I install the Neo4j service. Which files are they exactly and where are they? - windows

From Windows installation - Operations Manual:
Neo4j can also be run as a Windows service. Install the service with bin\neo4j install-service, and start it with bin\neo4j start.
But where is the service installed? Googling with the query where is neo4j service installed doesn't give any meaningful result.

This question is about installing Neo4j as windows service in Windows OS. What you missed is the first step in installing Neo4j. In step 3 of topic 1 of Windows Installation, it says;
Right-click the downloaded file, click Extract All.
So when you do that step, it will prompt you where you would want the installation will be. It is not that clear where the location of the installation because you have to go thru the entire installation process to see it.


Unable to start Redis in Windows Services. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly

I had installed redis-3.0.504. Followed the installation instructions and now redis-server is running in the port
I had also installed redis in Windows services, but that is not running. I'm also not able to manually start the service. Getting the below error.
Any ideas to start the service?
Right-click in the service in Window Services and go to Properties.
Then go to Log On tab and select Local System account.
Click on the Ok button and start the service.
If you installed this via chocolatey, you need to add the following folder to allow the supplied redis.windows-service.conf to work:
If you didn't install via chocolatey, a missing log folder is still likely to be the culprit.
The Redis port for Windows you are using has been deprecated.
As the last commit in that project suggests you can check out Memurai.
Memurai is a production grade software, actively maintained and freely available for development.

RabbitMQ Executable Disappears Before Installation Begins on Windows 7

I've been following the documentation on the official RabbitMQ site to install it on my Windows 7 computer. Installing Erlang and setting the environment variables has been trouble-free, but using the RabbitMQ installer has not worked out.
I have tried downloading the installer from both the GitHub and Bintray links as a regular user and administrator, but it does not seem to change the following problem: each time I double-click or right-click->Run as Administrator the installer it removes itself from the computer.
I've tried looking at processes in Task Manager, the Trash Bin, All Programs, and even in Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features, but there is no sign that the installer has done it's job.
I ended up using Docker and Kitematic to run RabbitMQ image 3.6-management. The image works without any issues and appears to be a preferred option among my co-workers.

CouchDB fails to start after applying Windows 10 Creators Update

I'm running CouchDB 2.0 on Windows for development purposes. After applying the Windows 10 Creators Update, the CouchDB service doesn't start anymore. When I try to start it manually, I get a generic "unable to start service" error message.
CouchDB 2.0 on Windows uses the Non-Sucking Service Manager (NSSM) to run itself as service. Apparently, NSSM has problems after the creators update has been applied:
2017-04-26: Users of Windows 10 Creators Update should use prelease build 2.2.4-101 to avoid an issue with services failing to start.
Thus, the problem can be fixed by using the mentioned build of NSSM:
Download the pre-release build 2.2.4-101 from https://nssm.cc/download
Stop the CouchDB service through the Windows Services dialog (paused is not enough)
Overwrite nssm.exe in <CouchDbInstallDir>\bin with the one from the downloaded ZIP file (make sure you pick the right version 32 bit / 64 bit)
Start the CouchDB service

Apache install on Windows, cannot find installer

I'm trying for a couple of hours to find a MSI or EXE install package for Apache in Windows, and simply could not find it anywhere. All i get is a zip file with the directory structure, but when i extract it obviously the service is not installed / configured.
Can someone please point me to a place where i can find a MSI installer pro Win 2008 / 64bit ?
Thanks in advance.
This is why there are several packages including WAMP, XAMPP etc because it must be compiled and Apache will not provide binaries.
The Apache HTTP Server Project itself does not provide binary releases
of software, only source code.
A quick search would reveal some sources where you can download load them. I suggest to go with one of these to make maintaining it easier for yourself.
Here are some suggestions as noted in the docs.
Apache Lounge
BitNami WAMP Stack
I do not know specifically where you can get 2.4 msi and there may not be but 2.2 is still available if you have to have an installer. Which is still the most used version. Which is what I run on all my servers. Get 2.2.25
If you want 2.4 for windows which is NEWER that is the correct package from Apache Lounge you don't need an installer. The package give you the exact layout for the web sever. You're looking for a pretty little msi that goes through a wizard like WAMP, you're not going to find that. Installing from that zip you downloaded is easy and only takes like 5 minutes to setup. You can also put httpd.exe in the windows startup to so that it starts when it boots. Watch this video, it walks your through setting 2.4 up.

Websphere registry and repository (WSRR)

I'm trying to install WSRR on Linux (Ubuntu 11.04), but without success. I think I'm lacking some important information about installation. I've read that it's a prerequisite to have WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and DB2 installed, but when I downloaded WSRR package it has its own version of WAS and during installation it offers me Derby DB. In order to install it I had to change bash for dash (or vice versa). In the end I tried create profile of standalone WSRR in Profile Management Tool but with no success. Did anybody success in installation of standalone WSRR? Please help me, I need it for my thesis.
Thank you.
So finally I managed to install and run WSRR.
First of all you have to have OpenSuse installed.
Log in as root
Reinstall you web browser (I changed mozilla 4 to mozilla 6)
Launch installation ./launchpad.sh
Create profile with Profile Management Tool GUI
Run First steps console => change directory to profile_root/firststeps/wsrr, for example, opt/IBM/WebSphere/ServiceRegistry/profiles/WSRRSrv01/firststeps/wsrr and ./launchpad.sh
Run server
Start the WSRR Web UI (if you have stand-alone server)
Not a final answer... it seems you're installing on an unsupported platform. Never try this with commercial software, you will fail or will need hours and hours to get it up and running.
