Alternative to using strings.Builder in conjunction with fmt.Sprintf - go

I am learning about the strings package in Go and I am trying to build up a simple error message.
I read that strings.Builder is a very eficient way to join strings, and that fmt.Sprintf lets me do some string interpolation.
With that said, I want to understand the best way to join a lot of strings together. For example here is what I create:
func generateValidationErrorMessage(err error) string {
errors := []string{}
for _, err := range err.(validator.ValidationErrors) {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] failed validation [%s]", err.Field(), err.ActualTag()))
if err.Param() != "" {
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", err.Param()))
errors = append(errors, b.String())
return strings.Join(errors, "; ")
Is there another/better way to do this? Is using s1 + s2 considered worse?

You can use fmt to print directly to the strings.Builder. Use fmt.Fprintf(&builder, "format string", args).
The fmt functions beginning with Fprint..., meaning "file print", allow you to print to an io.Writer such as a os.File or strings.Builder.
Also, rather than using multiple builders and joining all their strings at the end, just use a single builder and keep writing to it. If you want to add a separator, you can do so easily within the loop:
var builder strings.Builder
for i, v := range values {
if i > 0 {
// unless this is the first item, add the separator before it.
fmt.Fprint(&builder, "; ")
fmt.Fprintf(&builder, "some format %v", v)
var output = builder.String()


is there a way to word wrap/pad one sentence to multiple sentences in go

write now i have a huge string which i get from 250-300 characters and i'm writing to file using
file, err := ioutil.TempFile("/Downloads", "*.txt")
if err != nil {
This writes everything in one line, but is there a way to pad the lines so that automatically after 76 char, we get onto new line.
found a solution which does exactly the above requirment.
made it a generic solution to split based on "n" length and whatever delimeter is required.
you can try it in the playground if you wish (
func insertNth(s string, n int) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var n_1 = n - 1
var l_1 = len(s) - 1
for i, rune := range s {
if i%n == n_1 && i != l_1 {
return buffer.String()
Did some digging in and actually found it not that difficult, posted my solution above.

How to discard lines with certain strings in list and output to new list

I have a list downloaded from a website in XML. I am trying to filter the list by discarding lines that contain a certain string and building the same type of list without the lines containing the string.
I have a struct type that's having another struct.
I'm trying to use regexp and replaceall, and failing at replaceall.
func (*Regexp) ReplaceAll
func (re *Regexp) ReplaceAll(src, repl []byte) []byte
There may be an entirely simpler way to filter a list to a new list that I'm missing somewhere, but I've found this as the closest possible solution so far. Please share other ways to grep and delete lines to a new list. The list is a byte at body and downloaded as a xml.
type PeopleList struct {
Peoples []Person `xml:"peoples>person"`
type Person struct {
ADD string `xml:"add,attr"`
Loc string `xml:"loc,attr"`
Har string `xml:"har,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Country string `xml:"country,attr"`
Num string `xml:"num,attr"`
ADD2 string `xml:"add2,attr"`
Distance float64
func fetchPeopleList(userinfo Userinfo) PeopleList {
var p byte
jam, err := http.Get(string(peoplelisturl))
iferror (err)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(jam.Body)
peeps := body
reg := regexp.MustCompile("(?m)[\r\n]+^.*BAD:.*$")
rep := reg.ReplaceAll(peeps, p) // Here fails probably because of my syntax. Error: cannot use p (variable of type byte) as []byte value in argument to re.ReplaceAll
iferror (err)
defer jam.Body.Close()
Finally, I would like a new list in the same format as the first, only without the lines containing the string.
Your question says you want to "discard lines", but Replace/ReplaceAll, as their names suggest, are for replacing matched patterns. Your regex is also a simple substring match, so the obvious solution would seem to be reading the file line by line and - as your title says - discarding lines containing the substring.
func fetchPeopleList(userinfo Userinfo) PeopleList {
jam, err := http.Get(string(peoplelisturl))
iferror (err)
br := bufio.NewReader(jam.Body)
defer jam.Body.Close()
for {
line,err := br.ReadString('\n')
if !strings.Contains(line, "BAD:") {
fmt.Println(line) // or whatever you want to do with non-discarded lines
if err != nil {

Get data from Twitter Library search into a struct in Go

How do I append output from a twitter search to the field Data in the SearchTwitterOutput{} struct.
I am using a twitter library to search twitter base on a query input. The search returns an array of strings(I believe), I am able to fmt.println the data but I need the data as a struct.
type SearchTwitterOutput struct {
Data string
func (SearchTwitter) execute(input SearchTwitterInput) (*SearchTwitterOutput, error) {
credentials := Credentials{
AccessToken: input.AccessToken,
AccessTokenSecret: input.AccessTokenSecret,
ConsumerKey: input.ConsumerKey,
ConsumerSecret: input.ConsumerSecret,
client, err := GetUserClient(&credentials)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// search through the tweet and returns a
search, _ , err := client.Search.Tweets(&twitter.SearchTweetParams{
Query: input.Text,
if err != nil {
return &SearchTwitterOutput{}, err
for k, v := range search.Statuses {
fmt.Printf("Tweet %d - %s\n", k, v.Text)
return &SearchTwitterOutput{
Data: "test", //data is a string for now it can be anything
}, nil
//Data field is a string type for now it can be anything
//I use "test" as a placeholder, bc IDK...
Result from fmt.Printf("Tweet %d - %s\n", k, v.Text):
Tweet 0 - You know I had to do it to them! #JennaJulien #Jenna_Marbles #juliensolomita #notjulen Got my first hydroflask ever…
Tweet 1 - RT #brenna_hinshaw: I was in J2 today and watched someone fill their hydroflask with vanilla soft serve... what starts here changes the wor…
Tweet 2 - I miss my hydroflask :(
This is my second week working with go and new to development. Any help would be great.
It doesn't look like the client is just returning you a slice of strings. The range syntax you're using (for k, v := range search.Statuses) returns two values for each iteration, the index in the slice (in this case k), and the object from the slice (in this case v). I don't know the type of search.Statuses - but I know that strings don't have a .Text field or method, which is how you're printing v currently.
To your question:
Is there any particular reason to return just a single struct with a Data field rather than directly returning the output of the twitter client?
Your function signature could look like this instead:
func (SearchTwitter) execute(input SearchTwitterInput) ([]<client response struct>, error)
And then you could operate on the text in those objects in wherever this function was called.
If you're dead-set on placing the data in your own struct, you could return a slice of them ([]*SearchTwitterOutput), in which case you could build a single SearchTwitterOutput in the for loop you're currently printing the tweets in and append it to the output list. That might look like this:
var output []*SearchTwitterOutput
for k, v := range search.Statuses {
fmt.Printf("Tweet %d - %s\n", k, v.Text)
output = append(output, &SearchTwitterOutput{
Data: v.Text,
return output, nil
But if your goal really is to return all of the results concatenated together and placed inside a single struct, I would suggest building a slice of strings (containing the text you want), and then joining them with the delimiter of your choosing. Then you could place the single output string in your return object, which might look something like this:
var outputStrings []string
for k, v := range search.Statuses {
fmt.Printf("Tweet %d - %s\n", k, v.Text)
outputStrings = append(outputStrings, v.Text)
output = strings.Join(outputStrings, ",")
return &SearchTwitterOutput{
Data: output,
}, nil
Though I would caution, it might be tricky to find a delimiter that will never show up in a tweet..

Join arguments into one string

I have this:
if t.FieldName != "" {
if t.FieldName != item.FieldName {
panic(errors.New("FieldName does not match, see: ", t.FieldName, item.FieldName))
that won't compile because errors.New takes one string arg. So I need to do something like:
panic(errors.New(joinArgs("FieldName does not match, see: ", t.FieldName, item.FieldName)))
How can I implement joinArgs, so that it concatenates all it's strings arguments into one string?
The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem: The XY Problem. Your real problem is formatting panic error messages.
This is the normal solution to your real problem:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
t := struct{ FieldName string }{FieldName: "a t.FieldName"}
item := struct{ FieldName string }{FieldName: "an item.FieldName"}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("FieldName does not match, see: %v %v", t.FieldName, item.FieldName))
panic: FieldName does not match, see: a t.FieldName an item.FieldName
This seemed to work, not sure if it's optimal tho
func joinArgs(strangs ...string) string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
for _, s := range strangs {
return buffer.String()

Writing a struct's fields and values of different types to a file in Go

I'm writing a simple program that takes in input from a form, populates an instance of a struct with the received data and the writes this received data to a file.
I'm a bit stuck at the moment with figuring out the best way to iterate over the populated struct and write its contents to the file.
The struct in question contains 3 different types of fields (ints, strings, []strings).
I can iterate over them but I am unable to get their actual type.
Inspecting my posted code below with print statements reveals that each of their types is coming back as structs rather than the aforementioned string, int etc.
The desired output format is be plain text.
For example:
field_3=["a", "b", "c"]
Anyone have any ideas? Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way entirely?
func (c *Config) writeConfigToFile(file *os.File) {
listVal := reflect.ValueOf(c)
element := listVal.Elem()
for i := 0; i < element.NumField(); i++ {
field := element.Field(i)
myType := reflect.TypeOf(field)
if myType.Kind() == reflect.Int {
} else {
Instead of using the Bytes method on reflect.Value which does not work as you initially intended, you can use either the strconv package or the fmt to format you fields.
Here's an example using fmt:
var s string
switch fi.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%q", fi.String())
case reflect.Int:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%d", fi.Int())
case reflect.Slice:
if fi.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.String {
s = "["
for j := 0; j < fi.Len(); j++ {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s%q, ", s, fi.Index(i).String())
s = strings.TrimRight(s, ", ") + "]"
sf := rv.Type().Field(i)
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s=%s\n", sf.Name, s); err!= nil {
Why not use the built-in gob package to store your struct values?
I use it to store different structures, one per line, in files. During decoding, you can test the type conversion or provide a hint in a wrapper - whichever is faster for your given use case.
You'd treat each line as a buffer when Encoding and Decoding when reading back the line. You can even gzip/zlib/compress, encrypt/decrypt, etc the stream in real-time.
No point in re-inventing the wheel when you have a polished and armorall'd wheel already at your disposal.
