Randon Algorithm to find if array have 1 in it - algorithm

I have a question where I have an array which have either only 0 in it or its half 0 and half 1. I need to sugest a random algorithm which can decide if the array have 1's inside of it.
its need to have 75% chance of success so it can only fail in 1/4 of the options and it needs to run in O(1).
the size of the array can be any n.
I would really appreciate some help or ideas in this question

Assume n is even (otherwise you need to be more specific about what "half 0 and half 1 means").
Look at two (different) random elements in the array, and guess that the array is all zeroes if they're both zero. (If either of your elements is a one, you know that the array can't be all zeros, so must be half-and-half).
You always guess right when the array is all zero. When the array was half 1's and both of your selected elements are 0, you guess wrong. Assuming the array is half 1's, that happens with probability 1/2 * (n/2-1)/n = 1/4 - 1/2n. This is always less than 25%, so in the worst case, you succeed with at least 75% as required.
I note that there's not really any choice about what algorithm to use here -- O(1) means you can look at a bounded number of elements and the only ambiguous case is when you see all zeros. The only questions are to determine the number of elements you look at and the success probability.


Maximum Subsequence Sum

Given an array of integers and a threshold value, determine the maximum sum of any subsequence of the array that is less than or equal to the threshold. For all but at most 15 of the elements, either array[i] >= 2*array[j] or array[j] >=2*array[i] where j!=i.
threshold can be up to to 10^17, the length of the array can be up to 60, and array[i] can be up to 10^16.
Here threshold is too high, so we cannot solve it by normal knapsack method. I tried it dividing this array into three parts, then getting lists of possible sums by brute force by backtracking and then merging three lists to find result. But I think there could be a more optimal way of doing this.
This problem has been carefully set up so that all usual approaches will run out of space. You have to use the hint.
Step 1, sort the array size descending then and divide it into into up to 15 "weird ones" and a chain of elements such that b1 >= 2*b2, b2 >= 2*b3 and so on.
You do that by taking the largest into your chain, then sticking weird ones into the weird array until you find one half the size, add that to the chain, stick weird ones into the weird array, and so on.
Now for each of the up to 32768 subsets of the weird ones, try to figure out which subset of the rest gets you closest. However you can use the following observation. For any element that you have a choice about including, either it is too big to include, or it must be included. (Because if you don't include it, then all the rest together will give you a smaller number.) That gives you a maximum of 45 decision points to consider.
In other words
for each subset of weird ones:
for each element of the chain
If we can add this element:
Add it to the set we are looking at
if sum(this set) is best so far, improve our max
return the best found.

Toggling bits pairs in an array to maximize its dot product with another array

Suppose two arrays are given A and B. A consists of integers and the second one consists of 0 and 1.
Now an operation is given - You can choose any adjacent bits in array B and you can toggle these two bits (for example - 00->11, 01->10, 10->01, 11->00) and you can perform this operation any number of times.
The output should be the sum of A[0]*B[0]+A[1]*B[1]+....+A[N-1]*B[N-1] such that the sum is maximum.
During the interview, my approach to this problem was to get the maximum number of 1's in array B in order to maximize the sum.
So to do that, I first calculated the total number of 1's in O(n) time in B. Let count = No. Of 1's=x.
Then I started traversing the array and toggle only if count becomes greater than x or based on the elements of array A (for example: Let B[i]=0 and B[i+1]=1 & A[i]=51 and A[i+1]=50
So I will toggle B[i] B[i+1] because A[i]>A[i+1])
But the interviewer was not quite satisfied with my approach and was asking me further to develop a less time complex algorithm.
Can anyone suggest a better approach with lesser time complexity?
You can create any B-vector with an even number of flipped bits just by repeatedly flipping the first bit that is in the wrong state.
So, pick all the positive numbers in A, and then drop the smallest one if you ended up with an a count that has a different oddness than the number of 1s in B. If you can't do that, because B has an odd number of 1s and A is all negative, then just pick the negative number closest to 0.
Then turn on all the bits corresponding to the numbers you chose, and turn off the other ones.

Distinct digit count

Is is possible to count the distinct digits in a number in constant time O(1)?
Suppose n=1519 output should be 3 as there are 3 distinct digits(1,5,9).
I have done it in O(N) time but anyone knows how to find it in O(1) time?
I assume N is the number of digits of n. If the size of n is unlimited, it can't be done in general in O(1) time.
Consider the number n=11111...111, with 2 trillion digits. If I switch one of the digits from a 1 to a 2, there is no way to discover this without in some way looking at every single digit. Thus processing a number with 2 trillion digits must take (of the order of) 2 trillion operations at least, and in general, a number with N digits must take (of the order of) N operations at least.
However, for almost all numbers, the simple O(N) algorithm finishes very quickly because you can just stop as soon as you get to 10 distinct digits. Almost all numbers of sufficient length will have all 10 digits: e.g. the probability of not terminating with the answer '10' after looking at the first 100 digits is about 0.00027, and after the first 1000 digits it's about 1.7e-45. But unfortunately, there are some oddities which make the worst case O(N).
After seeing that someone really posted a serious answer to this question, I'd rather repeat my own cheat here, which is a special case of the answer described by #SimonNickerson:
O(1) is not possible, unless you are on radix 2, because that way, every number other than 0 has both 1 and 0, and thus my "solution" works not only for integers...
How about 2^k - 1? Isn't that all 1s?
Drat! True... I should have known that when something seems so easy, it is flawed somehow... If I got the all 0 case covered, I should have covered the all 1 case too.
Luckily this case can be tested quite quickly (if addition and bitwise AND are considered an O(1) operation): if x is the number to be tested, compute y this way: y=(x+1) AND x. If y=0, then x=2^k - 1. because this is the only case when all the bits needed to be flipped by the addition. Of course, this is quite a bit flawed, as with bit lengths exceeding the bus width, the bitwise operators are not O(1) anymore, but rather O(N).
At the same time, I think it can be brought down to O(logN), by breaking the number into bus width size chunks, and AND-ing together the neighboring ones, repeating until only one is left: if there were no 0s in the number tested, the last one will be full 1s too...
EDIT2: I was wrong... This is still O(N).

Measuring how "out-of-order" an array is

Given an array of values, I want to find the total "score", where the score of each element is the number of elements with a smaller value that occur before it in the array.
values: 4 1 3 2 5
scores: 0 0 1 1 4
total score: 6
An O(n^2) algorithm is trivial, but I suspect it may be possible to do it in O(nlgn), by sorting the array. Does anyone have any ideas how to do that, or if it's not possible?
Looks like what you are doing is essentially counting the number of pairs of elements that are in the incorrect relative order (i.e. number of inversions). This can be done in O(n*log(n)) by using the same idea as merge sort. As you merge, you just count the number of elements that are in the left list but should have been on the right list (and vice versa).
If the range of your numbers is small enough, the fastest algorithm I can think of is one that uses Fenwick Trees. Essentially just iterate through the list and query the Fenwick Tree for how many elements are before it, then insert the number into the tree. This will answer your question in O(nlogm), where n is the size of your list and m is your largest integer.
If you don't have a reasonable range on your integers (or you want to conserve space) MAK's solution is pretty damn elegant, so use that :)

Finding the repeated element

In an array with integers between 1 and 1,000,000 or say some very larger value ,if a single value is occurring twice twice. How do you determine which one?
I think we can use a bitmap to mark the elements , and then traverse allover again to find out the repeated element . But , i think it is a process with high complexity.Is there any better way ?
This sounds like homework or an interview question ... so rather than giving away the answer, here's a hint.
What calculations can you do on a range of integers whose answer you can determine ahead of time?
Once you realize the answer to this, you should be able to figure it out .... if you still can't figure it out ... (and it's not homework) I'll post the solution :)
EDIT: Ok. So here's the elegant solution ... if the list contains ALL of the integers within the range.
We know that all of the values between 1 and N must exist in the list. Using Guass' formula we can quickly compute the expected value of a range of integers:
Sum(1..N) = 1/2 * (1 + N) * Count(1..N).
Since we know the expected sum, all we have to do is loop through all the values and sum their values. The different between this sum and the expected sum is the duplicate value.
EDIT: As other's have commented, the question doesn't state that the range contains all of the integers ... in this case, you have to decide whether you want to optimize for memory or time.
If you want to perform the operation using O(1) storage, you can perform an in-place sort of the list. As you're sorting you have to check adjacent elements. Once you see a duplicate, you know you can stop. Optimal sorting is an O(n log n) operation on average - which establishes an upper bound for find the duplicate in this manner.
If you want to optimize for speed, you can use an additional O(n) storage. Using a HashSet (or similar structure), insert values from your list until you determine you are inserting a duplicate into the HashSet. Inserting n items into a HashSet is an O(n) operation on average, which establishes that as an upper bound for this method.
you may try to use bits as hashmap:
1 at position k means that number k occured before
0 at position k means that number k did not occured before
0. assume that your array is A
1. initialize bitarray(there is nice class in c# for this) of 1000000 length filled with zeros
2. for each num in A:
if bitarray[num]
return num
bitarray[num] = 1
The time complexity of the bitmap solution is O(n) and it doesn't seem like you could do better than that. However it will take up a lot of memory for a generic list of numbers. Sorting the numbers is an obvious way to detect duplicates and doesn't require extra space if you don't mind the current order changing.
Assuming the array is of length n < N (i.e. not ALL integers are present -- in this case LBushkin's trick is the answer to this homework problem), there is no way to solve this problem using less than O(n) memory using an algorithm that just takes a single pass through the array. This is by reduction to the set disjointness problem.
Suppose I made the problem easier, and I promised you that the duplicate elements were in the array such that the first one was in the first n/2 elements, and the second one was in the last n/2 elements. Now we can think of playing a game in which two people each hold a string of n/2 elements, and want to know how many messages they have to send to be sure that none of their elements are the same. Since the first player could simulate the run of any algorithm that takes a pass through the array, and send the contents of its memory to the second player, a lower bound on the number of messages they need to send implies a lower bound on the memory requirements of any algorithm.
But its easy to see in this simple game that they need to send n/2 messages to be sure that they don't hold any of the same elements, which yields the lower bound.
Edit: This generalizes to show that for algorithms that make k passes through the array and use memory m, that m*k = Omega(n). And it is easy to see that you can in fact trade off memory for time in this way.
Of course, if you are willing to use algorithms that don't simply take passes through the array, you can do better as suggested already: sort the array, then take 1 pass through. This takes time O(nlogn) and space O(1). But note curiously that this proves that any sorting algorithm that just makes passes through the array must take time Omega(n^2)! Sorting algorithms that break the n^2 bound must make random accesses.
