SpringMVC global setting for ignoring unknown properties during deserialization - spring

Spring Boot sets "spring.jackson.deserialization.fail-on-unknown-properties=false" by default. I have a library that works fine in Spring Boot, but when used in an existing SpringMVC app it throws "Unrecognized field, not marked as ignorable". Is there some comparable global setting for SpringMVC I can set in the config or otherwise?
edit: spring webmvc version 3.2.15.RELEASE

You can annotate the mapped classes with
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
or create add the following configuration to the ObjectMapper as follows:
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);

You can follow two method that I have mention in this answer. If I'm not wrong either one will work for you. (But method 1 won't work if your clinet class does not have a no-arg default constructor)


Implementation provided for BatchConfigurer is not connsidered when using #EnableBatchProcessing(modular=true)

I am developing a sample application that Spring Batch with Spring Boot. My requirement is:
Have my own implementation of BasicBatchConfigurer so that I can configure AsyncTaskExecutor and my own dataSource as I am using SAP HANA as DB for which databaseType is not supported.
I want to use #EnableBatchProcessing(modular=true) so that I can register multiple jobs and launch them with separate Child Context
I have added all the required configurations. Without setting modular=true the Job is Launched and works as expected. It initializes the beans defined from my implementation of BasicBatchConfigurer.
However, once modular=true is set, the beans from my implementation are not initialized.
The code is hosted here: https://github.com/VKJEY/spring-framework-evaluation
I debugged further into the issue:
Looks like, When we set modular=true, BatchConfigurationSelector uses ModularBatchConfiguration
In ModularBatchConfiguration, there's a field Collection<BatchConfigurer> configurers. This has been annotated as #autowired.
I assume that this field is auto initialized if I provided a implementation
of BatchConfigurer as it has been mentioned in the comments of ModularBatchConfiguration class as well
However, While debugging I realized that the above field is still null beacuse of which, It loads DefaultBatchConfigurer and follows the default flow.
My question is why is that field configurers not being initialized in ModularBatchConfiguration? Am I missing something?
I am using Spring boot 2.1.2.
My question is why is that field configurers not being initialized in ModularBatchConfiguration? Am I missing something?
You are hitting a lifecycle issue between Spring Boot custom auto-configuration that you defined in the META-INF/spring.factories file and Spring Batch configuration.
I debugged your code and here is how to fix the issue:
remove org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration=\
from META-INF/spring.factories file. This is not needed as Spring Batch
will detect the AsyncBatchConfigurer when it is declared as a bean.
You can even remove this spring.factories file
remove #ConditionalOnMissingBean(BatchConfigurer.class) from AsyncBatchConfigurer:
Since you declared this class as a #Configuration class, it will also be defined as a bean of type BatchConfigurer and will be detected by ModularBatchConfiguration
With these two changes, the field configurers in ModularBatchConfiguration is correctly autowired with your AsyncBatchConfigurer.
As a side note, you don't need the AsyncBatchConfigurer#configurers method as Spring will do the work of injecting all BatchConfigurer beans in ModularBatchConfiguration.
Hope this helps.

Using #ConfigurationProperties statically - such as on #RequestMapping

Let's ignore for a moment whether doing this is a great idea, but I'm creating Spring Boot AutoConfiguration for an internal library and as part of this I want to auto-register a Controller that accepts GET/POST/DELETE requests (it is responsible for setting/clearing a cookie value for application testing purposes)
The issue is that I would like the request mapping path to be configurable by the end user. I have a #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.configs") class that contains all the configuration values with their defaults for example: private String path = "default-path"
Ideally i'd be able to reference this in my controller like so: #RequestMapping(path=${my.configs.path}) but this does not work, Spring reports that it is unable to find that configuration parameter, if I place it into a properties file instead of into a the type-safe #ConfigurationProperties it works as expected.
I know I could get around this by putting a default value into the Request mapping, but I'd like to understand just what is happening here, and why I cannot statically refer environment variables read / defaulted into #ConfigurationProperties in the way that I can those defined in files.
#RequestMapping is a Spring MVC annotation and it gets processed by Spring MVC - no matter if it is all wrapped in Spring Boot app or not.
#ConfiguationProperties is on the other hand 100% Spring Boot code and to my knowledge both types of properties are processed at different moments during Spring Context startup lifecycle.

Using #ConfigurationProperties in Spring Boot Application doesn't work

I am using Spring Boot V 1.4.1 for a new application.
My app requires two JDBC data sources and I was following the example at http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#howto-two-datasources how to set it up.
My Spring beans configuration class is annotated with #EnableConfigurationProperties and my first bean is defined as
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "first.database")
DataSource qivsDB() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
, the second one accordingly. My application.properties file has properties defined like
For reasons I not transparent to me during debugging this is failing to initialize: Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE - debug showed me that the builder does not have any properties set when calling build().
What did I miss here?
Before you do all the debugging part, you should have a look to the auto-configuration report. If you define your own DataSource there's no reason for Spring Boot to start looking at what it can do for your app. So, for some reasons, that definition of yours is not applied in your app and the default in Spring Boot still applies, doesn't find any JDBC url in the default namespace and attempt to start an embedded database. You should see in the auto-config report that the DataSourceAutoConfiguration still matches.
I am not sure the public keyword has anything to do with it, though you won't get custom meta-data for that key since we only scan for public methods.

Does a Spring controller returning a ListenableFuture needs #AsynchEnable in configuration?

As of spring 4.1, spring controllers accept return value that can be of type ListenableFuture. is returning a ListenableFuture return value sufficient in making the controller async? Or does it also need #enableAsync annotation somewhere in spring configuration file or/and anything else? I am following this tutorial
I found out that what i was looking for is not #enableAsync but a servlet 3.0 property called async-supported. According to this link, spring-boot defaults async-supported to true.
Hence, there is no need of any further configuration to do if you're using spring-boot.

Using proxy-target-class="true" with Spring beans

Im using Jersey Rest and want a Jersey filter to have access to some spring beans.
however as I've discovered from other threads, Jersey does not obtain Spring beans if they are Java proxies as opposed to generated java proxies. I want to add the proxy-target-class="true"
What are the impacts of doing so and also can this just be set on a single bean or does it need to be set on all referenced beans?
By setting proxy-target-class="true" you will be using CGLIB2 for your proxies, instead of jdk proxys.
The implications are the following, as described in the documentation:
final methods cannot be advised, as they cannot be overriden.
You will need the CGLIB 2 binaries on your classpath, whereas dynamic proxies are available with the JDK. Spring will automatically
warn you when it needs CGLIB and the CGLIB library classes are not
found on the classpath.
The constructor of your proxied object will be called twice. This is a natural consequence of the CGLIB proxy model whereby a subclass
is generated for each proxied object. For each proxied instance, two
objects are created: the actual proxied object and an instance of the
subclass that implements the advice. This behavior is not exhibited
when using JDK proxies. Usually, calling the constructor of the
proxied type twice, is not an issue, as there are usually only
assignments taking place and no real logic is implemented in the
Also, you should be able to make a "target-proxy" for a specific component by using
Forcing a CGLib-Proxy although the controller formally implements an interface (SpringBoot 1.2.3.RELEASE with Spring 4.1.6.RELEASE):
#Scope( proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS )
public class ServiceImpl implements ServiceIntf
{ .... }
This enables valid and working #RequestMapping and #Transactional annotations
Use the following annotation in Java Spring Config class:
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
This is the way I made my test working:
MyTarget target = new MyTarget();
AspectJProxyFactory factory = new AspectJProxyFactory(target);
