Xamaring IPA Archive to store fails - xamarin

Can't archive an IPA with VS2019 on either Mac or PC. Everything latest version as of today. Works with Debug on device and Simulator. I already have an unlisted version in the store (exposed via Apple Business Manager and redemption codes) working. This is a patch release. Thoughts? Thanks


Even after rolling back to Xcode 13.3.1 I can no longer debug apps on my iPhone with iOS 15.6

After my iPhone 13 updated to iOS 15.6, Xcode 13.4.1 no longer was able to debug apps on the device. Many posts and Xcode support recommend that I roll back to Xcode 13.3.1.
So I renamed Xcode to "Xcode 13.4.1", downloaded the xip for 13.3.1 and also confirmed that I am running the previous version, via the About menu.
Yet I still get the following error:
Failed to prepare device for development. This operation can fail if
the version of the OS on the device is incompatible with the installed
version of Xcode. You may also need to restart your mac and device in
order to correctly detect compatibility.
I have cleaned the build folder, I also downloaded the 15.5 image, renamed it to 15.6, and placed it in the DeviceSupport folder. But it nothing has worked.
I don't know if Xcode uses any config files that I need to clean, or anything else I can't think of. Has anyone been through this?
Xcode 13.4 (build 13F100) has a known issue preparing devices running iOS 15.6 beta and is not officially supported. The fix is to wait for a newer build of 13.4.x Xcode.
Anecdotally some have said it works after disconnecting the phone and restarting both the phone and the Mac.
There are two workarounds:
The official workaround from Apple is to install Xcode 13.3.1. You have tried this. The majority of the config files are inside the Xcode directory. You can download AppCleaner and have it show you everything it would delete if you allowed it to uninstall Xcode. For me that list was 11 GB and 39 files. I'd exam those files and possibly make copies of anything outside /Applications/Xcode.app before allowing it to remove.
Navigate to
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/ and duplicate the 15.5 folder with a new name of 15.6. If this works, it is much safer.

ITMS-90745: Invalid Toolchain

Uploading to App Store Connect works fine until publishing for review with the App Store.
On xcode 11.3 Beta, the most up to date.
Email includes;
ITMS-90745: Invalid Toolchain - Your app was built with a version of
Xcode or SDK that is not yet supported. For information about the
supported version of Xcode or SDK for App Store submissions, view
Apple Developer News and Updates (https://developer.apple.com/news/).
I can upload just fine and use TestFlight just fine.
What is the max x-code version for uploading binary to the app store?
You are using a beta version for uploading apps to the app store.
Since Apple doesn't provide support for beta builds on the app store, you need to upload using xcode 10 until xcode 11 comes out of beta.
The beta allows testing through testflight but your binary will always be rejected whilst on a new beta.
Tl;dr. Always use the most up to date version available on the Mac App Store when wanting to upload to the app store.
User Xcode 11.2.1 GM. Hope it will work.

How to download Xcode manually and install from App Store using downloaded files by redirecting Apple server requests to our local files?

I am having problem downloading Xcode from app store. If there is any way to download Xcode manually and install using App Store? Or set App Store cache server to manually downloaded files?
If you have a developer account you can download Xcode (Release and Beta) from Apple Developer website: https://developer.apple.com/download/

Xamarin: error MT1108: Could not find developer tools for this 11.0.3 (15A432) device

I started to have this issue once I upgraded my phone to iOS 11.0.3.
It seems that now Visual Studio Community Edition for Mac (v7.2 build 636)
I've tried with both with XCode v9.0 (9A235) and v9.0.1 (9A1004)
This is the error that I receive in the application output in Visual Studio for Mac:
"error MT1108: Could not find developer tools for this 11.0.3 (15A432) device. Please ensure you are using a compatible Xcode version and then connect this device to Xcode to install the development support files."
I've verified that the path is set correctly for xcode-select, so in theory, it should work correctly. I'm almost thinking that the Xamarin toolchain does not yet support iOS v11.0.3
I've also tried deleting the bin/obj folders to no avail.
Might anyone be able to confirm that the Xamarin toolchain is compatible with iOS v11.0.3, and if so are there any special steps that need to be taken to make the toolchain recognize the version?
I can potentially downgrade my device to v11.0.1, but before I do I'd like to know if the toolchain is indeed incompatible.
Please let me know if there is more information that I can provide.
Apple ships some extra development code for devices when it release Xcode (an additional disk image to be loaded by the operating system).
In general Xcode ships them for everything it support at that point of time. Which means that when a newer version of iOS is shipped after the Xcode release the missing disk image might be unavailable until an updated Xcode is released (Apple can't guarantee future compatibility of the disk image).
E.g. for Xcode 9.0 (I don't have 9.0.1 installed)
/Applications/Xcode9.app/Contents//Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/11.0 (15A372)/DeveloperDiskImage.dmg
Xamarin.iOS tries to load the image based on the device version. If it cannot find it it will report the MT1108 error. A potential workaround would be to rename (or copy) the disk image to match your iOS version number. YMMV depending on the changes that Apple introduced in that iOS update.
Note that Xamarin.iOS does not need the disk image for most features. The most visible one, where it's required, is to automatically start the application on devices.
As you found out the deployment works and you can manually start the application and the debugger will connect. I'll update the documentation to include this information.
There was no further Xcode 9.0.x release after iOS 11.0.3. However the next Xcode release (9.1) included support for all 11.0.x versions.
The shasum of both images are identical so you can assume the one from Xcode9.0 could be renamed/copied without any issue.
Navigate to project folder and delete folders named bin & obj. That should fix the problem.

XCode 4.6 app won't install via ipa to device

I have an app built in XCode 4.6 and I'm trying to install it onto an iPad with iOS 5.1.
In the target summary I have set the deployment target to 5.1 and in the build settings the base SDK is set to latest (6.1). From what I have read this should work but when I install the app via the IPA file and iTunes the app starts and then flashes off.
It runs fine if I build and install through Xcode.
Is there something I'm missing here? Am I incorrect in thinking it will work if the base SDK is iOS 6.1 but the deployment target is 5.1?
I did double check the profile stored against the release configuration and found it was incorrect. So Kevin was right. Thank you.
It had been my understanding up til now that a profile error would prevent installation altogether. I know better now.
