How to add a Component Type of "Plug-in Type" to a Solution Manually - dynamics-crm-online

When adding "SDK Message Processing Steps" to a solution in CRM 2016.2, the standard Missing Required Components shows up, with fields that are in my Plugin Steps, but then it also shows the actual plugin type itself (i.e. the class):
I don't see any way to add a Plugin-Type (the Plugin Assembly yes, the Steps yes, but not the type) to the solution manually. This requires me to say yes to include all required components, and then remove the fields that already exist. What am I missing?

Make sure to include all the plugin assemblies, it can be one of the custom WF that you might have forgotten to include. Was facing the same issue, and including the plugin-assembly helped remove this error.
enter image description here


CZKEM does not contain definition (zkemkeeper-related)

I am using the Standalone SDK from ZKTEco for a fingerprint scanner. I need to add some custom functionality.
I've downloaded the SDK along with the Demo project. Now when I try to build the Demo project, I get the following error
"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'CZKEM' does not contain a definition for 'SetUserValidDate'
and no accessible extension method 'SetUserValidDate' accepting a first
argument of type 'CZKEM' could be found (are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?)"
I have referenced the zkemkeeper.dll file in my project. I'm using VB 2017 on Windows 10. I've tried to look for Embed Interop Types property but I cannot find it in the properties ofzkemkeeper
How can I solve this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
I order to make any project referencing the zkemkeeper compile, you need to register it in the windows system.
You should have received a bat file among the dll files called "Register_SDK" as shown in . This is used to register the zkemkeeper in windows. If not, then you must register it manually.
Please, read these posts:
Post 1
Post 2
There is also a starting guide for newbies already written by another member of this community, it´s written in c#.
Best regards.

TypeScript 1.6 Ionic error TS2322 Build Type is not assignable to type 'IActionSheetOptions'

I updated Visual Studio 2015 to TypeScript 1.6 and my Apache Cordova application broke. I'm getting errors with Ionic UIActionSheet Options cssClass. For example, the line:
cssClass: "class_action_sheet"
results in the error: TS2322 Build Type is not assignable to type 'IActionSheetOptions'.
I tried to add a flag to the project file to suppress the new strictness, but either I added it wrong, or it can't be fixed that way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is of the same type of problem addressed here.
This seems to be a reversal of 'type compatibility' premise, but discussing that won't solve the problem.
The easiest solution is to make sure your ionic.d.ts file is complete. There is a version on definitely typed currently that does contain a property for cssClass in action sheet options, however it is not a direct descendant of the .d.ts file you are currently using and this will imply some refactoring.
For example the action sheet options is ionic.actionSheet.IonicActionsheetOptions not Ionic.IActionSheetOptions.
Another option would be to extend the interface on your own by saying interface MyActionSheetOptions extends Ionic.IActionSheetOptions, then define cssClass.
This seems incorrect to me as it's not a true subset but merely trying to fix gaps in the ionic definition file.

Custom building SGEN assemblies and including in installer

I've been rather confused by some SGEN stuff. I've enable the generation of serialization assemblies for one of my projects. Originally I got the follow error which I believe I've solved by doing some caspol stuff on a remote assembly.
Unable to load one or more of the request types. Retrieve the
LoaderExceptions propery for more information
Now however, I don't get an assembly generated. Adding some debugging/verbose output provides the message "SS.dll does not contain any types that can be serialized using XmlSerializer". I've read that this is because of a proxy switch applied by VS. The odd thing is it doesn't seem to be a problem with any other project.
So if I disable the proxy switch (example here) it seems to work. The linked build events however seem to do all projects. I don't know enough about MSBuild to tweak to just a single project, does anyone know what I need to change?
Additionally, if this change is made, is there a way I can automatically include this in a installer (VDProj)? I can't statically link to the SS.XmlSerializers.dll because the each dev uses a custom path.
Discovered the following post which talks about adding the <SGenUseProxyTypes>Off</SGenUseProxyTypes> to the csproj file which seems to work :)

Building a Visual Studio Package based on another one

I want to add my own project type based on IronStudio. So,
I downloaded the source for and compiled the latest version of IronPython, then
I created a new Visual Studio Package.
I added the Templates\Projects\MyProject folders, and added a file to it, and set its property "Include in VSIX" to true.
Then modified the main Package class to be derived from IronStudio's PythonProjectPackage instead, and set the ProvideProjectFactory property:
"Django Project",
"Django Project Files (*.myproj);*.myproj",
"myproj", "myproj",
public sealed class MyPackage : PythonProjectPackage
And ran it. But MyProject isn't showing up in the project templates. Why not?
The generated .pkgdef file looks like this:
#="Microsoft.VSPackage3.VSPackage3Package, VSPackage3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a4f1577d825253f8"
"DisplayName"="My Project"
"DisplayProjectFileExtensions"="My Project Files (*.myproj);*.myproj"
#="My Project"
"DisplayProjectFileExtensions"="IronPython Project Files (*.pyproj);*.pyproj"
I just want to get the bare bones up and running so I can start overriding some functionality (like the Add New Item dialog).
Reading my initial analysis once again increases my impression that some of the required components are missing (e.g. a dedicated ProjectFactory) and/or wired up incorrectly - from the MSDN documentation of the ProvideProjectFactoryAttribute Class:
ProvideProjectFactoryAttribute declares that a package provides a project factory.
And further:
If a VSPackage declares that it provides a project factory, it should create the factory and offer it to Visual Studio in the Initialize method of the Package-derived class.
You package is declaring to provide PythonProjectFactory, but (likely) doesn't offer it to VS, rather it is offered by the IronPython package. In turn you are providing arguments within the ProvideProjectFactory attribute list which PythonProjectFactory won't know about when asked for by VS.
Consequently you should at least provide a dedicated ProjectFactory yourself as per the walkthrough, wire up the classes accordingly and see how this turns out regarding the issues outlined below.
Initial analysis:
There appear to be several issues here at first sight - have you followed any tutorial on how to do this? In case, please note that some of those easily discoverable via search engines are outdated still. Either way I'd try working through and/or comparing your result with Walkthrough: Part 1 - Creating a Basic Project System from the MSDN documentation for VS 2010; please note that even this one is claimed to be outdated a bit according to the Community Content section on the bottom of the page.
Here is what I'd look into myself given the code you present, comparing with the walkthrough on the fly for more insights:
You realized already that the duplicate fragment starting with the GUID above PythonProjectFactory doesn't make sense - this is essentially trying to register two packages at once, which, even if allowed at all syntactically (which I doubt), can't possibly work like so due to both being registered with the same GUID [cross checking with the sample file in section Examining the Template Registration confirms this suspicion, as expected there is only one such fragment].
Please note that the GUID in question is the one identifying PythonProjectFactory (as per the respective source code), see below for more on this.
public class PythonProjectFactory : ProjectFactory {
Given .pkgdef is a generated file the next question is where this duplication/violation stems from. When two generated artifacts end up with the same GUID the respective definition in the sources is most likely messed up somehow, usually due to copy&paste duplication. Consequently you should verify whether {5cd7435c-7461-459f-80bc-c0c79e9d462f} is defined and referenced as intended, though here might be one or two other causes as well for this, see below.
A Package class needs to be identified by a GUID and the VS wizard generates some already in Guids.cs and references it accordingly on the class definition, however, the following is missing in your fragment [cross checking with the sample fragment in section To register the project template confirms this omission as well]:
public sealed class MyPackage : Package
Likewise it appears incorrect to derive MyPackage from PythonProjectPackage but reference PythonProjectFactory still rather than providing MyFactory as well (including a dedicated GUID), because the latter tells Visual Studio the location of your project template folder [see section Creating a Skeletal Project Factory]:
While it might well be possible to simply reuse all functionality from the base class PythonProjectFactory, inheriting is likely required simply because the factory must have a dedicated GUID too (as outlined in the walkthrough) in order to properly wire up the attribute specified data.
Likely unrelated, but still suspicious is that your two code blocks don't relate, as the Package class definition specifies Django Project Files (*.myproj);*.myproj, yet the result shows My Project Files (*.myproj);*.myproj.
Have you by chance mixed this from different builds or is this really a result of a clean one?
Good luck!
This stackoverflow posting might be helpful: VS2010: VSIX installation doesn't deploy item templates inside it
If this is not what you're looking for, try to see if you're missing something around the creation of custom project templates, I believe that's where the "missing link" is:
For VS 2008:
For VS 2010:
and on MSDN:
and here is how to create a project
template manually:
and here is how to create a new item template in VS 2010:
Hope this helps
$PackageFolder$.\NullPath may have something to do with it.

Adding a framework in Xcode

Im trying to add a third party framework in Xcode but I'm getting an error that it can't be found
error: MKAbeFook/MKAbeFook.h: No Such File or Directory
I've added it in the Linked Frameworks group and added it to the Target for this project. I've also added it to a new Copy Files build phase for that target.
Basically I've followed the instructions here:
Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
Best way to diagnose this is to post the compiler invocation line, not just the error (you can just drag and drop the line from the Build Results window that says "Compiling foo.m"). My expectation is that you don't have a Frameworks Search Path set up for the location of the framework. Xcode usually adds that manually when you add the framework, but if you put it in certain kinds of places, or added it in certain ways, you need to manually point your target's Framework Search Paths at its directory.
Perhaps the author mistook MKFaceBook for MKAbeFook?
EDIT: Never mind, it looks like that is actully the name of the framework.
