how to combine results after rxjs from? - rxjs

I want to start with a rxjs from([1,2,3,4,5]) and then map over each and increment by one but then end up with a combined array by the time I subscribe. Ie: [2,3,4,5,6]
here is my attempt
map(item => item + 1),
concatMap(el => of(el))
).subscribe(res => console.log("res", res)) // want to print [2,3,4,5,6]

You're close! You can use the toArray operator.
map(v => v + 1),


How to emit 1's not closely followed by a 2

I have an observable stream which emits numbers, I want another stream that emits all 1's that are not closely followed by a 2 (within say 200ms), so for example from this source stream:
(every character is 100ms)
The result should be:
How would I do that using rxjs#^6.6.7?
Based on #martin's answer:
when a 1 is emitted,
we create a new observable that waits for the next element for 200ms
if no element comes within the 200msec, we emit the 1 and close the subscription
if an element comes and it's a 2, we emit nothing and close the subscription
if an element comes and it's a 1, we emit the original value and close the subscription
filter(value => value != 2),
mergeMap(value =>
filter(v => v != 2),
map(_ => value),
catchError(_ => of(value))
.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
I would do it like this. Each 1 is wrapped with an inner Observable and delayed by 200ms which might be completed earlier using takeUntil() and thus ignored:
filter(value => value === 1),
mergeMap(value => of(value).pipe(
filter(value => value === 2),

How do I create an observable which emits a value from an ngrx selector, then another value after a delay?

Given an ngrx selector:'count')
I want to create an observable that will emit values emitted by the selector, then emit another specific value after a delay.
Using concat doesn't work as (I assume) the selector doesn't complete, so the 0 is never emitted:
this.count$ = concat('count'), of(0).pipe(delay(2000)));
- click 'Increment' button - Current Count should change to 1 then back to 0 after 2 seconds.
If you want to emit the'count') value, then essentially reset it to 0 after not receiving an emission for 2 seconds, you can use a switchMap to create a source that emits two values:
The emitted count
The "default" value of 0 after 2000ms
The trick here is that the second value (0) will NOT be emitted if another'count') value is received, because switchMap will create a new source and "switch" to that:
this.count$ ='count').pipe(
switchMap(count => concat(
Here's a working StackBlitz demo.
It might even be worth creating a custom operator:
this.count$ ='count').pipe(
resetAfterDelay(0, 2000)
export function resetAfterDelay<T>(defaultValue: T, delayMs: number) {
return switchMap((value: T) => concat(
Below is an approach using combineLatest and BehaviorSubject
We are hold a value in a subject and create a timer that emits value 0 after 2s. So we have two Observables, one emits immediately and the other after 2s. We combine this two and the effect is a single observable as desired
valueHolderSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject(0);
this.count$ = combineLatest(["count").pipe(
tap(x => this.valueHolderSubject$.next(x)),
tap(() =>
next: () => {
map(() => this.valueHolderSubject$.value),
]).pipe(map(([, x]) => x));
Demo Here
A per my comments on the answer from BizzyBob, I was getting unreliable results. But I refined it to work using:
this.count$ = merge('count'),'count').pipe(delay(2000), map(_ => 0))
See stackblitz:

How to preserve a 'complete' event across two RxJS observables?

I have an observable const numbers = from([1,2,3]) which will emit 1, 2, 3, then complete.
I need to map this to another observable e.g. like this:
const mapped = numbers.pipe(
concatMap(number => Observable.create(observer => {;
But now the resulting observable mapped emits 1, 2, 3 but not the complete event.
How can I preserve the complete event in mapped?
Your code gives me just "1" (with RxJS 6); are you sure you see 3 values?
op.concatMap(number => Rx.Observable.create(observer => {;
).forEach(x => console.log(x)).then(() => console.log('done'))
You're never completing the created Observable (it emits one value but never calls observer.complete()). This works:
op.concatMap(number => Rx.Observable.create(observer => {; observer.complete();
).forEach(x => console.log(x)).then(() => console.log('done'))
This all shows how hard it is to use Rx.Observable.create() correctly. The point of using Rx is to write your code using higher-level abstractions. A large part of this is preferring to use operators in preference to observers. E.g. in your case (which is admittedly simple):
.pipe(op.concatMap(number => Rx.of(number)))
.forEach(x => console.log(x)).then(() => console.log('done'))

Delay for every element with RXJS

I'm using RxViz to simulate different actions that comes every 1 sec. When I try
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {[1, 2, 3]); // or could be ['aaa', 'bbbb', 'ccc']
or on my own with a console.log
it keeps displaying the three number 1, 2, 3 at the same time
There's a post about this same problem, but none of the answer works for me. I'm using Rx last version 6
How can I create an observable with a delay
[EDIT] The array can contains anything like number, string or any object
If you want to delay each value (by 1 sec for example), you may do something like the following:
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {[1, 2, 3]);
// make observable to emit each element of the array (not the whole array)
mergeMap((x: [any]) => from(x)),
// delay each element by 1 sec
concatMap(x => of(x).pipe(delay(1000)))
.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Here I did not modify the internals of the observable created by you. Instead, I just take your observable and apply appropriate operations to achieve what you seem to be expecting.
Here is my solution (very clean)
const fakeData = [1,2,3]
loadData$() {
return from(fakeData).pipe(
concatMap(item => of(item).pipe(
This one works by modifying a little bit #siva636's answer
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {;;;
}.concatMap(x=>Rx.Observable.of(x) .delay(1000) )
Here is a succinct way that builds on the other responses.
concatMap(x => of(x).pipe(delay(1000)))
).subscribe(y => console.log(y))
A more RxJs native version would be as follows.
const myInterval = rxjs.interval(1000);
myInterval.pipe(rxjs.operators.take(10)).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Here, you emit in one observable emission the all array. [1,2,3].
You only delay that one emission by 1000 ms. But the emission is still one.
Even if we emit each value on its own, the delay function will only apply to the first emission. The others will come immediately after:
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
arr.forEach(item =>;
There is no magic in the create constructing function. If we want an emission to come every x time:
We could make an interval that emits those values (taken from learnrxjs)
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
Increment value every 1s, emit even numbers.
const evenNumbers = Observable.create(function(observer) {
let value = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => {;
}, 1000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
RxJS v7 supports the operator delayWhen [1], so you could write a simpler code as
import { delayWhen, interval, of } from 'rxjs';
of("John", "von", "Neumman", "János Neumann").pipe(
delayWhen((_, index) => interval(index*1000))
Check out a demo on
It works because it delays the emission of items by 0 seconds, 1000 seconds, 2000 seconds, 3000 seconds, and so on.
Another choice is the operator scan, you make the series from an interval [2].
[1] "RxJS - delayWhen." 16 Dec. 2022,
[2] "RxJS - scan." 16 Dec. 2022,

why concatMap is not subscribing to all groupBy Observables rxjs?

I have a question why is this not writing to console the numbers 2,4,6? what is the explanation?
Observable.range(1, 6)
.groupBy(n => n % 2 === 0)
.concatMap(obs => obs)
.subscribe((n) => console.log(n), null, () => console.log('complete concatMap'))
// this is the output
1 -
3 -
5 -
complete concatMap
The basic problem is that you're using concatMap that subscribes to the next Observable only when the previous one completed. groupBy emits two GroupedObservables so it subscribes to the first one and I think before it can subscribe to the second one the chain completes. This means the observer receives the complete notification from the first GroupedObservable and therefore you never see values from the second GroupedObservable (to be honest I'm not 100% sure it really happens like this but that makes sense to be without further investigating you example).
So if you want only the second group you could do:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
Observable.range(1, 6)
.groupBy(n => n % 2 === 0)
.filter(o => o.key === true)
.concatMap(obs => obs)
.subscribe((n) => console.log(n), null, () => console.log('complete concatMap'))
See live demo (open console):
I checked the source code and groupBy completes all groups after receiving the complete notification (which it does after receiving all values from range) and therefore there's never space for concatMap to subscribe to the second Observable.
See this:
Problem is that groupBy operator emits Subjects for each key.
Concat map subscribes to subsequent Subject only after the first one is completed, i.e. it misses a chance to catch items from subsequent Subject because all of the sub-streams emit values in the same time.
Kudos to:
GroupBy receives subjectSelector as a 4th argument. You can use it to force using ReplaySubject instead of Subject (default).
Observable.range(1, 6)
n => n % 2 === 0,
() => new ReplaySubject() // <-- Here we go
.concatMap(obs => obs)
.subscribe((n) => console.log(n))
Demo on RxViz
