Deploy and Upgrade pods in Namespace - spring-boot

I am working in a Java Springboot microservice-based complex application that comprises 30 services.
All are containerized and from ECR, services are deployed inside the Kubernetes namespace in AWS.
Every time, the namespace is purged and all services are re-deployed.
How can I update only one service inside a namespace…is it possible to do that kind of deployment.
Can someone please Any sample configurations using helm or any useful links

How can I update only one service inside a namespace…is it possible to do that kind of deployment.
If you are executing helm upgrade it should only update the resources which are updated.
you need to understand how does Helm packs the resources, helm is using Kustomization so if you are updating Secrets, ConfigMap etc it will generate new names for those resources.
As a side effect, it will "change" the Deployment and the results will be a "full" deploy of all the resources


How to create a new deployment and service in kubernetes using Gradle pugin (or task)

I see there are many Github pages for gradle kubernetes plugin like
None of these having any concrete example how to connect to kubernetes from gradle and create a new deployment and service I tried all about git link in gradle but no luck...
Since I also faced a lack of plugins that deal with Kubernetes I started working on a Gradle plugin to make deploying resources to a Kubernetes cluster easier:
In the user manual you will find details about how to connect to a kubernetes cluster here:
It also includes an example of how to define a deployment here:
And a service here:
It may also be useful to go through the quickstart first
Hope it can be of use to you.

how to create a pipeline in jenkins for spring boot microservices

I have a spring boot project with 4 microservices (Eureka service registry, Config server, a Zuul gateway and a userservice) in one repository with a parent project where I have a docker-compose.yml which reads the Dockerfiles in the microservices project and uses the "application-docker.yml" and "bootstrap-docker.yml"
What I'd like to do is to trigger a jenkins pipeline after a commit in git so that it will compile and deploy the microservices in Docker. Eventually I'd like to have a production configuration that deploys the images in Kubernetes maybe AWS.
Now, in order to work, the microservices need to start in order:
eureka service registry
gateway , etc..
What is the best practise?
If I have separate repositories per microservice, I think I can figure it out. It should be easy to deploy a single microservice assuming that configserver and eureka service registry are already up and running, in reality they should never change.
If I have a single repository, and I keep developing new microservices, do I need to have separate jenkins file per microservices or can I have a jenkinsfile in the parent project and use docker-compose?
How does it work? Any articles online that can help (couldn't find any). Does it make sense?
Or do I need to look at Jenkins X ?
I would recommend using separate repositories for each microservice. You use microservices to prevent monoliths and have small well-defined services; it only seems appropriate to also separate them by space i.e. store them in separate repositories (making it for example easier to reuse one).
You would then have to provide a Jenkinsfile in each repo. These would be mostly identical.
If you want fast release cycles you could automatically deploy a single service upon release.
Alternatively you could use an additional release train module that handles the full deployment.
In both cases I would use a docker-compose file that handles the interconnection between the services.
You can enforce the right order by using 'depends_on, links, volumes_from, and network_mode: "service:..."'. For a full reference see the docker documentation.
If you want to keep your single repository your Jenkinsfile(s) would have to be quite hacky, I suppose... After each commit you would either
build all modules --> monolithic behaviour
somehow determine which modules have changed (e.g. looking at the git log) --> same behaviour as with multiple modules but very hackily
The Docker-Compose File
If you want to release all modules at a specific point of time you could use a Release Train module where the docker-compose.yml resides next to a Jenkinsfile. Then when you want to ship your application you can start this Jenkins-job.
If you want to ship each service as soon as it is released, independently from the others, you would need to access the docker-compose.yml from each module. You could do this manually (since the files won't change too often) or create a docker module that you use as a git-submodule in all your services.
We use a generic docker-compose.yml for this, where every version is replaced by a variable:
image: example.service:${EXAMPLE_SERVICE_VERSION}
Then to start that specific service in jenkins we use the command
docker-compose -p example-project -f docker-compose.yml up -d example-service

Spring Cloud Multiproject or Single Projects

Does anyone have experience with running Spring Cloud Micro Services in production?
I have about 10 micro services within one big Maven multi-project. This means that all the source code is under a single repo. The advantages are that it is easy to check out and manage the project in my IDE.
My concern is with CI as it means that the build server will need to figure out which services changed and deploy them respectively. Alternatively all the micro services will be deployed every time a change is committed.
I'm eyeing exploding the project into a source repo per micro service (my gut feel is that this is the correct approach). This way only the affected service is deployed.
My goal is to run every micro service as a container on Kubernetes.
Do you have any advise / tips / concerns that you can raise that might be an unwelcome surprise down the line?
More important than separating codebase is to create a separate CI/CD pipeline per microservice (running its own unit and integration tests), and another pipeline to integrate all microservices and run end-to-end tests.
Since you plan to release your microservices as Docker containers, consider a Docker Registry for versioning and distribution of your images.
Here are some references that follow this idea: DZone, Microsoft

Reset database container on openshift

I have a multi-modules vertx application deployed on OpenShift. For integration testing purposes, I would like to deploy a database container with pre-defined data, and destroy it when the test is finished.
How can I achieve this ?
My application uses junit and maven fabric8 plugin to deploy containers in Openshift.
This is something that could be done relatively easy using arquillian-cube, which does support Kubernetes and Openshift.
What arquillian-cube can do for you, is to (optionally) create an ephemeral project, deploy everything you need for your test and once everything is up and running, then start your tests. In the end it can also do the cleaning up for you.
It is quite flexible so according to your needs and requirements it can work with either ephemeral or fixed projects. And also there are pletny of configuration options when it comes to cleaning up.
Last but not least, it does play quite nicely with the fabric8 maven plugin.

Inject Maven settings.xml file into Kubernetes deployment

This question is about running a Kubernetes deployment on Azure and we are completely new to Kubernetes. We have a new microservice called xde-deployer that we use to deploy projects onto other microservices. The xde-deployer builds projects using Maven and therefore needs a working Maven configuration. Normally this is provided in the user's settings.xml. In this case we are running it in a docker container, so xde-deployer will look for it in /root/.m2/settings.xml.
Normally when we deploy the docker container, we use a volume to pass the settings.xml which is located on the host. On Kubernetes of course this is not so straightforward. As the answers to this question state one could add the file later, or use a configMap. Both answers are a bit too vague for our purposes though. Is there really no way to do this from the deployment? I cannot imagine we are the only ones who need to pass Maven settings to jobs running on Kubernetes. How are others solving this problem? My main problem after reading the documentation is still: how do I get a file into the Kubernetes cluster at all when I am on Azure? Is there a kind of persistent volume or parameters store that can be easily shared by the pods?
