Google Funding Choices API Implementation - fundingchoices

I'm struggling with Funding Choices Javascript API.
The documentation is terrible and confusing.
I'm trying to get EU consent from users before loading third-party header bidding ads.
It says in the documentation( I need to add Funding Choices tag but there is no Deployment link in Funding Choices website.I'm not directly using DFP(Google Ad Manager) but there is nothing in there as well.
So how come I can find this tags and use the API.
If anyone has accomplished a similar thing, any help will be appreciated.


How can I (as the app developer) get notified when a user leaves a review of my app on Google Workspace Marketplace?

We've just published our first app in Google Workspace Marketplace (a google docs add-on) and can't figure out how, or if, it is possible to setup an email or other notification (slack notification would be cool) for our Customer Success team to be notified when a user leaves a review of the app.
Appreciate that if we get thousands we will probably turn the notifications off (or filter them in some way), at this early stage though, we're very eager to act on any feedback.
Disclaimer: I am creator of Obsei, and this might be biased answer.
You can try Obsei: an open-source low-code AI powered automation tool.
It can monitor App and Play stores for customer reviews and send notification Slack when someone add review there. Also Obsei can classify review contextually to classify it into issue categories. Refer below image.Obsei workflow
All of these can be achieved free without any cloud hosting requirement. Refer link for more detail.
Happy to answer any queries in this regards.

Rails4. Contacts importer from famous providers (Gmail, Facebook...)

Need to implement contacts importer/chooser on Rails4 project. Needed providers - Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Outlook.
Tried omnicontacts and contacts gems but both has some limitations and maybe outdated for some providers.
There is commercial project which do this for you - CloudSponge , but I prefer open source.
Current Status
Implemented Linkedin contacts import using devise, omniauth, omniauth-linkedin.
Implemented Gmail contacts import using omnicontatcs.
Failed with other providers.
Is there any other all-in-one solutions (maybe I missed something) which could be useful for my issue or I have to implement all things from scratch, maybe using already outdated gems/libs ?
Another thing I was thinking, maybe this task better to solve on client side using javascript libraries?
If you to try implement contacts importer in a do-it-youself way, the first goal will be proper learn OAuth2 and all the 4 authentication flows. I like this blog post explanation.
Then if you want to use a client-side-only solution for OAuth2, you'll need to use the Implicit flow.
For Google Contacts, you can find Implicit flow documentation here.
Disclaimer: I work for CloudSponge, and I'm a big fan of free/open-source solutions too. I even use Linux as my desktop :)

How to connect my magento to the bank account

I have a magento installed and ready to go, the only thing is I cant do a actuall transaction and get the money from my bank. any help would be appreciate.
You need to get a merchant account. There are numerous providers of these, but be very careful, the legal and financial pitfalls are as numerous as the providers.
You will probably find some interesting reading on sites like Merchant Maverick:, their discussion of "Liquidated Damages" should be required reading for all online merchants.
Peter's answer is required reading, but if you'd like to get started quickly Paypal is built in and offers a great integration into Magento. This should help you get started (of course you'll need to sign up for a Paypal account and link it to your bank):

Best Framework for building Social Networking sites with twitter like security

I am looking for framework for building social networking site.
1) Users can make tweets. Tweets or messages should be available according to security settings such as if user selects only to friend then those tweets should be for only friends.
Instead of tweets and messages I should say security like public, private, only to friends should be provided.
2) Profile , images, videos should be displayed as per security constraints(only to friends or public).
I found Elgg is best voted in stackoverflow. But I don't know if Elgg provides such kind of features.
Does Elgg framework provides Features mentioned above?
You would suggest any other best framework with such kind of features.
Please give suggestions.
Elgg has most of the features you need. The wire plugin coming with elgg package lets you create the tweet like system.

Google Places API - Submitting reviews

I am researching whether the following is possible and if so how I could go about achieving it.
We collect reviews for businesses from their customers and we’d like to post these reviews to Google places as part of the reviews they have on their.
I was wondering how I would go about getting our website to “push” this data to the Google places website, I’ve done lots of searching on the APIs but have found nothing that says it’s possible or not.
Currently the Google Places API does not have write capability. It only has read capability. Right now only ratings are available, but I suspect reviews might come someday too.
Although you can send check-in signals and fix Places through the API. Hopefully Google will add the ability to send reviews and receive them.
If you're looking to get your content added to Google, you may want to talk to their content partnerships teams
Since Google's local and maps initiatives are under the same people that would be the place to go.
I too looked into this as it would be of huge value to companies if possible.
My research led me to believe that it is not possible and could possibly violate Google's TOA with negative results for the company's Places page.
Instead, I built a workaround that makes it really easy for companies to collect feedback and get their own customers to submit the reviews:
Maybe we will see this in the future though.
