How to split a string by a delimiter in Golang - go

I want to split a string by a delimiter, and the result should be a slice.
For example:
The given string might be like this:
foo := "foo=1&bar=2&&a=8"
The result should be like
result := []string{
I mean i can use strings.split(foo, "&") to split but the result does not meet my requirements.
// the result with strings.split()
result := []string{

Why not use url.ParseQuery. If you need a special characters like & (which is the delimiter) to not be treated as such, then it needs to be escaped (%26):
//m, err := url.ParseQuery("foo=1&bar=2&&a=8")
m, err := url.ParseQuery("foo=1&bar=2%26&a=8") // escape bar's & as %26
fmt.Println(m) // map[a:[8] bar:[2&] foo:[1]]
You would typically URL encode parameters like so:
q := url.Values{}
q.Add("foo", "1")
q.Add("bar", "2&")
q.Add("a", "8")
fmt.Println(q.Encode()) // a=8&bar=2%26&foo=1


Alternative to using strings.Builder in conjunction with fmt.Sprintf

I am learning about the strings package in Go and I am trying to build up a simple error message.
I read that strings.Builder is a very eficient way to join strings, and that fmt.Sprintf lets me do some string interpolation.
With that said, I want to understand the best way to join a lot of strings together. For example here is what I create:
func generateValidationErrorMessage(err error) string {
errors := []string{}
for _, err := range err.(validator.ValidationErrors) {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] failed validation [%s]", err.Field(), err.ActualTag()))
if err.Param() != "" {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", err.Param()))
errors = append(errors, b.String())
return strings.Join(errors, "; ")
Is there another/better way to do this? Is using s1 + s2 considered worse?
You can use fmt to print directly to the strings.Builder. Use fmt.Fprintf(&builder, "format string", args).
The fmt functions beginning with Fprint..., meaning "file print", allow you to print to an io.Writer such as a os.File or strings.Builder.
Also, rather than using multiple builders and joining all their strings at the end, just use a single builder and keep writing to it. If you want to add a separator, you can do so easily within the loop:
var builder strings.Builder
for i, v := range values {
if i > 0 {
// unless this is the first item, add the separator before it.
fmt.Fprint(&builder, "; ")
fmt.Fprintf(&builder, "some format %v", v)
var output = builder.String()

How to format a string containing a dynamic number of elements?

I am trying to format a string based on the elements received from the function calling it. This number of elements can varyfrom one to many.
Is there a way to call fmt.Sprintf with a variable number of elements. Something along the lines of:
receivedElements := []interface{}{"some","values"}
formattedString := fmt.Sprintf("Received elements: ...%s", receivedElements...)
Output: Received elements: some values
You can use like that:
args := []interface{}{"some", "values"}
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("values: " + strings.Repeat("%s ", len(args)), args...))
Or if you don't want to have last space in the line, you can create slice of %s and then use
args := []interface{}{"some", "values"}
ph := make([]string, len(args))
for i, _ := range args {
ph[i] = "%s"
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("values: " + strings.Join(ph, ", "), args...))

Escape unicode characters in json encode golang

Given the following example:
func main() {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
toEncode := []string{"hello", "wörld"}
I would like to have the output presented with escaped Unicode characters:
Rather than:
I have attempted to write a function to quote the Unicode characters using strconv.QuoteToASCII and feed the results to Encode() however that results in double escaping:
func quotedUnicode(data []string) []string {
for index, element := range data {
quotedUnicode := strconv.QuoteToASCII(element)
// get rid of additional quotes
quotedUnicode = strings.TrimSuffix(quotedUnicode, "\"")
quotedUnicode = strings.TrimPrefix(quotedUnicode, "\"")
data[index] = quotedUnicode
return data
How can I ensure that the output from json.Encode contains correctly escaped Unicode characters?

Golang enforce type for yaml.marshal

I'm running into this case where I have to marshal a map[string]interface{} and print it out. What happens is that when I print it out, the yaml lib ( converts the ints into strings and surrounds them by quotes while the strings are printed as strings without quotes. Example:
prop1: "1"
prop2: test
prop3: test2
I need other systems to read these values but could not find a way on enforcing the numeric types when I do yaml.Marshal().
My code for the above output looks something like this:
// receive output from somewhere else
pad := "%-16s%s"
raw, err := yaml.Marshal(output)
sArr := strings.Split(raw, "\n")
for _, s := range sArr {
fmt.Fprintln(c.StdOut, fmt.Sprintf(pad, s, ""))
Any suggestions how to overcome this?
Thanks in advance!

How to stop json.Marshal from escaping < and >?

package main
import "fmt"
import "encoding/json"
type Track struct {
XmlRequest string `json:"xmlRequest"`
func main() {
message := new(Track)
message.XmlRequest = "<car><mirror>XML</mirror></car>"
fmt.Println("Before Marshal", message)
messageJSON, _ := json.Marshal(message)
fmt.Println("After marshal", string(messageJSON))
Is it possible to make json.Marshal not escape < and >? I currently get:
but I am looking for something like this:
As of Go 1.7, you still cannot do this with json.Marshal(). The source code for json.Marshal shows:
> err := e.marshal(v, encOpts{escapeHTML: true})
The reason json.Marshal always does this is:
String values encode as JSON strings coerced to valid UTF-8,
replacing invalid bytes with the Unicode replacement rune.
The angle brackets "<" and ">" are escaped to "\u003c" and "\u003e"
to keep some browsers from misinterpreting JSON output as HTML.
Ampersand "&" is also escaped to "\u0026" for the same reason.
This means you cannot even do it by writing a custom func (t *Track) MarshalJSON(), you have to use something that does not satisfy the json.Marshaler interface.
So, the workaround, is to write your own function:
func (t *Track) JSON() ([]byte, error) {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
encoder := json.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := encoder.Encode(t)
return buffer.Bytes(), err
If you want a generic solution for any struct, you could do:
func JSONMarshal(t interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
encoder := json.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := encoder.Encode(t)
return buffer.Bytes(), err
In Go1.7 the have added a new option to fix this:
add Encoder.DisableHTMLEscaping This provides a way to disable the escaping of <, >, and & in JSON strings.
The relevant function is
func (*Encoder) SetEscapeHTML
That should be applied to a Encoder.
enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
Simple example:
This doesn't answer the question directly but it could be an answer if you're looking for a way how to deal with json.Marshal escaping < and >...
Another way to solve the problem is to replace those escaped characters in json.RawMessage into just valid UTF-8 characters, after the json.Marshal() call.
It will work as well for any letters other than < and >. (I used to do this to make non-English letters to be human readable in JSON :D)
func _UnescapeUnicodeCharactersInJSON(_jsonRaw json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error) {
str, err := strconv.Unquote(strings.Replace(strconv.Quote(string(_jsonRaw)), `\\u`, `\u`, -1))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []byte(str), nil
func main() {
// Both are valid JSON.
var jsonRawEscaped json.RawMessage // json raw with escaped unicode chars
var jsonRawUnescaped json.RawMessage // json raw with unescaped unicode chars
// '\u263a' == '☺'
jsonRawEscaped = []byte(`{"HelloWorld": "\uC548\uB155, \uC138\uC0C1(\u4E16\u4E0A). \u263a"}`) // "\\u263a"
jsonRawUnescaped, _ = _UnescapeUnicodeCharactersInJSON(jsonRawEscaped) // "☺"
fmt.Println(string(jsonRawEscaped)) // {"HelloWorld": "\uC548\uB155, \uC138\uC0C1(\u4E16\u4E0A). \u263a"}
fmt.Println(string(jsonRawUnescaped)) // {"HelloWorld": "안녕, 세상(世上). ☺"}
I hope this helps someone.
Here's my workaround:
// Marshal is a UTF-8 friendly marshaler. Go's json.Marshal is not UTF-8
// friendly because it replaces the valid UTF-8 and JSON characters "&". "<",
// ">" with the "slash u" unicode escaped forms (e.g. \u0026). It preemptively
// escapes for HTML friendliness. Where text may include any of these
// characters, json.Marshal should not be used. Playground of Go breaking a
// title:
func Marshal(i interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
encoder := json.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := encoder.Encode(i)
return bytes.TrimRight(buffer.Bytes(), "\n"), err
No, you can't.
A third-party json package might be the choice rather than the std json lib.
More detail:
I had a requirement to store xml inside json :puke:
At first I was having significant difficulty unmarshalling that xml after passing it via json, but my issue was actually due to trying to unmarshall the xml string as a json.RawMessage. I actually needed to unmarshall it as a string and then coerce it into []byte for the xml.Unmarshal.
type xmlInJson struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
var response xmlInJson
err := json.Unmarshall(xmlJsonData, &response)
var xmlData someOtherStructThatMatchesTheXmlFormat
err = xml.Unmarshall([]byte(response.Data), &xmlData)
Custom function is not kind of the best solution.
How about another library to solve this.
I use gabs
go get ""
message := new(Track)
I solve that problem like this.
