Ansible - generate docs from role argument spec - ansible

Is there any way to generate a markdown documentation from ansible role argument spec?
I could not find anything in ansible-doc, the format itself suggests that there is a way

I was looking for such a thing previously as well, and decided to write a small tool for it:
I'm not actively using it for anything, so do let me know if it turns out being useful or not.


What do protofiles represent for googles API Linter?

since google did not create extensive documentation for their API Linter and I cannot find anything from other sources, i wanted to ask here.
From what exactly am i supposed to create protofiles and what do they represent?
As I understood, these protofiles get checked for compliance to their AIPs.
I'm interested in creating a automatic prototype (Java) to check for customized API Rules and am thinking about using Protobufer for this goal. Would this be a pragmatic solution?
Thank you!
As I now understand, Googles API Linter isn't supposed to check a API or a different API specification for compliance.
It checks proto files because they are themself the API specification and can be converted to Code. But before converting them they can be checked against rules they have to comply with.
These rules are not in the protofiles (as I initially thought) but in the many GO-files under rules/ .
Please correct me if you read this and find mistakes! Thanks!

Validating configurations files with viper

I was looking for a configuration parser for go and seems to come highly recommended.
I am very surprised to find that configuration files are not validated by default.
Viper parses files and extracts requested values from them but I cannot find a way to detect bad configuration.
For instance I if create a (Java style) .properties file containing just "???" and nothing else. This is accepted without any error.
I can understand the philosophy that you should ignore irrelevant configuration items but I desire more rigor. I would also like to reject anything that does not match the X=Y format in a properties file.
To me this is a fatal flaw that suggests I should use a different package (or roll my own as usual).
Have I missed something? Does viper in fact support detecting and rejecting bad configuration keys?
I think the answer is no. viper does not validate java .properties files.
I posted a bug report (or feature request depending on your point of view) as
You can try library which is based on Viper. It has built-in validation.

What to use for embedded arrays?

Is there support for embedded arrays in form? Like list of emails or phone numbers (these entities do not exist as standalone resource so it is impossible to use Reference* fields/inputs). SelectArrayInput looks promising, but it needs to know in advance possible options which is not the case (maybe there is an easy way to modify it to accept any option after hiting an enter button?).
Not currently, you'll have to make a custom input. If you do, please make it an addon and we'll reference it in the documentation.
Also note that someone started an addon about this:

Using "check" package causes another package to error

I'm using the Check package to validate parameters passed to Meteor methods. And I'm using Audit argument checks to enforce this.
However, I've added another package, Meteor Tags and when I try to use methods from the Tags package, I get a server error "Exception while invoking method '/patterns/addTag' Error: Did not check() all arguments during call to '/patterns/addTag'".
I think I understand why this error happens - the method in the Tags package doesn't check its inputs, so Audit Argument Checks generates an error. But I can't find any way around this, apart from 1) don't enforce checking, or 2) hack the Tags package methods so they use check. Neither of these seems like a great option - checking server parameters is a good idea, and hacking a package is not very maintainable.
Does anybody know if there is any smart way to use 'Audit argument checks' with packages that provide new server methods? I have looked at the Check documents, and searched online, but I haven't found an answer.
I hope this question makes sense.
Using audit-argument-checks is like saying: "I want to be serious about the security of the methods in my app." It's global to all methods in your app's codebase, including the methods from your installed packages.
There is no way to specify which parts of the app get checked, as that would be the equivalent of saying: "I want to be serious about the security of the methods I've written, but I don't care about the security holes created by some pacakges" (which doesn't make a lot of sense).
Note to package authors
Check your method arguments. It's not hard, and it prevents this situation from happening. Frankly, a package without this basic security really shouldn't be installed in the first place.
What you should do
Unless you have a throwaway app, I wouldn't recommend removing audit-argument-checks. Instead I'd do the following (assuming the package really has something of value):
Open an issue on github and let the maintainer know what's up.
Fork the code, and add the required checks. Keep this version as a local package.
Submit a pull request for the changes.
If all goes well, your PR will be accepted and everyone can benefit from the change. In the worst case, you'll still have a local copy that you can use in your app.

What methods exist to auto-generate ruby client stubs from WSDL files?

I'm using Ruby and the Savon gem to interact with SOAP/WS and would like to auto-generate the client request methods from the WSDL in Ruby.
Before I do this, I'd like to know if there's any other Ruby/SOAP library that does this?
Edit: Please note, I already know this isn't available in Savon out the box, in fact my intention is to add in the feature, I'm in the process checking if this exists somewhere else written in Ruby.
Since it's only few days since you asked this question, and I've run into same problem I've decided to create small script to do that.
Download - save as objects.rb for example and run with _bunde exec objects.rb path_to.wsdl_
Let me know if it works ^^
Take a look at Savon's spec, it has pretty rich testing environment
I think ads_common by Google is relevant to you.
google-api-ads-ruby/ads_common at master ยท googleads/google-api-ads-ruby
rake generate can create the client libraries automatically from WSDL.
It is specialized for Google Ads, but this notion would be helpful to create a versatile client library automatically from WSDL in Ruby.
