C++/CLI application hanging after compiling on Windows 10 - visual-studio-2013

I have a mixed managed and unmanaged C++ application that's working quite well. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 to compile it, and all is well. Recently I upgraded my computer to Windows 10, and now it's not working.
If I get the executable compiled on Windows 8, it runs properly on Windows 10. It only fails if I compile it on Windows 10.
The failure is peculiar as well. I run the EXE and nothing happens. When I run it from Visual Studio it doesn't even reach the first line of main. Breakpoints are all marked as 'disabled'. When I break the running process the debugger shows an empty stack trace.
UPDATE: Hunch about DLL loading turned into a fact:
I used Process Explorer and I see the process has two threads. The one starting at !CorExeMain is stuck at !LdrLoadDll, but I can't tell which DLL that is.
OK, found the DLL that causes the problem. I've created a C++/CLI console application, used that DLL and got the same behavior. The DLL is part of the application (and part of the VS solution). It's a native C++ DLL, compiled with the same compiler and settings. This DLL references other DLLs unfortunately.

This is a generic problem called "LoaderLock". The operating system makes very strong guarantees when it calls the DllMain() entrypoint of a DLL. Strictly in loading order, they never run at the same time. There is a lock in the OS loader that ensures these promises are kept.
And a lock always has the potential to cause deadlock. It will happen when the DllMain() entrypoint does something unwise like loading the DLL itself with LoadLibrary(). Or call a function that requires the OS to have a DLL already loaded. Can't work, its DllMain() entrypoint can't be called because the loader lock is held. The program will freeze. C++/CLI apps are prone to this problem, lots of stuff tends to happen in DllMain(). Indirectly, you can't see it in your code.
You can only see it with the debugger. You must change its flavor, Project > Properties > Debugging > Debugger Type, change it from "Auto" to "Mixed". You'll now also see the unmanaged code that is running including the OS loader functions, name starts with "Ldr". Be sure to enable the Microsoft Symbol Server with Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols. And be sure to use the Debug > Windows > Threads debugging window as well, the truly tricky loader deadlocks that don't repeat well or appear to be affected by the OS version are caused by another thread loading a DLL.
Diagnosing and fixing it can be difficult, be sure to reserve the time you need to dig in. If you can't make heads or tails of the stack traces then post them in your question.

Before taking #Hans Passant advice I carefully combed through the code, dumpbin /dependentsed the executables and DLLs and made sure there were no custom DllMains. There were none. DLLs were indeed loaded with LoadLibrary, but that was happening long after the loading DLLs were loaded.
So I took #Hans Passant advice. Set up the debugger properly and checked the state of the process during the deadlock. One of the threads was stuck in LdrLoadDll.
It took a little tinkering to find the name of the DLL that was passed to LdrLoadDll. It was AVGHOOK.DLL .
I disabled AVG, and lo and behold - everything is back to normal.
This is the second time AVG is messing with me. The previous time I nearly replaced a printer until I figured out all the PCL errors disappeared when I disabled AVG. I think I'm not going to use it any more.

I have put our comment ping pong into a full text:
As you found out, that your application did not load, you needed to check if applications on your system (W10, VS2013) run at all.
Reply: A test console app is running fine.
If your application doesn't run, build up a similar application and step-by-step put code of your app into the new app until it fails.
If the failure is causes by a DLL (which cannot be loaded, as it was in your case), remove DLLs from your app until it works. Alternatively build a dummy console app, include DLL #1 and use some functions of that DLL. Compile, run, check. Go on until DLL #n...
Reply: faulty DLL was found.
Reference only this DLL in the test app to ensure it's this DLL only and not a combination of DLLs.
Is it a managed DLL or a native C++ DLL?
If the faulty DLL is from a foreign source: bad luck. Ask the developer for support.
If it's your own: Did you compile the faulty DLL on W10+VS2013, too, or did you copy it from your previous system? I suggest you compile this DLL again on the new system.
Reply: it's a native C++ DLL, which is part of the solution and is compiled together with the main app.
This DLL references other DLLs unfortunately.
Create a new console app, that references not your faulty application DLL, but the DLLs which are referenced by YOUR DLL. Omit the intermediate step to detect if the failure comes from the other DLLs.
The general procedure is: Split up faulty code to find out out which part is causing trouble. Romans already knew this 2000 years ago: Divide et impera ;-) Though they did it in a different context...

We had the exact same problem here during several weeks ! And we finally found a solution !
In our case, it was the anti-virus Avast which was corrupting the generated .exe !
The solution was to simply disable all agents while generating the release !
If you use another anti-virus, try to disable it.


Memory consumption of Windows application

I hope the question is not too vague and someone can add some light to my problem.
I created a Windows application (makefile) with the chromium project (already asked about this problem in the chromium forum) and Visual Studio 2019.
The application starts some processes and each of them used around 20 KB memory but strangely this same application uses over 200 KB per process is some PCs with same Windows version.
(Memory usage after starting the application, nothing else done)
I have been fighting a couple of days with the compiler/linker options with no success. Still huge memory usage.
Chromium examples did not show this problem using my makefile which made me even more crazy.
At the end I ended up changing the name of the exe file, instead of app.exe just app1.exe and...problem gone, normal memory usage in all PCs which shown this problem.
I changed the name in the makefile to generate same executable but with different name and also changed in Windows Explorer the name of the original and problematic exe file with same positive result.
I renamed in Windows Explorer the good app1.exe application back to app.exe and the problem appeared again...
I am searching now for some kind of Windows configuration or program which could generate this problem but no luck so far. Windows Firewall already disabled.
or could this be some kind of virus?
Problem solved...thanks to ProcessHacker tool I found out that the library "verifier.dll" was loaded in the bad case.
This dll is part of the Windows Application Verifier tool. I do not remember to have used this tool before, it is even not activated.
I then found out that there is a registry entry:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
where I could find the name of my application. After renaming this entry everything works as expected.
I will now investigate what the variables inside this entry mean:
GlobalFlag = 0x02000000 and PageHeapFlags = 0x2

Can I build a Go program while statically linking some DLLs with it?

If you ran a go app with Windows DLL dependencies on a slow hdd disk, it sometimes occurs that Windows takes too long to load those dll.
If you put your go app into a windows service you get serious problems.
Especially on slow hdd disks, this leads to windows service timeouts and the service will not start.
Is it somehow possible to link those DLLs statically to the go app?
Once the DLLs are loaded everything is fine, but it takes two attempts to get the service running.
But after the first failure, Windows won't try to start the service again, so I have to manually start the service by myself.
Anyone got some ideas?
The short answer is "no": "DLL" stands for "Dynamically-Linked Library", and it's impossible to link a DLL statically.
Basically you have two ways to go, I would say:
Debug the issue.
The default timeout for a Windows service startup
is 30000 ms; that is a lot, so I'm inclined to think
your issue it not loading of DLLs or at least not with
locating and linking them in.
The usual approach is two-pronged:
Isolate possible cases. First, turn your service into
a simple (say, console) program, and see how it starts up
with the cold cache. If the behaviour persists, it will be simpler
to debug than the service.
Study whether some of your DLLs does silly things
like performing network requests in their entry-point function
(colloquially known as "DllMain").
If you're loading the DLLs using LoadLibrary[Ex],
their entry point is called upon those calls.
With that in mind, try adding some tracing to your
DLL initialization code.
If all that fails, try procmon of Sysinternals fame
or similar tools.
Get / produce static builds of those libraries—you will then
be able to link them in statically.
But note that if the issue is in fact has something to deal
with the initialization of those libs, linking them in statically
won't buy you anything—they will be slow already linked, that is.
I'd also note that if my shot in the dark was correct,
and one or more of yout libs tries to access some networked
resource, a simple way to solve the problem might be implementing
proper dependencies for your service—so that it starts up only
when the services it depends on functioning are up (such as
networking, DNS etc).
Consider using LazyDll to speed up your code.

How can I determine the prerequisites for my program to run on a new, "fresh" system?

I've completed work on a project that is all ready to go except for one problem : Upon installation, it fails to run on a fresh system (that is, one that has never been updated, had anything installed to it, or anything else).
The system installs by a Microsoft Setup and Deployment project, and successfully downloads .Net Framework 4.5 but it still fails to run, and the error is completely useless.
The program is written on the .Net 4.5 framework, and is written in C#/WPF/XAML. Other than needing .Net 4.5, what other prerequisites should I be checking for/downloading to the target system?
When I say "It fails to run", what I mean is that the program does not launch. The user double-clicks the shortcut, and they get a message box that says
PROGRAM has stopped working.
A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly.
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available
Also; The program works perfectly fine on other systems, it's just it seems systems fresh out of the box it fails on (in the manner as noted above).
The short answer is that you need to identify the software your program uses that is not part of the .NET Framework. That might include Crystal Reports, some SQL components, any third party NET controls, COM components. Typically the first cut is Microsoft vs 3rd party because 3rd party software will not be on someone's random system. After that, see what Microsoft components you might be using that are separate redistributables.
It may be useful to have a message box as the first thing your program does (as a test). If it's all .NET and it starts, then probably most of the NET references are there. If it doesn't start you are probably missing a referenced assembly. If it crashes later, then all you need is some diagnostic or trace data (and error handling) to see if you trying to do something like create a COM object that hasn't been installed.
However if it's not a dependency issue then it could be an architecture issue if you have an AnyCpu build and trying to call a Dll with the wrong bitness, and not designing for 64-bit and 32-bit systems. Or if you're doing something really unusual, Data Execution Prevention might be preventing the program from running - I think you'll see that message in those cases. I also suspect that some AntiVirus programs will step in and cause this error if they see the code doing something prohibited.

Debugging a minidump in Visual Studio where the call stack is null

I have a customer who is getting a 100% reproduceable crash that I can't replicate in my program compiled in Visual Studio 2005. I sent them a debug build of my program and kept all the PDB and DLL files handy. They sent me the minidump file, but when I open it I get:
"Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in MiniDump.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000."
Then the call stack shows only "0x00000000()" and the disassembly shows me a dump of the memory at 0x0. I've set up the symbol server, loaded my PDB symbols, etc. But I can't see any way of knowing which of the many DLLs actually caused the jump to null. This is a large project with many dependencies, and some of them are binaries that I don't have the source or PDBs for, as I am using an API as a 3rd party.
So how on earth is this minidump useful? How do I see which DLL caused the crash? I've never really used minidumps for debugging before, but all the tutorials I have read seem to at least display a function name or something else that gives you a clue in the call stack. I just get the one line pointing to null.
I also tried using "Depends" to see if there was some DLL dependency that was unresolved; however on my three test machines with various Windows OS's, I seem to get three different sets of OS DLL dependencies (and yet can't replicate the crash); so this doesn't seem a particularly reliable method either to diagnose the problem.
What other methods are available to determine the cause of this problem? Is there some way to step back one instruction to see which DLL jumped to null?
Well it looks like the answer in this instance was "Use WinDbg instead of Visual Studio for debugging minidumps". I couldn't get any useful info out of VS, but WinDbg gave me a wealth of info on the chain of function calls that led to the crash.
In this instance it still didn't help solve my problem, as all of the functions were in the 3rd party library I am using, so it looks like the only definitive answer to my specific problem is to use log files to trace the state of my application that leads to the crash.
I guess if anyone else sees a similar problem with an unhelpful call stack when debugging a minidump, the best practice is to open it with WinDgb rather than Visual Studio. Seems odd that the best tool for the job is the free Microsoft product, not the commerical one.
The other lesson here is probably "any program that uses a third party library needs to write a log file".
The whole idea behind all 'simple' ways of post mortem debugging is the capture of a stack trace. If your application overwrites the stack there is no way for such analysis. Only very sophisticated methods, that record the whole program execution in dedicated hardware could help.
The way to go in such a case are log files. Spread some log statements very wide around the area where the fault occurs and transmit that version to the customer. After the crash you'll see the last log statement in your log file. Add more log statements between that point and the next log statement that has not been recorded in the log file, ship that version again. Repeat until you found the line causing the problem.
I wrote a two part article about this at ddj.com:
About Log Files Part 1
About Log Files Part 2
Just an observation, but the the stack is getting truncated or over-written, might this be a simple case of using an uninitialised field, or perhaps a buffer overrun ?
That might be fairly easy to locate.
Have you tried to set WinDbg on a customer's computer and use it as a default debugger for any application that causes a crash? You just need to add pdb files to the folder where your application resides. When a crush happens WinDbg starts and you can try to get call stack.
Possibly you already know this, but here are some points about minidump debugging:
1. You need to have exactly the same executables and PDB files, as on the client computer where minidump was created, and they should be placed exactly in the same directories. Just rebuilding the same version doesn't help.
2. Debugger must be connected to MS Symbols server.
3. When debugger starts, it prints process loading log in the Output window. Generally, all libraries should be successfully loaded with debug information. Libraries without debug information are loaded as well, but "no debug info" is printed. Learn this log - it can give you some information.
If executable stack contains frames from a library without debug information, it may be not shown. This happens, for example, if your code is running as third-party library callback.
Try to create minidump on your own computer, by adding some code which creates unhandled exception, and debug it immediately. Does this work? Compare loading log in successful and unsuccessful debugging sessions.
You may have called null function pointer. Current executing function information is needed to show call stack information. Force set instruction pointer to start of any simple function, then you'll see call stack information again.
void SimpleFunc()
{ // <- set next statement here

Windows 7 OpenLDAP Curl DLL Dependency Hell

I really hope someone can be of help to me because this problem has me totally stuck and frustrated.
Yesterday I installed a fresh and shiney new Windows 7 x64 onto a development box.
I got VS2008 installed, Tortoise SVN, did a checkout, compiled my currently project, all fine and dandy.
But when I go to run (either F5 in VS or just running the exe from the shell) I get a dialog box that looks like this:
(source: aliparr.net)
So I fiddle around and can't see an obvious problem. I bust out depends.exe, thinking maybe there's a dll missing, and I get this:
(source: aliparr.net)
So I play, finding different versions of gpsvc.dll and ishims.dll and putting them in with the .exe, No luck.
If I do a profile in depends (which follows the Output window of vs), I get this:
Loaded "c:\windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.DLL" at address 0x75F20000 by thread 1. Successfully hooked module.
Loaded "c:\windows\syswow64\LPK.DLL" at address 0x76B20000 by thread 1. Successfully hooked module.
Loaded "c:\windows\syswow64\USP10.DLL" at address 0x761C0000 by thread 1. Successfully hooked module.
Loaded "c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4926_none_508ed732bcbc0e5a\MSVCR90.DLL" at address 0x70570000 by thread 1. Successfully hooked module.
Loaded "c:\users\ali\desktop\repository\development\trunk\spree\bin\debug\OPENLDAP.DLL" at address 0x001E0000 by thread 1. Successfully hooked module.
Exited "c:\users\ali\desktop\repository\development\trunk\spree\bin\debug\SPREE.EXE" (process 0x5D4) with code -1073741701 (0xC000007B) by thread 1.
So it seems openldap.dll is the last thing to get loaded before it all goes wrong. I require this dll because I use cURL within the application to do a little JSON communicating...
I've tried playing with moving files and trying differing dlls, but honestly I'm acting a little blind here. Can someone please help or point me in the right direction?
It should be noted these dlls and setup work fine in Windows Vista x64 and x86 - is this a Windows 7 thing?
Massive thanks in advance, I might still have some hair left after this is done.
I've now realised curl.exe dies in exactly the same way with openldap.dll - I guess some windows 7 issue?
Can you/does anyone have a curl without the dependency on openldap? Is there another lightweight C/C++ library out there that'll let me fetch a document over http and do the odd http POST ?
I had a very similar problem myself: I was developing a C program (using the MinGW gcc compiler) which used the curl library to do http GET operations. I tested it on Windows XP (32-bit) and Windows 7 (64-bit). My program was working in Windows XP, but in Windows 7 it crashed with the same 0xc000007b error message as the OP got.
I used Dependency Walker on a down-stripped program (with only one call to the curl library:curl_easy_init()). I essentially got the same log as yours, with OPENLDAP.DLL as the last successfully loaded module before the crash.
However, it seems my program crashed upon loading LIBSASL.DLL (which was the next module loaded according to the log from Dependency Walker run on Windows XP).
When looking again in the log from Dependency Walker on Windows 7, LIBSASL.DLL indeed shows up a x64 module. I managed to get my program to run by copying a 32-bit version of the DLL file from another application on my harddisk to my program's directory.
Hopefully this will work for other people having similar problems (also for the OP if the problem still wasn't resolved after these years). If copying a 32-bit version of LIBSADL.DLL to your program's directory doesn't help, another module might cause the crash. Run Dependency Walker on both the 32- and 64-bit systems and look up the module name from the log of the successful run.
I cannot answer your questions completely, I've compiled libcurl on Windows 7 Professional x64 and I don't have any issues. Although I haven't compiled it with OpenLDAP support so I suppose that's where the issue lies.
Regarding the IEShims.dll, Dependency Walker usually reports this as a missing module. Can't remember the exact reason but it was something about loading it dynamically when it's not found in %Path%.
If you however need to debug this and are on Windows 7 then try doing a hard link from %ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\IEShims.dll to %windir%.
Although, I see on the screen dump that it sure looks like Spree.exe isn't loaded as a x64 binary, which could very well be it. There's a difference in loading exported functions and piping or exec() a binary, the first mentioned requires that the architecture is the same for both the importer and exporter.
I've also found that mine is trying to load a 64 bit version of LIBSASL.DLL - the one that came with my 64 bit Tortoise distribution. I also only need curl for pulling a bit of JSON data. I think the best solution is going to be to rebuild libcurl from source and exclude the LDAP since I don't need it anyway.
Similar issue here. DLL dependents GPSVC.DLL and MSVCR90.DLL.
I managed to get rid of IESHIMS.dll by setting my environment variables path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer. Surely that shouldn't need to be done!
Is there a fix to this yet?
libsasl requires ieshims.dll, if you don't have sasl support in openldap, then ieshims.dll won't be required.
If you use windows x64 you have to copy your dll to c:/windows/SysWoW64. I have had the same problem when i wanted use pthreads in windows os 8. When I was copied pthreads dll to SysWow64 the program was run sucessfully.
