Configuration location for RocketApp on MacOS -

I'm using on MacOS. Where does it store configured servers? I would like to edit it.

It's there: /Users/[user]/Library/Containers/chat.rocket/Data/Library/Application Support/Rocket.Chat/config.json

The correct directory is now ~/Library/Application\ Support/Rocket.Chat


How to get pnpm store directory

Is there any way how to check directory/path of pnpm store?
I know you can set it with npm config set store /path/to/.pnpm-store, but npm config get store in my case returns undefined, which I guess means to pnpm to use some default, but where can I find this default value?
Nowadays you can do
pnpm store path
which, according to pnpm's documentation:
Returns the path to the active store directory.
The default locations of the store are:
If the $XDG_DATA_HOME env variable is set, then $XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm/store
On Windows: ~/AppData/Local/pnpm/store
On macOS: ~/Library/pnpm/store
On Linux: ~/.local/share/pnpm/store
Related docs:
Seems like as of v3.0.1, you cannot get it. pnpm should probably update pnpm get store so that it returns the default location.
As of v3, the pnpm store is located at ~/.pnpm-store by default.
You could also open the file node_modules/.modules.yaml in your project. It will contain a field called "store" with the location of the store that was used to hardlink packages to your project.
Update 2022:
As of v7, refer to #renardesque's or #nouvist's answer's below.
previously, pnpm store is located on user home folder.
Linux : ~/.pnpm-store
Windows : C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\.pnpm-store
macOS : ~/.pnpm-store
but from now on (v7.0.0), pnpm store is located on different folder. it will located on $XDG_DATA_HOME on Linux, and %LOCALAPPDATA% on Windows. take a look to this issue.
Linux : ~/.local/share/pnpm/store (default)
Windows : C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Local\pnpm\store
macOS : ~/Library/pnpm/store
or, you can check where is located with pnpm store path command
Possible locaiton:
If project is on the same partition as user home.
If project is on different partition as user home.
Why not just use ~/.pnpm-store:
On linux/mac, pnpm use hard link to reuse file.
And hard link, can be created only on the same partition.

Tor configuration file location - Windows

I've installed the Tor Expert Bundle on Windows 10 and I don't find the torrc file. What is its default location?
If its default location is inside C:\Users\user\... it may be problematic because my username includes accents.
There isn't a torrc file with the Expert Bundle, but we can specify one.

clion change default cache directory

Currently, for linux operating systems, the cache and index folders for clion are defaulted to /home/.Clion12/. I am on an NFS and want the cache directory and indexing directories to point to my internal ssd. Where can I change this?
I just found the answer to this. In the bin directory where is kept, there is an file. You can change the default location there.
As #StevenCombs said, the file is in the same bin directory where is found, and the variable is idea.system.path.
I set it up like this. First, on the command line I did:
sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/mlakata
sudo chown mlakata /var/cache/mlakata
And then in the ${clioninstall}/bin/ file, I added
CLion appears to populate the CLion/system directories under my personal cache directory.
The problem was solved for me after I have created an file in ~/.Clion2019.2/config then populated it with:
# custom CLion properties
After this, the cache is build in /someFolder, not flooding my home folder anymore.
Official support page for path parameters

When I install Salt on OS X, cannot find configuration file

I am new to Salt, just want to install it on my MacBook for work.
I follow the instructions in
When I move the the step Salt-Master Customizations, I find I cannot find the configuration file.
I go to directory /etc/salt via Finder and only find one directory pki.
From, it provides a sample configuration file. Then I am not sure what to do next? Do I need to create a configuration file under the directory of /etc/salt? If so, how to name the configuration file? Name it as master.conf?
Thanks very much!
Create a new file as:
and add the sample configuration file you have found. More details can be found on the configuration page here: Configuring Salt
Have you tried adding -c /path/to/config/dir/ when starting the master?

Mercurial OS X extension enabling

I'm a new mac user and recently installed mercurial on it. Id like to enable a few extensions and am looking for the global hgrc file.
I could'nt find it, so i tried creating "hgrc" files in /etc/mercurial, and ~/.hg .
It still does not work, so I was wondering if someone here had the solved the problem.
Many thanks.
Your .hgrc needs to be at ~/.hgrc, just like on other unix-like OSes (assuming you're using the standard Mercurial installation and not something like MacHg). You can use /etc/mercurial, but in that case the file is named hgrc, and not .hgrc.
You can also ask hg this question directly, and it should give you the most up-to-date answer for your installation:
$ hg help config
Configuration Files
Mercurial reads configuration data from several files, if they exist. Below we list the most specific file first.
On Unix, these files are read:
- "<repo>/.hg/hgrc"
- "$HOME/.hgrc"
- "/etc/mercurial/hgrc"
- "/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/*.rc"
- "<install-root>/etc/mercurial/hgrc"
- "<install-root>/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/*.rc"
I believe Mercurial looks for ~/.hgrc. Try there.
