NTLMv1 authentication support for Quarkus - quarkus

How does one add or implement NTLMv1 Authentication in Quarkus? I need it so that I can use the quarkus rest client to read and write to Sharepoint folders using their Rest APIs.
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/get-to-know-the-sharepoint-rest-service?tabs=csom
Basically need to be able to authenticate and get the form digest value which expires every x seconds. After which I can include that in the header of the requests.

I don't think there is an out of the box solution.
If I understand the problem correctly, the easiest way to implement this is probably either using #ClientHeaderParam or ClientRequestFilter, that you register on your client with #Register(MyFilter.class).
Either way, you need to write some code to obtain the token and refresh it when it expires yourself.


Additional parameter in oauth2 token request

I'm developing backend for oauth2 client. I'm using authorization_grant flow with PKCE extension. I'm trying to implement it in such way that code verifier and code challenge is generated on clients side. So i have to add additional parameters to my token request (the second request, when input is authorization code and my application exchange it for access token).
My app will have to take this code_verifier from request param and pass it to authorization server with authorization code, client id, and client secret.
So now I'm struggling with customizing spring-security-oauth2-client to add additional parameter. There is way to add such parameters to authorization request by implementing OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver, but is there analogical way for adding parameters to token request?
Or maybe should i implement this endpoint manually?
I feel your pain, since Spring OAuth Security is often poorly documented for common use cases. One option you might consider is to provide a custom Spring filter that uses the open source nimbusds libraries, which have very good documentation and are easy to use.

Best practice checking token validation

I'm currently fiddling with loopback and I was wondering what is the best solution to check if an user is loggedIn.
I can check the validation of the token simply via REST. But I was wondering, if it would be useful to implement an heartbeat. If yes, what would be an good value? For example, check every 10sec if the token is still valid. Or is it better just to check when needed?
This is mostly done by checking the validity of access token provided in request headers for every API. You can then implement an automatic session recovery interceptor at the client side which detects when token expiry error comes in any API and then uses refresh token provided earlier to generate new set of tokens. I dont think it has got anything to do with loopback though. Its mostly on client side implementation.

IdentityServer4 how to store and renew tokens in authorization code flow

I am looking for the best approach to work with the IdentityServer4 autorization code flow.
My apps system is quite ordinary: I have an MVC client, a WebAPI and the IS. I also use AJAX to request the API from the client side. So I need the access token on the client side to put it into the authorization header.
Is it good idea to store access token in the cookies?
Do I need self-contained or reference token (it is about security, I suppose)?
What is the best approach to renew when it was expired?
I thought about the two strategies:
Update access token when the first 401 status code was recieved. Can be the problem cause I send more than 1 query to the API and I need to synchronized them and recall the first one (to get result);
Every time before API calling call the MVC client method with GetTokenAsync, check the expire time and get or update and get access token. Seems cheating, cause I need to call the MVC client every time when I want to call the API.
Could you help me to find the best way?
"Is it good idea to store access token in the cookies?"
No, not with the authorization code flow. If you are using an MVC web application you should find a way to store tokens in some kind of datastore away from the browser. All the MVC application should administer is a cookie to access future MVC endpoints (that will make subsequent calls to Identity Server with the appropriate access token in the datastore).
"Do I need self-contained or reference token (it is about security, I suppose)?"
That's all up to you and what you think is best for your use cases. If you'd like to see the information in the access token and skip the extra backend call for validation then use reference tokens. Strategy 2 requires you to use self-contained tokens so that you can check the expiry.
"Could you help me to find the best way?
I don't know if I can give the "best" way, but I'd probably go with strategy 2 and use self-contained tokens.
EDIT: If you wanted to use "axios , to get data from the API" then I would suggest using the implicit flow which has no concept of a refresh token. In this case, leaving it in the cookie should be OK.

Can't understand how to work with OpenID protocol using openidConnectClient-1.0 feature and Angular application which using REST API endpoints

So, I have a WAS Liberty server which configured to work with OpenID provider. Then I have an Angular application which heavily using REST Api endpoint.
When I first open an application or open it after token has been expired everything is ok, WAS redirects me to OpenID provider and then regular flow defined by OpenID and backed by openidConnectClient-1.0 implementation.
But how do I suppose to care about following use case: token has been expired while the application were open, and user issues GET or POST request without reloading the application? Right now WAS perform redirect too, so I can't actually distinguish between regular response and redirect (both return status 200).
The only solution which I think about is to say to Websphere not to perform redirect for some endpoints but to return 401/403 errors. So I'll be able to monitor response codes in my client side and perform accordingly. Is it possible to achieve? Perhaps there's another solution which I didn't know about?
Update: After I've written this I thought about using Authentication Filters, i.e. define something like:
<authFilter id="testFilter">
<webApp id="simple" matchType="contains" name="simple"/>
<requestUrl id="excludeUrl1" matchType="notContain" urlPattern="/basic"/>
<requestUrl id="excludeUrl1" matchType="notContain" urlPattern="/api"/>
But I immediately see two drawbacks on this approach:
Maintain app's logic in two different places, server.xml and app itself. It'll make maintenance of the application very cumbersome.
Due to nature of Authentication Filters it will fallback to another registry to perform login. It potentially can be a security flaw.
Update 2: Solution from above doesn't work. When server returns 401 Error together with www-authenticate header, browser shows popup of basic authentication, see proposed solution below.
To resolve this issue I've used Angular's Interceptors, where I check if there're following headers within the response: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, private, max-age=0. If they persist within the response I know that session expired and perform reloading of my application.
While reloading, liberty itself redirect it to SSO provider. Another solution is to extract redirect URL from response and redirect to it manually.

Designing a web api: How to authenticate?

I am designing a web api. I need to let the user authenticate themselves. I am a little hesistant to let the user pass in their username/password in cleartext.. something like: api.mysite.com/auth.php?user=x&pass=y
Another option i read about was Base64 encoding the username/password and then sending a HTTP request. So does that mean that on the server side;I would _GET['user'] and _GET['password'] and then somehow decode them?
Is that what twitter does: http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation#Authentication ?
Base64 is no protection at all. Use SSL for real security.
As mentioned by truppo, first use SSL.
What many web services do is have an "authenticate" service that returns a token that is then used later, and can be used in plaintext, since it's only valid for a limited amount of time. When it expires, the client simply does another authenticate.
The key benefit of this is that it reduces the number of SSL requests, which lightens the load on the server.
Just this week the IETF published a new draft discussing security properties of the various authentication mechanisms in HTTP. You should find helpful information there.
Personally I'd recommend at least to read about digest authentication and analyze if that's suitable for you.
Using SSL might also be an option. However, it also addresses additional issues at the expense of performance, cachability and others. It keeps the payload data confidential. If this is a requirement, then it's your way to go.
If this is a webservice, you'd better use more secure form of authentication. Look for example, at the LiveJournal protocol: Challenge-Response.
Please do not use regular usename/password authentication for the api. People really shouldn't be forced to put credentials from foreign services in a mashup service.
Please consider using oauth http://oauth.net/ or at least some challenge-response based system, like Eugene suggested.
One easy way would be to let the guest-service generate a token which is connected to his app and a user. If you put in some work you could even make the tokencreation secure to have only allowed foreign services with some private/public-key mechanisms.
The user has to authorize this token in your app before the guest service can use it to get authenticated.
I've found this article eye-opening.
In short: use a pair of API keys per user. One is for client authentication, one for parameters signing.
