QtCreator doesn't find header files (.h) belonging to my project - qt-creator

I'm using QtCreator to develop a "plain" C++ based software (in particular, this one). By "plain" I mean my software is not using Qt libraries or any other Qt stuff appart from the IDE.
QtCreator version is 4.14.1.
Everything goes fine (building, running application, debugging, etc.) but the editor is reporting problems finding header files (i.e. .h files) belonging to my project, as shown in the screenshoot below:
Interesting to note that system headers (e.g. stdio.h) are correctly found.
So maybe I'm missing some piece of configuration in my project. First thing I thougth was the .includes added by QtCreator at project creation time (fiware-orion.includes in my case), which is like that:
which are the places in which the header files are (e.g. src/lib/mongoBackend/MongoGlobal.h) so everything seems fine in that file...
Any idea or suggestion is really welcomed :)

I think I found the answer myself just after publishing the question (use to happen :)
Adding to the .includes file this line:
solved the problem.
It makes sense... as my header names are like mongoBackend/MongoGlobal.h then
src/lib + mongoBackend/MongoGlobal.h = src/lib/mongoBackend/MongoGlobal.h


How to make CLion stop flagging PlatformIO dependencies with "file not found"?

I'm experimenting with using PlatformIO and the CLion IDE. I'm pretty new to C++ and writing for embedded hardware. I got PlatformIO working and my simple program compiles and runs but CLion highlights my PlatformIO dependencies as not being found.
I've seen it said that CLion looks where cmake looks, but CMakeLists.txt says
# https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf/section_env_build.html#build-flags
That URL seems like a dead end in terms of helping me solve my problem.
I was playing a little bit more with CLion and PlatformIO and wanted to use the library manager as well.
The installed libraries are located in {PROJECT_DIR}/.pio/libdeps/
I was not able to detect all libraries automatically, but with the method described below, I could get rid of the CLion warninings by explicitly defining the dependencies in the CMakeListsUser.txt likes this
For the few dependencies I got, this is sufficient. But of course it is not ideal to add every dependency manually. So if somebody has a better solution, please share it.
Original Answer
I stumbled on a similar issue, but maybe this could help you or others.
In my case, I added the ArduinoLog library in the "lib" folder. Although I was able to compile my code, the import showed up as an error and I had no code completion.
As described in the XMakeList.txt, I was able to resolve this issue, by adding a "CMakeListsUser.txt" in the root project directory with the following content.
After a rebuild and a restart I got no more errors and the code completion worked as expected. Maybe you can add the folder of your PlatformIO libraries there as well.
Seems like the best way to do it is to go to Tools->PlatformIO->Re-Init. New dependencies should stop showing up as missing.
It worked for me.
Source: https://community.platformio.org/t/clion-cant-find-lib-deps-library-headers/23929/2

Cannot build EmulationStation (VS2015) from CMake solution file

I'm having difficulties trying to compile an opensource framework (EmulationStation) in VS2015 on Windows. I've never used any of the tools before, apart from Visual Studio - so please forgive me if these are some obvious mistakes.
The guide says i need to do like this:
Boost (you'll need to compile yourself or get the pre-compiled binaries)
Eigen3 (header-only library)
FreeType2 (you'll need to compile)
cURL (you'll need to compile or get the pre-compiled DLL version)
(Remember to copy necessary .DLLs into the same folder as the executable: probably FreeImage.dll, freetype6.dll, SDL2.dll, libcurl.dll, and zlib1.dll. Exact list depends on if you built your libraries in "static" mode or not.)
CMake (this is used for generating the Visual Studio project)
(If you don't know how to use CMake, here are some hints: run cmake-gui and point it at your EmulationStation folder. Point the "build" directory somewhere - I use EmulationStation/build. Click configure, choose "Visual Studio [year] Project", fill in red fields as they appear and keep clicking Configure (you may need to check "Advanced"), then click Generate.)
This is how my CMake looks like (it says generating done)
I get alot of compilation errors in visual studio when trying to build though:
1) Cannot open include file: 'curl/curl.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-app\src\guis\GuiMetaDataEd.cpp) emulationstation C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-core\src\HttpReq.h
Where do I get this header file from?
2) 'round': redefinition; different exception specifications (compiling source file C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-app\src\guis\GuiMenu.cpp) emulationstation C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-core\src\Util.h 18
I have a lot of these errors with round. Am I missing a reference to a library?
Another screendump of some of the errors from VS2015:
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I am currently in de same boat as you, trying to get ES building under MSVS2015.
I am also very green, so hopefully others chime in as well.
Regarding the 'round' errors, apparently the MS compiler has no knowledge of these. For this issue, and some others, the newer ES fork by Herdinger has fixed this.
As this is currently the most active ES branch out there, and has the explicit goal of consolidating at least some of the backlog of PRs from the original Aloshi git, I would suggest you use this one.
In issue #4, there is some more information on building in recent VS versions. There is also a link for the precompiled cURL libs, including the header.
Having gone that far, I am sad to say that I still do not have a succesfull build as of yet. Compiling is no problem, however linking gives me a LNK2005 error.
Hope this helps a bit. Let me know how you fare.

How to Publish/Export wxWidgets Application

newbie here.
Want to ask for any advice on how to Publish/Export, CodeBlocks Application made by using wxWidgets. After some research, i discovered that i should use DLL, or something like that, but since I am really new into it, I am missing the logic on how I should actually implement that. Since CodeBlocks offers wxWidgets and DLL as separate projects. So I am not really sure how to properly combine. Thanks in advance.
If you used wxWidgets as .dll, to get a self-standing package you have to distribute all the requested libraries. The simplest way is just to copy them from their source folder (in your case [wxWidgets root]\lib\gcc_dll) in the same folder as your executable. There could be many of them, but usually only two or three are needed. For simplicity you can copy them all, or you can try repeatedly to start the program, and add each time the library indicated in the error message.
Please note that to distribute your application you will probably want to compile it in Release mode, and consequently you should ship the Release .dlls (i.e. beginning with wx...28_ instead of wx...28d_).

Adding OCHamcrest to an IOS Project

The documentation for the project says just add the framework and the linker flags and you are good to go. Hours and hours of wasted time later, I have figured out that that's not true. If you do that, the project does not see the header files. You have to put the framework somewhere were the compiler will find the headers. In my case, that worked when I dropped the framework into /Developer/Library/Frameworks and then told it to recurse in searching that framework directory (do not fiddle around with the headers search directories).
Then the problem I get is that the link fails with the message:
ld: framework not found OCHamcrestIOS
I noticed that the documentation for the project says that it was updated for Xcode 4. I pulled down the binary of the framework after checking out the code and wasting a ton of time unable to build the IOS version of the framework.
The documentation is here.
I also noticed in that documentation that the cocoa instructions tell you to put a copy files phase into the build. I tried that. Didn't change the outcome.
The last time I fell into a sink hole it was because the library was C++ code. Maybe that's still the problem.
Barring a rapid solution here, I am going to go back to using STAsserts, as sickening as that prospect is, this is far, far worse.
Update: reinstalled Xcode. Still doesn't work. There are cheap ways to make this work, like add the header files to the project. Did a blog post about this that brought out a person with the same experience.
I use a number of frameworks in my projects. Some from other people and some are mine. Looking at the documentation I would suggest that the copy phase stuff is not for iOS development. So I would not do that. I downloaded the latest zip from https://github.com/jonreid/OCHamcrest and it appears to contain a ready to go iOS static library. (Not on my mac so I cannot test to confirm).
Anyway, the way I include static libs is to
Select the project (XCode 4).
Select the target I want to add the library to.
Select the Build phases tab.
Expand Link binary with Libraries.
Click the [+] button to add a framework.
Click the [Add Other ...] button and navigate to the directory containing the <lib>.framework directory and select that.
Thats all. The targets search paths will be updated to include the framework directory and the framework will be listed on the left under the project. Expanding it will show the headers.
The problem you mention sound like a couple of things. Firstly the framework not found sounds like the framework has not been included in the target. When you select the framework in the project list on the left, you should be able to see it's Target Membership displayed on the right. Check it's on for the target you are compiling.
Secondly building frameworks is not a trivial task so don't attempt it unless you have the scripts to do it. I say this because building a iOS static framework means compiling for both simulator and devices, combining the compiled lib files into a universal one, and then storing it and the header in a specific directory strucuture.
The downloaded zip from OCHamcrest though, appears to have the correct OCHamcrestiOS.framework in it. So if you store that directory somewhere and link to it using the steps I've outlined above it should work just fine.
So the solution I adopted for now, after much thrashing around, was to include the framework in the project.
Create a group inside the Xcode project called Third Party.
Link it to a folder called thirdparty.
Go to the Add Files in Xcode and pick the framework.
Drag it over to the dependencies.
Run the tests, they pass!
This is maybe preferable anyway because referencing it in /System/Library/Frameworks would present some versioning issues, and this can be setup very quickly. Furthermore, we have a continuous integration server, and having to get in there and sync versions whenever something changes is not so great.
Thanks for checking it out, Derek.

Setting up a large Xcode project

I have a large exiting C++ project involving:
4 applications
50+ libraries
20+ third party libraries
It all builds fine on Windows using VS8, Linux using QMake (project uses Qt a lot). I also build it on OS X using QMake but I was wanting to setup an Xcode project to handle it in an IDE. I'm struggling to setup proper configuration to easily define dependencies, both to internal libraries and to the third party. I can do property sheets and .pri files in my (disturbed) sleep, but would appreciate some advice on building such large projects in Xcode.
I've been experiencing with Xcode configuration files and #including one from another but it does not seem to work as I would expect, especially when defining standard locations for header files etc.
Is there some good book describing the process of setting up Xcode (remember it's C++, I'm not wanting to learn ObjC at this time)?
Or maybe a good open source project I could learn from?
Step in to Xcode may be the book you're looking for. It's got a whole section devoted to using AppleScript to automate configuration includes. I've been going through the book myself on O'Reilly Safari as I've found myself in a situation similar to yourself!
