C++ multiple definitions detected in code blocks - codeblocks

I am facing this problem. I tried to change the version of code block. It doesn't work. I was just created a header file and another source file to implement the header file class. But the multiple definitions is detected problem is showing. Please help ne solve this problem.
enter image description here


How can I fix this problem with bulding project at Vitis?

I'm trying to build a project with vitis using the library xuartps.h but I can't because of this error
code screenchot
I don't know why this happens. Could you help me please?
This is an include file. It gets literally copy-pasted on your sources. On top of that, the compiler could notify the error around the wrong line, but it could be before or after the one which is actually wrong.
Check your sources that include such header, you must miss a semicolon there, or another typo. You should not look into the header.

CZKEM does not contain definition (zkemkeeper-related)

I am using the Standalone SDK from ZKTEco for a fingerprint scanner. I need to add some custom functionality.
I've downloaded the SDK along with the Demo project. Now when I try to build the Demo project, I get the following error
"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'CZKEM' does not contain a definition for 'SetUserValidDate'
and no accessible extension method 'SetUserValidDate' accepting a first
argument of type 'CZKEM' could be found (are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?)"
I have referenced the zkemkeeper.dll file in my project. I'm using VB 2017 on Windows 10. I've tried to look for Embed Interop Types property but I cannot find it in the properties ofzkemkeeper
How can I solve this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
I order to make any project referencing the zkemkeeper compile, you need to register it in the windows system.
You should have received a bat file among the dll files called "Register_SDK" as shown in . This is used to register the zkemkeeper in windows. If not, then you must register it manually.
Please, read these posts:
Post 1
Post 2
There is also a starting guide for newbies already written by another member of this community, it´s written in c#.
Best regards.

How to add a Component Type of "Plug-in Type" to a Solution Manually

When adding "SDK Message Processing Steps" to a solution in CRM 2016.2, the standard Missing Required Components shows up, with fields that are in my Plugin Steps, but then it also shows the actual plugin type itself (i.e. the class):
I don't see any way to add a Plugin-Type (the Plugin Assembly yes, the Steps yes, but not the type) to the solution manually. This requires me to say yes to include all required components, and then remove the fields that already exist. What am I missing?
Make sure to include all the plugin assemblies, it can be one of the custom WF that you might have forgotten to include. Was facing the same issue, and including the plugin-assembly helped remove this error.
enter image description here

WDL-OL: resource not found

i'm trying to build a simple Audio plugin using WDL-OL (a library that helps porting the plugin on various platforms) on OSX. The plugin builds ok on Windows
as soon as it tries to load a resource background file, i got an ASSERT warning that the file isn't found
1 my files are present in the Copy Bundle Resources part
2 i've tried all kind of combinations with/without subfolder, with caps or not
i'm lost there i don't get why it doesn't find the file
if i create a simple test it works, it finds the file knob.png but with my project it doesn't work
also if i point to the file knob.png (that should work), it doesn't work in my new project, so my guess is that it isn't the png files that are wrong. It comes from somewhere else...
here is what i used in the resource.h:
#define BCKG_ID 102
#define BCKG_FN "resources/img/background2.png"
and i call the background using this code :
pGraphics->AttachBackground(BCKG_ID, BCKG_FN);
please help, thanks
EDIt1 : okay i found something interesting
in MyProject-OSXAPP-Info.plist, "Bundle Identifier" is set to : com.Khaelis.standalone.${BINARY_NAME}
but if i stop the program at the function LoadImgFromResourceOSX(...) and look at the variable "bundleID", it shows:
"bundleID = com.Khaelis.standalone.test"
even if i entered another BINARY_NAME (in MyProject.xcconfig)
how come ? the compiler doesn't apply the name i put.
the variable "bundleID" should be com.Khaelis.standalone.PerfectEQ not com.Khaelis.standalone.test
is there a file that i should update?
ok found it
if you ever encounter this kind of error (resource not found) check if the Bundle Name (in resource.h) and BINARY_NAME (in Project.xcconfig) are the same
then it should work

Error: lexical and preprocessor issue: 'tidy.h' file not found

I encountered a preprocessor or lexical error when I tried to build my project to an archive. This did not happen on the release nor debug configuration settings on the simulator.
The message is:
lexical and preprocessor issue: 'tidy.h' file not found
The 'tidy.h' is included by CTidy.h, which is part of TouchXML library.
I found 'tidy.h' in a subfolder of 'iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk'. To my surprise, the file is absent in 'iPhoneOS5.1.sdk'
Is it OK for me to just copy the file to the iPhoneOS5.1.sdk?
Try commenting out the:
#include "tidy.h"
... in CTidy.h, or alternatively comment out:
#include "CTidy.h"
That is, check to see whether the header file is really necessary.
If you find that it's not, either submit a patch to the TouchXML developers, or file a bug with them, or send them an email.
It is quite common for headers to be included unnecessarily. For example I could write some code that depends on "foo.h", then delete my code, or refactor it in such a way that it doesn't need the header anymore, yet forget to delete the header inclusion as well.
