how to fetch data from 3 different table in laravel using advance join - laravel

I have 3 table
This is my first table cart_items .👇🏻
This is my second table ecomm_products.👇🏻
This is my Third table ecomm_sellers.👇🏻
$result = DB::table('cart_items')
But I am getting an error ⛔⛔⛔
strtolower(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, Closure given
When I have not included 3 tables (ecomm_sellers) till the query is running good but when I add it sends me some errors.
The question is: Why I am getting this error and why this query is not working, What else I can add so that my query working fine.

You cannot join two tables in by passing the table names as arguments to join. If you check the API documentation of the join method you can see that its signature is:
$this join(string $table, Closure|string $first, string|null $operator = null, string|null $second = null, string $type = 'inner', bool $where = false)
so you can only join two tables at a time and if you want to join more than two tables you chain another call to the join method.
try this:
$result = DB::table('cart_items')
->join('ecomm_products', '', '=', 'cart_items.product_id')
->join('ecomm_sellers' , 'ecomm_products.seller_id', '=', '')
->where('cart_items.order_id', '=', 1)
->where('cart_items.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)
You can find examples for Laravel query builder joins here


Laravel Eloquent join if column null

I have two tables users/invoices in 1:n relation. When someone creats an invoice it saves the user_id. Also it's possible (optional) to set a manager (column: project_management_user_id). If there is no manager set (NULL), I want to get the user, who created the record. So for now I have this query. It gives me all invoices with the manager (but not that ones with manager = null.
$query = Invoice::join('users', 'invoices.project_management_user_id', '=', '')
->select(' as name', 'users.color as color', DB::raw("count( as count"))
Is it possible to add some if-clause like "if project_management_user_id is null, take the user_id"? I read about the whereNull() function, but it filters my whole query
Use leftJoin instead of join in the query.

how to join 3 tables using laravel eloquent?

my table
function viewPDF()
$reports = Report::join('president_report', '', '=', 'president_report.report_id')
->join('president_report', '', '=', 'president_report.president_id')->
$pdf = PDF::loadView('reports.test1', ['reports' => $reports]);
return $pdf->stream('reports.pdf');
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique
table/alias: 'president_report' (SQL: select * from reports inner
join president_report on =
president_report.report_id inner join president_report on = president_report.president_id where
president_report.report_id is null order by created_at desc)
Use separate aliases for the two joins with the president_reports table:
function viewPDF() {
$reports = Report::join('president_report pr1', '', '=', 'pr1.report_id')
->join('president_report pr2', '', '=', 'pr2.president_id')->
$pdf = PDF::loadView('reports.test1', ['reports' => $reports]);
return $pdf->stream('reports.pdf');
Note that the second join looks suspicious to me, because I don't see where the presidents table is getting included in the join query. But the general solution to use problem is to alias president_report differently for the two joins.

left join in laravel return null if data exist in database

I'm trying to left join two tables in laravel. after joining got all second table value is empty but data exist in a database .
Can you try this:
$contacts = DB::table('C_Contacts')
->leftJoin('C_Contact_Category_Map', 'C_Contacts.contact_id', '=', 'C_Contact_Category_Map.contact_id')
Can You try this
$contacts = DB::table('C_Contacts')
->join('C_Contact_Category_Map', 'C_Contacts.contact_id', '=', 'C_Contact_Category_Map.contact_id')

laravel 4.2 and join function

$options = table::join('table1', function($join) {
Is there a way to do this, i get error on take function.
the table and table1 has one to many relation, and i'd like to have on join just the first record of table1.

Getting results form a query to insert in other using active records

I'm needeing to get all the child categories from the given to use in a where_in with active records of codeigniter.
The problem is that the second query get mixed with the main one breaking it completely.
Main Query
$this->db->select('artworks.*, as owner, as user_name');
$this->db->join('users', ' = artworks.user_id');
$category = $this->get_child_categories($this->get_categories(), $matches[1]);
$this->db->where_in('artworks.category', $this->category['child']);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
Second Query "get_categories()"
$this->db->order_by('parent', 'asc');
$this->db->order_by('name', 'asc');
$query = $this->db->get('categories');
return $query->result_array();
function get_child_categories($categories, $parent){
foreach($categories as $category){
if($category['parent'] == $parent){
array_push($this->category['childs'], $category['id']);
$this->get_child_categories($categories, $category['id']);
But i'm getting this error where clearly displays that the second query is quetting inside the main one.
Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM (`artworks`, `categories`) JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `artworks`.`use' at line 1
SELECT `artworks`.*, `users`.`id` as user_id, `users`.`name` as user_name, * FROM (`artworks`, `categories`) JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `artworks`.`user_id` WHERE `artworks`.`rating` IN ('g', 'm', 'a') ORDER BY `artworks`.`id` desc, `parent` asc, `name` asc
Filename: D:\Server\htdocs\gallery\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 330
I personally think this is an error in CodeIgniter's Active Record approach, if it's supposed to follow the Active Record pattern at all. It should totally enforce either one of these:
queries contained in a single data context
queries specified in a atomic instruction
As neither of these is happening, at the moment you're unwillingly mixing two queries with a structure that CodeIgniter does not support, thus creating that invalid query.
For a simple solution, I would suggest for you to invert the order of the instructions so that the queries are executed separately.
$category = $this->get_child_categories($this->get_categories(), $matches[1]);
# the first query gets executed here, your data context is cleaned up
$this->db->select('artworks.*, as owner, as user_name');
$this->db->join('users', ' = artworks.user_id');
$this->db->where_in('artworks.category', $this->category['child']);
$query = $this->db->get();
# your second query gets executed here
return $query->result_array();
