how do I change the default value of form control in react bootstrap - react-bootstrap

I am using react bootstrap for an application. For input fields I am using FormControl. How do I change the default increase/decrease value when I hit the up or down button in the control box? I want to change it to 0.1 but the current value is 1.
Thank you


Vuetify - dynamically create a form with v-text-fields + CRUD - v-model issue

in a Vuetify project I would like to dynamically create all the required fields to perform CRUD Actions:
I prepared a working sample here:
Everything's working not bad, but when I click on the edit button, the dialog appears but fields are not populated:
I assume that problem is that v-model is "calculated":
in fact in the last field that is not generated but hardcoded and thus has
the field is automatically populated.
I tried also using a computer property for editedItem, but without success
Can suggest if it is possible and the right path?
You can use editedItem[], which is a standard way to access dynamic property in js.

How to Hide/Show of UI component in oracle adf

I am new to oracle adf in my application one of the field is id and it is sequence generated value Whenever I entered remaining values and click on save then only it has to display with sequence generated value before saving it has to be in hide mode. Can any one help me how the approach is.
set visible property for seq field. like below
visible="#{binding.filedName.inputValue != null}"
by default seq field value is null so it will not display. once u click save button, this field value to be set to next seq value so it will display
Just remove this value from UI and do your number generation for this field in model.
You can set the visible attribute of the field in your page to be based on an expression language such as #{viewScope.showfield}, then add a setPropertyListener to your save button that sets the #{viewScope.showfield} to true.

How to preserve bootstrap dropdown state on Meteor

I have a bootstrap dropdown button for each table row.
When the dropdown is clicked it shows a small form with some input fields.
When the user submits this form data or the row gets redrawn the dropdown closes.
I tried preserving the dropdown state using the Template.preserve() method, similar to inputs but with no success.
Some suggested using {{#constant}} directive surrounding the dropdown I also have some reactive content inside the form that needs re-rendering, so this options is not for me.
I have noticed this issue with reactive templates and there is no good solution that I know of. This is somewhat of a hack but it works.
Option 1
Manually add and remove a css class to your dropdown. Use session variables to save the state of the dropdown.
This should be the default state of your dropdown... class="dropdown"
When a user clicks on the dropdown use a session variable to save its state and add 'open' to the HTML class attribute. class="dropdown open"
When a user closes the dropdown remove 'open'
Option 2:
1. User clicks dropdown button.
2. Save dropdown button ID as active using a session variable.
3. Use the following callback to reopen your dropdown... Template.myTemplate.rendered = function ( ) {
if (dropdown = active) {
$().dropdown('toggle'); //instead of toggle try 'open'
I haven't tried this with dropdowns yet but I was having the same issue with modals disappearing every time the template kept rendering. I tried the second option and it didn't work that great. I ended up using something like the first option to solve the issue and it worked great.

Magento custom fields

I have added new custom fields (checkbox) in catalog\category. using Installer.
it appears in a new tab as i want but can't save the value checked,
if anyone can help me to save the custom Checkbox Value.
It sounds like you have added an attribute using the install script, and although Magento will display a checkbox the data won't be saved, even if you are using the eav/entity_attribute_source_boolean source model.
I would consider using a select rather than a checkbox. However if you require a the input to be a checkbox, you will need to create your own input & source model to handle it.

How can I access/move handles of a dijit.slider or Dojox.RangeSlider on external input

I have a dojox HorizontalRangeSlider UI component. On each side of this control I have a texbox displaying the value of the respective sliders.
When I enter a new value in my textbox I can update the internal value of the RangeSlider but the handles do not respond to the change. How can I achieve this?
An important point is to not set the properties directly but to use the attr(prop, val) function.
