Magento custom fields - magento

I have added new custom fields (checkbox) in catalog\category. using Installer.
it appears in a new tab as i want but can't save the value checked,
if anyone can help me to save the custom Checkbox Value.

It sounds like you have added an attribute using the install script, and although Magento will display a checkbox the data won't be saved, even if you are using the eav/entity_attribute_source_boolean source model.
I would consider using a select rather than a checkbox. However if you require a the input to be a checkbox, you will need to create your own input & source model to handle it.


Add/remove form fields joomla

I create my own module with some form field.
How add/remove dynamicaly this form field?
For example, there are "Add button". I click on this button and form field add.
Please HELP!!!
this cannot be done in this section, as a module layout is a static template for the module. All of the fields are set when the xml file is read during module installation.
For set fields you can always use JavaScript to hide particular fields, but if you want to create,edit,delete or update information on multiple instances you will need a component. A nice easy to use component creator can be found here -

Xpages valuePicker add value

Is there a way to add a field into the valuePicker with the possibility of adding new values in it? The valuePicker get's the values from a view, and I wouldn't want to add another addButton to add some values withing that view, in separate way. I would like a dialogBox like the valuePicker + the option to add new documents withing it. It is possible?
That functionality isn't available in the Value Picker. It's unlikely to be added, because of the variety of dataProviders, which makes it difficult to know where to add the option to make it available to other documents, and also ensure validation of options.
Typeahead on an Edit Box control allows you to add entries not in the list.
Alternatively, you can add a separate Edit Box to your XPage to include a value not in the list. But if you want to store the new option in the same field, you'll need to write the code to add the option to the source of the list. E.g. if it's the dataProvider of your Value Picker is a dominoViewValuePicker, you'll need to create a document in that view as well; if it's a simpleValuePicker, you'll need to compute the options so they also look to this field. Otherwise, when the user edits the document again, the option will not be available in the list, so may get removed.
Why do you want the user to insert new values into a field in valuePicker? Instead, let the user add the new value direct into the field which is the valuePicker related to.

Show form field based on item list

Is it possible to display an input form field based on the value of a select menu? Or is this something I'd have to do in javascript/jquery?
My list is pulled from the database if that changes anything.
If you want to make this happen during the form filling, yes you probably will need to use Ajax (via vanilla Javascript or jQuery), if you need to query your database as options are selected, or just CSS:, if you populated via database but don't need to check it again for changes.

Attribute Manage Options value add multiple but after save only one display there

Magento 1.7.2 (adminpanel attribute)
TypeError: this.fileValue.toJSON is not a function
$(this.idName+'_save').value = this.fileValue.toJSON();
I have add Attribute drop down option value multiple but after saving
data only one value display there. How to get all attribute option
I have added there option
after save only one value there.
Attribute label option issue generate with Ecommerce Team
SEO Layered Navigation. so i have disable this plugin on this
place on my Project.

How do I create an editable field with a Save button on Magento Admin's Order detail page?

I've already created a custom module that overrides the sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml layout file and creates a new field in the sales_flat_order table. Now I need figure out how to add a text input field to the order page:
The save button doesn't necessarily need to be right near the custom field and the field doesn't need to necessarily appear right where I put it in the graphic. Bottom line is, the administrator needs to be able to edit my new custom field in the admin.
What is the best way to do that?
Look at Comments History block
implementation - class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_History, its template \app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\sales\order\view\history.phtml and Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_OrderController::addCommentAction(). You should create similar block class with similar template and create controller with action which will save form data to your db field.
