ZOHO timesheet webhook not triggering - zoho

I am working on ZOHO timesheet, where I want to send the timesheet to Database whenever user submits timesheet in ZOHO system.
I have created a webhook (FormName = Timesheet) and added the URL that sends data to DB. (Zoho->Setting->Automation->Actions->Webhook).
However, when the user is submitting the TimeSheet the webhook is not triggered.
I also tried with Form Name = TimeLogs, but no luck.
Can someone help me in understanding how the webhook (for Timesheet) works? Am I missing something?


How to handle a error inside webhook after checkout payment

I am using Stripe Checkout(Payment intent) method in my Laravel site to get the payment from the customers and then add order to the database using webhook. What if I have an error inside the webhook while inserting to a database or any error like soldout, in this case, the customer will pay but the order will not be added to the database, how to refund to the customer if the order not completed?
How to handle this situation?

Stripe webhook for laravel

Please ask if you don't understand anything....I am creating stripe subscription payment. i need to handle stripe customer.subscription.deleted event. i have created a webhook for it in my laravel app. but the thing is whenever i send test data from stripe it shows webhook handled. but i am sending email whenever payment is unsuccessful and also logging this it is not showing in log or sending email. I am hosting my website for now using ngrok.. which is build in in laragon.
My controller method
use Laravel\Cashier\Http\Controllers\WebhookController;
class SubscriptionController extends WebhookController
public function handleCustomerSubscriptionDeleted($payload){
\Log::info("Webhook is working");
my route file is like this
it is not showing in log file this neither it is sending email.
i am following this article please check if it is right way to do this??
Click here
I have added dd() here how does this webhook will be successful?

Validate whether payment was a success or failure

I am looking to use PayPal to accept a payment through my website. I am looking at the Smart Payment button option. If the payment is successful I need to update something in my website DB. How can I determine whether the payment was successful or not? I cant see anything the API docs.
I also need to retain user context with a PHP session ID. How can I pass that to the paypal site and ensure it is returned with the success / fail indicator?
Use Paypal IPN to receive payment notifications. Setup a server endpoint to respond to IPN requests and update your DB etc...
To maintain state, you will need to include a hidden input filed in your Smart Payment Button with a name of custom and a value of your choice (session id).
Setup a IPN endpoint ie: /checkout/ipn, to receive Paypal notifications. Capture the session ID with $_POST['custom'];
I ended up using the Braintree API for this use case. Ther Brantree API returns a unique payment identifier (payment Nonce) which you can then validate by submitting a call back to the Braintree API to ensure the payment was actually received properly.

XERO API: Synchronising Attachment changes for Xero Invoices

My Xero app synchronises itself on a regular basis and checks for any Invoice changes. If there is an changes to an invoice it will be generally picked up when the ifModifiedSince option is supplied.
This is the query command:
page: source_page,
modified_since: #invoices_modified_since,
where: { date_is_greater_than_or_equal_to: #from, date_is_less_than_or_equal_to: #to }
The problem is that I want to receive an update if an attachment has been added to the invoice. At the moment this doesn't trigger an Invoice update.
Is there anyway of knowing when an attachment on an invoice has been added or removed?
Here is my testing case:
Make a new Invoice (no attachment)
Add an attachment to the invoice
Resync and watch the Xero log
Remove the attachment from the invoice
Resync and watch Xero log
Expected: should see invoice being sent by Xero for syncing/updating
Actual: No invoice data is sent by the Xero API
Many thanks!
This has already been requested on Xero UsetrVoice page here. The intended purpose of
UpdatedDateUTC primarily is to see payments added to invoice. Unfortunately Addition/Changed to attachments to an invoice doesn't change the updateddateutc. If you’re keen to see this implemented soon please vote for the feature request, that way you can also get automatically intimated once this has been implemented.
Hope this helps.
I contacted Xero and they got back to me. That is pretty good to begin with!!
Anyway, at this point there is no way to do what I want. According to Xero the main use of the update/modified_since feature is to see payment changes.
However, it has been submitted as a feature request to Xero and there is more information here too: https://xero.uservoice.com/forums/5528-xero-accounting-api/suggestions/90148-update-the-updateddateutc-when-an-invoice-is-modif
Perhaps there is a different way, but not via the modified since option.

Sending Email receipt from Authorize.net transaction on my website

I am using Authorize.net AIM on my website to accept donations/payments. Authorize.net automatically sends an email receipt to the customer once they have made the purchase, but I wish to disable this and send an email using my own email receipt template (in .html).
Previously I have sent emails using this format after I have inserted a username and email address into mySQL from a form on my website - it worked great.
I now wish to do this same thing, but instead of inserting information into a database, using the information from their donation (amount, email address, confirmation) to send them an email.
I was using Swift to send the emails. This worked great.
How would I use php to do the same thing but with the information from my authorize.net coding?
You could use Authorize.net's API and SDK and call the GetTransactionDetailsRequest with the transId and pipe the results to your customer's email with your own custom HTML email template.
