Unzip files from a text file with paths to the archives - bash

Good day to all!
There is a question related to a large number of archives that I collected in one text file with paths to them.
So the Question is, there are any commands to view a list of paths and extract to a certain directory, I used:
$ find directoryWherefindZip/ -iname '*.mzp' | unzip -d directoryWhereUnzip/
but it doesn't working
Maybe I should add a special path viewer to the file and add it to the unzip loop


pandoc to make each directory a chapter

I have a lot of markdown files in various directories each with the same format (# title, then ## sub-title).
can I make the --toc respect the folder layout, in that the folder itself is the name of chapter, and each markdown file is content of this chapter.
so far pandoc totally ignores my folder names, it works the same as putting all the markdown files within the same folder.
My approach to this is to create index files in each folder with first level heading and downgrade headings in other files by one level.
I use Git and by default I'm using default structure, having first level headings in files, but when I want to generate ebook using pandoc I'm modifying files via automated Linux shell script. After that, I revert changed files via Git.
Here's the script:
find ./docs/*/ -name "*.md" ! -name "*index.md" -exec perl -pi -e "s/^(#)+\s/#$&/g" {} \;
./docs/*/ means I'm looking only for files inside subfolders of docs directory like docs/foo/file1.md, docs/bar/file2.md.
I'm also interested only in *.md files, excluding *index.md files.
In index.md files (that I name usually 00-index.md to make them appear as first), I put a first level heading # and because those files are excluded from find portion of the script, their headings aren't downgraded.
Next, there's a perl's search and replace command with regular expression s/^(#)+\s/#$&/g that looks for all lines starting from one or more # and adds another # to them.
In the end, I'm running pandoc with --toc-depth=2 so the table of content contains only first and second level headings.
pandoc ./docs/**/*.md --verbose --fail-if-warnings --toc-depth=2 --table-of-contents -o ./ebook.epub
To revert all changes made to files, I restore changes in the Git repo.
git restore .

Want to grep in .tar.gz file in Solaris

i have a file in .tar.gz format in solaris. i want to grep some line from that. i am using zipgrep command but unable to find the line. Below is my sample file and command that i am using.
Sample file:
i am using below command to search a line that contains bangladesh.
zipgrep 'bangladesh' BD2017*
But it;s showing below error.
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of BD201701.tar.gz or
BD201701.tar.gz.zip, and cannot find BD201701.tar.gz.ZIP, period.
/usr/bin/zipgrep: test: argument expected
zipgrep has been made for processing PKZIP archive files. In PKZIP archives the compression is applied individually on each contained file, so the process boils down to a sequence of operations like this (not actual code!):
foreach file in archive:
unzip file to tmpfile
grep tmpfile
A compressed tar archive is different. First you pack a large bunch of files into an archive, and then the compression is applied to the whole bunch. So to search inside that the whole archive has to be unpacked first, i.e. something like this (pseudocode again):
make and change to temporary directory
tar -xZf ${archive}
grep -R ${seachstring} ./
However a tar archive itself is just a bunch of files "glued" together, with some information about their filename and size inbetween. So you could simply decompress the archive into a pipe, disregarding file spearation and search through that
zcat file | grep
zgrep does not work on solaris servers. In case the requirement is to find a pattern in a/all file(s) inside a directory given that the files are zipped, the following command can be used.
gzgrep 'pattern' filename
gzgrep 'bangladesh' BD2017*
use zgrep:
zgrep 'bangladesh' BD2017*

Extracting specific files with file extension from a .tar.xz archive using MacOS terminal

I have a number of compressed archives with the extension .tar.xz. I am advised that, when decompressed, the total size required is around 2TB.
Within the archives are a number of images that I am solely after.
Is there a method to solely extract files for example with the extensions .jpeg, .jpeg and .gif from the compressed archives without having to extract every file?
It's trivial to just extract one of the file types; for example:
tar -xjf archive.tar.xz '*.jpeg'
will extract all files with the .jpeg extension. It's important to quote the *, as otherwise the shell would attempt to expand it, and would only try to match only the files that were found (or fail because there were no files with that name).
You can similarly use other patterns like '*.gif', or both together:
tar -xjf archive.tar.xz '*.jpeg' '*.gif'
Because you tag that you're using OSX, I'll skip the need to use the --wildcards option, which is needed when trying to extract only those files under linux.

Create a .tar.bz2 file given an array of files

In a Bash script, I have an array that contains a list of files (in the form of their complete file paths):
declare -a individual_files=("/path/to/a" "/path/to/b" "/path/to/c")
I want to create a compressed file in tar.bz2 which contains all the files in the array, using tar command.
So far, I have tried
tar rf files.tar "${individual_files[#]}"
tar cjf files.tar.bz2 files.tar
But for some reason, files.tar.bz2 always contains the last file in the array only.
What is the correct command(s) for doing so, preferably without creating the intermediate .tar file?
UPDATED: using #PanRuochen's answer, this is what I see in the verbose info:
+ tar cfvj /Users/skyork/test.tar.bz2 /Users/skyork/.emacs /Users/skyork/.Rprofile /Users/skyork/.aspell.en.pws /Users/skyork/.bash_profile /Users/skyork/.vimrc /Users/skyork/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
a Users/skyork/.emacs
a Users/skyork/.Rprofile
a Users/skyork/.aspell.en.pws
a Users/skyork/.bash_profile
a Users/skyork/.vimrc
a Users/skyork/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
But still, the resulted test.tar.bz2 file has only the last file of the array (/Users/skyork/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist) in it.
My bad, the files are indeed there but hidden.
tar cfvj files.tar.bz2 "${individual_files[#]}"
v should give you verbose information about how bz2 file is created.

Extracting contents of many zipped folders into a single directory

Kind of easy question, but I can't find the answer. I want to extract the contents of multiple zipped folders into a single directory. I am using the bash console, which is the only tool available on the particular website I am using.
For example, I have two folders: a.zip (which contains a1.txt and a2.txt) and b.zip (which contains b1.txt and b2.txt). I want to get extract all four text files into a single directory.
I have tried
unzip \*.zip -d \newdirectory
But it creates two directories (a and b) with two text files in each.
I also tried concatenating the two zipped folders into one big folder and extracting it, but it still creates two directories, even when I specify a new directory.
I can't figure what I am doing wrong. Any help?
Thanks in advance!
Use the -j parameter to ignore any directory structure.
unzip -j -d /path/to/your/directory '*.zip*'
