How to design notification system that sends real-time alerts created by users - events

I've been thinking about how to design a system that supports user created scheduled alerts. My problem is once the alerts are created and inserted into a database, I don't know what the best way to go about scheduling those alerts. Polling the database to see which alerts need to go out next doesn't seem entirely right to me.
What are some ways this could be handled on a scale where say a million users could create their own custom alerts like change baby diaper at 3pm everyday?

This problem is very suitable for cloud platforms. For example, you could use GCP Cloud Scheduler to invoke a cloud function when the alert is supposed to be sent out. The cloud function then calls some API to alert the user.
If cloud platforms are not an option, you could have your application spawn a new thread when an alert is created, and sleep that thread for a certain duration. When it wakes up, it sends the alert. Less elegant and less scalable than the first solution, but it would still work.


Using Spring or Lambda for bulk event trigger

Looking for some help on an application design. I am using spring framework and hosting application in AWS.
I am working on an enterprise Java Web application that is suppose to handle events when their trigger time is reached. For example, consumers can set an event to begin on 12/20/22 at 07:35 AM, and system is suppose to send a notification when that time is reached.
I can store these events in a database along with their trigger time and setup a Spring scheduler (#Scheduler) to run every minute and process events whose trigger time is reached. My only concern with this approach is, there could be hundreds/thousands of event to trigger at any minute, and it cannot be processed within one minute.
Is there any alternate way to design this? I don't know if Spring offers a feature where I could create these Event, and Frameworks trigger these events when trigger time is reached. In that way, I can stay away from managing Scheduling and Triggering part.
I am using AWS to host this applications, so another option I'm thinking towards is creating an AWS lambda for every such Event, and let AWS manage the triggering part. In that way, I can stay away from managing the triggers.
Let me know your views? Or If you came across similar problems and how you resolved that?
You can consider using spring-cloud-dataflow to manage this as tasks and streams.
You create a custom batch application that will use #Scheduled to check the your database when events are dure and then send events to a stream. You can use Spring Integration APIs to interact with RabbitMQ or Kafka topics.
The event should contain enough information needed to process the event.
You then have a stream application that produces the content and send via email or pass it on to a separate stream app that sends the email.
The flow will look something like:
:mail_events | message-processor | message-sender
You will configure property for mail_events to match the topic created and configured for you mail-event-batch application.
You can use Spring Cloud Data Flow to manage the mail-event-batch application as well.
You can scale each application

Process a stream of sessions on aws

Is there a way to implement somethong like Flink's session-window on aws with lambda and some way of managing messages?
We have a stream of small events with a session id. We cannot guarantee the order of the arriving events and we don't always have a session-finished event. We know that session ids are unique. We also know that when a session is finished it won't be restarted. We also know that when the session is active we will receive a message every minute or so. We need to process the entire session as a whole.
We want to wait for a silent time of X minutes, and if no messages arrive we will process the entire session as a whole.
This is exactly what Flink's silent window does, is there a way to do the same thing purely using aws lambda and it's triggers?
There can be 10s of millions of sessions at the same time
It's not possible with an AWS Lambda.
Lambdas are stateless, they are able to process messages one by one, but cannot offer any processing over a sequence of messages, which would be required for the kind of windowing logic you describe.
Maybe an option for you would be Kinesis Data Analytics? Under the hood, this one is actually Flink, although it's provided as a managed service by AWS, so maybe you'll get there the "lambda-like" experience you're looking for?

How reliable is delaying a Mail in Laravel?

I want to inform the seller, that the buyer is coming soon (about 2 hours before pickup time) via mail.
I would normally do it the hard way with CRON and a database table. Checking hourly if I find an order with pickup time minus 2 hours, only then sending the mail out.
Now, I would like to know if you would recommend using Queueing Jobs for sending Mails out.
$when = now()->addDays(10); //I would dynamically set the date
->later($when, new BuyerIsComing($order));
I can delay the delivery of a queued email message.
But how safe would this be? Especially, if someone is ordering something but is picking it up in let us exaggerate two months?
Is the Laravel queueing system rigid enough to behave correctly after long delays (i.e. 2 months)?
I'm using Redis for Queueing
You actually have nothing to worry about. Sending mail usually increases the response time of your application, so it's a good thing you want to delay the sending.
Queues are the way to go and it's pretty easy to setup in Laravel. Laravel supports a couple of them out of the box. I would advise you start with database and then try beanstalk etc.
Lastly and somehow more importantly, use a process manager like Supervisor to monitor and maintain your queue workers...
Take a look at for more insight.
If by safe, you mean reliable, then it would be little different than sending an email immediately. If there's ever a possibility that your server "hiccups" and doesn't send an email, that possibility would be the same now as 10 minutes from now. Once the job is in the queue, it is persisted until completion (unless you use a memory-based driver, like Redis, which could get reset if the server reboots).
If you are using a database queue driver or remote, the log of queued jobs will remain even if the server is unavailable for a short period of time. Your queue will be honored even if the exact time stamp for when you want to send the job has expired. For instance if you schedule to send an email at 1:00pm but your server is down at that exact moment, when it comes back online it will still see the job because it is stored as incomplete and the time for the job is in the past, which will trigger the execution of the job at the next time your queue worker checks the job list.
Of course, this assumes that you have your queue worker set up to always check jobs and automatically restart, even after a server failure, but that's a different discussion with lots of solutions...such as those shown here.
If you're using database driver with Laravel queues to process your email then you don't need to worry about anything.
Jobs are only removed from Jobs table if they are successfully completed otherwise their next attempt time is set which is few minutes in future and they are executed again (if your queue worker is online).
So its completely safe to use Laravel queues

Strategy to create task scheduler

I am creating an App which allows users to schedule repeated task with friends. I am thinking of ways to create the scheduling queue.
The first way would be to let the task be handled by the server. The task can be created and the scheduling algorithm would run on the server which will send notifications to the involved users. The problem with this approach is that it would overload the server if many users would be using it.
The second approach would be to let the user app handle the task scheduling on their mobile as a background service, this would be ideal as it would not overload the server. The disadvantage of this approach would be that the notifications would depend on the status of the user phone(Internet connection, on/off, etc...).
Which of the two methods would be ideal, or is there some other way to approach this problem?
I would be an adept of running this on the server, because of the following advantages:
only one place to keep all the details for one notification (e.g. message text, schedule). This ensures that we don't somehow end up with clients having different notification data in their client applications. This results in simpler logic if the notification details can be updated, or new friends can be added. Although sometimes underestimated, I think that simplicity should be an important criterion in the architecture choice.
it seems that it is relatively easy to scale horizontally -- multiple message queues can be set up on multiple machines, without interference between the queues.

Azure Cloud Service - Auto Scale by queue counts Invisible messages (not ready for processing)

We just developed a system that integrates azure queue with an azure cloud service to process batch items. One requirement we had was to have items be set in the future to process. So for example, we batch it now, but tell it not to start for 5 hours.
This is built right into azure queues AddMessage using initialVisibilityDelay, so we did not see this as being an issue. However, we just noticed when we add auto scale on our Cloud Service, it is going off the total items in queue. In our situation we added 100,000 queue items to be sent 5 days from now, however it is scaling assuming these 100,000 are ready to go right now.
So in our situation, we would basically have dozens of instances of our app running until these messages can even send, 5 days from now.
I feel like there is something simple we are missing here.
Any feedback would be very helpful.
Have you considered using one queue for the waiting messages and another queue for the actual messages to be processed and scaling on that latter queue?
