XCode 4.6 app won't install via ipa to device - xcode

I have an app built in XCode 4.6 and I'm trying to install it onto an iPad with iOS 5.1.
In the target summary I have set the deployment target to 5.1 and in the build settings the base SDK is set to latest (6.1). From what I have read this should work but when I install the app via the IPA file and iTunes the app starts and then flashes off.
It runs fine if I build and install through Xcode.
Is there something I'm missing here? Am I incorrect in thinking it will work if the base SDK is iOS 6.1 but the deployment target is 5.1?

I did double check the profile stored against the release configuration and found it was incorrect. So Kevin was right. Thank you.
It had been my understanding up til now that a profile error would prevent installation altogether. I know better now.


Xamarin Forms iOS application always runs on simulator even if I choose a device

I ported my Xamarin Forms project from windows to Mac and I am trying to run it on a connected device which is added in the provisioning profile (provisioning profile and identity is setup accordingly in IOS Bundle Signing settings).
Whenever I try to run the App using Debug|iPhone > my Iphone:
It starts simulator runs on that instead of the device :
After stopping the build if I go back to Bundle Signing settings its changed back to simulator automatically:
I am using following setup:
Visual Studio 2017 Community on Mac 7.2 preview build 540.
XCode 8.3.3
Can anyone please help me with proper configuration to run the app on IPhone?
Many Thanks in advance :)
After hours of messing around I finally found the problem and solution.
In solution settings, iOS project (Debug-iPhone) configuration was mapped to (Debug|Simulator).
Simply changed it to Debug|iPhone and Its working fine now.

xcode 6.2 cannot install old simulator by coping

I found that I cannot install old simulator into Xcode 6.2 by coping now. I tried to download the 7.1 simulator in Xcode, but always get a no response message. Is there another way to install iOS 7.1 simulator for Xcode 6.2?
Goto Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads
Starting with Xcode 6.2, it will install to /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes rather than in the Xcode.app bundle itself. This allows you to install the legacy runtimes without breaking the signature of the app bundle (which in turn allows you to download delta updates from the store rather than full downloads when updating Xcode.app) and allows them to persist across Xcode.app updates.

Running on device 4.2.1 with XCode 4.2

I have xCode 4.2, and I've done all the steps about the $99 ios dev program.
Now I need to test my project on my device, which is an iPhone4 in 4.2.1, but I failed to run the app on the device, where the xcode says Xcode cannot run using the selected device.
But in the Organizer my device seems well, because there is a green bulb nearby, like it is in the picture:
Does anyone know the solution to this problem? Should I find something like 4.2.1 sdk to add to my Xcode?
Thanks a lot for your answering!
Download latest version of the SDK, the one supporting iOS 5.0.1. Use the latest SDK as the base SDK. This is not necessarily the oldest version of iOS your app will support.
If you'd like to support/test on devices running iOS 4.2, just go to project build settings and set "iOS Deployment Target" to 4.2.

Base SDK missing after a fresh install of XCode 3.2.5 which includes iOS SDK 4.2

I'm new to iPhone development. I just did a fresh install of XCode 3.2.5 with iOS SDK 4.2. No previous XCode or iOS versions have been installed before. However trying to compile some sample project from some books gives "Base SDK Missing". :( What to do? How can I use XCode 3.2.5 for older iPhones like 3GS if it only supports 4.2?
When I go to "Project/Edit Project Settings/Architecture/Base SDK/iOS SDK's" only iOS 4.2 is available to be selected.
Do I need to install older XCode first and then upgrade?
In the build settings, you can support older phones by setting "iOS Deployment Target" to something like 3.0. http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/cross_development/Configuring/configuring.html has more details on the difference between this and the Base SDK setting.
Set Project/Edit Project Settings/Architecture/Base SDK to the Latest OS version, then quit and restart Xcode. You can later set the Deployment target to a lower OS version.
I had the same problem for most of the afternoon. I did everything suggested and nothing worked UNTIL I cleaned and cleaned and saved and rebooted and re-built. Unfortunately that doesn't tell me what actually worked, but it does give everyone "just one more thing" to try.

Can't deploy debug version of my app after upgrading to iOS 4.2

I just upgraded to XCode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2, and I upgraded my device to 4.2.1. Now I can only deploy a release version of my app. How do I deploy a debug version of my app? Do I need to install debug symbols on the device? If so how?
Perhaps this can solve your problem, at least it worked for me:
Change the build settings for base
sdk to latest iOS version
Change the active configuration to
Choose Device in the same menu as
Switch back to Debug configuration
Choose Device in the same menu again
Go to the developer.apple.com site, sign in to the iOS member site, on the home tab is the Launch Assistant that will help you install your app to your device.
Two methods for running (Release vs. Debug Modes):
A) Run in Profiling Mode (it has Release Build set by default. Note: the NDEBUG macro is NOT set!)
B) Change the Run [appname] part of your build Scheme to Release mode temporarily, then back to the Debug default afterwards.
As for the device deployment part, I have not encountered this problem.
if you use an old iPod device, you should support armv6 version.
set "Architectures" , add "armv6" in both Debug and Release mode.
