I'm trying to enable RDP on a Windows 11 machine with Ansible and its win_regedit module. The idea is to set a value that is to change a value from its default of 1 to 0, which enables RDP.
The task in my playbook looks like this:
- name: Set Registry key
path: 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server'
name: 'fDenyTSConnections'
value: 0
type: dword
However, when I run it, Ansible doesn't change anything and reports it as OK. -vvv output for ansible-playbook looks like this (I have verified the value is set to '1', i.e. the undesired state):
ok: [win11test] => {
"changed": false,
"data_changed": false,
"data_type_changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"data": null,
"delete_key": true,
"hive": null,
"name": "0",
"path": "HKLM:\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server",
"state": "present",
"type": "dword",
"value": 0
I'm a bit stumped here. There's nothing in the docs to suggest I'm doing anything wrong.
The WinRM connection to the host seems to allow this just fine - I can run a PSSession from a Windows host, using the same credentials, and run the equivalent Powershell just fine. The code is:
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server' -name "fDenyTSConnections" -value 0
Anyone got an idea why Ansible thinks there's nothing to do here, and what I need to change about my task?
Not an answer to this specific question, but i found this on Google while researching my similar problem, as might others.
If the name value is surrounded by { and } like a lot of keys are, its essential to double-quote the name, otherwise Ansible tries to expand it as a variable, and it hits the wrong key.
- name: Show My Computer (1)
path: HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\ClassicStartMenu
name: "{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"
data: 0
type: dword
is good.
- name: Show My Computer (1)
path: HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\ClassicStartMenu
name: {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
data: 0
type: dword
is bad.
Linux Ubuntu 18
Ansile 2.9.27
Python 3.6
pywinrm 0.4.2
Remote host: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
How to fix the error pop from empty list ?
Ansible playbook code:
- win_updates:
- CriticalUpdates
reboot: no
reboot_timeout: 1000
Ansible console log showing Warning:
<> Running win_updates - round 1
<> Starting update task
Using module file /somewhere/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/windows/plugins/modules/win_updates.ps1
Pipelining is enabled.
EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
<> Starting polling for update results
EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
[WARNING]: Unknown failure when polling update result - attempting to cancel task: pop from empty list
EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
Error printed to console:
IndexError: pop from empty list
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"failed_update_count": 0,
"filtered_updates": {},
"found_update_count": 0,
"installed_update_count": 0,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"accept_list": null,
"category_names": [
"log_path": null,
"reboot": false,
"reboot_timeout": 1000,
"reject_list": null,
"server_selection": "default",
"skip_optional": false,
"state": "installed",
"use_scheduled_task": false
"msg": "pop from empty list",
"updates": {}
Potential workaround
The code fails in win_updates.py --> offset = int(lines.pop(-1)) , when lines is empty. Is lines = stdout.splitlines() expected to return something always? Otherwise, we can just ignore the pop(-1) when it's empty.
I have this (in the example shown I reduced it by removing many lines) non-trivial JSON retrieved from a Spark server:
"spark.worker.cleanup.enabled": true,
"spark.worker.ui.retainedDrivers": 50,
"spark.worker.cleanup.appDataTtl": 7200,
"fusion.spark.worker.webui.port": 8082,
"fusion.spark.worker.memory": "4g",
"fusion.spark.worker.port": 8769,
"spark.worker.timeout": 30
I try to read fusion.spark.worker.memory but fail to do so. In my debug statements I can see that the information is there:
msg: "Spark memory: {{spark_worker_cfg.json}} shows this:
ok: [process1] => {
"msg": "Spark memory: {u'spark.worker.ui.retainedDrivers': 50, u'spark.worker.cleanup.enabled': True, u'fusion.spark.worker.port': 8769, u'spark.worker.cleanup.appDataTtl': 7200, u'spark.worker.timeout': 30, u'fusion.spark.worker.memory': u'4g', u'fusion.spark.worker.webui.port': 8082}"
The dump using var: spark_worker_cfg shows this:
ok: [process1] => {
"spark_worker_cfg": {
"changed": false,
"connection": "close",
"content_length": "279",
"content_type": "application/json",
"cookies": {},
"cookies_string": "",
"failed": false,
"fusion_request_id": "Pj2zeWThLw",
"json": {
"fusion.spark.worker.memory": "4g",
"fusion.spark.worker.port": 8769,
"fusion.spark.worker.webui.port": 8082,
"spark.worker.cleanup.appDataTtl": 7200,
"spark.worker.cleanup.enabled": true,
"spark.worker.timeout": 30,
"spark.worker.ui.retainedDrivers": 50
"msg": "OK (279 bytes)",
"redirected": false,
"server": "Jetty(9.4.12.v20180830)",
"status": 200,
"url": "http://localhost:8765/api/v1/configurations?prefix=spark.worker"
I can't access the value using {{spark_worker_cfg.json.fusion.spark.worker.memory}}, my problem seems to be caused by the names containing dots:
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was:
'dict object' has no attribute 'fusion'
I have had a look at two SO posts (1 and 2) that look like duplicates of my question but could not derive from them how to solve my current issue.
The keys in the 'json' element of the data structure, contain literal dots, rather than represent a structure. This will causes issues, because Ansible will not know to treat them as literal if dotted notation is used. Therefore, use square bracket notation to reference them, rather than dotted:
- debug:
msg: "{{ spark_worker_cfg['json']['fusion.spark.worker.memory'] }}"
(At first glance this looked like an issue with a JSON encoded string that needed decoding, which could have been handled:"{{ spark_worker_cfg.json | from_json }}")
You could use the json_query filter to get your results. https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_filters.html
msg="{{ spark_worker_cfg.json | json_query('fusion.spark.worker.memory') }}
In response to your comment, the fact that we get an empty string returned leads me to believe that the query isn't correct. It can be frustrating to find the exact query while using the json_query filter so I usually use a jsonpath tool beforehand. I've linking one in my comment below but I, personally, use the jsonUtils addon in intelliJ to find my path (which still needs adjustment because the paths are handled a bit differently between the two).
If your json looked like this:
value: "theValue"
would work.
The path you're passing to json_query isn't correct for what you're trying to do.
If your top level object was named fusion_spark_worker_memory (without the periods), then your query should work. The dots are throwing things off, I believe. There may be a way to escape those in the query...
edit 2: clockworknet for the win! He beat me to it both times. :bow:
I'm currently using the route53_facts module on a project. I have 250 record sets in one hosted zone. I'm having difficulty with listing all record sets in that zone. The Route 53 API works by returning pages of maximum 100 records at a time. In order to retrieve the next page, you must pass the NextRecordName response value to the route53_facts module's start_record_name: field (pretty straightforward).
The issue I'm having specifically is getting Ansible to do this. Presumably one would do this using a loop, e.g. in pseudocode:
get 100 records
do until response does not contain NextRecordName:
get 100 records (start_record_name=NextRecordName)
In Ansible, I have written the below task to do this:
- block:
- name: List record sets in a given hosted zone
query: record_sets
hosted_zone_id: "/hostedzone/ZZZ1111112222"
max_items: 100
start_record_name: "{{ record_sets.NextRecordName | default(omit) }}"
register: record_sets
until: record_sets.NextRecordName is not defined
when: "'{{ hosted_zone['Name'] }}' == 'test.example.com.'"
...however, this does not work as expected. Instead of continuously paging through responses until no more records are left, it repeatedly returns the first 100 records ("the first page").
As I can see from the Ansible debug output, start_record_name: is repeatedly null:
"attempts": 2,
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"aws_access_key": null,
"aws_secret_key": null,
"change_id": null,
"delegation_set_id": null,
"dns_name": null,
"ec2_url": null,
"health_check_id": null,
"health_check_method": "list",
"hosted_zone_id": "/hostedzone/ZZZ1111112222",
"hosted_zone_method": "list",
"max_items": "100",
"next_marker": null,
"profile": null,
"query": "record_sets",
"region": null,
"resource_id": null,
"security_token": null,
"start_record_name": null,
"type": null,
"validate_certs": true
...my guess is that the | default(omit) filter is always being executed. In other words, record_sets.NextRecordName is never initialized at this point in the task.
I'm hoping somebody can assist me in getting Ansible to return all records from a zone in Route 53. I think I've gotten tangled up in Ansible's looping behavior. Thanks!
Caveat this with "as best I can tell:"
To answer your question, it actually seems that until: and register: do not interact in the same way that when: and register: do. The best explanation I have is that until: behaves like a database transaction: it rolls back the register: assignment if the conditional is false, meaning that when the body of the until: task is tried again, it uses the same parameters as the first time. The only thing which keeps an until: block from being an infinite loop is the retries: value.
So, in your specific case, I think this will do the job:
- name: initial record_set
# bootstrap so the upcoming "when:" will evaluate correctly
register: record_facts
- set_fact:
# capture the initial answer
records0: '{{ record_facts.ResourceRecordSets }}'
- name: rest of them
start_record_name: '{{ record_facts.NextRecordName }}'
register: record_facts
when: record_facts.NextRecordName | default("")
with_sequence: count=10
- set_fact:
all_records: >-
{{ record0 + (record_facts.results |
selectattr("ResourceRecordSets", "defined") |
map(attribute="ResourceRecordSets") | list) }}
The with_sequence: is a hack because loop: (for which with_* is syntatic sugar) needs a list of items over which to iterate, but given that the responses that come back without NextRecordName will cause the when: to fail, skipping them, makes the (in your case) 3 through 10 items resolve almost immediately.
Then you just need to pull out the actual response data from the now list of route53_facts: replies, and glue them to the initial one to get the complete list.
Having said all of that, I am now convinced that route53_facts: (and any other AWS module that pushes the burden of that iteration into the playbook) behavior is a bug. The module caller already has a max_items: available to them, but it's an implementation detail that that any value can't be larger than some random pagination cut-off.
In my ansible coding i want to know the status of the service like service httpd status (service is runngin or not) the result would be store in to variable. Using that status i will use some other code in ansible.
I am using ansible service module there is no option for status. If i use the shell module i got this warning
[WARNING]: Consider using service module rather than running service
so is it any other module doing to get service status?
No, there is no standard module to get services' statuses.
But you can suppress warning for specific command task if you know what are you doing:
- command: service httpd status
warn: false
I've posted a quick note about this trick a while ago.
You can use the service_facts module.
For example, say I want to see the status of Apache.
- name: Check for apache status
- debug:
var: ansible_facts.services.apache2.state
The output is:
ok: [192.168.blah.blah] => {
"ansible_facts.services.apache2.state": "running"
If you would like to see all of them, you can do that by just going two levels up in the array:
var: ansible_facts.services
The output will list all the services, and will look like this (truncated for the sake of brevity):
"apache2": {
"name": "apache2",
"source": "sysv",
"state": "running"
"apache2.service": {
"name": "apache2.service",
"source": "systemd",
"state": "running"
"apparmor": {
"name": "apparmor",
"source": "sysv",
"state": "running"
I am using Ansible 2.7. Here are the docs for that module: Click here
here is an example of starting a service and then checking status using service facts, in my example you have to register the variable then output it using debug var and pointing to the correct format in the json chain resulting output:
## perform start service for alertmanager
- name: Start service alertmanager if not started
become: yes
name: alertmanager
state: started
## check to see the state of the alertmanager service status
- name: Check status of alertmanager service
register: service_state
- debug:
var: service_state.ansible_facts.services["alertmanager.service"].state
Hopefully service: allow user to query service status #3316 will be merged into the core module soon.
You can patch it by hand using this diff to system/service.py
Here's my diff using ansible I've run this on my mac/homebrew install and it works for me.
This is the file that I edited: /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/
## -36,11 +36,12 ##
- Name of the service.
required: false
- choices: [ started, stopped, restarted, reloaded ]
+ choices: [ started, stopped, status, restarted, reloaded ]
- C(started)/C(stopped) are idempotent actions that will not run
- commands unless necessary. C(restarted) will always bounce the
- service. C(reloaded) will always reload. B(At least one of state
+ commands unless necessary. C(status) would report the status of
+ the service C(restarted) will always bounce the service.
+ C(reloaded) will always reload. B(At least one of state
and enabled are required.)
required: false
## -1455,7 +1456,7 ##
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True),
- state = dict(choices=['running', 'started', 'stopped', 'restarted', 'reloaded']),
+ state = dict(choices=['running', 'started', 'stopped', 'status', 'restarted', 'reloaded']),
sleep = dict(required=False, type='int', default=None),
pattern = dict(required=False, default=None),
enabled = dict(type='bool'),
## -1501,6 +1502,9 ##
+ if module.params['state'] == 'status':
+ module.exit_json(state=service.running)
# Calculate if request will change service state
I have an Ansible play-book for working with EC2 instances. I'm using dynamic inventory (ec2.py) to get the group of instances that I want to work with (hosts: tag_Service_Foo). When I run it, it produces output like:
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []
However, I can fetch the "Name" tag for a particular instance from Amazon (I do this and store it in a variable for use in a couple parts of the playbook).
Is there a way to get Ansible to use this string for the hostname when displaying progress? I'd like to see something more descriptive (since I don't have the IPs memorized):
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [main-server]
ok: [extra-server]
ok: [my-cool-server]
The output of the ec2.py inventory script looks like this (truncated; it's very long).
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"": {
"ec2__in_monitoring_element": false,
"ec2_ami_launch_index": "0",
"ec2_architecture": "x86_64",
"ec2_client_token": "xxx",
"ec2_dns_name": "xxx",
"ec2_ebs_optimized": false,
"ec2_eventsSet": "",
"ec2_group_name": "",
"ec2_hypervisor": "xen",
"ec2_id": "i-xxx",
"ec2_image_id": "ami-xxx",
"ec2_instance_type": "xxx",
"ec2_ip_address": "xxx",
"ec2_item": "",
"ec2_kernel": "",
"ec2_key_name": "xxx",
"ec2_launch_time": "xxx",
"ec2_monitored": xxx,
"ec2_monitoring": "",
"ec2_monitoring_state": "xxx",
"ec2_persistent": false,
"ec2_placement": "xxx",
"ec2_platform": "",
"ec2_previous_state": "",
"ec2_previous_state_code": 0,
"ec2_private_dns_name": "xxx",
"ec2_private_ip_address": "xxx",
"ec2_public_dns_name": "xxx",
"ec2_ramdisk": "",
"ec2_reason": "",
"ec2_region": "xxx",
"ec2_requester_id": "",
"ec2_root_device_name": "/dev/xvda",
"ec2_root_device_type": "ebs",
"ec2_security_group_ids": "xxx",
"ec2_security_group_names": "xxx",
"ec2_sourceDestCheck": "true",
"ec2_spot_instance_request_id": "",
"ec2_state": "running",
"ec2_state_code": 16,
"ec2_state_reason": "",
"ec2_subnet_id": "subnet-xxx",
"ec2_tag_Name": "main-server",
"ec2_tag_aws_autoscaling_groupName": "xxx",
"ec2_virtualization_type": "hvm",
"ec2_vpc_id": "vpc-xxx"
"tag_Service_Foo": [
What you need to do is create your own wrapper (say my_ec2.py) over the ec2.py that would post process the output. Idea is to use the behavioral hostvar ansible_ssh_host. You can use any language not only python. As long as it prints valid json on stdout you're good to go. Reference if needed.
It'll be a tiny bit of work. But hope the sudo code would help:
output_json_map = new map
for each group in <ec2_output>: # e.g. tag_Service_Foo, I think there would be another
# key in the output that contains list of group names.
for each ip_address in group:
hname = ec2_output._meta.hostvars.find(ip_address).find(ec2_tag_Name)
# Add new host to the group member list
output_json_map.add(key=group, value=hname)
copy all vars from ec2_output._meta.hostvars.<ip_address>
to output_json_map._meta.hostvars.<hname>
# Assign the IP address of this host to the ansible_ssh_host
# in hostvars for this host
print output_json_map to stdout
E.g. for your example the output of my_ec2.py should be:
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"main-server": {
"ansible_ssh_host": ""
--- snip ---
"ec2_tag_Name": "main-server",
--- snip ---
"extra-server": {
"ansible_ssh_host": ""
--- snip ---
"ec2_tag_Name": "extra-server",
--- snip ---
<other hosts from all groups>
"tag_Service_Foo": [
<other hosts in this group>
"some other group": [
<hosts in this group>,
and obviously, use this my_ec2.py instead of ec2.py as the inventory file. :-)
-- edit --
1) In the groups, can I only refer to things by one name? 2) There's
no notion of an alias? 3) I'm wondering if I could use the IP addr in
the groups and just modify the _meta part or if I need to do it all?
Yes*, No and no.
* Technically first yes should be no. Let me explain.
What we are doing here can be done with static inventory file like this:
Original ec2.py was returning json equivalent of following inventory file:
[tag_Service_Foo] ec2_tag_Name="main-server" ec2_previous_state_code="0" ... ec2_tag_Name="extra-server" ec2_previous_state_code="0" ...
our new my_ec2.py returns this:
main-server ansible_ssh_host="" ec2_tag_Name="main-server" ec2_previous_state_code="0" ...
extra-server ansible_ssh_host="" ec2_tag_Name="extra-server" ec2_previous_state_code="0" ...
# Technically it's possible to create "an alias" for main-server like this:
main-server-alias ansible_ssh_host="" ec2_tag_Name="main-server" ec2_previous_state_code="0" ...
Now you would be able to run a play with main-server-alias in the host list and ansible would execute it on
BUT, and this is a big BUT, when you run a play with 'all' as the host pattern ansible would run the task on main-server-alias as well as main-server. So what you created is an alias in one context and a new host in another. I've not tested this BUT part so do come back and correct me if you find out otherwise.
If you put
vpc_destination_variable = Name
in your ec2.ini file, that should work too.
For a more recent version, working since version 2.9 of Ansible, at least, the aws_ec2 plugin now allows this as a simple configuration, without the need to create any warper around ec2.py.
This can be done using a combination of the parameters hostnames and compose.
So the trick is to change the name of the EC2 instance via the hostnames parameter to have something human readable — for example from an AWS tag on the instance — and then to use the compose parameter to set the ansible_host to the private_ip_address, public_ip_address, private_dns_name or the public_dns_name to allow the connection, still.
Here would be the minimal configuration of the plugin to allow this:
plugin: aws_ec2
- tag:Name
# ^-- Given that you indeed have a tag named "Name" on your EC2 instances
ansible_host: public_dns_address
Mind, that, in AWS, the tags are not uniques, so you can have multiple instances tagged with the same name, but in Ansible, the hostname is something unique. This means that you will probably be better of composing the name with the tag:Name postfixing with something truly unique, like the instance ID.
Something like:
plugin: aws_ec2
- name: 'instance-id'
separator: '_'
prefix: 'tag:Name'
ansible_host: public_dns_address