Shapes in PowerPointApi BETA (PREVIEW ONLY) ] API not available - powerpoint

I am trying to add a shape to a slide , but the error
TS2339: Property 'shapes' does not exist on type 'Slide'.
The beta office.js is linked in the taskpane.html
Office 365 64 Bit is uptodate in the beta channel on a Windows 10.
What am I missing?
Thank you very much for every hint.
Screenshot taskpane.html
Screenshot taskpane.ts

The error was related to TypeScript!
Creating a new project with yo and JavaScript did the trick.


Issues showing SPFX webpart in teams tab

I am trying to build a Teams tab using an SPFx web part for a demo.
On my inital app the Sync to teams button in the app catalog was failing with this console error being returned...
https://{TENANT}/sites/AppCatalog/_api/web/tenantappcatalog/SyncSolutionToTeams 400
After running into this problem I started again and this time followed the below tutorial step by step but on my tenant the Sync to Teams button is disabled (This step is near in the end in the Making the web part available in Microsoft Teams section)
I then tried to follow the alternative method of side-loading the app by creating a manifest manually using this tutorial...
This resuted in the installation succeeding as far as the setup tab screen (this provides a preview of your tab in a model popup before adding the tab to a channel)
The result was "Sorry, something went wrong" (This was the end result of side-loading both my customised web part another freshly yo sharepoint generated scaffold.
Really stuck on whether there's a tenant issue or maybe some node package or SPFx version issue.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I received a same error from console which led me to this article.
In this case, the app was already synced to Teams store. If that's the case, you should find and remove it by opening Teams -> Apps -> Built for [tenantname]. After removing it here, I am able to successfully sync my app once more.
I'm using SPFx 1.8.1 version and added TeamsTab in supportedHosts manifest file. Deployed in tenant app catalog and tried to Sync to Teams. Then I'm getting same issue of SyncSolutionToTeams with 400 error. Please find the attached screenshot from console windwow.
The error occurs if the app is still in the Teams catalog. It doesn't override it and instead throws the error. This is a known bug and we will look to fix it in the future. For now, please try either manually updating the app from Teams (not from the SharePoint app catalog) or to delete the Teams app and then to resync from SharePoint.
In my case this error occurs when I changed title in webpart manifest file (webpart.manifest.json). When I rejected the change, it works. Probably there was some inconsistency in project files.

UWP how to export RadGridView`s content

I've been working recently with Telerik UI for UWP on a personal app with a RadDataGrid component, but I can not find a method of exporting data to Excel format. Is this implemented the extension methods or the fuctionality was dropped? Could you please guide me about it? Thank you so much!
Currently, the UWP DataGrid doesn't have built-in exporting. We do have it logged in the Feedback Portal, you can add your "upvote" by clicking the Like button.
If you are using the open source version of UI for UWP (i.e. the nuget packages vs the Extensions SDK), StackOverflow is the correct place to ask questions.
If you have a licensed version (trial or paid), then you can submit a support ticket here (directly from the engineering team).
See here for the official support options.

The parameter is incorrect exception

I'm working on a Windows Phone 7.1 project and got most of my work done and decided to add to the project the images for my tiles (62x62 and 173x173 PNGs) plus the JPG file for the splash screen (SplashScreenImage.jpg 480x800).
Before adding these images to the project my project was running fine! After adding them and setting the tiles images to the 2 new files, my project still builds ok, but when running on the 7.1 simulator (my acer laptop doesn't have hardware assisted virtualization enabled in order to run the wp8 emulator) the app crashes when trying to load MainPage with "The parameter is incorrect" exception (in the Application_UnhandledException handler).
I've been trying to find a solution on the web for the last 1-2 days, found few mentions of this error and few possible causes, but none of my findings helped so far. The exception doesn't say anything helpful and it's getting really frustrating considering that most of the serious work is done and I'm very close to releasing the app to the marketplace.
Did anybody run into this issue before? Any ideas what could have gone wrong and how I could solve this exception? Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Whenever I wish to change the Splashscreen and other images, here is what I do:
Locate the file on disk using Windows Explorer.
Open the file using some image editor (I use Paint.NET)
Remove the default image and replace with your image maintaining the dimensions.
Save the image and return to Visual Studio.
Rebuild the entire project.
This works seamlessly without any errors. ;)

How to display an alert in Cocos2dx for Windows XNA?

Currently i'm working in cocos2d-x for Windows XNA.I'm having problem in displaying alerts or message boxes.Can any one help me in this regard.
If you add reference System.Windows you could use:

Making an application in android 2.2 version compatible with android 3.0

I have an application written in Android 2.2 version. Now I want to make this app compatible in all tablets.
I went through the link Optimizing apps for 3.0
As per the details mentioned, I created folders: drawable-xhdpi(for storing images) and layout-xlarge and layout-xlarge-land to keep the layouts.
Added <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="11" android:minSdkVersion="8"/> in manifest too.
But when I ran the app, the drawables are not taken from my xhdpi folder. So images getting displayed are too small. What may be the reason for this? Should I have to add anything more? Also whether this xhdpi and xlarge folders will help me out for all types of tablets(i.e. tablets with different screen sizes)?
Please reply. Thanks in advance.
The answer is here by anujprashar:
... For 10.1 tab you should use drawable-xlarge folder ...
Compared to that answer, I didn't add <supports-screens> and it works on my galaxy tab, also works for Nook color (cm7).
