Delay for every element with RXJS - rxjs

I'm using RxViz to simulate different actions that comes every 1 sec. When I try
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {[1, 2, 3]); // or could be ['aaa', 'bbbb', 'ccc']
or on my own with a console.log
it keeps displaying the three number 1, 2, 3 at the same time
There's a post about this same problem, but none of the answer works for me. I'm using Rx last version 6
How can I create an observable with a delay
[EDIT] The array can contains anything like number, string or any object

If you want to delay each value (by 1 sec for example), you may do something like the following:
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {[1, 2, 3]);
// make observable to emit each element of the array (not the whole array)
mergeMap((x: [any]) => from(x)),
// delay each element by 1 sec
concatMap(x => of(x).pipe(delay(1000)))
.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Here I did not modify the internals of the observable created by you. Instead, I just take your observable and apply appropriate operations to achieve what you seem to be expecting.

Here is my solution (very clean)
const fakeData = [1,2,3]
loadData$() {
return from(fakeData).pipe(
concatMap(item => of(item).pipe(

This one works by modifying a little bit #siva636's answer
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {;;;
}.concatMap(x=>Rx.Observable.of(x) .delay(1000) )

Here is a succinct way that builds on the other responses.
concatMap(x => of(x).pipe(delay(1000)))
).subscribe(y => console.log(y))
A more RxJs native version would be as follows.
const myInterval = rxjs.interval(1000);
myInterval.pipe(rxjs.operators.take(10)).subscribe(x => console.log(x));

Here, you emit in one observable emission the all array. [1,2,3].
You only delay that one emission by 1000 ms. But the emission is still one.
Even if we emit each value on its own, the delay function will only apply to the first emission. The others will come immediately after:
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
arr.forEach(item =>;
There is no magic in the create constructing function. If we want an emission to come every x time:
We could make an interval that emits those values (taken from learnrxjs)
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
Increment value every 1s, emit even numbers.
const evenNumbers = Observable.create(function(observer) {
let value = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => {;
}, 1000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);

RxJS v7 supports the operator delayWhen [1], so you could write a simpler code as
import { delayWhen, interval, of } from 'rxjs';
of("John", "von", "Neumman", "János Neumann").pipe(
delayWhen((_, index) => interval(index*1000))
Check out a demo on
It works because it delays the emission of items by 0 seconds, 1000 seconds, 2000 seconds, 3000 seconds, and so on.
Another choice is the operator scan, you make the series from an interval [2].
[1] "RxJS - delayWhen." 16 Dec. 2022,
[2] "RxJS - scan." 16 Dec. 2022,


Repeat on an BehaviorSubject

I want to reemit the last value of my observable at a fix interval, to I tried
obs.pipe(repeat({delay:1000})).subscribe(x => console.log('Emitted', x));
but it did not work. after looking into this, my observable is in fact a BehaviorSubject.
So my Question is Why does the 1st emits every second
of('Observable').pipe(repeat({ delay: 1000 })).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
but not the this?
var bs = new BehaviorSubject('BehaviorSubject');
bs.pipe(repeat({ delay: 1000 })).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
How to do it with my BehaviorSubject?
And I would also like to reset my timer when the subject emits a new value.
the solution I found is
var bs = new BehaviorSubject('BehaviorSubject');
bs.pipe(switchMap(x => timer(0,1000).pipe(map => () => x)).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
but it feels ugly.
You can derive an observable from your BehaviorSubject that switchMaps to a timer that emits the received value. Whenever the subject emits, the timer is reset and will emit the latest value:
const bs = new BehaviorSubject('initial value');
const repeated = bs.pipe(
switchMap(val => timer(0, 1000).pipe(
map(() => val)
Here's a StackBlitz demo.
So my Question is Why does the 1st emits every second, but not the this?
The reason your example code using of as the source works and not the code using the BehaviorSubject can be found in the documentation of the repeat operator:
Returns an Observable that will resubscribe to the source stream when the source stream completes.
The observable created using of completes after it emits the provided value, so it will resubscribe. Since the BehaviorSubject was not completed, it will not resubscribe.

How do I create an observable which emits a value from an ngrx selector, then another value after a delay?

Given an ngrx selector:'count')
I want to create an observable that will emit values emitted by the selector, then emit another specific value after a delay.
Using concat doesn't work as (I assume) the selector doesn't complete, so the 0 is never emitted:
this.count$ = concat('count'), of(0).pipe(delay(2000)));
- click 'Increment' button - Current Count should change to 1 then back to 0 after 2 seconds.
If you want to emit the'count') value, then essentially reset it to 0 after not receiving an emission for 2 seconds, you can use a switchMap to create a source that emits two values:
The emitted count
The "default" value of 0 after 2000ms
The trick here is that the second value (0) will NOT be emitted if another'count') value is received, because switchMap will create a new source and "switch" to that:
this.count$ ='count').pipe(
switchMap(count => concat(
Here's a working StackBlitz demo.
It might even be worth creating a custom operator:
this.count$ ='count').pipe(
resetAfterDelay(0, 2000)
export function resetAfterDelay<T>(defaultValue: T, delayMs: number) {
return switchMap((value: T) => concat(
Below is an approach using combineLatest and BehaviorSubject
We are hold a value in a subject and create a timer that emits value 0 after 2s. So we have two Observables, one emits immediately and the other after 2s. We combine this two and the effect is a single observable as desired
valueHolderSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject(0);
this.count$ = combineLatest(["count").pipe(
tap(x => this.valueHolderSubject$.next(x)),
tap(() =>
next: () => {
map(() => this.valueHolderSubject$.value),
]).pipe(map(([, x]) => x));
Demo Here
A per my comments on the answer from BizzyBob, I was getting unreliable results. But I refined it to work using:
this.count$ = merge('count'),'count').pipe(delay(2000), map(_ => 0))
See stackblitz:

Using RxJS to remove nested callbacks when things must be done in sequence

I need to do one HTTP request after another, but the second one can't start until after the first one has finished because the second needs as a parameter a value returned from the first.
Here it is with a nested callback which is great because it works and it's fairly clear from reading the code what is happening.
this.isLoading = true;
.subscribe((response: FirstReturnType) => {
this.firstThing = response;
(response: SecondReturnType) => {
this.secondThing = response;
this.isLoading = false;
The claim I see people making is that nested callbacks are bad and that one should use RxJS to make it better.
However, nobody making these claims has been able to produce a working example. Can you?
Your Code Re-written
Here is some code that has a 1-1 correspondence with your code, but it is flattened
this.isLoading = true;
mergeMap((response: FirstReturnType) => {
this.firstThing = response;
return this.secondService.get(response.secondId);
).subscribe((response: SecondReturnType) => {
this.secondThing = response;
this.isLoading = false;
What this gets right: you're using a higher-order observable operator to map a value emitted by one observable into a new observable that you subscribe to. In this case, mergeMap is subscribing for you and getting rid of your nesting.
For Your Consideration
Consider this. The following is about as clean looking at six service calls (each giving some value to the next one) in a row can get if you're not using a higher-order operator:
this.firstService.getThing("First").subscribe(result1 => {
this.secondService.getThing(result1.value).subscribe(result2 => {
this.thirdService.getThing(result2.value).subscribe(result3 => {
this.fourthService.getThing(result3.value).subscribe(result4 => {
this.fifthService.getThing(result4.value).subscribe(result5 => {
this.sixthService.getThing(result5.value).subscribe(result6 => {
console.log("Result Six is: " + result6.value);
Here's the exact same thing with mergeMap:
mergeMap(result1 => this.secondService.getThing(result1.value)),
mergeMap(result2 => this.thirdService.getThing(result2.value)),
mergeMap(result3 => this.fourthService.getThing(result3.value)),
mergeMap(result4 => this.fifthService.getThing(result4.value)),
mergeMap(result5 => this.sixthService.getThing(result5.value)),
).subscribe(result6 => {
console.log("Result Six is: " + result6.value);
If that's not enough to convince you, you can lean a little bit more into some functional programming to make this even cleaner (without repetitively naming each result)
const passValueToService = service => result => service.getThing(result.value);
).subscribe(finalResult => {
console.log("Result Six is: " + finalResult.value);
Or why not lean EVEN harder and keep our list of services in an array?
const [firstS, ...restS] = [this.firstService, this.secondService, this.thirdService, this.fourthService, this.fifthService, this.sixthService];
const passValueToService = service => result => service.getThing(result.value);
passValueToService(firstS)("first").pipe( => mergeMap(passValueToService(service)))
).subscribe(finalResult => {
console.log("Result Six is: " + finalResult.value);
None of these simplifications are very easily done while nesting subscribe calls. But with the help of some functional currying (and the handy RxJS pipe to compose with), you can begin to see that your options expand dramatically.
Understanding concatMap, mergeMap, & switchMap
The Setup
We'll have 3 helper functions as described here:
* Operator: intervalArray
* -----------------------
* Takes arrays emitted by the source and spaces out their
* values by the given interval time in milliseconds
function intervalArray<T>(intervalTime = 1000): OperatorFunction<T[], T> {
return s => s.pipe(
concatMap((v: T[]) => concat( T) => EMPTY.pipe(
* Emit 1, 2, 3, then complete: each 0.5 seconds apart
function n123Stream(): Observable<number> {
return of([1,2,3]).pipe(
* maps:
* 1 => 10, 11, 12, then complete: each 1 second apart
* 2 => 20, 21, 22, then complete: each 1 second apart
* 3 => 30, 31, 32, then complete: each 1 second apart
function numberToStream(num): Observable<number>{
return of([num*10, num*10+1, num*10+2]).pipe(
The above mapping function (numberToStream), takes care of the map part of concatMap, mergeMap, and switchMap
Subscribing to each operator
The following three snippits of code will all have different outputs:
If you want to run these back-to-back:
...[concatMap, mergeMap, switchMap].map(
op => n123Stream().pipe(
startWith(`${}: `)
concatMap will not subscribe to the second inner observable until the first one is complete. That means that the number 13 will be emitted before the second observable (starting with the number 20) will be subscribed to.
The output:
10 11 12 20 21 22 30 31 32
All the 10s are before the 20s and all the 20s are before the 30s
mergeMap will subscribe to the second observable the moment the second value arrives and then to the third observable the moment the third value arrives. It doesn't care about the order of output or anything like that.
The output
10 20 11 30 21 12 31 22 32
The 10s are earlier because they started earlier and the 30s are later because they start later, but there's some interleaving in the middle.
switchMap will subscribe to the first observable the moment the first value arrives. It will unsubscribe to the first observable and subscribe to the second observable the moment the second value arrives (and so on).
The output
10 20 30 31 32
Only the final observable ran to completion in this case. The first two only had time to emit their first value before being unsubscribed. Just like concatMap, there is no interleaving and only one inner observable is running at a time, but some emissions are effectively dropped.
You can use switchMap.
tap((response: FirstReturnType) => this.firstThing = response),
switchMap((response: FirstReturnType) => this.secondService.get(response.secondId)),
tap((response: SecondReturnType) => {
this.secondThing = response;
this.isLoading = false;

What is the difference between tap and map in RxJS?

I read the difference from the article but the main points look like this.
so with tap I can change the variables such as that if I put x=3+4 then it changes the values of variable then I can say there is one side effect.
But with map I can change the value looping each value, isn't it?
Can you pinpoint what outstanding differences they have?
RxJS tap performs side effects for every value emitted by source Observable and returns an Observable identical to the source Observable until there is no error.
map is a RxJS pipeable operator. map applies a given function to each element emitted by the source Observable and emits the resulting values as an Observable
A mapping function takes a thing and returns another thing. e.g. I can build a function that takes 10 and returns 11, that takes 11 and returns 12, etc.
const inc = n => n + 1;
Array#map applies such mapping function to all elements of an array but "map" doesn't mean "iteration".
In RxJS, when a data is sent to the stream it goes through a series of operators:
The map operator will simply apply a function to that data and return the result.
The tap operator however takes a data, apply a function to that data but returns the original data, if the function bothered to return a result, tap just ignores it.
Here's an example:
We push 10 to stream a$, tap just log the value. We know that console.log always return undefined but that's fine because tap simply returns its parameter.
We push 10 to stream b$, it goes through map(inc) which applies inc to 10 returning 11.
const a$ = of(10).pipe(tap(n => console.log(`tap: ${n}`)));
const b$ = of(10).pipe(map(inc));
a$.subscribe(n => console.log(`n from a$: ${n}`));
b$.subscribe(n => console.log(`n from b$: ${n}`));
<script src=""></script>
const {of} = rxjs;
const {map, tap} = rxjs.operators;
const inc = n => n + 1;
Tap should be Used for Notification, logging non-contextual/critical side effects.
It's like a "peek" into the "pipe". The data stays the same, You can do something with it. Some data goes in, you look, same data comes out.
Map is for transformation/mapping of the Data in the "pipe". Some data comes in, different/transformed data comes out.
The purpose of tap is to execute an action keeping the same value
of the observable
The purpose of map is to transform the emitted values of the
const messagesCount$ = newMessages$
.pipe(tap(messages => notificationService.notify('You have ' + message.length + ' message(s)')))
.pipe(map(messages => messages.length))
The tap and map are both RxJS operators, RxJS operators are just function that performs some manipulation over the data.
Both of them are pipeable operators which takes input as Observable, perform some action and return an output observable.
Difference between map and tap:
The map is a pipeable operator that takes an input observable, performs some manipulation on it and returns a new manipulated observable. For example
const source$ = of(1,2,3) // observable which will emit 1,2,3
// It take an input observable and return a new observable which will emit square of input values.
// So, the output observable will emit 1,4,9
const mapSource$ = of(1,2,3)
.pipe(map(value => value * value))
The tap operator on another hand takes an input observable perform some action and returns the same input observable.
const source$ = of(1,2,3) // observable which will emit 1,2,3
// It take an input observable and return a same observable after console value.
// So, the output observable will emit 1,2,3
const tapSource$ = of(1,2,3)
.pipe(tap(value => console.log(value)))
you can think of tap operator as a void function that whatever it does to the input value it does not change the original value
const source = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// here we are manipulating the input value but the output value of the observable still the same
const example = source.pipe(
tap(val => val + 100),
// output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
in the other hand if we made any manipulation of the input values of the observable using the map operator it will change the output values
const example = source.pipe(
map(val => val + 100)
// output: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105
const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
I addition to what the others are saying, in Rxjs 7.4 tap now has three more subscribe handlers, so you can use it to get notified on subscribe, unsubscribe and finalize:
This is great for debugging purposes, so you can use tap to find out much more about what is happening with your stream.
const subscription = subject
subscribe: () => console.log('subscribe'),
next: (value) => console.log(`next ${value}`),
error: (err) => console.log(`error: ${err.message}`),
complete: () => console.log('complete'),
unsubscribe: () => console.log('unsubscribe'),
finalize: () => console.log('finalize'),
TAP, can NOT transform:
interval(1000).pipe(tap(el=> el*2)).subscribe(console.log); // 0,1,2,3
MAP, CAN transform:
interval(1000).pipe(map(el=> el*2)).subscribe(console.log); // 0,2,4,6
If you do NOT need to transform the value, just console.log it or run external function to pass the Original value = TAP is good.
If you NEED TO TRANSFORM/CHANGE the value = MAP is the way to go.

concatMap() equivalent but async like in mergeMap()

I have an observable myObservable :
let myObservable = Observable.of(2000, 1000)
With concatMap() : TOTAL TIME = 3000 millis, results in the original order.
myObservable.concatMap(v => Rx.Observable.of(v).delay(v))
// concatMap: 2000, concatMap: 1000
With mergeMap() : TOTAL TIME = 2000 millis, results not in the original order.
myObservable.mergeMap(v => Rx.Observable.of(v).delay(v))
// mergeMap: 1000, mergeMap: 2000
I want a way to get the results in the original order like in concatMap, but calling each nested observable asynchronously instead of waiting for the next nested observable to complete :
// --- The behavior that I want ---
myObservable.myCustomMap(v => Rx.Observable.of(v).delay(v))
// myCustomMap: 2000, myCustomMap: 1000
// TOTAL TIME = 2000 millis
Is there an elegant solution?
Edit : I am looking for a solution that also works if the source (myObservable) is asynchronous, not only for this particular synchronous case.
You should use forkJoin for firing all the observables at the same time.
Here's an example without comments:
const { Observable } = Rx;
const obs$ = Observable
.of(3000, 3000, 1000)
.map(x => Observable.of(x).delay(x));
const allObsWithDelay$ = obs$.toArray();
const result$ = allObsWithDelay$
.switchMap(arr => Observable.forkJoin(arr));
And the same with explanation:
const { Observable } = Rx;
// source observable, emitting simple values...
const obs$ = Observable
.of(3000, 3000, 1000)
// ... which are wrapped into a different observable and delayed
.map(x => Observable.of(x).delay(x));
// use a reduce to build an array containing all the observables
const allObsWithDelay$ = obs$.toArray();
const result$ = allObsWithDelay$
// when we receive the array with all the observable
// (so we get one event, with an array of multiple observables)
.switchMap(arr =>
// launch every observable into this array at the same time
// display the result
With those values: 3000, 3000, 1000 the whole process is taking 3 seconds (the maximum of them as they're fired at the same time)
Working Plunkr:
Edit 1: Thanks to #PierreCitror for pointing out toArray which is better than scan :)
I would do it like this:
.mergeMap((val, i) => Observable.forkJoin(
.scan((acc, ([i, result])) => {
acc[i] = result;
return acc;
}, {})
.filter(allResults => {
// Whatever goes here
Object.keys(allResults) // list indices of all finished responses
This will accumulate all responses in a single object where each response is assigned an index at which it arrived into mergeMap.
Then in filter you can write whatever logic you want that decides whether the current state should be propagated further (eg. you can wait until a certain number of responses arrived or whatever).
