Counting the number of ways to make up a string - algorithm

I have just started learning dynamic programming and was able to do some of the basic problems, such as fibbonaci, the knapsack and a few more problems. Coming across the problem
below, I got stuck and do not know how to proceed forward. What confuses me is what would be the base case in this case, and the overlapping problems. Not knowing
this prevents me from developing a relation. They are not as apparent in this example as they were in the previous ones I have solved thus far.
Suppose we are given some string origString, a string toMatch and some number maxNum greater than or equal to 0. How can we count in how many ways it is possible to take maxNum number of nonempty and nonoverlapping substrings of the string origString to make up the string toMatch?
If origString = "ppkpke", and toMatch = "ppke"
maxNum = 1: countWays("ppkpke", "ppke", 1) will give 0 because toMatch is not a substring of origString.
maxNum = 2: countWays("ppkpke", "ppke", 2) will give 4 because 4 different combinations of 2 substring made up of "ppkpke" can make "ppke".
Those strings are "ppk" & "e", "pp" & "ke" , "p" & "pke" (excluding "p") and "p" & "pke" (excluding "k")

As an initial word of caution, I’d say that although my solution happens to match the expected output for the tiny test set, it is very likely wrong. It’s up to you to double-check it on other examples you may have etc.
The algorithm walks the longer string and tries to spread the shorter string over it. The incremental state of the algorithm consists of tuples of 3 elements:
long string coordinate i (origString[i] == toMatch[j])
short string coordinate j (origString[i] == toMatch[j])
number of ways we made it into that^^^ state
Then we just walk along the strings over and over again, using stored, previously discovered state, and sum up the total number(s) of ways each state was achieved — in the typical dynamic programming fashion.
For a state to count as a solution, j must be at the end of the short string and the number of iterations of the dynamic algorithm must be equivalent to the number of substrings we wanted at that point (because each iteration added one substring).
It is not entirely clear to me from the assignment whether maxNum actually means something like “exactNum”, i.e. exactly that many substrings, or whether we should sum across all lower or equal numbers of substrings. So the function returns a dictionary like { #substrings : #decompositions }, so that the output can be adjusted as needed.
#!/usr/bin/env python
def countWays(origString, toMatch, maxNum):
origLen = len(origString)
matchLen = len(toMatch)
state = {}
for i in range(origLen):
for j in range(matchLen):
o = i + j
if origString[o] != toMatch[j]:
state[(o, j)] = 1
sums = {}
for n in range(1, maxNum):
if not state:
nextState = {}
for istart, jstart in state:
prev = state[(istart, jstart)]
for i in range(istart + 1, origLen):
for j in range(jstart + 1, matchLen):
o = i + j - jstart - 1
if origString[o] != toMatch[j]:
nextState[(o, j)] = prev + nextState.get((o, j), 0)
sums[n] = sum(state[(i, j)] for i, j in state if j == matchLen - 1)
state = nextState
sums[maxNum] = sum(state[(i, j)] for i, j in state if j == matchLen - 1)
return sums
result = countWays(origString='ppkpke', toMatch='ppke', maxNum=5)
print('for an exact number of substrings:', result)
print(' for up to a number of substrings:', {
n: s for n, s in ((m, sum(result[k] for k in range(1, m + 1)))
for m in range(1, 1 + max(result.keys())))})
This^^^ code is a quick and ugly hack and nothing more. There is a huge room for improvement, including (but not limited to) the use of generator functions (yield), the use of #memoize etc. Here’s some output:
for an exact number of substrings: {1: 0, 2: 4, 3: 8, 4: 4, 5: 0}
for up to a number of substrings: {1: 0, 2: 4, 3: 12, 4: 16, 5: 16}
It would be an interesting (and nicely challenging) exercise to store a bit more of the dynamic state (e.g. to keep it for each n) and then reconstruct and pretty-print (efficiently) the exact string (de)compositions that were counted.

Here is a recursive solution.
Compares the first character of source and target, and if they're equal, choose to either take it (advancing by 1 char in both strings) or not take it (advancing by 1 char in source but not in target). The value of k is decremented everytime a new substring is created; there is an additional variable continued which is True if we're in the middle of building a substring, and False otherwise.
def countWays(source, target, k, continued=False):
if len(target) == 0:
return (k == 0)
elif (k == 0 and not continued) or len(source) == 0:
return 0
elif source[0] == target[0]:
if continued:
return countWays(source[1:], target[1:], k, True) + countWays(source[1:], target[1:], k-1, True) + countWays(source[1:], target, k, False)
return countWays(source[1:], target[1:], k-1, True) + countWays(source[1:], target, k, False)
return countWays(source[1:], target, k, False)
print(countWays('ppkpke', 'ppke', 1))
# 0
print(countWays('ppkpke', 'ppke', 2))
# 4
print(countWays('ppkpke', 'ppke', 3))
# 8
print(countWays('ppkpke', 'ppke', 4))
# 4
print(countWays('ppkpke', 'ppke', 5))
# 0


Stack permutations sorted in lexicographical order

A stack permutation of number N is defined as the number of sequences which you can print by doing the following
Keep two stacks say A and B.
Push numbers from 1 to N in reverse order in B. (so the top of B is 1 and the last element in B is N)
Do the following operations
Choose the top element from A or B and print it and delete it (pop it). This can be done on a non-empty stack only.
Move the top element from B to A (if B is non-empty)
If both stacks are empty then stop
All possible sequences obtained by doing these operations in some order are called stack permutations.
eg: N = 2
stack permutations are (1, 2) and (2, 1)
eg: N = 3
stack permutations are (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2), (2, 1, 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 2, 1)
The number of stack permutations for N numbers is C(N), where C(N) is the Nth Catalan Number.
Suppose we generate all stack permutations for a given N and then print them in lexicographical order (dictionary order), how can we determine the kth permutation, without actually generating all the permutations and then sorting them?
I want some algorithmic approaches that are programmable.
You didn't say whether k should be 0 based or 1 based. I chose 0. Switching back is easy.
The approach is to first write a function to be able to count how many stack permutations there are from a given decision point. Use memoization to make it fast. And then proceed down the decision tree by skipping over decisions that lead to permutations which are lexicographically smaller. That will lead to the list of decisions that are the one you want.
def count_stack_permutations (on_b, on_a=0, can_take_from_a=True, cache={}):
key = (on_b, on_a, can_take_from_a)
if on_a < 0:
return 0 # can't go negative.
elif on_b == 0:
if can_take_from_a:
return 1 # Just drain a
return 0 # Got nothing.
elif key not in cache:
# Drain b
answer = count_stack_permutations(on_b-1, on_a, True)
# Drain a?
if can_take_from_a:
answer = answer + count_stack_permutations(on_b, on_a-1, True)
# Move from b to a.
answer = answer + count_stack_permutations(on_b-1, on_a+1, False)
cache[key] = answer
return cache[key]
def find_kth_permutation (n, k):
# The end of the array is the top
a = []
b = list(range(n, 0, -1))
can_take_from_a = True # We obviously won't first. :-)
answer = []
while 0 < max(len(a), len(b)):
action = None
on_a = len(a)
on_b = len(b)
# If I can take from a, that is always smallest.
if can_take_from_a:
if count_stack_permutations(on_b, on_a - 1, True) <= k:
k = k - count_stack_permutations(on_b, on_a - 1, True)
action = 'a'
# Taking from b is smaller than digging into b so I can take deeper.
if action is None:
if count_stack_permutations(on_b-1, on_a, True) <= k:
k = k - count_stack_permutations(on_b-1, on_a, True)
action = 'b'
# Otherwise I will move.
if action is None:
if count_stack_permutations(on_b-1, on_a, False) < k:
return None # Should never happen
action = 'm'
if action == 'a':
can_take_from_a = True
elif action == 'b':
can_take_from_a = True
can_take_from_a = False
return answer
# And demonstrate it in action.
for k in range(0, 6):
print((k, find_kth_permutation(3, k)))
This is possible using factoradic(
If you need quick solution in Java use JNumberTools
.uniqueNth(4) //next 4th permutation
This API will generate the next nth permutation directly in lexicographic order. So you can even generate next billionth permutation of 100 items.
for generating next nth permutation of given size use:
.kNth(2,4) //next 4th permutation of size 2
maven dependency for JNumberTools is:

What is the sublist array that can give us maximum 'flip-flop' sum?

my problem is that I'm given an array of with length l.
let's say this is my array: [1,5,4,2,9,3,6] let's call this A.
This array can have multiple sub arrays with nodes being adjacent to each other. so we can have [1,5,4] or [2,9,3,6] and so on. the length of each sub array does not matter.
But the trick is the sum part. we cannot just add all numbers, it works like flip flop. so for the sublist [2,9,3,6] the sum would be [2,-9,3,-6] which is: -10. and is pretty small.
what would be the sublist (or sub-array if you like) of this array A that produces the maximum sum?
one possible way would be (from intuition) that the sublist [4,2,9] will output a decent result : [4, -2, 9] = (add all the elements) = 11.
The question is, how to come up with a result like this?
what is the sub-array that gives us the maximum flip-flop sum?
and mainly, what is the algorithm that takes any array as an input and outputs a sub-array with all numbers being adjacent and with the maximum sum?
I haven't come up with anything but I'm pretty sure I should pick either dynamic programming or divide and conquer to solve this issue. again, I don't know, I may be totally wrong.
The problem can indeed be solved using dynamic programming, by keeping track of the maximum sum ending at each position.
However, since the current element can be either added to or subtracted from a sum (depending on the length of the subsequence), we will keep track of the maximum sums ending here, separately, for both even as well as odd subsequence lengths.
The code below (implemented in python) does that (please see comments in the code for additional details).
The time complexity is O(n).
a = [1, 5, 4, 2, 9, 3, 6]
# initialize the best sequences which end at element a[0]
# best sequence with odd length ending at the current position
best_ending_here_odd = a[0] # the sequence sum value
best_ending_here_odd_start_idx = 0
# best sequence with even length ending at the current position
best_ending_here_even = 0 # the sequence sum value
best_ending_here_even_start_idx = 1
best_sum = 0
best_start_idx = 0
best_end_idx = 0
for i in range(1, len(a)):
# add/subtract the current element to the best sequences that
# ended in the previous element
best_ending_here_even, best_ending_here_odd = \
best_ending_here_odd - a[i], best_ending_here_even + a[i]
# swap starting positions (since a sequence which had odd length when it
# was ending at the previous element has even length now, and vice-versa)
best_ending_here_even_start_idx, best_ending_here_odd_start_idx = \
best_ending_here_odd_start_idx, best_ending_here_even_start_idx
# we can always make a sequence of even length with sum 0 (empty sequence)
if best_ending_here_even < 0:
best_ending_here_even = 0
best_ending_here_even_start_idx = i + 1
# update the best known sub-sequence if it is the case
if best_ending_here_even > best_sum:
best_sum = best_ending_here_even
best_start_idx = best_ending_here_even_start_idx
best_end_idx = i
if best_ending_here_odd > best_sum:
best_sum = best_ending_here_odd
best_start_idx = best_ending_here_odd_start_idx
best_end_idx = i
print(best_sum, best_start_idx, best_end_idx)
For the example sequence in the question, the above code outputs the following flip-flop sub-sequence:
4 - 2 + 9 - 3 + 6 = 14
As quertyman wrote, we can use dynamic programming. This is similar to Kadane's algorithm but with a few twists. We need a second temporary variable to keep track of trying each element both as an addition and as a subtraction. Note that a subtraction must be preceded by an addition but not vice versa. O(1) space, O(n) time.
JavaScript code:
function f(A){
let prevAdd = [A[0], 1] // sum, length
let prevSubt = [0, 0]
let best = [0, -1, 0, null] // sum, idx, len, op
let add
let subt
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++){
// Try adding
add = [A[i] + prevSubt[0], 1 + prevSubt[1]]
if (add[0] > best[0])
best = [add[0], i, add[1], ' + ']
// Try subtracting
if (prevAdd[0] - A[i] > 0)
subt = [prevAdd[0] - A[i], 1 + prevAdd[1]]
subt = [0, 0]
if (subt[0] > best[0])
best = [subt[0], i, subt[1], ' - ']
prevAdd = add
prevSubt = subt
return best
function show(A, sol){
let [sum, i, len, op] = sol
let str = A[i] + ' = ' + sum
for (let l=1; l<len; l++){
str = A[i-l] + op + str
op = op == ' + ' ? ' - ' : ' + '
return str
var A = [1, 5, 4, 2, 9, 3, 6]
var sol = f(A)
console.log(show(A, sol))
Per OP's request in the comments, here is some theoretical elaboration on the general recurrence (pseudocode): let f(i, subtract) represent the maximum sum up to and including the element indexed at i, where subtract indicates whether or not the element is subtracted or added. Then:
// Try subtracting
f(i, true) =
if f(i-1, false) - A[i] > 0
then f(i-1, false) - A[i]
otherwise 0
// Try adding
f(i, false) =
A[i] + f(i-1, true)
(Note that when f(i-1, true) evaluates
to zero, the best ending at
i as an addition is just A[i])
The recurrence only depends on the evaluation at the previous element, which means we can code it with O(1) space, just saving the very last evaluation after each iteration, and updating the best so far (including the sequence's ending index and length if we want).

What is the logic behind the algorithm

I am trying to solve a problem from codility
"Even sums"
but am unable to do so. Here is the question below.
Even sums is a game for two players. Players are given a sequence of N positive integers and take turns alternately. In each turn, a player chooses a non-empty slice (a subsequence of consecutive elements) such that the sum of values in this slice is even, then removes the slice and concatenates the remaining parts of the sequence. The first player who is unable to make a legal move loses the game.
You play this game against your opponent and you want to know if you can win, assuming both you and your opponent play optimally. You move first.
Write a function:
string solution(vector< int>& A);
that, given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers, returns a string of format "X,Y" where X and Y are, respectively, the first and last positions (inclusive) of the slice that you should remove on your first move in order to win, assuming you have a winning strategy. If there is more than one such winning slice, the function should return the one with the smallest value of X. If there is more than one slice with the smallest value of X, the function should return the shortest. If you do not have a winning strategy, the function should return "NO SOLUTION".
For example, given the following array:
A[0] = 4 A[1] = 5 A[2] = 3 A[3] = 7 A[4] = 2
the function should return "1,2". After removing a slice from positions 1 to 2 (with an even sum of 5 + 3 = 8), the remaining array is [4, 7, 2]. Then the opponent will be able to remove the first element (of even sum 4) or the last element (of even sum 2). Afterwards you can make a move that leaves the array containing just [7], so your opponent will not have a legal move and will lose. One of possible games is shown on the following picture
Note that removing slice "2,3" (with an even sum of 3 + 7 = 10) is also a winning move, but slice "1,2" has a smaller value of X.
For the following array:
A[0] = 2 A[ 1 ] = 5 A[2] = 4
the function should return "NO SOLUTION", since there is no strategy that guarantees you a win.
Assume that:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000]. Complexity:
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N); expected worst-case space complexity is O(N), beyond input storage (not counting the storage required for input arguments). Elements of input arrays can be modified.
I have found a solution online in python.
def check(start, end):
if start>end:
res = str(start) + ',' + str(end)
return res
def trans( strr ):
if strr =='NO SOLUTION':
return (-1, -1)
a, b = strr.split(',')
return ( int(a), int(b) )
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 2.7
odd_list = [ ind for ind in range(len(A)) if A[ind]%2==1 ]
if len(odd_list)%2==0:
return check(0, len(A)-1)
odd_list = [-1] + odd_list + [len(A)]
res_cand = []
# the numbers at the either end of A are even
count = odd_list[1]
second_count = len(A)-1-odd_list[-2]
first_count = odd_list[2]-odd_list[1]-1
if second_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+1, len(A)-1-count )))
if first_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+count+1, len(A)-1 )))
twosum = first_count + second_count
if second_count < count <= twosum:
res_cand.append( trans(check( odd_list[1]+(first_count-(count-second_count))+1, odd_list[-2] )))
count = len(A)-1-odd_list[-2]
first_count = odd_list[1]
second_count = odd_list[-2]-odd_list[-3]-1
if first_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( count, odd_list[-2]-1 )))
if second_count >= count:
res_cand.append( trans(check( 0, odd_list[-2]-count-1)) )
twosum = first_count + second_count
if second_count < count <= twosum:
res_cand.append( trans(check( count-second_count, odd_list[-3])) )
res_cand = sorted( res_cand, key=lambda x: (-x[0],-x[1]) )
cur = (-1, -2)
for item in res_cand:
if item[0]!=-1:
cur = item
return check( cur[0], cur[1] )
This code works and I am unable to understand the code and flow of one function to the the other. However I don't understand the logic of the algorithm. How it has approached the problem and solved it. This might be a long task but can anybody please care enough to explain me the algorithm. Thanks in advance.
So far I have figured out that the number of odd numbers are crucial to find out the result. Especially the index of the first odd number and the last odd number is needed to calculate the important values.
Now I need to understand the logic behind the comparison such as "if first_count >= count" and if "second_count < count <= twosum".
Hey guys I found out the solution to my question and finally understood the logic of the algorithm.
The idea lies behind the symmetry of the array. We can never win the game if the array is symmetrical. Here symmetrical is defined as the array where there is only one odd in the middle and equal number of evens on the either side of that one odd.
If there are even number of odds we can directly win the game.
If there are odd number of odds we should always try to make the array symmetrical. That is what the algorithm is trying to do.
Now there are two cases to it. Either the last odd will remain or the first odd will remain. I will be happy to explain more if you guys didn't understand it. Thanks.

how to find all integer solutions to sum(xi) =b, with linear constraints

Suppose sum(xi) = 10, 0<= xi <= 2, i = 1, 2, ..., 10. How to find all integer solutions for xi. thank you. I have read about Euclidean algorithm, but it looks like just for two unknown variables. What algorithms can be used here.
If you really want to have all solutions: recursively enumerate all possible variable assignments with some optimizations:
The value of the last variable can be calculated from the sum constraint
The search can be pruned, when you see that the partial assignment can no longer lead to a valid solution (e.g if the sum is already larger than 10 or if there are too few variables left to reach a sum of 10)
Recursion is best. Here is the natural Python solution with generators:
def solutions(variables, sum_left, max_value):
if 0 == variables:
if 0 == sum_left:
yield []
for i in range(0, max_value + 1):
if sum_left < i:
for partial_solution in solutions(variables - 1, sum_left - i,
yield [i] + partial_solution
for x in solutions(10, 10, 2):
The benefit of generators being that you don't have to build a long list in memory first. Here is an alternate solution which does not use generators and also avoids building up the list.
def do_something_for_solutions(variables, sum_left, max_value, known=None):
if known is None:
known = []
if 0 == variables:
if 0 == sum_left:
for i in range(0, max_value + 1):
if sum_left < i:
do_something_for_solutions(variables - 1, sum_left - i,
max_value, known + [i])
def do_something(solution):
do_something_for_solutions(10, 10, 2)
If you choose to return solutions, that is possible as follows:
def solutions(variables, sum_left, max_value):
if 0 == variables:
if 0 == sum_left:
return [[]]
return []
answer = []
for i in range(0, max_value + 1):
if sum_left < i:
for partial_solution in solutions(variables - 1, sum_left - i,
answer.append([i] + partial_solution)
return answer
for x in solutions(10, 10, 2):
(Be warned that if you change the parameters, that list can easily become huge...)
You are looking for the permutations of the integer partitions of the number 100, where each integer partition has
at most 10 parts; and
each part is at most 15.
There are certainly a lot of cases, but 10! of them are still manageable by computers.
Edit: OP has edited the question, so: the number 10 should be broken up into integer partitions with at most 10 parts, where each part is at most 2.

Find the minimum number of operations required to compute a number using a specified range of numbers

Let me start with an example -
I have a range of numbers from 1 to 9. And let's say the target number that I want is 29.
In this case the minimum number of operations that are required would be (9*3)+2 = 2 operations. Similarly for 18 the minimum number of operations is 1 (9*2=18).
I can use any of the 4 arithmetic operators - +, -, / and *.
How can I programmatically find out the minimum number of operations required?
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
clarification: integers only, no decimals allowed mid-calculation. i.e. the following is not valid (from comments below): ((9/2) + 1) * 4 == 22
I must admit I didn't think about this thoroughly, but for my purpose it doesn't matter if decimal numbers appear mid-calculation. ((9/2) + 1) * 4 == 22 is valid. Sorry for the confusion.
For the special case where set Y = [1..9] and n > 0:
n <= 9 : 0 operations
n <=18 : 1 operation (+)
otherwise : Remove any divisor found in Y. If this is not enough, do a recursion on the remainder for all offsets -9 .. +9. Offset 0 can be skipped as it has already been tried.
Notice how division is not needed in this case. For other Y this does not hold.
This algorithm is exponential in log(n). The exact analysis is a job for somebody with more knowledge about algebra than I.
For more speed, add pruning to eliminate some of the search for larger numbers.
Sample code:
def findop(n, maxlen=9999):
# Return a short postfix list of numbers and operations
# Simple solution to small numbers
if n<=9: return [n]
if n<=18: return [9,n-9,'+']
# Find direct multiply
x = divlist(n)
if len(x) > 1:
mults = len(x)-1
x[-1:] = findop(x[-1], maxlen-2*mults)
x.extend(['*'] * mults)
return x
shortest = 0
for o in range(1,10) + range(-1,-10,-1):
x = divlist(n-o)
if len(x) == 1: continue
mults = len(x)-1
# We spent len(divlist) + mults + 2 fields for offset.
# The last number is expanded by the recursion, so it doesn't count.
recursion_maxlen = maxlen - len(x) - mults - 2 + 1
if recursion_maxlen < 1: continue
x[-1:] = findop(x[-1], recursion_maxlen)
x.extend(['*'] * mults)
if o > 0:
x.extend([o, '+'])
x.extend([-o, '-'])
if shortest == 0 or len(x) < shortest:
shortest = len(x)
maxlen = shortest - 1
solution = x[:]
if shortest == 0:
# Fake solution, it will be discarded
return '#' * (maxlen+1)
return solution
def divlist(n):
l = []
for d in range(9,1,-1):
while n%d == 0:
n = n/d
if n>1: l.append(n)
return l
The basic idea is to test all possibilities with k operations, for k starting from 0. Imagine you create a tree of height k that branches for every possible new operation with operand (4*9 branches per level). You need to traverse and evaluate the leaves of the tree for each k before moving to the next k.
I didn't test this pseudo-code:
for every k from 0 to infinity
for every n from 1 to 9
if compute(n,0,k):
return k
boolean compute(n,j,k):
if (j == k):
return (n == target)
for each operator in {+,-,*,/}:
for every i from 1 to 9:
if compute((n operator i),j+1,k):
return true
return false
It doesn't take into account arithmetic operators precedence and braces, that would require some rework.
Really cool question :)
Notice that you can start from the end! From your example (9*3)+2 = 29 is equivalent to saying (29-2)/3=9. That way we can avoid the double loop in cyborg's answer. This suggests the following algorithm for set Y and result r:
nextleaves = {r}
nops = 0
nops = nops+1
leaves = nextleaves
nextleaves = {}
for leaf in leaves:
for y in Y:
if (leaf+y) or (leaf-y) or (leaf*y) or (leaf/y) is in X:
add (leaf+y) and (leaf-y) and (leaf*y) and (leaf/y) to nextleaves
This is the basic idea, performance can be certainly be improved, for instance by avoiding "backtracks", such as r+a-a or r*a*b/a.
I guess my idea is similar to the one of Peer Sommerlund:
For big numbers, you advance fast, by multiplication with big ciphers.
Is Y=29 prime? If not, divide it by the maximum divider of (2 to 9).
Else you could subtract a number, to reach a dividable number. 27 is fine, since it is dividable by 9, so
(29-2)/9=3 =>
3*9+2 = 29
So maybe - I didn't think about this to the end: Search the next divisible by 9 number below Y. If you don't reach a number which is a digit, repeat.
The formula is the steps reversed.
(I'll try it for some numbers. :) )
I tried with 2551, which is
echo $((((3*9+4)*9+4)*9+4))
But I didn't test every intermediate result whether it is prime.
echo $((8*8*8*5-9))
is 2 operations less. Maybe I can investigate this later.
