macOS Terminal Process completed on any click - macos

My macOS terminal is showing Process completed when I type any thing. I am not able to type or do anything on terminal (This effect my Android Studio and VsCode terminal also they just open close in an second) So all issue are causing with this terminal I try every thing restore profile etc nothing is working for me.
But one thing is strange here when I restart my Mac terminal works fine but after I work on android studio or vscode with Mac terminal (Not there default terminal because they are not working) After 1 hour same happen as I say before and as in screenshot.
On different questions solutions was to type /bin/bash -x on terminal but I can't even type single character on this.
I am finding solution for this from 1 week and not able to find any thing I need to restart me laptop every 1 hour to work.
I am using BigSur with M1 processor.
Also it was working fine before but I work on Flutter so I have set path and run commands like
Run: nano ~/.zshrc
Run: source ~/.zshrc
And some bash commands to set path.


gitpod VScode environment terminal not working

I started my gitpod vscode environment as usual today but for some weird reason the terminal is not working meaning its not showing anything. if I start a new terminal than also its showing nothing instead of its name like bash.cursor not blinking, I am not able to type anything.

oh-my-bash not launching at terminal startup

A little while ago I updated to the newest version of bash on my macbook (all went smoothly there,) and decided to try out the oh-my-bash framework. I had previously used oh-my-zsh, so I was familiar with the installation; however, I'm running into an annoying problem with oh-my-bash.
When I open the terminal the framework doesn't launch automatically. It only launches if I run exec bash in the command line. I've checked in system preferences and bash is set as default, and running bash --version confirms that I am running the correct version of bash when the terminal starts up.
It's more of an inconvenience than anything else, but I'm learning scripting and my burning curiosity wants to find the solution. I'm out of ideas short of a fresh install of the framework; what do you guys think?
My solution is this:
Run this code in terminal
mv $HOME/.bashrc $HOME/bash_profile
Restart your terminal
In linux, bash run command file is .bashrc, but in MacOS is .bash_profile.

Terminal prompt not working when opening DevContainer (OSX)

I am trying out the Remote - Containers VSCode extension. I get a docker warning and a prompt message if I want to continue but I can't type anything into the terminal. The cursor looks like it's active but nothing happens when I type.
So far I have tried:
Using instead of (in VSCode settings)
Disabled oh-my-zsh terminal plugin
Quit and start Visual Studio code
I solved this by using generating ssh key in the devcontainer and adding it to github.

After updating my Mac OS to Catalina, Flutter is not working anymore in Android Studio. I deleted and re-installed, but still not working

Please Please help. After updating the OS to Catalina, Android Studio would still open, but none of my Flutter apps will work and the emulators do not open (they say 'Loading')
I unistalled Flutter and re-installed it, but in the Terminal when I type in flutter doctor -v, it says "zsh: command not found: flutter"
Is this because I'm no longer using bin (or bash), and now using zsh?
Can someone tell me what I can do to solve this issue? Im not very good at entering Terminal commands, so what exactly would I type to fix this issue? (I'm a beginner)
When I was entering vim bash_profile in the Terminal, I entered the following as the Export Path:
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/raymondfontaine/Developer/flutter/bin"
I had the same problem and it occurred after switching from bash to zsh. A far as I know, you have three different options.
Switch your Terminal back from zsh to bash by typing chsh -s /bin/bash and restart your Terminal. Note: You can always switch back to zsh by typing chsh -s /bin/zsh and restarting your Terminal.
You can tell zsh to use the paths specified in your bash_profile file by typing source ~/.bash_profile into your Terminal. Note: You have to do this every time you open a new Terminal.
The two options above are probably not "Best Practice". The best solution would be to set environment variables for zsh as suggested by the flutter Tutorial: Update your Path.
In your case you have to type nano $HOME/.zshrc into your Terminal enter export PATH="$PATH:/Users/raymondfontaine/Developer/flutter/bin" there, save the file and restart the Terminal. After that flutter doctor -v should run as usual.
Also the emulators in Android Studio should load again. But if you still cannot start them via the Dropdown, try opening them via Tools > AVD Manager. This worked for me while they were not visible in the Dropdown Menu.

How to open Terminal at last open directory?

Every time I open my Terminal application at work it starts from a clean slate (e.g. it opens from the ~/ directory). But at home on my laptop my Terminal always remembers the last directory I was in (and all the commands on the screen) and displays them to me.
I'm trying to get this to happen when I'm at work but I can't find any information on it (I've no idea why or how my laptop managed to set itself to work that way?).
The only thing I've found out is that I can change the preferences so the Terminal executes a particular command when the app is started up, but that's not quite what I want (simply because I'm not sure what command I would run to get the Terminal to go to the directory I was looking at when I had the Terminal open last).
Any ideas?
Since you're using Lion, it should do that automatically.
You might have disabled the Resume functionality systemwide or in Terminal.
Make sure it's enabled systemwide. You can also try to manually enable it for Terminal:
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true
