How to find the right rust nightly version when build substrate project from github - substrate

I pulled some open-source substrate projects from Github.
I got many errors of API in crates. I think it was caused by version mismatching of Rust.
How can I know which version should I choose when running these commands?
rustup install nightly-<YYYY-MM-DD>
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-<YYYY-MM-DD>
rustup default nightly-<YYYY-MM-DD>
Suppose that I found the right version nightly-2021-10-20, is there a case it works on macOS, but not in Windows?

Suppose that I found the right version nightly-2021-10-20, is there a
case it works on macOS, but not in Windows?
No it is independent of OS. If it is working on Mac, it will work on Linux and Windows as well.

To determine this shell.nix file is present at substrate repo


Is vcpkg installing debug or release version of the library?

How can I check if vcpkg installed debug/release version of a library?
I'm on macOS Monterey but I guess this applies to other OS also.
I did vcpkg install qt5 and after a few hours it looks like it installed everything (almost).
After adding the kit from vcpkg on QtCreator, I can build/run a simple Qt based project in release mode but in debug mode it fails with:
vcpkg install both versions. Qt IDE integration however works only for release builds unless you are allowed to specify a qt.conf file to use for customized lookup. Typically IDE integrations just look for qmake without any way to customize it... which only allows one build config to work in vcpkg

How to install an older version of gomobile

after an OS re-install (MacOS Big Sur) I'm trying to get my go & gomobile development environment set up again. I have a specific version requirement for my app so I am using go 1.13.x, installed via homebrew.
I then installed gomobile via the command: go get
The problem occurs when I run the following command: gomobile init, this throws the following error:
gomobile: Go 1.16 or newer is required
Before the OS rebuild I had the same go version (1.13.x) installed and gomobile worked, it never threw that error. After googling a bit my question is, is there a repository or place where I can download the gomobile binary for an earlier version? The website seems to only show a single "v0" version, which is the one causing the problem. Perhaps even if there's a way to build an older version from source?
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
Per the Go release policy, Go 1.13 hasn't been supported by the Go project for quite some time — for example, it hasn't received any security fixes since August 2020.
Instead of downgrading gomobile, upgrade to a supported version of the Go toolchain — see for instructions.

MinGW32/64 and GCC: Installing and Upgrading on windows using cmd

I have already installed MinGW32. I want to update MinGW32, GCC, and G++ on the latest available version. I have searched on the internet and overflow but the answers seem to be outdated. One of the answers, I tried but it shows the same version of MinGW and GCC( latest version is 10.2 and I have 9.2.0) as before.
Moreover, my machine is 64 bit so I want to upgrade my MinGW to MinGW64 but despite lots of efforts and internet searches, I am unable to get an executable setup for the system, neither cmd instructors to install. Also, I am unable to discover instructions for its updating to the latest version available( for future purposes)
Please help me to accomplish the above tasks. Also, it would be better if the step by step instructors are provided using cmd. Thanks in advance.
The MinGW-w64 personal build from has the latest GCC version (currently 10.1) and requires no installation, just unzip the download.
If you need to upgrade this later you can just replace the mingw32 or mingw64 folder with the new version.

how to config golang plugins in pycharm?

I want to develop Go use pycharm. My golang version is 1.4.2.And my pycharm version is 4.5.2.My operating system is Mac OSX 10.10.3.I have configured the GOROOT and GOPATH on my Mac.Like the pictures:
I download the golang plugin from this url. But when I installed the plugin and restart pycharm, the IDE show me that no gopath and goroot. The messages:
what's wrong?
Create environment vairiables gopath and goroot.
For example,
export GOPATH='goHomePath'
export GOROOT='< goRootPath >'
Install the latest pre-release build of the new golang IDEA plugin. There's been a lot of work recently on it by two Jetbrains employees and it's gotten much better than the currently released version.

Where to get macos SDK 10.6 for Xcode?

I am having Xcode 4.4 on OS X Lion. I'd like to install the Mac 10.6 SDK - also known as macosx10.7 SDK - because I need to compile openFrameworks.
I found that I need to download additional tools from this site. However I didn't find any 10.6 SDK there. I also tried looking in Xcode Preferences -> Downloads -> Components, but there is no way.
I am wondering how can I install previous SDKs for Xcode?
Unfortunately, Apple tends to make this much harder than you'd like. You can't download SDKs by themselves. They come as part of specific versions of Xcode. So you have to download the right version of Xcode. Search for "10.6", and you'll see that you want Xcode 4.1.
Once you download that, you can install it (that version will go into /Developer, so it won't break your /Applications version), or you can open up the package and find the SDKs in it. If you don't know how to crack open these packages, just install it.
Once you do that, search for "MacOSX10.6.sdk". I forget exactly where it is in that particular version.
What I do at that point is copy the sdk into a /SDKs directory. That way I always have them all.
Now, you need to add it to your current version of Xcode. You can do that by making symlinks in /Applications/ If you like, you can use my tiny link-sdks script for that.
UPDATE: In modern versions of Xcode (7.3+) to use older SDKs edit MinimumSDKVersion here:
All legacy MacOS SDKs can be found on GitHub -
If you search the openFrameworks forums, there are a few posts where people are providing download links from their public Dropbox folders, for example.
Somewhat off topic, but I hit a very similar problem trying to install Erlang using kerl.
Everything worked for me until the "kerl build ..." step. The build log showed the following error:
odbcserver.c:117:10: fatal error: 'sql.h' file not found #include "sql.h"
The problem is that the ODBC is no longer part of the Mavericks installation(i.e., MacOS 10.6 SDK isn't installed). Piecing together advice from a variety of sites, none of which worked by themselves, the following set of steps fixed the issue:
brew install unixodbc - installs the missing ODBC libraries and include files (e.g., sql.h).
Set CFLAGS to point to the include directory for the unixodbc installation as part of the kerl build command (e.g.,):
CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/Cellar/unixodbc/2.3.2/include" ./kerl build R15B R15B
This points the build to the ODBC include files.
My environment is Mavericks, the xcode command line tools, and xcode v5.1.1.
Some SDK(with Xcode) you can download from direct links. List here:
Some don't work, but something you can still download. For example:
