When I install Salt on OS X, cannot find configuration file - macos

I am new to Salt, just want to install it on my MacBook for work.
I follow the instructions in https://salt.readthedocs.org/en/v0.16.4/topics/installation/osx.html
When I move the the step Salt-Master Customizations, I find I cannot find the configuration file.
I go to directory /etc/salt via Finder and only find one directory pki.
From http://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/configuration/examples.html#configuration-examples-master, it provides a sample configuration file. Then I am not sure what to do next? Do I need to create a configuration file under the directory of /etc/salt? If so, how to name the configuration file? Name it as master.conf?
Thanks very much!

Create a new file as:
and add the sample configuration file you have found. More details can be found on the configuration page here: Configuring Salt

Have you tried adding -c /path/to/config/dir/ when starting the master?


Command line too long on maven when building hadoop from source in windows 10

I am trying to build hadoop from source as explained in this article. When building Apache common, everything fails with this error message: command line too long.
So, Here's what I have tried(I will update this when I try more):
As said in this
Stackoverflow answer, the way to overcome this error is to shorten the path as much as possible. So, I cut repository files from C:\user_name\.m2\repository\ to another directory and made an empty drive and have that point to this new directory which i have moved files to, like this
subst M: D:\maven-2.0.8\repository and changed <localRepository>M:</localRepository> tag in "settings.xml" from C:\apache-maven-2.0.8\conf to point to M:. And after doing all this, I restart my system and try to build hadoop again. But, as I can see from the error, maven still downloads packages to C:\Users\user_name\.m2\repository\, not M: and the error of command line too long error persists.
To shorten the path as much as possible, i made a directory in C:\mrepo and have this directory symbolically link to the C:\user_name\.m2\repository\ like this: mklink /J C:\mrepo C:\Users\.m2\repository. And after doing all this, I restart my system and try to build hadoop again. But, as I can see from the error, maven still downloads packages to C:\Users\user_name\.m2\repository\, not M: and the error of command line too long error persists.
I have also set an environment variable named M2_HOME with value M:\. And made changes in my \conf\settings.xml: <localRepository>${M2_HOME}</localRepository>. The issue still persisits.
How do I fix this and build hadoop successfully?
Are you using IntelliJ?
Because in IntelliJ you have some options to shorten your command line.
Go to Run/Debug Configurations.
Shorten command line, you can try the classpath file option.
You can find more information about it in this blog post.
If you want to set the .m2 directory to something explicit, you do can so by overriding the default.
All Users:
Edit the \conf\settings.xml global configuration file. Change the value of the localRepository key to the absolute path of the local repository cache.
Your user: I think you should be able to set the M2_HOME environment variable in your user settings.

Kafka installation - classpath is empty

I try to install kafka on my windows(8), and it's not work.
I download kafka and extract it on c:\kafka after it i change the server.properties and zookeeper.properties.
I set in those file the logs path.
I even try to download an tun zookeper outside the kafka install but the zookeeper runing and the kafka not.
the Error that i get when i try to run this command is:
bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .config\zookeeper.properties
and this is the result:
Classpath is empty. Please build the project first e.g. by running 'gradlew jarAll'
The solutions is to Download the binary jar file.
go to config\server.properties and config\zookeeper.properties and change the folder. the new folder need to be write with / and not .
and after it you need to got the main folder and run the command:
bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat config\zookeeper.properties
without the . before "config\zookeeper.properties"
I have provided the answer for the similar error here, check this out.
Here are the steps to resolve the issue:
Open kafka-run-class.bat file. You will find this in bin\windows folder of your confluent Kafka.
Search for “rem Classpath addition for core” in kafka-run-class.bat file. When you find it, it looks like below.
Now lets add the below snippet above the “rem Classpath addition for core” line in kafka-run-class.bat file.
rem classpath addition for LSB style path
if exist %BASE_DIR%\share\java\kafka\* (
call:concat %BASE_DIR%\share\java\kafka\*
After adding the above snippet, your file will look like this.
Now, when you run the bat files under windows folder, they will run fine without any issues. Here is the zookeeper start log after fixing the classpath error.

Cannot edit /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf file on Mac OS (read-only)

I'm trying to generate a CSR For a multi-domain EV. According to the instructions here...
...I need to edit the openssl.cnf file to allow me to configure 3 domains for my multi-domain EV. However, I can't seem to edit the cnf file. I've tried sudo and other methods but I can't save the changes to the file. Am I approaching this all wrong? Vim says I can't save changes to a "read-only" file.
The instructions you are reading are incorrect. You don't need to edit that file.
Make a copy of OpenSSL configuration somewhere else, like your home directory, and use that configuration file instead of the default by passing the -config option to openssl.

Where is ejabberd server configuration file on Mac OS?

I have installed the Jabbered 15.07 on my MAC OS. After installation, I want to config it by editing the /Applications/ejabberd-15.07/conf/ejabberd.yml. I am not sure whether it is the file I should change, I searched the Internet and found that sb said the configuration is in the folder /etc but I did not found it there. In order to prove that it is the file I want to find, I open the admin interface and add a record in the "ACL" screen. And after that I checked the ejabberd.yml, but it remained unchanged. So is it the configuration file of ejabberd, if it is not which file it should be and how to configure it?
The location of the config file depend on how you installed ejabberd.
Apparently, you used binary installer, not make install, so config file is as your expected:
Admin interface does not change the config file but write in mnesia database. You could configure ejabberd so that database override config file, but this is not a good practice. To make change permanent, you need to edit ejabberd.yml file.
Note: You should use latest ejabberd published version if you are starting today (15.11).

Location of hue.ini to set share_jobs in CDH 4.7

I'm attempting to set the share_jobs setting described HERE to false.
The documentation HERE says to visit http://myserver:port/dump_config to find the location of the HUE config. For me it gives /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/73-hue-HUE_SERVER/.
As you may guess from it being in /var/run/ the directory is recreated every time on boot so changes to the hue.ini are not saved and do not seem to affect the config listed at http://myserver:port/dump_config.
I ran find / -name hue.ini to see if there was another hue.ini to change. It returned:
I've changed the config in each of these files to no avail. Where exactly is the hue.ini that I need to change?
I've also been looking around the Cloudera Manager for the jobbrowser section in the configuration but I have not been able to find it.
hue.ini file inside the server configuration directory (/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/73-hue-HUE_SERVER/) should be modified that too not directly, should use CM instead. Location of the configuration directory will be changed during restart or applying new configurations.
Usually important service configurations will be listed in the cloudera manager configuration section. Configuration properties which are unimportant or new may not be listed, in that case these properties are supplied in the safety_val sections.
Go to CM Hue service configuration section search for hue_safety_valve_server.ini, then add the following
Save and restart. Now if you go and check the /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/XXX-hue-HUE_SERVER/hue.ini file you can see the change. What ever contents you are giving in safety_val will get appended to hue.ini file.
