Automatically deploy a new laravel installation with custom domain - laravel

This is not really a specific question about my code, but I would like to ask you guys to think with me.
I am working on a SaaS-application that I will provide to a few customers. The customers will be able to deploy their own SaaS-application on our server. I want the following workflow:
The customer provide their wanted subdomain and will point a cname to our server
Optional: the customer provides the credentials for the admin user for the application
When the user has provided their subdomain, and in addition their wanted login, a new laravel application will be installed fromout a git. I also want a nginx file to be created, so their cname will be pointed to the new directory of the application.
I was looking at laravel multi-tenancy but this would require a lot of recoding of the application. But if it is not possible on any other way, I would do that if needed.
I hope you guys understand my question a bit. It is hard for me to explain it, because most of it is in my head.
I hope you guys have some answers.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,


Single Signin For All Subdomain Or Projects?

Hy All Hope All Are Fine. First Of All Sorry For My English And I Am Totally New And didn't Know About Php My Sql Etc, So Lets Start My Questions With Detail I Purchased too many Projects
May Be In Future I Will Add More
Now Simply I Want Single Login For All Subdomains, Mean That User Can Signup In One Of Any Domain But Can Login For All Subdomain As Same Signup For any One Of Above Domain. My Sql Database User Is Same But Mysql Database Is Different One From Other Every Subdomain or Domain Has It's Own Database.
Please Tell Me Is It Possible To Login As A One???? Please If It Is Possible Share With Detail Because I Am New.
I Did't Try Any Method

Website not working on root domain with https

I am trying to deploy a NextJS website to Heroku or Vercel and add a domain name to it using
Adding the domain works but for some reason I cannot access the website at, however I can access it with and I need it to work for this url '' as the website is already ranked in google with this URL. I was wondering if anyone had any idea of how this can be done. Please ask if you need more information.
Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place.
Thanks in advance.

Single User authentication in Laravel 5

I'm trying to build an internal admin system to get to grips with creating a Laravel app from scratch. Currently everything is public so I'm looking at implementing a very simple login system.
There will be no DB connection needed as we want a single user. We'll store the relevant username and password in the .env file most likely.
I feel like I've looked everywhere and haven't been able to find any tutorials covering this requirement! From everything I've read it seems I have to use a 'custom authentication driver' or possibly build my own user provider class but I have no idea how to go about this task.
The idea is that if the app is expanded in future we'd like to be able to just go back to using Laravel's built in db auth functionality. For this reason it would be nice to retain all the common methods relating to checking the current user, using auth middleware on my routes and managing login tokens etc.
Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Codeigniter 3.x Authentication Library?

With the new Codeigniter 3.0 version what authentication libraries do you use?
Flexi auth was very good and robust with great documentation for CI 2.0 but it is old and as I can see it is discontinued. Of course it does not work out of the box with CI 3.0. I have tested it and tried to migrate it to CI 3.0 but as it uses the old ci_sessions schema I have seen that it has a lot work to be made to rewrite all the code parts that use sessions. It seems to work with file sessions and some alterations on its code though.
Community auth has a CI 3.0 version but as I have seen, it has many bugs and it is nowhere near reliable at this time. I have tested it thoroughly and it cannot work properly as it has problems with its token jar system and its cookie management. Users cannot login most of the times and it is being used as a whole third-party library at Codeigniter, which personally I don't like as it has a lot of files/folders that are time consuming to be maintained. I would prefer simple CI libraries with 1-2 models like flexi-auth. Although, I wouldn't mind Community Auth's approach if it worked properly.
Tank Auth was a reliable solution in the past but not with Codeigniter 3.0 as it has many incompatibilities too. Questions about its compatibility with CI 3.0 were asked but no airplanes in the horizon so far.
DX Auth is an old authentication library and as I can see on its github repository, there are some attempts to migrate it on CI 3.0 but I haven't been able personally to test any of them.
So, has anyone successfully integrated (or migrated) any of the previous mentioned libraries on large CI 3.0 web applications? Did you write your own? Did you stick with CI 2 until further CI 3.0 development for that matter?
Update for the down votes
This post about Authentication libraries in codeigniter was very popular and helpful. I believe that posts that help the community in that way should not be closed at least not before some helpful answers. It is not discussed anywhere before and I would really like to see the opinions of more experienced developers for that.
don't let the down votes get ya down.
check out Ion Auth
take a look at the read me, you will have to rename two files for codeigniter 3. otherwise you can see that there are recent changes to the lib. the author Ben Edmunds is one of the four developers on the new codeigniter council.
Please check Dnato System Login Its Simple, Fast and Lightweight auth codeigniter.
-Add user
-Delete user
-Ban, Unban user
-Register new user sent to email token
-Forget password
-Role user level
-Edit user profile
-Gravatar user profile
-Recaptcha by Google
-And much more
With Bootstrap Framework.
For a simple library, I use (Authit). It is very simple so I can do a lot of customizations to it or just leave it be.
check this library.that is so nice.and with many features
login / logout
Login DDoS Protection
register and signup via email. (send verification code to your email)
users can send private message to other users
user group
create permissions and access control
error in other language
this library for CI2. but if you search about this, you can find lib for CI3

Padrino basic user authentication

I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on setting up basic user authentication. I've installed the admin app into my project and it works great. But I need a basic user role that can have it's own registration page etc.
I need to see something like
would take them to their profile page
I'm also going to have nested resources, so a user can have a project associated to them.
The admin piece worked great, but I have no idea how to setup registration etc for a user model?
I've used devise in the past with Rails and I'm wondering if anything like it currently exists? I've seen some discussion around warden. Is there a defacto solution that people are using or am I able to implement the admin app to handle this? Right now /accounts is protected and can only be accessed by the admin role.. so I can't have users go to accounts/new
For now I basically just copied the admin app.. into my own Users app while using my own User model.
The user model is basically a direct port of the account model.. as is the session controller etc. Just switched the model names around.
I'm still not sure if this is the best approach or if I'm able to leverage the admin app to handle this also?
This solution is working, though again, I'm not sure if it's the optimal approach.
