if THAT does the trick. Then, copy all the event code to the new form one event at a time, with at LEAST enough event code to make the form function, even if it's just a "dead form", that loads no data, or whatever the form is supposed to do. Check and debug after each change, and you WILL find it eventually. Of course, make sure you isolate one of the defunct systems to have a platform that you can duplicate the issue on, or then it's just guessing. I find that using something like Acronis w/ Universal Restore is a great option to then take the image file into a good HV, like VirtualBox, and then restore that image as a VM, so you can debug without interfering with your actual users. This sounds like a lot of work, but then again, so is re-writing an application that already exists, right? :)
Failing THAT... /* and */ are your friends!! (Well, we're dealing with VB, so ' would be your best friend! heh... But I'd start commenting out all the code on the form until that sucker opens. Then once it opens, start putting one line back at a time, and re-running it... That's called "VooDoo Debugging", but sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do...
THANKS A LOT PETER! :) Now you got ME so involved in this, I feel like I'M the one debugging this sucker! Like if it was MY code I was trying to fix! :)
Let me know if any of this helps... I am actually quite interested in what you discover.

HeapAlloc causes excpetion - Windows 7 x64

Before some time i coded my own little db editor program, i was coding it from the zero using Win API's so its not very small project.
It was working fine on all OS till now, i have Win 7 x64 with all latest updates and my application is crashing with 0xC000005 exception because of some of the Heap functions(HeapAlloc or HeapFree, i use nothing else), i tried replacing HeapAlloc & HeapFree with VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree and it was all fine, but i dont want to use the virtual memory....
Something else, i tried to attach with debugger to trace the problem, but when i attach debugger its not crashing, then i tried to display MessageBox to trace where it crashes, but when i display MessageBox its not crashing too....
My application is running as 32bit process.
Coded in C.
Anyone had similar problem ?
Firstly, both HeapAlloc and VirtualAlloc allocate virtual memory.
My guess as to what is happening is that you are writing past the boundary of the allocated memory. The reason why this does not work with HeapAlloc is that it allocates exactly the amount of memory you request. With VirtualAlloc, the size returned is the requested size rounded up to the next page boundary. In your case, this gave a bit more leeway (even though your code is still doing the wrong thing).
In terms of why it has been working so far: you just got lucky. Look carefully at the code accessing the allocated memory and if you get stuck, post the relevant part up here. If the debugger isn't helping and the bug is easily reproducible, just comment out parts of the code until you locate the line causing the crash.
Have you attached it to Debug version of your application? If the problem does not appear in debug version then you should check what warnings (on highest level) generate your code, maybe you will find some uninitialized variables. If nothing here, then you might use some static analysis tool to help with finding bugs - like PVS-Studio
You can also compile Release version with debugging information enabled, this way when problem arrises you should be able to attach to your application with debugger and see callstack with function names. To make it easier to debug, disable code optimizations.
You can also try gflags from windows debugger tools, this program will trigger breakpoint each time you write outside of buffer boundary. This is really helpfull tool because not all buffer overruns end up with exceptions. Use it on application with debugging information enabled, and preferably with code optimizations off. To enable gflags for your app use:
gflags /p /enable myapp.exe /full

Access violation inside LoadLibrary() call

I encounter an access violation when calling a DLL inside LabVIEW. Let's call the DLL "extcode.dll". I don't have its code, it comes from an external manufacturer.
Running it in Windbg, it stopped with the message:
(724.1200): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
And call stack is:
Note that dependencies of extcode.dll are loaded before access violation.
The situation is random, but when it happens all subsequent tries lead to it.
The code is a simple LabVIEW function calling a function in the DLL, and prototype is super simple (int function(void)) so it cannot be an misconfiguration of the call parameters, nor pointer arithmetics. I checked every combination of calling conventions and error checking levels.
The DLL runs perfectly fine when called in other environments (.NET and C).
I found that RtlFindClearBitsAndSet is related to bit array manipulations
What does it make you think about? Do you think it is a problem in extcode.dll, LabVIEW, or Windows?
PS: I use LabVIEW 2010 64 bit, on Windows 7 64 bit (and extcode.dll is 64 bit). I didn't manage to reproduce it on 32 bit system.
11/18 EDIT
I ended up making a standalone exe that wraps the DLL; LabVIEW communicates with it through pipes. It works perfectly, but I stil don't understand why loading a DLL into LabVIEW can crash.
If it works ok when called from C, you can quit working with Windbg because the DLL is probably ok. Something is wrong with how the DLL is being called, and once the DLL overwrites some of LabView's memory it is all over, even though it might take 1000 iterations before something actually goes kablooey.
First check your calling conventions, C or StdCall. C calling convention is the default and StdCall is almost certainly what you want. (Check the DLL header file.) LabView 2009 apparently did some auto-checking and fixing of calling conventions, but the switch to LLVM in LV 2010 has made this impossible; now it just tanks.
If it still tanks after changing this, check your calling arguments again. what you are passing, scalars or pointer data? You cannot access memory allocated by the DLL from LabView without doing some sneaky things, although you can allocate memory (i.e. byte array) in LabView and pass a pointer to it to the DLL for it to modify.
Also, if you are getting a pointer (such as a refnum) from an earlier call to DLL and returning it, check your pointer size. LabView's Call Library function now has a "pointer size integer" type, which generates the appropriately-sized type depending on whether it is invoked in 32-bit or 64-bit LabView. (It is always 64 bits on the wire, because that has to be defined at compile time.) The fact that your DLL works in 32 suggests this is a possibility.
Also keep in mind that C structs are often aligned by the (C) compiler. If you are passing a pointer to a struct made of a Uint8 and an UInt16, the C compiler will allocate 32 bits (or maybe even 64 bits) for this. You'll have to pad your struct (cluster) in LabView to make it match, or write a wrapper DLL to assemble the struct.
An access violation (0xc0000005) will also be reported if DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is enabled on your machine and disapproves of something your binary (EXE or DLL) is trying to do. DEP is usually off by default on Windows XP, but active on Windows Vista / Windows 7.
DEP is a hardware-supported security measure designed to prevent malicious code executing some bytes that previously were considered "just some data"; I've had a few run-ins with it, all of which required re-compiling the offending binaries with a recent version of Microsoft Visual Studio; this allows to you set a flag which defines whether or not your binary supports DEP.
Some useful resources:
I found this MSDN blog entry
very helpful for gaining an
understanding of what DEP is and does
You might also want to consult this
technet article on how to turn
DEP on and off on Windows XP.
This is hard to diagnose remotely, but here are a couple of ideas.
The fact that your function takes no arguments means that either the function is truly trivial, or there is some stored state in the dll that takes into account previous function calls. Maybe the crash in this function is only an indicator, and you have a problem with a previous function call? Is there an initilization routine you're not calling?
If you only have problem when using 64 bit labview, my first guess would be that there's a problem with the 64 bit version of the dll, but if you are sure you don't have any problem with the exact same calls when using the dll in other environments, I'm stumped. One possibility is that you are using the wrong calling convention (stdcall vs. cdecl) in labview.
Have you tried importing the dll and header using the labview import wizard? This might help avoid silly mistakes with the prototypes.
One other thing to try: right click on the DLL call, choose configure and make sure you're running in the UI thread instead of any thread. Sometimes this helps.
When working with git and cygwin under NTFS, i found that sometimes the executable bit is not set (or un-set during checkout or some file operations) - inside cygwin cd to the folder and do
chmod a+rwx *.dll
and check if it changes a thing (and check if you want it this way!). I found this question while searching for LoadLibrary() failing with GetLastError() returning 5 (not "0xc0000005" btw) and solved the issue with this chmod call.
