M1 Mac Think Or Swim Native Installation - macos

Im trying to install Think or Swim on my M1 Max MacBook Pro using this guide
On step 6 I keep getting this error, any help appreciated thank you !
java -jar launcher.jar
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionat java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77)at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568)at com.devexperts.jnlp.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:30)at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.devexperts.jnlp.utils.URLManager$1 (in unnamed module u/0x182a48cb) cannot access class sun.security.util.HostnameChecker (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.security.util to unnamed module u/0x182a48cbat com.devexperts.jnlp.utils.URLManager$1.verify(URLManager.java:48)at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.checkURLSpoofing(HttpsClient.java:653)at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.afterConnect(HttpsClient.java:594)at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:183)at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1665)at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1589)at java.base/java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.java:529)at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getResponseCode(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:308)at com.devexperts.jnlp.updater.HttpResponse.(HttpResponse.java:26)at com.devexperts.jnlp.updater.HttpRequest.doRequest(HttpRequest.java:82)at com.devexperts.jnlp.updater.HttpRequest.doGetRequest(HttpRequest.java:63)at com.devexperts.jnlp.utils.Utils.getVersion(Utils.java:201)at com.devexperts.jnlp.updater.ModuleManager.isUptodate(ModuleManager.java:363)at com.devexperts.jnlp.UpdateManager.isModuleUptodate(UpdateManager.java:154)at com.devexperts.jnlp.UpdateManager.main(UpdateManager.java:442)... 6 more

Before step 6, do this;
Type "cd thinkorswim"
This tells the computer where the folder is I believe.
Next problem you may encounter, is finding the file path for the usergui. Change the 1970.0.70 to the folder after "usergui".
"sudo cp ~/Downloads/jna-platform.jar ~/Downloads/thinkorswim/usergui/1970.0.70/jna-platform-3.5.2.jar"
Make sure you go to wherever your file is (I kept mine in downloads permanently) downloads-> thinkorswim-> usergui-> 1971.1.2 is the file path for mine.
"sudo cp ~/Downloads/jna-platform.jar ~/Downloads/thinkorswim/usergui/1971.1.2/jna-platform-3.5.2.jar"
Once you sort everything out, keep these 3 commands close:
cd ~/Downloads (or wherever the folder is)
cd thinkorswim
sudo java -jar launcher.jar
This is how you're going to relaunch TOS from now onwards.
Enjoy the smoothness. It's truly significant.


use k8s deepcopy-gen generate code failed

I am going to use k8s code-generator to generator deepcopy file and my project under GOPATH/src, but i seems not work and got a problem about GOROOT.
deepcopy-gen command is deepcopy-gen -i k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis -p k8s_customize_controller/pkg/client -v 10
output blow:
[root#centos72-k8s code-generator]# deepcopy-gen -i k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis -p k8s_customize_controller/pkg/client -v 10
I0122 02:51:04.609157 17278 parse.go:383] importPackage k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis
I0122 02:51:04.609359 17278 parse.go:330] addDir k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis
I0122 02:51:04.730397 17278 parse.go:404] unable to import "k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis": package k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis is not in GOROOT (/usr/local/go/src/k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis)
I0122 02:51:04.730701 17278 main.go:82] Completed successfully.
unable to import "k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis": package k8s_customize_controller/pkg/apis is not in GOROOT
it seems this problem about GOROOT?
how to resolve this problem?
I had similar issue with an error like this:
Generating deepcopy funcs
F1018 10:51:28.259741 74132 main.go:80] Error: Failed making a parser: unable to add directory "github.com/[my-git-account]/[repo-name]/pkg/apis/v1": No files for pkg "github.com/[my-git-account]/[repo-name]/pkg/apis/v1"
The problem was that I recently moved my github golang projects folders out of the $GOPATH/src folder (which is in my case is ~/go/src), because it worked well on vanilla Ubuntu and WSL Ubuntu, but it has challenges to update packages on MacOS - I moved all my project from the folder ~/go/src/github.com/[my-git-account]
(where the code-generator expected them) to the folder ~/dev/[my-git-account].
Solution I use to fix the error above - to create a symbolic link on my current github projects folder to the $GOPATH/src/github.com:
ln -s ~/dev/[my-git-account] $GOPATH/src/github.com
This way there is a folder $GOPATH/src/github.com/[my-git-account] (provided by the sym-link) with golang projects, where code-generator can find them.
Faced one drawback of this trick - in the IDE navigation to the method can move to the linked source (within SDK package by the link - not to the source code, opened in the IDE).

SpringToolSuite 4 and proper OSGi clean

I have SpringToolSuite 4 installed in macOS 11 "Big Sur" running in aarch64 of Zulu11 OpenJDK 11.0.11+9-LTS . I get this error below when starting up and have added the "-clean" parameter to the two ways I use to start up.
From an Applescript: open /Applications/SpringToolSuite4.app" & " --args -clean
Or from the command line: ./SpringToolSuite4 -clean
It would seem the clean parameter is successfully sent as '-Dosgi.clean="true"' is on the last line below. However, it doesn't seem to help as this is reappearing at every restart.
Are there other ways to do an OSGi clean?
I can't edit the ini-file because macOS will clampdown on this and render the whole installation invalid. Since the clean command seems to get passed, that is likely unnecessary.
Error message:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp: dlopen(~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp: dlopen(~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
~/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna13221667715595625418.tmp: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load0(Native Method)
The issue mentioned above is this: https://github.com/spring-projects/sts4/issues/684
It is not related to OSGi, so -clean doesn't help here. The fix will be part of STS 4.12.1 release, but you could grab a nightly CI build to get the fix right away from here: http://dist.springsource.com/snapshot/STS4/nightly-distributions.html
On a related note: Once you started STS at least one you should be able to modify the .ini file without issues. If macOS still complains about it, you can remove the quarantine flag from the app:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine SpringToolSuite4.app
This will avoid the error message and let you start your STS4 install even after editing the content.

Building RXTX with --disable-locks

I need to build RXTX (http://rxtx.qbang.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) for a 64 bit platform with --disable-locks. ( the target platform is a Ubuntu Snappy platform so there is a problem with the permissions and lock files).
The .configure --disable-locks and make seemed to run ok.
I got a new .jar file and librxtxSerial.so as a result.
However when I installed them, I get the following error :
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver.nativeGetVersion()Ljava/lang/String; thrown while loading gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver thrown while loading gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver
Is there something else I need to do?
Are there other object files I need to copy over.
Thanks in advance.
I solved the problem myself.
The problem was that the configure script was not expecting a java version higher than 1.5 as shown here in t he extract :
#fix_parameters $JPATH/jre/lib/javax.comm.properties
CLASSPATH=".:\$(TOP):\$(TOP)/src:"find $JPATH/ -name RXTXcomm.jar |head -n1
So the paths were not being set up correctly for me.
I changed it to
Then it worked ok.

Qt 5.3.1: macdeployqt tries to include everything on my hard drive; how to fix?

I'm running Qt 5.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.8 and 10.9 I'm trying to use the macdeployqt tool to bundle libraries and plugins with my executable, but it's apparently trying to include everything on my hard drive.
I invoke it with:
/Applications/Qt/5.3.1/5.3/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt /Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app -verbose=2
and get lots of normal, expected log messages like:
Log: copy: "/Applications/Qt/5.3.1/5.3/clang_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Base/images" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Base/images"
...and all runs fine until I start getting messages like:
Log: copy: "" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/do-gst"
ERROR: to "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/do-gst"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/rescuepro.properties"
ERROR: to "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/rescuepro.properties"
ERROR: file copy failed from "/rescuepro34act.lic"
and then the fun begins:
Log: copy: "/Applications" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/Applications"
Log: copied: "/Applications/License.rtf"
Log: to "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/Applications/License.rtf"
Log: copy: "/Applications/0xED-1.0.7.app" "/Users/adamwilt/Desktop/temp/DesktopPixie.app/Contents/Resources/qml/MessageBoxUI/Enums/Applications/0xED-1.0.7.app"
It appears it's trying to copy everything (that is, "") into the app, but I ^C out of it while I still have disk space left!
It didn't do this at first; then it did so for a week; then it stopped; now it's back. This is a distributed development project; I'm doing the QML stuff and folks elsewhere are doing the C++. It's possible the other folks are changing a configuration somewhere that's causing this to occur, but I'm the only one doing Mac deployments, so I'm the only one who sees this.
Is there a config file of some sort for macdeployqt where this might be getting triggered? Or is it more likely a problem related to the C++ object MessageBoxUI, which defines several Q_ENUMs (apparently correctly, as it compiles without warnings or errors, and appears to run properly), since that's the target directory when it starts going mad?
Sussed it (well enough that I can go on):
The Qt app I'm trying to deploy lives in ~/Desktop/temp. If I set my current directory to ~/Desktop or ~/Desktop/temp before I run macdeployqt, it runs as expected.
If I run it from from my home directory ~, or ~/Documents, macdeployqt tries to pull in everything it finds in /Applications, /opt, and/or other directories unassociated with the app.
Setting cwd to most other paths, including ~/Downloads, /Applications, subdirectories of ~/Documents, etc. also seems to work; it's only running macdeployqt from ~ and ~/Documents that causes the problem.
No proper explanation as to why this is happening, but just a warning in case someone else sees this sort of weird behavior: try changing to the apps's location before running macdeployqt.

Eclipse still thinks I have RVM installed, but I don't

I'm using Eclim to get auto-completion for Java, Ruby, etc in Vim. It starts an instance of Eclipse. Eclipse still thinks I have RVM installed for some reason (I use rbenv now). Any idea how I should get rid of this configuration problem or work-around this error?
2014-06-22 22:43:10,123 INFO [org.eclim.plugin.jdt.PluginResources] Setting 'JRE_SRC' to '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_05.jdk/Contents/Home/src.zip'
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Exception occurred executing command line.
at org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin.exec(DebugPlugin.java:875)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.launching.execution.LocalExecEnvironment.exec(LocalExecEnvironment.java:72)
at org.eclipse.dltk.launching.ScriptLaunchUtil.runScriptWithInterpreter(ScriptLaunchUtil.java:85)
at org.eclipse.dltk.ruby.internal.launching.RubyGenericInstall$BuiltinsHelper.generateLines(RubyGenericInstall.java:70)
at org.eclipse.dltk.ruby.internal.launching.RubyGenericInstall$BuiltinsHelper.load(RubyGenericInstall.java:171)
at org.eclipse.dltk.ruby.internal.launching.RubyGenericInstall$BuiltinsHelper.getSources(RubyGenericInstall.java:144)
at org.eclipse.dltk.ruby.internal.launching.RubyGenericInstall.getBuiltinModules(RubyGenericInstall.java:246)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.BuiltinProjectFragment.isSupported(BuiltinProjectFragment.java:97)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject.computeProjectFragments(ScriptProject.java:673)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject.computeProjectFragments(ScriptProject.java:605)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject.computeProjectFragments(ScriptProject.java:565)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject.getAllProjectFragments(ScriptProject.java:2921)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject.getAllProjectFragments(ScriptProject.java:2915)
at org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.indexing.core.ProjectRequest.run(ProjectRequest.java:67)
at org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.indexing.AbstractJob.execute(AbstractJob.java:76)
at org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.search.processing.JobManager.run(JobManager.java:467)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/Users/ivan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p195/bin/ruby" (in directory "/var/folders/nh/07hs5mmj0hs7fdq3181dwpbc0000gn/T/dltk60850.tmp/scripts"): error=2, No such file or directory
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1042)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:620)
at org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin.exec(DebugPlugin.java:871)
... 16 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(UNIXProcess.java:185)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(ProcessImpl.java:134)
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1023)
... 18 more
Eclim uses .buildpath for projects to set configurations. Check to make sure there aren't any remnant rvm / ruby configuration files left in any of your current active/existing projects in Eclipse.
Eclim uses .buildpath files to set the configuration for each project. There was an old project on my hard drive that had a reference to an rvm ruby in the text of the .buildpath file. It can be really hard to track down all old projects without the use of a file find utility such as locate. For this particular issue, I used locate buildpath | xargs grep rvm to search each buildpath file for the string rvm. Because the stack trace does not point to the project or build path file, only by doing this kind of search was I able to resolve the issue.
