MinGW32/64 and GCC: Installing and Upgrading on windows using cmd - gcc

I have already installed MinGW32. I want to update MinGW32, GCC, and G++ on the latest available version. I have searched on the internet and overflow but the answers seem to be outdated. One of the answers, I tried but it shows the same version of MinGW and GCC( latest version is 10.2 and I have 9.2.0) as before.
Moreover, my machine is 64 bit so I want to upgrade my MinGW to MinGW64 but despite lots of efforts and internet searches, I am unable to get an executable setup for the system, neither cmd instructors to install. Also, I am unable to discover instructions for its updating to the latest version available( for future purposes)
Please help me to accomplish the above tasks. Also, it would be better if the step by step instructors are provided using cmd. Thanks in advance.

The MinGW-w64 personal build from http://winlibs.com/ has the latest GCC version (currently 10.1) and requires no installation, just unzip the download.
If you need to upgrade this later you can just replace the mingw32 or mingw64 folder with the new version.


Replacing old Xcode command line tool with newer Brew version

I'm trying to build a binary from source code which has a dependency on the package" NASM 2.12.02 or later. However, I have an earlier version already installed on my Mac via Xcode:
/usr/local/bin/nasm -v
NASM version 0.98.40 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 11) compiled on May 1 2018
So to (attempt to) rectify this, I used Homebrew to install a much newer version of the package
brew info nasm
nasm: stable 2.13.03 (bottled), HEAD
However, now my PATH is only pointed to the old NASM executable, while the new tool seems to be sitting in Homebrew's Cellar (ie. /usr/local/Cellar/nasm/2.13.03).
Is there a nice way of "switching" between these versions so that the system PATH views only the newer version and disregards the older one? So far I've thought of rm -rf-ing the old version and exporting the new version to my PATH, but that seems very destructive.
Also, I have run the command: brew doctor and have resolved all linker errors, but that has not seemed to help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
To fix this, I used the following command:
export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/nasm/2.13.03/bin:$PATH
This modifies the PATH variable to point to the /usr/local/Cellar/nasm/2.13.03/bin directory and find the nasm executable there before looking in /usr/local/bin.

Install GCC 4.8 on Redhat 7 in offline mode

How to install GCC 4.8 on RHEL 7 in offline mode? (not registered with Redhat).
I searched for a solution but couldn't find a proper one.
There are two options that we can use
1) Create a local yum repository from DVD/ISO file - Google search will throw lot of links. One such thing is https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1355683
2) Another option is use the Centos repository. Centos is derived from RHEL and should be safe. You can set this as you repository. But, I will go for the first one
Not sure about GCC 4.8, but V6.3.1 is available via the Developer Toolset. See https://developers.redhat.com/products/developertoolset/updates/
I'm believe GCC 5.3 may still be accessible too.
There's a no-cost RHEL developer subscription to download here: https://developers.redhat.com/products/rhel/download/

Which one I should download? "Download the latest version of libclang"

I want to install YouCompleteMe, on Mac OSX, early 2015.
I have installed it under guidance of Mac OSX part. However, I got one warning:
NoExtraConfDetected: No .ycm_extra_conf.py file detected.
Then I read the full installation guide, and know that I should Download the latest version of libclang. However, there are so many source code on the official webpage of LLVM, and I don't know what to install (figure below).
So, could you please tell me, which one I should install?
If you go to http://llvm.org/releases/download.html#3.8.0 you can see Pre-Build binaries for MacOsX that's what you need to download and extract. Once you extract this. You will need to source it's location using the path variable.
Now, You can also install clang using brew from the terminal.
brew install --with-clang llvm

Why is `qmake -v` version not changing after installing later version?

I'm updating my version of Qt for development purposes on my mac.
So I downloaded and installed the opens-source .dmg from the Qt website (https://www.qt.io/).
During installation, I specifically checked the box to install version 5.0.2.
But afterwards, when running qmake -v, it still says the version is 4.8.7.
Make version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.8.7 in /Users/my_dir/anaconda/lib
(Note: it also points to /lib directory in /anaconda, even though I'm setting this up for Rails purposes. Not sure if this has any impact.)
Can anyone advise how I can change the version that is being pointed to?
Below is what worked for me, incase anyone else has this issue.
Check which version of qmake is being used. which qmake.
Remove anaconda from mac $PATH.
Force homebrew to symlink binaries. brew link --force qt55.
Re-check which version of qmake is being used. which qmake.
When you check the version of qmake the second time, it should point to the new version of qmake that you have installed.
Note: You will have to redo this for every terminal session where you want to use the newer version of qmake.

Using old version of Cygwin

I am trying to use the old version of 32 bit cygwin (1.7.22 - 1.7.32) which uses GCC 4.7.3 version.
Just found one (cygwin 1.7.25) but during the standard installation (running with setup-x86.exe) it shows the following errors:
The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe. If you have
any trouble installing, please download a fresh version from "cygwin
official page"
Is that old version not supported anymore and I can not chose right address from where it can download and install the needed packages?
I can't find a good answer. Normally what you see in the installer is what you have access to.
When you load your setup-x86.exe, get to the packages (ignore the warning), and see if you can select the version of Cygwin you need (use the search box to narrow it down). On mine I can only get a few revisions and nothing as old as you need. That being said, I do have the latest installer and can't test this for you.
