Which characters are invalid in salt for SHA512? - salt

Could you write which characters are invalid for SHA512 crypt in salt? I generate hashes in php and then use them for dovecot. I know colon : is causing problems, but which other chars are forbidden (from 32-127 range)?

For the Unix mkpasswd implementations, only [a-zA-Z0-9/.] are allowed:
static const char valid_salts[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"


What to use as a delimiter so I can detect the original inputs. Any good ideas. Ruby

I have an Encoder (using openssl) that can encrypt and decrypt strings like so:
=> ["fasfds", "someaddress", "123- this is also a valid address"]
[8] pry(#<Sinatra::Application>)> Encoder.encrypt(new_addresses.join(' '))
=> "55C2FB253468204EA9D3F5CE6D58DC4088BD52731B90B9C0C8EB5FE7FA1CD4E7B41F0A84DC46C69E09A10DC1931C6A976A58E29C"
[9] pry(#<Sinatra::Application>)> enc=_
=> "55C2FB253468204EA9D3F5CE6D58DC4088BD52731B90B9C0C8EB5FE7FA1CD4E7B41F0A84DC46C69E09A10DC1931C6A976A58E29C"
[10] pry(#<Sinatra::Application>)> Encoder.decrypt(enc)
=> "fasfds someaddress 123- this is also a valid address"
The issue I have here is that I have no idea which were the original 3 addresses. The new_addresses which are merely params that come in from a form are an array separated by commas. But when I join them together and encode it, I lose the comma delimiter and the array structure when I decrypt it so I have no idea what were the original 3 addresses. Any ideas on what I can do so that after I decrypt the string, I still can detect on what the original 3 addresses are.
These are valid characters in an address:
' '
really any characters.
It looks like your encryption algorithm uses only the characters 0-9 and A-Z. In that case, you can use any character that is not one of those characters to join() your encrypted strings together, for instance "-":
encrypted_str = "55C2FB253-3F5CE6D58DC4-B5FE7FA1CD4E7"
encyrpted_pieces = encrypted_str.split '-'
decrypted_pieces = encrypted_pieces.map do |piece|
Encoder.decrypt piece
On the other hand, if you want to join your strings together first, then encrypt the combined string, you can use the non printing ascii character named NUL to glue the pieces together. NUL's ascii code is 0, which can be represented by the hex escape \x00 inside a String:
decrypted_str = "fasfds\x00someaddress\x00123- this is also a valid address"
puts decrypted_str
pieces = decrypted_str.split "\x00"
p pieces
fasfdssomeaddress123- this is also a valid address
["fasfds", "someaddress", "123- this is also a valid address"]
Of course, the separator character should be a character that won't appear in the input. If the input can be binary data, e.g. an image, then you can't use \x00 as the separator.
These are valid characters in an address:
' '
Note that you didn't list a comma, which would be an obvious choice for the separator.

Remove non-ASCII characters in string from file

What is the idiomatic way to remove non-ASCII characters from file contents in D?
I tried:
auto s = (cast(string) std.file.read(myPath)).filter!( a => a < 128 ).array;
which gave me:
std.utf.UTFException#C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\utf.d(1109): Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 1)
and s is dstring ; and:
auto s = (cast(string) std.file.read(myPath)).tr("\0-~", "", "cd");
which gives me:
core.exception.UnicodeException#src\rt\util\utf.d(290): invalid UTF-8 sequence
at runtime.
I am trying to parse (with the almost deprecated std.xml module) xml files in a unsupported encoding, but I am ok with removing the offending characters.
If you do anything to consider it a string, D tries to treat it as UTF-8. Instead, treat it as a series of bytes, so replace your cast(string) with cast(ubyte[]) and do the filter.
After reading and filtering it, you can /then/ cast it back into a string. So this should do what you need:
auto s = cast(string) (cast(ubyte[])(std.file.read(myPath)).filter!( a => a < 128 ).array);

Character generated from SHA-512 hash does not get saved to database

I'm hashing a password using SHA512. I'm using Entity Framework Code-First for my ORM.
Hashing Algorithm
public static string CreateSHA512Hash(string pwd, string salt)
string saltAndPwd = String.Concat(pwd, salt);
var ae = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] hashValue, messageBytes = ae.GetBytes(saltAndPwd);
var sHhash = new SHA512Managed();
hashValue = sHhash.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
return ae.GetString(hashValue);
Code for generating salt:
//Generate a cryptographic random number.
var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
var buff = new byte[size];
// Return a Base64 string representation of the random number.
return Convert.ToBase64String(buff);
For some reason, it seems the hash function would randomly generate some characters, which the ones after those are not saved to the database. In this case (I'm not sure if there are other characters that does this), but it is \0.
For eg. Password: testuser. Salt: uvq5i4CfMcOMjKPkwhhqxw==
Hash generated: ????j???7?o\0?dE??????:???s?x??u?',Vj?mNB??c???4H???vF\bd?T? (copied during dubug mode in visual studio).
But EF actually saves ????j???7?o to the database. If I try to use the text visualizer in debug mode, it cuts it off also. If you noticed, it gets cut off right at the \0. All I could find about it is that its a null character.
How can I save this null character in the database using Entity Framework Code-First? If this can't be saved, how can I prevent the SHA512 from generating these characters for me?
I recommend encoding the hash with Base64 before saving. On the other hand, encoding the salt with Base64 before adding to the password sounds strange.
A SHA-256 hash does not generate characters, it generates bytes. If you want to have a character string, as opposed to a byte array, you need to convert the bytes into a character format. As #wRAR has suggested, Base64 is one common way to do it or else you could just use a hex string.
What you should probably do:
Return the array of bytes for the SHA512 hash not a string.
Use a BINARY(64) database column to hold your hash value.
Why your method doesn't work:
These ASCII strings are NULL terminated
NULL is as you said \0
SHA512 creates a byte array and any byte can be NULL
To answer your specific question:
wRAR above was saying.
return Convert.ToBase64String(hashValue);

memcached client throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key contains invalid characters

Seems memcache client doesn't support UTF-8 string as its key. But I have to use i18n. Anyway to fix it?
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key contains invalid characters: ``HK:00:A Kung Wan''
at net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient.validateKey(MemcachedClient.java:232)
at net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient.addOp(MemcachedClient.java:254)
The issue here isn't UTF encoding. It's the fact that your key contains a space. Keys cannot have spaces, new lines, carriage returns, or null characters.
The line of code that produces the exception is below
if (b == ' ' || b == '\n' || b == '\r' || b == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Key contains invalid characters: ``" + key + "''");
Base64 Encode your key just before passing them to memcached client's set() and get() methods.
A general solution to handle all memcached keys with special characters, control characters, new lines, spaces, unicode characters, etc. is to base64 encode the key just before you pass it to the set() and get() methods of memcached.
// pseudo code for set
memcachedClient.set(Base64.encode(key), value);
// pseudo code for get
This converts them into characters memcached is guaranteed to understand.
In addition, base64 encoding has no performance penalty (unless you are a nano performance optimization guy), base64 is reliable and takes only about 30% extra length.
Works like a charm!

Encryption key in CodeIgniter

The CodeIgniter 2.0.2 requires to set an encryption key in the config file i.e. $config['encryption_key'] , if you want to use Session class. Can it be any string? Any example of secure encryption_key?
The key should be as random as possible and it must not be a regular
text string, nor the output of a hashing function, etc.
To save your key to your application/config/config.php, open the file and set:
$config['encryption_key'] = 'yourKeyHere'
Random Key Generator
It's important for you to know that the encoded messages the encryption function generates will be approximately 2.6 times longer than the original message. For example, if you encrypt the string "my super secret data", which is 21 characters in length, you'll end up with an encoded string that is roughly 55 characters (we say "roughly" because the encoded string length increments in 64 bit clusters, so it's not exactly linear). Keep this information in mind when selecting your data storage mechanism. Cookies, for example, can only hold 4K of information.
In addition to the answer by Chumillas, I personally use this Random Key Generator for my CodeIgniter encryption strings. Quick and easy.
Codeigniter 3.1.0
"The key should be as random as possible and it must not be a regular text string, nor the output of a hashing function, etc. In order to create a proper key, you must use the Encryption library’s create_key() method"
$key = $this->encryption->create_key(16);
// Get a hex-encoded representation of the key:
$key = bin2hex($this->encryption->create_key(16));
// Put the same value in your config with hex2bin(),
// so that it is still passed as binary to the library:
$config['encryption_key'] = hex2bin(<your hex-encoded key>);
Source: https://codeigniter.com/userguide3/libraries/encryption.html#setting-your-encryption-key
Type this into your terminal:
php -r 'echo bin2hex(random_bytes(16)), "\n";'
It'll output a string where you update your config.php
Just go to application/config
open config.php file
find out the word
$config['encryption_key'] = '';
replace this with
$config['encryption_key'] = 'your_encryption_key_here';
I am using the following code in my app's installer. It takes 128 bytes of random data (converted to a hex string), and takes two characters at a time, converting to decimal, and checking they're in an acceptable range (alphanumeric, with symbols, no whitespace or characters that won't play nice with your editor or config file - aka no ')
32 characters is 128 bits, so it works well with the block cipher.
function random_key_string() {
$source = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(128));
$string = '';
$c = 0;
while(strlen($string) < 32) {
$dec = gmp_strval(gmp_init(substr($source, $c*2, 2), 16),10);
if($dec > 33 && $dec < 127 && $dec !== 39)
return $string;
To save your key to your application/config/config.php, open the file and set:
on line 227 $config['encryption_key'] = "YOUR KEY";
