Maximum Subsequence Sum - algorithm

Given an array of integers and a threshold value, determine the maximum sum of any subsequence of the array that is less than or equal to the threshold. For all but at most 15 of the elements, either array[i] >= 2*array[j] or array[j] >=2*array[i] where j!=i.
threshold can be up to to 10^17, the length of the array can be up to 60, and array[i] can be up to 10^16.
Here threshold is too high, so we cannot solve it by normal knapsack method. I tried it dividing this array into three parts, then getting lists of possible sums by brute force by backtracking and then merging three lists to find result. But I think there could be a more optimal way of doing this.

This problem has been carefully set up so that all usual approaches will run out of space. You have to use the hint.
Step 1, sort the array size descending then and divide it into into up to 15 "weird ones" and a chain of elements such that b1 >= 2*b2, b2 >= 2*b3 and so on.
You do that by taking the largest into your chain, then sticking weird ones into the weird array until you find one half the size, add that to the chain, stick weird ones into the weird array, and so on.
Now for each of the up to 32768 subsets of the weird ones, try to figure out which subset of the rest gets you closest. However you can use the following observation. For any element that you have a choice about including, either it is too big to include, or it must be included. (Because if you don't include it, then all the rest together will give you a smaller number.) That gives you a maximum of 45 decision points to consider.
In other words
for each subset of weird ones:
for each element of the chain
If we can add this element:
Add it to the set we are looking at
if sum(this set) is best so far, improve our max
return the best found.


Reverse Huffman's algorithm?

I have a problem simlar to Huffman's encoding, I'm not sure exactly how it can be solved or if it is a reverse Huffman's encoding. But it definitely can be solved using a greedy approach.
Consider a set of length, each associated with a probability. i.e.
Obviously, the sum of all the probabilities = 1.
Arrange the lengths together on a line one after the other from a starting point.
For example: {a2,a1,a3} in that order from start to finish.
Define the cost of an element a_i as its the total length from the starting line to the end of this element multiplied by its probability.
So from the previous arrangement:
cost(a2) = (500)*(1/4)
cost(a1) = (500+100)*(1/4)
cost(a3) = (500+100+200)*(1/2)
Define the total cost as the sum of all costs. e.g. cost(X) = cost(a2) + cost(a1) + cost(a3). Give an algorithm that finds an arrangement that minimizes cost(X)
I've tried forming some alternative huffman trees but it doesn't work.
Sorting by probability will fail (consider X={(100,0.4),(300,0.6)}).
Sorting by length will also fail (consider X={(100,0.1),(300,0.9)}).
If anyone can help or hint towards an optimal solution algorithm, it would be great.
Consider what happens if you swap two adjacent elements. The calculations before and after the two elements are the same, so it just depends on the two elements.
Taking two elements in isolation, the costs are P1L1 + P2(L1 + L2) and P2L2 + P1(L1 + L2). If you subtract this and simplify if I have got the algebra right you want to swap 1 to first when L1/P1 < L2/P2. Check - this at least gets the right answer when L1 = 0.
So I think you want to sort the elements into increasing order of Li/Pi, because if that is not the case you can improve the answer by swapping adjacent elements.

Min number of Elements To generate all other elements using xor

I have n integers a_1, ..., a_n. I want to pick the minimum number from all of them whose xor forms others.
For example, consider [1,2,3], 1^3=2 so you don't need 2 in the array. So you can remove it. To end up with [1,3]. So the min number of elements is 2 and they can form all the original elements in the array by xoring any 2 of them. Would a greedy approach work here? or DP?
Edit: To explain what I am thinking. A greedy approach I thought about was due to the fact that if a^b=c then a^c=b and b^c=a. First I delete all duplicates. then I would first in the beginning list all the pairs that each element can pair up with to form another element in the array. It takes O(n^3) for preprocessing. Then I pick the element with the least contribution and I delete it and subsequently subtract 1 from each of the other elements. I repeat this until all elements have <=2 pairs. and I stop. This would also take O(n^3) for a total of O(n^3). Does this greedy approach work? Is there a DP way to do it?
If n is bounded by 50 I think backtracking should work.
Suppose at some step we have already selected a subset S of numbers (that should produce all the others) and want to include a new number to that subset.
Then we can do the following:
Consider all remaining numbers R and include in S all numbers that can't be produced by others (in S and R)
Include in S a random (or "best" in some way) number from R
Remove from R all numbers that can be produced by those in updated S
Also you should keep track of the current best solution and cut off all the branches that won't allow to get a better result.

Dynamic algorithm to multiply elements in a sequence two at a time and find the total

I am trying to find a dynamic approach to multiply each element in a linear sequence to the following element, and do the same with the pair of elements, etc. and find the sum of all of the products. Note that any two elements cannot be multiplied. It must be the first with the second, the third with the fourth, and so on. All I know about the linear sequence is that there are an even amount of elements.
I assume I have to store the numbers being multiplied, and their product each time, then check some other "multipliable" pair of elements to see if the product has already been calculated (perhaps they possess opposite signs compared to the current pair).
However, by my understanding of a linear sequence, the values must be increasing or decreasing by the same amount each time. But since there are an even amount of numbers, I don't believe it is possible to have two "multipliable" pairs be the same (with potentially opposite signs), due to the issue shown in the following example:
Sequence: { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 }
Pairs: -2*-1, 0*1, 2*3
Clearly, since there are an even amount of pairs, the only case in which the same multiplication may occur more than once is if the elements are increasing/decreasing by 0 each time.
I fail to see how this is a dynamic programming question, and if anyone could clarify, it would be greatly appreciated!
A quick google for define linear sequence gave
A number pattern which increases (or decreases) by the same amount each time is called a linear sequence. The amount it increases or decreases by is known as the common difference.
In your case the common difference is 1. And you are not considering any other case.
The same multiplication may occur in the following sequence
Sequence = {-3, -1, 1, 3}
Pairs = -3 * -1 , 1 * 3
with a common difference of 2.
However this is not necessarily to be solved by dynamic programming. You can just iterate over the numbers and store the multiplication of two numbers in a set(as a set contains unique numbers) and then find the sum.
Probably not what you are looking for, but I've found a closed solution for the problem.
Suppose we observe the first two numbers. Note the first number by a, the difference between the numbers d. We then count for a total of 2n numbers in the whole sequence. Then the sum you defined is:
sum = na^2 + n(2n-1)ad + (4n^2 - 3n - 1)nd^2/3
That aside, I also failed to see how this is a dynamic problem, or at least this seems to be a problem where dynamic programming approach really doesn't do much. It is not likely that the sequence will go from negative to positive at all, and even then the chance that you will see repeated entries decreases the bigger your difference between two numbers is. Furthermore, multiplication is so fast the overhead from fetching them from a data structure might be more expensive. (mul instruction is probably faster than lw).

Algorithms for dividing an array into n parts

In a recent campus Facebook interview i have asked to divide an array into 3 equal parts such that the sum in each array is roughly equal to sum/3.My Approach1. Sort The Array2. Fill the array[k] (k=0) uptil (array[k]<=sum/3)3. After that increment k and repeat the above step for array[k]Is there any better algorithm for this or it is NP Hard Problem
This is a variant of the partition problem (see for details). In fact a solution to this can solve that one (take an array, pad with 0s, and then solve this problem) so this problem is NP hard.
There is a dynamic programming approach that is pseudo-polynomial. For each i from 0 to the size of the array, you keep track of all possible combinations of current sizes for the sub arrays, and their current sums. As long as there are a limited number possible sums of subsets of the array, this runs acceptably fast.
The solution that I would have suggested is to just go for "good enough" closeness. First let's consider the simpler problem with all values positive. Then sort by value descending. Take that array in threes. Build up the three subsets by always adding the largest of the triple to the one with the smallest sum, the smallest to the one with the largest, and the middle to the middle. You will end up dividing the array evenly, and the difference will be no more than the value of the third smallest element.
For the general case you can divide into positive and negative, use the above approach on each, and then brute force all combinations of a group of positives, a group of negatives, and the few leftover values in the middle that did not divide evenly.
Here are details on a dynamic programming solution if you are interested. The running time and memory usage is O(n*(sum)^2) where n is the size of your array and sum is the sum of absolute values of your array values. For each array index j from 1 to n, store all the possible values you can get for your 3 subset sums when you split the array from index 1 to j into 3 subsets. Also for each possibility, store one possible way to split the array to get the 3 sums. Then to extend this information for 1 to (j+1) given the information from 1 to j, simply take each possible combination of 3 sums for splitting 1 to j and form the 3 combinations of 3 sums you get when you choose to add the (j+1)th array element to any one of the 3 subsets. Finally, when you are done and reach j = n, go through the set of all combinations of 3 subset sums you can get when you split array positions 1 to n into 3 sets, and choose the one whose maximum deviation from sum/3 is minimized. At first this may seem like O(n*(sum)^3) complexity, but for each j and each combination of the first 2 subset sums, the 3rd subset sum is uniquely determined. (because you are not allowed to omit any elements of the array). Thus the complexity really is O(n*(sum)^2).

Algorithm to generate k element subsets in order of their sum

If I have an unsorted large set of n integers (say 2^20 of them) and would like to generate subsets with k elements each (where k is small, say 5) in increasing order of their sums, what is the most efficient way to do so?
Why I need to generate these subsets in this fashion is that I would like to find the k-element subset with the smallest sum satisfying a certain condition, and I thus would apply the condition on each of the k-element subsets generated.
Also, what would be the complexity of the algorithm?
There is a similar question here: Algorithm to get every possible subset of a list, in order of their product, without building and sorting the entire list (i.e Generators) about generating subsets in order of their product, but it wouldn't fit my needs due to the extremely large size of the set n
I intend to implement the algorithm in Mathematica, but could do it in C++ or Python too.
If your desired property of the small subsets (call it P) is fairly common, a probabilistic approach may work well:
Sort the n integers (for millions of integers i.e. 10s to 100s of MB of ram, this should not be a problem), and sum the k-1 smallest. Call this total offset.
Generate a random k-subset (say, by sampling k random numbers, mod n) and check it for P-ness.
On a match, note the sum-total of the subset. Subtract offset from this to find an upper bound on the largest element of any k-subset of equivalent sum-total.
Restrict your set of n integers to those less than or equal to this bound.
Repeat (goto 2) until no matches are found within some fixed number of iterations.
Note the initial sort is O(n log n). The binary search implicit in step 4 is O(log n).
Obviously, if P is so rare that random pot-shots are unlikely to get a match, this does you no good.
Even if only 1 in 1000 of the k-sized sets meets your condition, That's still far too many combinations to test. I believe runtime scales with nCk (n choose k), where n is the size of your unsorted list. The answer by Andrew Mao has a link to this value. 10^28/1000 is still 10^25. Even at 1000 tests per second, that's still 10^22 seconds. =10^14 years.
If you are allowed to, I think you need to eliminate duplicate numbers from your large set. Each duplicate you remove will drastically reduce the number of evaluations you need to perform. Sort the list, then kill the dupes.
Also, are you looking for the single best answer here? Who will verify the answer, and how long would that take? I suggest implementing a Genetic Algorithm and running a bunch of instances overnight (for as long as you have the time). This will yield a very good answer, in much less time than the duration of the universe.
Do you mean 20 integers, or 2^20? If it's really 2^20, then you may need to go through a significant amount of (2^20 choose 5) subsets before you find one that satisfies your condition. On a modern 100k MIPS CPU, assuming just 1 instruction can compute a set and evaluate that condition, going through that entire set would still take 3 quadrillion years. So if you even need to go through a fraction of that, it's not going to finish in your lifetime.
Even if the number of integers is smaller, this seems to be a rather brute force way to solve this problem. I conjecture that you may be able to express your condition as a constraint in a mixed integer program, in which case solving the following could be a much faster way to obtain the solution than brute force enumeration. Assuming your integers are w_i, i from 1 to N:
min sum(i) w_i*x_i
x_i binary
sum over x_i = k
subject to (some constraints on w_i*x_i)
If it turns out that the linear programming relaxation of your MIP is tight, then you would be in luck and have a very efficient way to solve the problem, even for 2^20 integers (Example: max-flow/min-cut problem.) Also, you can use the approach of column generation to find a solution since you may have a very large number of values that cannot be solved for at the same time.
If you post a bit more about the constraint you are interested in, I or someone else may be able to propose a more concrete solution for you that doesn't involve brute force enumeration.
Here's an approximate way to do what you're saying.
First, sort the list. Then, consider some length-5 index vector v, corresponding to the positions in the sorted list, where the maximum index is some number m, and some other index vector v', with some max index m' > m. The smallest sum for all such vectors v' is always greater than the smallest sum for all vectors v.
So, here's how you can loop through the elements with approximately increasing sum:
sort arr
for i = 1 to N
for v = 5-element subsets of (1, ..., i)
set = arr{v}
if condition(set) is satisfied
break_loop = true
compute sum(set), keep set if it is the best so far
break if break_loop
Basically, this means that you no longer need to check for 5-element combinations of (1, ..., n+1) if you find a satisfying assignment in (1, ..., n), since any satisfying assignment with max index n+1 will have a greater sum, and you can stop after that set. However, there is no easy way to loop through the 5-combinations of (1, ..., n) while guaranteeing that the sum is always increasing, but at least you can stop checking after you find a satisfying set at some n.
This looks to be a perfect candidate for map-reduce ( If you know of any way of partitioning them smartly so that passing candidates are equally present in each node then you can probably get a great throughput.
Complete sort may not really be needed as the map stage can take care of it. Each node can then verify the condition against the k-tuples and output results into a file that can be aggregated / reduced later.
If you know of the probability of occurrence and don't need all of the results try looking at probabilistic algorithms to converge to an answer.
